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    • majo123
      Hi I was wondering can you connect an android phone wired to play files .. Thanks
    • majo123
      majo123 replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
      Yeah I don't really come on much if at all anymore, life's too busy with health, work and with one thing or another.. plus I'm happy...
    • majo123
      majo123 reacted to jerick70's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
      Hey mate! Long time no see.
    • majo123
      majo123 replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
      I just want to say thanks to everyone for trying to help me ...stil a great bunch of guys... I'm sorry I'm not about really anymore due...
    • majo123
      majo123 reacted to Podster's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
      Or better yet double Gimbling :grin: Great job Helping a Brother out Rich:beerchug: Congrats Maj:v: Seems like a great day:wink:
    • majo123
      majo123 replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
      Well I just want to say thanks to @Richsvt for helping me with my little grado problem... All ordered and on its way cheers my friend ...
    • majo123
      majo123 replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
      Rich is trying to help me with original at the moment... But I made a decision ... I'm going to do both ... Keep all original parts but...
    • majo123
      majo123 reacted to Whazzzup's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
      To gimbal or not to gimbal
    • majo123
      majo123 reacted to Richsvt's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
      @majo123 sorry it took so long to reply, been a tough day. I just PMd you...
    • majo123
      majo123 replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
      Cheers pod...I got no problem ordering or paying for it's just address... I can pay PayPal and have it delivered anywhere in...
    • majo123
      majo123 reacted to Podster's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
      I'm in too Maj, send me a pm with the exact Grado part #/#'s and I'll fix you up if Rich does not already have your back :wink: Since we...
    • majo123
      majo123 replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
      Well thank you and genuinely I thought you of all people may offer... Me well health isn't great, chrohns disease beating me up a...
    • majo123
      majo123 reacted to Richsvt's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
      Well, hello my old friend. How are you? If there is something we can do you for you, please ask? If it's within my power, I would grant it.
    • majo123
      majo123 replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
      :older_man: this old majo is wondering if one of you old timers in tne states who still remember a majo may be able to help him out ...
    • majo123
      majo123 replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
      Well hellooooo
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