Pros: Tonality, resolution, bass and treble quality, build quality, comfort, perceived stage, extension at both ends
Cons: Slightly recessed mid-range (creates space but also distance)

Earlier in the year I had the opportunity to test and review AME's Argent IEM. It was a 6 driver Inner Ear Monitor featuring a combination of 4 BA drivers and 2 Electret (micro electrostatic) drivers. I loved the Argent, and if anything my only critique would have been that the bass was just a little “polite”. So Earl Chon of AME Custom Earphones in Korea contacted me again – this time about testing their 6 driver DD/BA/ET combo Radioso. Again (naturally) I jumped at the chance. How would the Radioso stack up, and could it match (or exceed) the Argent?

AME is located in Seoul South Korea, and was originally started to give support to musicians for customer earphone builds. Their popularity grew, leading to the current two releases (Argent and Radioso), and looking to expand to a wider audience.

Here is a quote from their website, which really does give an insight into what drives the company:

“For everyone who loves musicians and music, I am introducing an indigenous custom earphone brand”

Well we definitely love music and musicians. AME Custom’s website and Facebook page are each linked here (website) and here (Facebook).

The AME Radioso that I’m reviewing today was provided to me as a review loaner. It will need to be returned. The retail price at time of review is ~ USD 1450.

If you haven't read any of my reviews, I suggest starting here, as it will give you an insight into my known preferences and bias (

For the purposes of this review - I used the AME Radioso straight from the headphone-out socket of many of my portables, but predominantly the X5iii, M9, M11, and R2R2000. I have also experimented with a variety of amplifiers including the FiiO Q1ii, E17K, Q5, and xDuoo XP-2. IMO they do not benefit greatly from additional amplification, although they are slightly more difficult to drive than the Argent (less sensitive, and slightly higher impedance). In the time I have spent with the Radioso, I have noticed no change to the overall sonic presentation (break-in).

This is a purely subjective review - my gear, my ears, and my experience. Please take it all with a grain of salt - especially if it does not match your own experience.

The AME Radioso arrived as a demo version – simply the IEMs, and a custom cable (I'll explain why later in the build section). As I didn't get the full package, I have copied both the contents and photos from my Argent review – as the packaging is essentially the same.

The Radioso consists of a 138 x 217 x 500 box and lid. Inside will be the Radioso IEMs nestled in a foam insert, an aluminium alloy carry case and a box containing the tips and other accessories.
The full accessory package includes:
  • 1 pair AME Radioso Trybrid IEMs
  • 1 x 2 pin stereo cable
  • 1 x aluminium alloy 2 piece case (80mm diameter x 35mm height)
  • 3 pairs of Spinfit silicone ear tips (1 x L/M/S)
  • 3 pair of Comply foam tips T400 (M)
  • 1 3.5mm to 6.3 mm adaptor
  • A cleaning brush
  • A leather cable tidy
  • A card with serial number etc.
This is a good overall accessory package, and in-line with the asking price. I've seen some people gripe about the cable, but I have no problems with the stock cable's quality.


The graphs I use are generated using the Vibro Veritas coupler and ARTA software. Ken Ball (ALO/Campfire) graciously provided me with measurement data which I have used to recalibrate my Veritas so that it mimics an IEC 711 measurement standard (Ken uses two separate BK ear simulators, we measured the same set of IEMs, and I built my calibration curve from shared data). I do not claim that this data is 100% accurate, but it is very consistent, and is as close as I can get to the IEC 711 standard on my budget.

I do not claim that the measurements are in any way more accurate than anyone else's, but they have been proven to be consistent and I think they should be enough to give a reasonable idea of response - especially if you've followed any of my other reviews. When measuring I usually always use crystal foam tips (medium bore opening) - and the reason I use them is for very consistent seal and placement depth in the coupler. I use the same amp (E11K) for all my measurements - and output is under 1 ohm. Measurements above 9-10kHz are generally problematic with any hobbyist set-up, and should be disregarded, but generally my measurements from 20Hz to 9-10kHz have proven to be relatively close to many of the measurements of the manufacturers who support me.

The graphs are provided merely as a point of discussion, and later in the review I've included comparisons to other IEMs for similar reference. Channel matching is good over the entire frequency range, but not as tightly aligned as with the Argent. I noticed no miss-match when music was being played.


The AME Radioso has the type of shape you normally associate with higher end customs, and is a peanut/jelly-bean shape design. It is designed to ergonomically fit snugly inside your outer ear cavity, securely held inside the Concha with the skinny end inside your Inter-tragical notch. Just like true customs, it has a small rise of resin at the rear of the IEM shell to comfortably accommodate placement over the Crux helix and sit intact on the Cymba.

The outer shell material is a highly transparent resin, and the clarity of the resin is amazing – amongst the best I have seen. It is literally like looking into a window (to view the IEM inner components) The outer face is a face-plate, and this pair is decorated with a sparkly steam-punk design.
The internal face is very smooth. It has a port for venting the dynamic driver next to the cable out on top of the Radioso shell. The housing has an and end to end length of 23mm, height of 16mm and depth of 14mm (excluding the nozzle). The nozzle is angled nicely forward and up, and is 7mm in length. The nozzle diameter is 6mm, has a generous lip, and has 3 separate sound channels in the tube.

Normally the Radioso comes with a standard 2 pin cable and socket connection. This is from my Argent review:
At the top rear of the Argent shell is an almost flush fitting standard 2 pin socket (protrudes by about 0.5mm). The 2 pin plugs are colour coded (blue or red) for right and left. The socket is very firm with the supplied cable and feels very sturdy. The Argent comes with a single ended cable. AME have used a high purity (6N OCC) silver plated copper wire encased in a very flexible transparent TPU sheath. From the 2 pin connectors to the Y-split is a single twisted pair on each side, and then from y-split to jack appears to be a twisted triple. The Argent cable has flexible form-able ear-loops. I find these loops really comfortable and work well. Both the Y-split and Jack are metal, and there is a cinch above the Y-split which works well for snugging the cable tight. The cable has extremely low micro-phonics – essentially non-existent when using the cinch.
This is what you'll normally get with the Radioso.

Earl send me a custom build consisting of an MMCX standard socket (flush mount), with a custom built copper cable. The cable is beautifully made (although a little on the bulky side) I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

Internally the AME Radioso uses a “trybrid” 6 driver system which is quite different from the Argent. There is a single dynamic driver for the sub and mid-bass, a single BA driver for the mid-range, and quad Electrostatic drivers for the high and super high frequencies. This is managed by a three way cross over network. This is the second time I’ve heard an electrostatic tweeter in an IEM (the first being the Argent), and I continue to be impressed with these drivers. Effortless detail and extension without any signs of abrasiveness or grain.

Internal and external isolation is good, but not quite as isolating as the Argent. This will be the effect of the dynamic driver port. With music playing though, you don't really notice any background noise. It does ultimately depend on tip choice and seal. I would rate passive isolation as average and it would be usable on public transport. Although it does not completely block out aircraft drone, by the time you add music, you shouldn't hear much in the way of cabin sounds. Unfortunately with Covid restrictions, I won't be flying for a while, so difficult to test.

Fit and comfort thoughts are very subjective, and will vary from person to person. My experience has been positive. The AME Radioso has been designed for an ergonomic fit (much like a custom monitor). For me they are a perfect, sit relatively flush with my outer ear, and basically disappear within a few seconds of wearing (I could forget they are in). I have slept with them intact, and woken hours later with them still there and no discomfort. The AME Radioso is designed to only be used cable over ear. It should be noted that the shells are slightly larger than the Argent, and some with smaller ears may consider them to be slightly on the larger side of what is comfortable.

The Radioso has a good lip on the nozzle. I've tried my usual Spiral Dots, Spin-fits, Ostry tuning tips and Sony Isolation tips – all fit easily and are secure. They are a relatively shallow fitting IEM, but the nozzles are long enough for most tips to seal effectively. Saying that, foam still gives me the best combination of seal and comfort, and my preference is for either Comply or stretched Shure tips.

Most of the testing at this point was done with the FiiO M11, no EQ, and Shure foam tips. I used the M11 simply because paired they gave me a very transparent window to the music with low impedance, and more than enough power.

For the record – on most tracks, the volume level on the M11 was around 65/120 on low gain (depending on the track) which was giving me an average SPL around 65-75 dB. Tracks used were across a variety of genres – and can be viewed in this list

While testing I constantly switched with my reference pair (Alclair Curve + E17K with +4 bass) to give me a good reference base-line. The additional bass is to bring the Curve sub-bass closer to reference.

  • Sub-bass – In perfect balance with the other frequencies. Perhaps slightly elevated but sounds nicely balanced to me. Extension is good with slight roll-off in the lowest registers but still able to convey sub-bass rumble (Lorde's “Royals). There is no noticeable bleed into other frequencies. The bass has very good texture and sufficient impact to be enjoyable.
  • Mid-bass – slightly elevated compared to sub-bass and lower mids with decent impact. The bass timbre and definition is clean, and not as dry or quick as the mid-bass on the Argent. The bass quality and quantity is very consistent from track to track and for those looking for a balanced signature throughout the signature, the Radioso delivers well, whilst at the time adding that little extra impact to EDM.
  • Lower mid-range – recessed compared to bass and upper mid-range, and the U shaped overall signature is a little more apparent – especially with male vocals. Both male and female vocal fundamentals are still pretty good though, although male vocals can come across ever so slightly on the leaner side (depending on the artist). I'm still really enjoying the likes of Pearl Jam and Seether (perhaps more because of the mid-bass transition to lower-mids). The slight recession also adds to a sense of overall space and separation.
  • Upper mid-range – There is a slow and shallow rise from the lower mid-range to an extended shelf at 2-6 kHz, which is then maintained and extended through to the lower treble. The transition from lower to upper-mids is cohesive, and there is enough presence to provide both detail and presence. There is euphony with female vocals.
  • Lower treble has extremely good extension. It is also quite linear with a small peak at 7 kHz, and a stronger peak at 9-10 kHz (similar to the Argent). This does provide a lot of air, but no resulting brittleness or sharpness. And this (like the Argent's signature) is the what separates the Radioso from anything else I’ve heard. The extension and range of the treble brings detail and clarity – yet without the harshness or brittleness a BA would deliver with the same peaks.
  • Upper treble extends quite well with some decent “air”, but is difficult to capture properly on my measurement rig, and with my “aged” hearing I no longer notice much over 12 kHz anyway.
  • Overall this is a very well balanced monitor with a “U” shape which has more to do with the slight recession in mid-range (intended) than any obvious emphasis at either end of the spectrum.
Resolution / Detail / Clarity
Clarity overall is (in a single word) “crystalline”, but without any harshness. Its especially noticeable with jazz, or any rock with a lot of cymbals. It reminds me of my HD800S in that every brush of the cymbals is audible, but with shimmering decay rather than being jagged or brash. I use Nils Lofgren's guitar from his live album to track finger movements on the fret board and interaction with the crowd, and it is a pure delight. Detail and tonality hand in hand. I really like this combo of DD with ET drivers.

Sound-stage, Imaging
Directional queues are very clean and concise. Presentation of stage is outside the periphery of my head space with binaural tracks, so relatively expansive for an IEM, and possibly slightly more so than with the Argent. I continue to use Amber Rubarth’s “Tundra” (binaural album), and its really a great track for both stage and imaging as I also have a video for the recording. One of the other tracks I use (again I have the video as well as high-re recording) is Netrebko and Garanca's live recording of Lakme's Flower Duet. It has a wonderful transition of position from front to rear of stage, and its easy to track with the Radioso (and very realistic). The applause section is also a good test for width and depth (the sound of the audience flowing around me). Width of stage might be slightly wider than overall depth, but there's not a lot in it, and the realism is definitely there.

“Let it Rain” (Amanda Marshall) gives its usual nice three dimensional feel (the way the track is miked) with good guitar and vocal presence. There is sibilance with Amanda's vocals – and it should be easily noticeable because its in the recording. But the nice thing about the Radioso is that while the sibilance is there – its not over-emphasised or further enhanced. And if anything its slightly better than it was on the Argent. Nice.

  • Texture and impact of both sub and mid-bass.
  • Reasonably expansive sense of stage
  • Good for both female and male vocals.
  • Euphonic upper mid-range
  • Extremely detailed and clear treble with no brittleness
  • For my tastes, I struggling to notice any deficiency. Perhaps a slight roll off in sub-bass, but nothing which leaves me underwhelmed.

The Radioso doesn’t really need extra amplification for overall volume (as long as you have a decent source). Because its impedance is a relatively low 19 ohms, a source with an output impedance of around 0-2 ohms (to meet damping requirements) should make the best match.

With the M11 around 65/120 low gain volume covers my normal 65-75 dB listening level. With the X5iii this is similar (60-65/120) and the M9 rounds out the FiiOs also with 60-65/120. So the Radioso is slightly more difficult to drive than the Argent, but even the diminutive M6 can manage it and have no issues with overall sound quality.

Next up was amplification, which meant testing with the Q1ii, E17K, Q5, and XP-2. In each case while I sometimes noted a slightly different tonality, there were no stand-out differences in dynamics on any of the additionally amped sources (none I'd be likely to tell in a volume matched blind test anyway). The XP-2 (via Bluetooth) added some extra warmth which wasn't really needed.

Personally I find the Radioso pretty much spot on with regard to signature balance, and even more so than the Argent. So what about tweaking the sub-bass (experimental more than desired). I did this with Neutron's parametric EQ on the M11 and whilst I could easily increase the raw thump of the Radioso it didn't really add to my experience sonically. It responded well though – so I guess the option is there if you wanted a little more.

These comparisons were all done with the M11, (no EQ) – and volume matched using a calibrated SPL meter and fixed 1kHz test tone first. For this series of tests I’ve tried to look at both value (comparison to higher value IEMs) and quality. Unfortunately I don’t have a lot in this price bracket – but comparisons to AME's Argent, HiFiMan's RE2000, 64 Ears U10, LZ Big Dipper, Fidue's A91 Sirius and Dunu DK-4001 should be both relevant. For comparison with a bang for buck IEM, I’ve used FiiO’s new FH7.

This is pretty subjective, but the graphs do show relativity against the other IEMs for reference.

AME Radioso ($1450) vs AME Argent ($1450)
Build fit and comfort
Both are in very similar shaped resin shells with a completely ergonomic design. The Argent is slightly smaller than the Radioso, so if you have smaller outer ears, you may find the Argent is a little more comfortable. I have large ears, and the fit is great on both. On build quality – you're getting same attention to detail, and same durable materials. The Argent isolates slightly better (if that's important to you). All in all though – this is a tie. Same design, just different internal components / driver configuration.

Sound & Value
Both have some similarity in their signatures, with both being a little U shaped (the Radioso is more pronounced). Where they differ is in the bass and upper mid-range. The Radioso has more pronounced bass with more natural texture (typical of a DD) whilst the Argent has more speed and is lighter in impact. Both have great clarity in the upper mid-range and lower treble, but the Radioso's upper end is more balanced/polite than pronounced/presented. I like both of these (a lot), but I do find the Radioso is slightly warmer and a more all round listening experience.

AME Radioso ($1450) vs HifiMan RE2000 Gold ($1500)
Build fit and comfort
The RE2000 is a single DD vs the AME Radioso 6 driver trybrid. Both have an ergonomic shape, but the RE2000 has some hard edges, and I’ve always had comfort issues with it. Both are made of durable materials and have well made replaceable cables – with the stock Radioso cable being more pliable and less prone to tangling (the custom copper one included with this demo is also far nicer). In this comparison, Radioso takes the points for cable, comfort, and ergonomics.

Sound & Value
There is a lot of similarity in these signatures, with both being a little U/V shaped (the RE2000 is more V with more upper mid/lower treble energy). Radioso has more sub-bass extension which is a bit more pronounced and noticeable especially when taking the RE2000's more pronounced upper end into account. They both have pretty good overall balance, but could be called a little on the coloured side *the Radioso a little more balanced overall). For me in overall value, the Radioso simply delivers a better overall sonic signature and much better comfort.

AME Radioso ($1450) vs 64 Audio U10 ($1300)
Build, fit and comfort
The U10 is a 10 BA driver (per side) vs the Radioso’s 6 driver trybrid. Both IEMs have ergonomic shells and are very comfortable for long term listening. Both also have replaceable 2 pin cables (Radioso's normal stock cable is better quality). The body on the Radioso feels better built, and does fit me better (better ergonomics). The U10 has the M20 Apex module which can be swapped out for an Adel module to effectively change the sound. Overall the Radioso wins on comfort, ergonomics and overall build quality.

Sound & Value
These are quite different sounding IEMs despite their similar looking graphs. For starters the Radioso requires quite a bit more power (that sensitivity really is a factor here). Both show really good overall balance, and both have good bottom end warmth. The Radioso has more impact and thump, and also a little more upper end clarity and vitality. The U10 is less coloured, but also a little flat comparatively. Both are exceptional IEMs, but I find myself “pulled into the music” more with the Radioso. It is simply more engaging, and the effortless presentation of the lower and upper treble is brilliant. As much as I love the U10, the Radioso is in a higher league IMHO.

AME Radioso ($1450) vs Dunu DK-4001 ($900)
Build fit and comfort
The DK-4001 is a 5 driver traditional hybrid vs the 6 driver DD/BA/Electrostatic Trybrid Argent. Both are extremely well made with ergonomic shells and replaceable cables. The DK4001 is a multi-jack modular cable which is extremely well designed, but I still prefer the overall ergonomics of the Radioso stock cable. The custom cable with the Radioso is similar quality, but the DK-4001 cable would win with it's modularity. The Radioso, despite being larger, is still a little more comfortable due to its better ergonomics.

Sound & Value
This is a really interesting match up because they both have very similar mid-range and upper treble characteristics. In fact if I EQ the bass lower on the Radioso, I can get closer to the overall DK-4001 signature. Both IEM's have great balance, but where the DK-4001 is quite linear in lower mid-range, mid-bass and sub-bass, the Radioso has a more traditional mid-bass hump. Because of this the Radioso appears the warmer of the two. The second major difference is the DK-4001's lower treble vs the Radioso. Radioso simply has more extension and less overall grain (and both have great overall resolution). Of course DK-4001 is considerably cheaper and delivers a very good overall package. But for total performance including the slightly better fit, I still consider the Radioso worth the premium.

AME Radioso ($1450) vs FiiO FH7 ($450)
Build, fit and comfort
This pits another 5 driver DD/BA Hybrid vs the 6 driver Trybrid Radioso. Both IEMs have very ergonomic shells and are comfortable for long term listening. Both also have replaceable cables. Comfort and build quality here is shared, although I still find my personal fit is better with the Radioso (but it should be considering the price difference!).

Sound & Value
Why am I comparing these two IEMs – simply because the FH7 is one of the best in its price range and it seemed like a good chance to compare two very different price ranges. Both have a similar upper mid-range tonality, with the FH7 being a little more forward in presentation (the Radioso sounds a little distant in close comparison, but I prefer the sense of width and space). The Radioso has more low end warmth and impact, and while both have a sense of euphony, the Radioso sounds end to end more lively, yet still more balanced (you wouldn't think so from the graphs). Again the Radioso's bottom end and top end are the big differences providing both more presence and resolution. Is there a thousand dollar difference in performance between these IEMs? Definitely not IMO which shows just how good the FH7 are. But if your budget can get there, I would rather have the Radioso and an adequate DAP vs the FH7 and a TOTL DAP.

AME Radioso ($1450) vs Fidue A91 Sirius ($900)
Build, fit and comfort
The Sirius is another 5 driver DD/BA hybrid vs the 6 driver Radioso Trybrid. Both IEMs have ergonomic shells and are made from quality materials. The Sirius does have some sharpish edges and for those with large ears, this can cause issues (they are painful for me to wear sometimes). The Sirius has a really nice replaceable modular cable. Build and cable quality are similar, but ergonomics and overall comfort are better on the Radioso.

Sound & Value
First up – ignore the graphs. They're measured with the internal DD relief port open (it sits on the internal face of the earphone). If I measure it fully closed/blocked the bass jumps. The reality (for me) is when worn, the bass is similar to a normal DD mid-bass hump, although in my case, less impact than the likes of the Radioso. The Sirius also has a very forward and very pronounced upper mid-range which provides a great sense of euphony, but which is also very coloured. The Radioso provides more bass impact, better mid-range balance and more treble clarity (without being etched). In this case, as nice as the Sirius sounds, it simply can't keep up with the Radioso which is on another level.

AME Radioso ($1450) vs LZ Dipper 3 switches ($860)
Build, fit and comfort
Its funny because the first time I saw Radioso's signature graphed, I immediately thought of the 7 BA Dipper. Both are in very similar shaped resin shells with a completely ergonomic design. The Dipper might be marginally smaller than the Radioso but its essentially a tie. Both have good cables, great comfort and nice overall design. The Dipper allows you to manipulate Bass, mid-range and treble (although the mid-range choice is not fantastic).

Sound & Value
Both have similarity in their signatures, with both being a U shaped (the Dipper is more pronounced). Dippers BA based bass has a little less impact but more speed. Both have a coloured mid-range and reasonable treble clarity. The Dippers weakness is that the mid-range is a little too sucked out, but I still really enjoy them. The difference is the bass warmth and impact of the Radioso which adds to the lower mid-range, where the Dipper is lacking. The Dipper provides upper resolution via lower bass impact and similar amplitude of treble. The Radioso provides it simply by the technology in the ET tweeters. Overall, I prefer the Radioso – it simply sounds better. But it should be noted here that simply Eqing out the mid-range dip a little in the Dipper produces surprisingly good results.

The Radioso is not a cheap IEM. But if you look at the overall package, and especially the sonic performance of the combination of dynamic, armature and electrostatic drivers, then it becomes a question of where diminishing value sits for you personally. The main question I use to evaluate value is “would I buy them”, and knowing I have to give these back eventually, I would say a definite yes. I originally thought the Argent was getting towards end game for me, and then AME shows up with the Radioso, and I'm considering now how I convince my wife that I need a pair of these. I'll have to sell several of my own audio items. That will hurt – but these really have captured me. What really worries me is that Earl has suggested I review the rest of their range, and they have a 12 driver flagship there which my wife might not understand. If anything, AME has shown me that in their case, the higher value is justified, and I definitely don't consider the Radioso over-valued.

When you get to review an audio item over the $1000 mark, its easy to be wowed by the price tag and expectation bias. The Radioso wasn't an immediate sell for me. I liked it, but didn't “love it”. That came with time, and I've had a few months now to really form an opinion. This is currently my favourite IEM and I'll be devastated to return them.

The Radioso is a 6 driver trybrid – 1 DD, 1 BA and 4 electrostatic tweeters. The tuning is wonderful (if a touch coloured), and what I've really liked is the vividness of the sound, and they way bass and treble combine to give fantastic balance but also a sense of vitality and presence. They are definitely U shaped, but its a really good “U” for my personal tastes.

Add the ergonomics, build quality and comfort, and its a complete package. Once again my sincere thanks to Earl and the team at AME for allowing me to review the Radioso. This company really knows how to tune an IEM!
Superb review! Really helpful, thanks :)


Member of the Trade: Viking Weave Cables
Pros: Pleasant tonal balance, great extension in both ends, great stage and imaging, good fit
Cons: Lacklustre accessories (especially the cable), too smooth treble, big shells, polarising treble presentation

Disclaimer: Thanks to AME Custom for giving me the opportunity to review the Radioso as part of the AME Tour. The unit is a loaner and must be returned.

In the box:

  • IEMs
  • 1.2m 3.5mm cable
  • 1/4" adapter
  • Cleaning tool
  • Case
  • 3 Pairs of spinfit tips
  • Foam tips
  • Case

Build quality and accessories:
The IEMs are well made, clean join lines, no sharp edges or other obvious flaws. They feel and look premium, the fact they are asymmetrical in design only adds to that feeling.


The cable, on the other hand, is quite disappointing, not only it feels generic but it just doesn’t have anything that would make it stand out sonically. It also gets tangled quite easily. I would expect more for this price tag.


The case is metal, with a nice finish and just right amount of space to fit the IEMs with a cable. The finish is smooth and definitely feels premium.

The other accessories are quite standard. All in all, I would expect more, especially in terms of a cable.

Fit and comfort:
The fit is good in general, Radioso is, however, a bulky IEM and even though the shell has an ergonomic shape it may not fit people with smaller ears. This seems like a general problem posed by having to have a transformer for the electrostatic driver which takes a considerable amount of space.

The sound is almost a U signature, but the midrange is articulate which makes it quite interesting. This combined with a smooth treble makes them a really pleasant listen.

The bass has a bit of elevation to it, thanks to the use of the dynamic driver it’s also natural and has a good amount of punch. The texture and detail are good but I not to the level of for example Final A8000. On “Trentemøller – Evil Dub” the detail was there but some of the texture was a little smeared. I wouldn’t call this a problem, those nuances can make it more difficult to purely enjoy the music while this smoother presentation definitely allows it.

In general, the midrange is slightly back, but vocals are brought more forward than the rest of them. The instruments have just enough body to make them feel alive while keeping it dry enough not to lose on separation. On very busy songs like “Death – Voice of the soul” the single BA loses a touch of clarity and separation. The timbre is good across the board, no instruments or voices sound off.

Treble in Radioso is something I find polarising, it has a smooth nature to it while keeping a really good extension and detail. The air quality of it is quite excellent, same for the separation and general tonality. What it lacks is some "bite" to it, cymbals lack that little sharpness to the sound which brings excitement to the upper ranges. I think this quality of Radioso will decide on whether you will buy them or not.

Soundstage and Imaging:
The stage is big with impressive imaging to accompany it, it has both good width and depth but not as much height. The images have very good separation and are easily distinguished.

The AME Radioso is definitely a good contender in the 1000-1500$ price range, it's technical performance as well as tonal balance are on par with similar priced IEMs. While I personally prefer the Argent I can still easily recommend Radioso with it's smooth and pleasant presentation.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Superb treble air and clarity, rich mids, bass extension for days, massive yet precise soundstage, price is surprisingly reasonable for what you get
Cons: Packaging is mediocre, stock cable nothing special, design options limited, requires a quality chain to achieve full potential

It's been well over a decade since I started reviewing audio gear. As you can imagine, I've ended up on the mailing lists of quite a few audio companies and PR firms since then. I get solicited for reviews on a regular basis but unfortunately only have time to accept a very small fraction of the offers. This means the item in question must be fairly compelling - maybe a new product from a well-established firm, or an item that has lots of buzz on the forums, or perhaps a new technology that I find interesting... something to stand out from the many other options available.

The item under review today falls into the latter category. Some months back I was contacted by a company called AME Custom, based out of South Korea. AME is a relatively new firm who at the moment offers just a handful of models, in your choice of universal or custom designs. My regular readers know that I vastly prefer customs due to standard IEMs generally fitting my ears poorly. As such I've got tons of experience with CIEMs but am not usually all that up to date on the latest/greatest universal options. So AME agreed to send me a custom molded set of their Radioso ($1350) for review.

Radioso is what AME terms a "Tribrid" design. That means a triple-hybrid using three different types of transducer technology, arranged to leverage their strengths within the sonic spectrum. We get a dynamic driver specifically handling low frequencies, a balanced armature for midrange, and a quartet of electrostatic drivers dedicated to the highs, with signals routed by a 3-way crossover. Again, these are the stereotypical areas where each type of driver generally performs best, so the design seems to make a lot of sense. Note that the dynamic driver gets a small vent, placed just below the cable socket and protected by a filter to avoid any debris entering the shell. Unlike some other vented CIEMs I own, this does not significantly impact isolation.


There are several other tribrid options out there using some variation of this same theme, including the Noble Khan, Jomo Trinity, Vision Ears Elysium, and probably some others I'm forgetting. They all use different arrangements in terms of driver count and configuration, not to mention crossover tuning etc, which means they should all sound unique despite the presence of all three types of drivers. Worth noting is the price difference involved - those models all live in the $2,500 to $3,000 neighborhood, whilst AME sells their tribrid for less than half that price. Note that a universal version is available for $1200, while the custom option is $1350.

AME offers another model called Argent which is a totally different 6-driver design using dual electrostatic highs and quad BA drivers with a 4-way crossover. It is priced identically to Radioso, so I guess we could say co-flagship status. It may have launched just a bit prior to Radioso, and there are a few good reviews to be found here. As far as I can tell, AME seems to have positioned Argent as semi-neutral. Their words are "immersive, well-rounded sound featuring warm lows and sparkling vocals". Meanwhile Radioso is described as having "rich low-end response while fully highlighting the unique characteristics of the electrostatic tweeters". I have not heard Argent so I won't comment any further as far as comparisons go.

There are some (non-sonic) compromises apparent when looking at the Radioso compared to the more established tribrid competitors. Where those models offer numerous customization options and extravagant aesthetic packages (some included in the base price, others for an extra fee), AME limits Radioso buyers to fully clear or clear with wooden face plates. They mention "custom artwork" available for a $300 upcharge, though I'm not certain what that entails. Regardless I don't think AME is trying to compete when it comes to fancy builds. Don't take me the wrong way though - my (completely clear) review pair seems built to a very high standard, and pics of the wooden face plate option look very attractive too. The Argent model has abalone pearl instead of the wood option and that also looks to be quite well done. So it's a matter of simplicity and limited options rather than poor quality. Still, for less than half the price, I don't feel this is unreasonable, and my experience is that newer CIEM companies tend to branch out with more options as they become more established.


As far as packaging - the box is a simple and functional affair which showcases the IEMs as soon as you open it. Included is a metal storage case similar to that used by a few other brands, along with the typical cleaning tool and 1/4" adapter. Universal versions ship with a few tip choices, and both models get a leather cable organizer with "AME" logo which I don't find particularly useful. It's not the most comprehensive bundle I've ever seen but it gets the job done well enough.






The AME site mentions their "6N OCC Pure Copper Silver Plated Cable" with the classic 2-pin style connection. The one I received appears different from what I see listed on the product page or reviews of the Argent model. The pics show a quality thin silver cable with nice chrome-looking Y-splitter and angled plug, but mine appears more like the classic cables used by Westone and Ultimate Ears back in the early CIEM days, complete with plastic molded bits. It does the job well enough but feels somewhat delicate - I'm glad most IEM brands use a more beefy cable these days. Granted, back in the early Westone/Ultimate Ears days these cables proved very reliable, so who knows. I did most of my listening with a bespoke Effect Audio pure silver cable anyway, so I can't speak of any compromise involved in the stock cable nor the specific cable I happened to receive.




After a quick test to confirm proper fit, I left the Radioso to burn in for well over 100 hours. That's usually the goal I shoot for, as a sort of "just in case", but this time I got tied up and couldn't get back to it as planned... so it probably got more like 200 hours total. I did not monitor to see what (if any) changes took place during that time.

My initial listening, as far as portable devices, was with a Samsung Galaxy S10. I then upgraded to an LG G8 thinQ, followed by a side-grade to the diminutive Shanling M0, and finally the Cayin N5iiS. I don't currently have any higher-end DAPs on hand, as I'm generally not much of an on-the-go listener at this point in life.

So I brought out the big home system - Equi=Core 1800 balanced power conditioner, Nativ Vita music server streaming via Roon from an Asustor NAS in the other room, McIntosh MCD600 spinning CD/SACD titles as well as acting as DAC for the Nativ via SPDIF connection, and Pass Labs HPA-1 amplifier, with Audio Art cabling all around except for the previously mentioned Effect Audio IEM cable. This rig is resolving and powerful enough to bring out the best in any headphone, yet utterly silent even with the most sensitive IEMs.




My first impression came straight from a Samsung Galaxy S10, playing Qobuz lossless files. Right off the bat I could tell two things about the Radioso: first, that it had a beautiful, dynamic, and very slightly U-shaped signature with superb extension on both ends. Second, it really needed a better source to shine. I found myself cranking the volume to nearly the maximum levels on the S10, and I'm not usually a high-volume listener by any means. The bass had great impact but clearly ran out of steam down low, and staging was essentially flat. Inexperienced listeners might stop right there and dub Radioso merely a decent IEM, but I took these issues as signs pointing to the need for a better player.

Switching to the LG G8 thinQ (still playing Qobuz) which has the same DAC implementation as their audiophile-approved V-series, I proved my theory correct - Radioso performance was excellent. It still had that mild U-shaped tuning overall, but really opened up the presentation in all dimensions, and the frequency extremes both started filling out. I played through most of Avishai Cohen's Seven Seas, then a few tracks from Philharmonics by Agnes Obel, and finished up with a mixture of Carpenter Brut, Moose Blood, and classic hip-hop supergroup Def Squad - just to see how Radioso deals with a wide range of genres.


Through it all I heard the same superb clarity in the upper mids and highs, controlled yet weighty midrange, and rather generous low-end impact. At this stage I would call it a somewhat bassy signature though not overdone in most situations. Midrange was just a touch set back in the mix with respect to lows and highs, though not enough to feel recessed or lacking - in fact mids were very articulate and thick enough to be satisfying with all sorts of material. And those electrostatic highs? Despite there being a quartet of drivers handling the upper frequencies (compared to just one driver each for lows and mids) the presentation did not feel overly bright, sharp, or aggressive. While detail was plentiful, and clearly more extended than most (or all?) of my other CIEMs, it felt very smooth and natural. I could listen for hours or use higher-than-normal volume levels and not experience any treble fatigue, which is not a common occurrence for an IEM that isn't dark or rolled-off up top.

Complaints? I felt the bass was just a touch overbearing at times with the G8, particularly with more subdued music like Agnes Obel or the slower tracks from Avishai Cohen. While prodigious extension is always welcome, I could have used a bit less midbass from time to time. And again I still had a suspicion that I wasn't properly driving the Radioso to the fullest potential - I was still cranking the volume significantly higher than usual to get the desired outcome.

Switching again to the Shanling M0 brought out a different set of strengths and weaknesses. This time the lows were more controlled and midbass did not intrude where it wasn't welcome. Midrange was rich and bold, and the upper midrange had excellent energy. Unfortunately the highs now seemed a bit more vivid than I would find ideal. Not a problem at all with many tracks, but at times I found it a tad overwhelming. What may start as being dynamic and fun ends up being fatiguing as time goes by - trumpets have too much bite, certain vocals become crispy, and cymbals in particular have too much energy. Some people are more sensitive than others to the issue, but for me it makes for one of the few times I would actually prefer the LG G8 to the Shanling M0.


Moving upscale to the Cayin N5Sii solved this problem. Now everything worked in harmony to provide a big, bold take on the mild U-shaped signature, without any of the previously mentioned shortcomings. Bass was tactile, weighty, yet very well controlled. It had a sense of impact and definition that only a superbly design IEM can provide - it's as if I could feel the air pressure moving as I would when listening via speakers. Midrange texture was beautiful, with gobs of detail and rich tonality. Highs were ethereal and airy, with seemingly limitless extension. The presentation was open and spacious on a level only a handful of top-tier IEMs could hope to match. In short, this was among the very best I've ever heard from an IEM at any price. Which is impressive considering it "only" sells for $1350. That statement may sound absurd but remember that top CIEMs these days go for at least double that.

The Cayin N5Sii, while excellent for the price, is certainly not in the conversation for best sound available from a portable device. So I switched to my desktop rig to finally get a sense of how high the Radioso can scale. What I heard ended up raising the bar for what I thought possible in an IEM.


The McIntosh/Pass Labs rig takes everything I loved about the Radioso and turns it up a few notches. The level of realism is just astounding. Any questions I had about coherency with the tribrid setup went out the window once I heard Radioso in what I consider its final form. Interestingly, the low end actually feels a touch more subdued here, as do those stunning highs. Or maybe I need to think of it from another angle and say the midrange becomes more forward and full. Whatever the case, the U-shaped signature is not as immediately noticeable in this scenario (though it never quite becomes a ruler flat signature, which I'm actually thankful for).

But talk about dynamic - this thing shakes the foundations, giving some of the hardest hitting, most convincing bass I've heard this side of a huge subwoofer. I mentioned it before but I'll reiterate - at times it really does feel like some air is being pressurized, in a way that even my favorite armature-based IEMs just can't match. And that treble? Zero grain, totally liquid and flowing, with decay and sustain and beautiful tone that just sounds like real life. The top end air reminds me of my big Stax rig - a very rare achievement for IEMs. Can you tell I love the Radioso sound on this system?


Two other things worth mentioning. First, the sense of space surrounding the music is palpable. Not only is the soundstage wide and deep, but also very precise. Usually when an IEM has a presentation this "out of head", it comes somewhat at the expense of accuracy. Sort of a 3-dimensional blob. Which is still impressive, until you try and focus on any single instrument only to find you can't really place it all that well. Either that, or the signature is just thin and lacking tonal density, which always seems to improve focus in the imaging/soundstage department (think mini-monitors in the speaker world). Radioso manages to fill out that note thickness while achieving both spacious and accurate staging.

The other aspect to point out is the fact that while these can play very loud and clean (on the right system), I actually find myself listening at lower and lower levels when I'm not critically evaluating. I take that as a good sign - I'm not trying to compensate for any perceived lack of detail or impact.

After spending time with Radioso, switching back to CIEMs that I otherwise enjoy is just a disappointment. The UE Reference Remastered sounds comparatively dark, lifeless, and slow. Empire Ears Zeus XR sounds bloated. Jomo Audio 6R sounds thin and nasally. Even the mighty 64 Audio A18t - probably my favorite CIEM overall - can seem a bit dull and uninvolving compared to the Radioso, though it does make a good comparison of sorts. If we start with the general A18t signature, crank up the bass texture and impact, then mix in the insane treble clarity of the Unique Melody Maven, we might end up with something similar to the Radioso signature. But don't forget to slash the price by more than 50 percent. Am I saying I actually prefer the Radioso sound to the A18t, regardless of price? Perhaps. I need more time to directly compare them, but at this stage I'm leaning in that direction.

I really wish I had a half dozen more DAPs here in the $500-3000 range, just to see if any of them could approach this level of performance. Obviously my big setup (approaching $20k or so) will likely still have an advantage over even the best portable players, but I suspect some of the best DAPs out there may come close enough. Whether using a portable or home system, you'll really want the best possible chain to get the most out of the Radioso.


A comparison can be made to the venerable Sennheiser HD650. Not really in terms of sound signature, but rather the fact that both models can scale ridiculously well. They are both make sound yet seem fairly underwhelming straight from a phone. Yet both respond incredibly well as your system improves. And at some point they both start outperforming more expensive flagships when paired with a really nice setup. While the Sennheisers respond more to amplification, I'd say Radioso is equally picky when it comes to DAC and even transport quality, so make sure all of those are on point to really hear them at their best.

I've had about a dozen requests to review CIEMs over the past year or so, and have declined them all. I didn't find a single CIEM I felt worthy of writing about in 2019. Not that I think the industry was stagnant during that time, but I felt the generally incremental sonic improvements just didn't warrant my attention. To put it another way - nothing I heard in 2019 felt like a significant jump over models I reviewed the year prior. Now it's 2020 and the AME Radioso feels important enough to grab my attention.

It may seem weird for me to rave about this $1350 CIEM as if it were some sort of uber flagship release. But honestly the pricing is just another thing AME got right with this design - it's actually kind of a sad sign of the times when most people dismiss sub-$2k releases as something less than state-of-the-art. I've heard most of the competing tribrid designs and while they all sounded enjoyable in their own ways, none really stood out to me like the Radioso does.

I admit that the mild U-shape is one of my favorite signatures, which no doubt impacts the level of enthusiasm I have for this CIEM. But I'd say it has a fairly universal appeal rather than being more of a specialty sound like the UM Maven, and I think most listeners would really enjoy it. The beautiful tuning combined with superb technical abilities add up to a very compelling product which I can easily recommend - just make sure your playback chain is up to the task.
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Very interesting. I thought these were a great entry into the ~$1300 range but i felt none of the AME line had that hard of hitting bass. Maybe the customs are doing things different as i only heard the universals.
That's very possible. I often hear the biggest difference from universal to custom versions in the lower regions, where customs often perform far better - even if I feel like I get a great fit on the universal model. Not sure why that is.
Haven't tried the customs, but have done some other comparisons with custom IEMs and their universal counterparts, generally bass gets more impactful on customs.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Outstanding resolution
Very refined and well extended upper treble
Accurate timbre both for vocals and instruments
Powerful well controlled and extended bass
Very good transparency to the recording
Precise imaging
Energetic and smooth presentation accross the range
Cons: Hard to drive, needs a good source to really shine
Shallow fit may be an issue for some
Isolation is only average
2 pin socket a bit tight, can cause issues with some cables

Product page
Price : 1200$ (universal), 1350$ (custom)


Fit, Build & Isolation
The Radioso features a very good build and the shell are fairly compact, fit is good but shallow and I had to do some tip rolling to accommodate my big ears (either double flange or something like large EarFoams from Flare worked for me). The shell material looks like a lightweight resin, and isolation is only average.

As usual with IEM featuring a dynamic driver, a vent port can be found right next to the 2 pin recessed sockets. The sockets are a bit on the tight side and I was unable to use my PW n°10 or Hulk cable for example.



Âme Custom is a relatively new comer to the IEM market based in South Korea. Their brand is named after the french word for “soul” and their tagline is “le son de l’âme” (the sound of the soul). They started as a small retail shop for local artists and musicians and recently expanded to the audiophiles market with 3 models : the Gravitas (1DD, 3 BA), Argent (4 BA, 2 EST) and Radioso (1DD, 1BA, 4 EST).

They aspire “to create the most dynamic in-ear experience. Our earphones are carefully crafted in-house utilizing only the finest components available and expertly tuned around the principles of the Olive-Welti target profile for the most engaging sound impressions and unparalleled listening experience.

Among the lineup, the Radioso is Âme co-flagship a “triple-hybrid electrostatic IEM, integrates a low frequency dynamic driver with a mid frequency balanced armature driver and four high frequency electrostatic tweeters. It is tuned to deliver rich low-end response while fully highlighting the unique characteristics of the electrostatic tweeters.”

Does the Radioso deliver on its promise? Let’s see!



It’s always exciting to discover a new brand, as it doesn’t start with expectations, especially since there aren’t much impressions out yet. I was curious to say the least to hear the Âme house sound.

As you know I value first impressions and the first thing that struck me with the Radioso aside from the satisfying power of the bass was the upper treble presence and the impressive resolution. Despite the attention being called on bass and treble first, the Radioso is not a V or U shaped signature either, the mids are balanced, clear and articulate and vocals are slightly forward.

Upon first listen, the Radioso struck me as an interesting combination of fun and technicalities, fun because of the excitement of its bass and treble, technical because of the accurate timbre of its mids, the separation and impressive resolution it’s able to deliver. The Radioso is transparent to the recording, soundstage can vary quite a bit depending on the recording ranging from very good to excellent.

The Radioso features a dynamic driver and it shows, bass is powerful and can be felt with very good sub bass extension and a well controlled spot on mid bass. The Radioso has a snappy attack and natural decay and the dynamic is able to keep the pace with faster tracks.

The Radioso provide a good sense of pace and rythm, the bass line is strong but more importantly this is a rich, detailed and layered bass with beautiful textures. The portraying of kick drums, congas and bongo is a pure treat and found myself listening to quite a few albums featuring percussions such as Guem “Le Serpent”, Kodo “Heartbeat drummer of Japan” or Manu Katché “Unstatic”. These were such a fantastic experience with the Radioso.


Note that the Radioso is not very efficient (95dB) and needs a powerful source with good driving power for its bass to really shine, the N6ii with the E01 card required high gain to really come to life.

The Radioso’s powerful bass and abilities at detail retrieval thanks to great treble extension doesn’t mean that the mids are forgotten. Âme has put the single balanced armature to good use there and the mids are clear, articulate and coherence between the lower and upper mids is very good. There is good body but the mids are not overly full either and this grants the Radioso very good separation between instruments.


It’s a very balanced midrange that is very natural sounding, with no emphasis on either the lower or upper mids. Vocals are slightly forward with a very accurate timbre, something also true of instruments that sound spot on to me and with rich textures. The Radioso also shows good bite in the upper mids but delivered in a smooth manner.

The Radioso feature no less than 4 eStats driver but my experience is that it does not necessarily means good treble. This is one area where I feel a lot of implementation of eStats falls short, treble note weight and lower treble energy but in the case of the Radioso treble are simply outstanding.

Upper treble extend very well and play a big part in the Radioso’s signature providing clarity, air and resolution while the lower treble has good energy to provide plenty of excitement.


I am not a treble head but I appreciate a good treble and what it can bring to a signature. In the case of the Radioso I couldn’t help but enjoy the treble. In the lower section it can be quite energetic but I never found it harsh or even fatiguing and in the upper section it brings such a refinement and minute nuances. Treble tone is quite accurate and the delivery is smooth but with a fast and clean decay and transients are remarkable.


In a crowded and competitive market, it’s pretty hard to launch a new brand especially in the upper tier. Âme definitely came up with a worthy competitor at its price point, with their own house sound and tuning signature as we’ll see in the upcoming Argent and Gravitas reviews.

Since the Radioso is a co-flaghsip to the Argent, it had to have a disctinctive tuning so that customers would have different flavors and they certainly succeeded.

If you’re looking for an IEM with a very high level of detail retrieval and top notch resolution while featuring a powerful, fun and well controlled bass then the Radioso is one of the few IEMs able to deliver! On top, it will also provide high transparency to the recording, articulate and accurate mids with spot on timbre and clear vocals.

Listening notes
I spent approximately 30hours with the Radioso, listening on Cayin N6ii (E01) and Lotoo PAW 6000 using the stock cable and ISN AG8 upgrade cable.

Special Thanks
Thanks to Âme Custom giving me the opportunity to review the Radioso as part of the Âme Tour. The unit is a loaner and must be returned. As usual, this review is my honest opinion. No incentive was given for a favorable review.

  • 6N OCC Pure Copper Silver Plated Cables
  • Metal carry case
  • Driver configuration
    • Single Low Frequency Dynamic Driver
    • Single Mid Frequency Balanced Armature Driver
    • Quad High and Super High Frequency Electrostatic Tweeters
  • Three Way Crossover Network
  • Frequency Range: 10Hz – 80kHz (Theoretical)
  • Sensitivity: 95db SPL
  • Impedance: 21Ω
@szore I haven't heard the Walkyrie so I really can't say...
The Valkyrie have better upper-range the AME might be a bit thicker in the mids and has better bass impact. I felt the Valks were a little thin in the mid-range. The Valk has better bass presence.
I've found the Valkyrie to be a bit strident in the upper ranges, whereas the AME Custom Radioso is effortlessly extended without any sharp nastiness. For my listens, I used the QP2R. The first three out of the AME lineup, with the exception of the Gravitas, need lots of juice to really show what they can do. I think everybody needs to tell what they listened on.