Reviews by SwanSong


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Buffer section allows full flavor of each tube, Multiple I/O's
Cons: None yet but remote would be nice

I don’t have access to demo equipment so I troll the forums and look for some user feedback pattern that jives with my personal preference sound wise.   Well my search for an entry level DAC, preferably tube based began Oct 2012.  A couple of the DAC's I looked at began with Maverick, Matrix mini-i, Matrix Quattro and others but the term tube is used loosely in entry level equipment. I started focusing in on a true vaccum tube buffered DAC made by Grant Fidelity called Tube DAC-11 pretty early that had all my requirements for a modest $350.  As I began cross-referencing reviews and forums it became obvious that for its price it could be a giant killer, giant killer in that it could compete with DAC’s in the $500-$750 range.  Since I had already selected my active monitors Adam A7x’s I thought the tube buffer would warm the neutral Ax’s nicely.  When I received the TD-11 I was impressed and thought it was a good match but since I don’t have a point of reference with other DAC’s I doubted giant killer status.  Once I had everything dialed in I was a happy camper.  Until I met a brother from another mother that convinced me that I had not scratched the surface of the TD-11’s capabilities until I begin tube rolling.  He started the ball rolling by sending me several tubes to begin the exercise of dialing in the tube to match my monitors.  The first tube I rolled was the Zaerix 7DJ8, which added clarity, controlled low end and airier sound over and above the very good Chinese tube, supplied by Grant.  The next was a Russian tube Voskhod “rocket” which had all the Zaerix benefits but also included a perfect balance from revealing high resolution, punchy mids and tightness in the bass region that had my head bobbin.  I was convinced this was the tube but my arm was twisted to continue the experiment and keep rolling.  The next was the Amperex Bugle Boy, which warmed up the sound beyond what my system was capable of balancing out.  I was not at all disappointed since I had the rocket waiting in the wings.  Via special delivery, I also rolled the very popular Amperex PQ white label O getter and the sound was excellent on a higher-end level but the synergy with my monitors was off in comparison.   The giant killer for my system was the combination of the Grant TD-11 with the rocket tube and even though I’m sure it gets better, but at what cost?  

I am now at the halfway point on my digital rig and looking forward to the next chapter that brings me closer to audiophile bliss!


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: The overall sound is a perfect neutral blend of high to low frequencies with an outstanding midrange sweetness
Cons: None
I started building my digital only/active only rig last Oct. 2012, it began with interest in the following desktop speakers; Audioengine A5, then Swan M200 MK II/lll, then Swan T200B and finally moved on to true studio monitors after waking my hi-fi analog memories. I researched Yamaha, JBL, Mackie, KRK, Dynaudio, Focal, Genelec, M-Audio, Adam and all the below 1k (per) usual suspects. The Adam ribbon tweeter technology and price/performance ratio drew me in so I pulled the trigger purchasing the Adam A5x's. Loved the A5x relaxed, analytical but musical 2-way presentation but wanted a fuller (boxier) 3-wayish type sound since my application is playback (midfield) listening only rather than a traditional nearfield recording studio setup. So I upgraded the A5x to the A7x which added a bit of enclosure reverb to the revealing A5's signature sound. The new A7x's fit my needs so perfectly that this Adam love affair began:heart_eyes:! I matched them with a tube-dac that added the perfect warmth/mid-bass extension to the technical (neutral) studio monitor sound.  I just added the Adam Sub-8 (bass woofer more so than sub) to my setup equaling a classic 3-way sound. Playing high-res 24/96 flac files on my new digital rig is moving closer to my 80's vinyl reference rig (10in rosewood technic tt, nakamichi dragon, carver preamp & mono blocks, ads bi-amp 4-way towers).  The sub is really not needed for 95% of my listening requirements but it does add that subtle growl that is present in most recordings from time to time and when your this close to digital mid-fi bliss (on a shoestring budget) with analog hi-fi memories, why stop short LOL!!  I replaced the power cables on both monitors and sub with higher-end aftermarket power amp cables for additional dynamics and bass extension IMO!  The cable upgrades and tube-dac are not needed for great sound though, I used the A7x with my MBP audio out via rca adapter for the first month and they sounded very very nice.

My goal is to make this mid level active setup sound as close to pro audiophile (speaker/amp) quality as I can afford since this is my only system at the moment. After getting my digital rig to this halfway point, I don't think I will ever go back to passive speakers again. Low volume listening with active monitors is lovely indeed, my jazz and mature R&B sound incredible with low level detail that use to require massive ultra clean amperage in my tower days. The great thing is that while researching the final pieces to my current digital flow I've seen several upgrade paths to super audiophile level dac's, preamp's and active speakers including several Big Brothers of my beloved Adam's. :D yeaha! ---->$$$ Oh Oh:scream::sob:!!

Mission accomplished "GREAT MONITORS"::cool:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!