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Reviewer at Sound Perfection Reviews
Formerly affiliated with HiFi Headphones
Open, smooth and natural
Pros: Natural and balanced sound signature
Excellent bluetooth implementation
Cons: Comfort could be better
Firstly I would like to thank HiFiMAN for sending me the Deva for review.

*disclaimer: This sample was provided for the purpose of writing a review, no incentive was given to write a favourable review. All opinions expressed are my own subjective findings

Gear Used:
Pixel 3a > Deva (bluemini)
PC > JDS Labs Element II > Deva (wired)


Tech Specs:
Frequency Response : 20-20kHz
Impedance : 18Ω
Sensitivity : 93.5dB
Weight : 360g
Socket : TRRS 3.5mm
Bluemini Battery Life : 7-10 Hours (Bluetooth); 4-5 Hours (USB DAC no charging)
Bluemini Codecs : LDAC, aptX-HD, aptX, AAC, SBC
Bluemini Weight : 25g

Packaging, Build Quality and Accessories:

The Deva comes in your typical HiFiMAN style box with an etching of the model on the front (with product name etc…) and some information about the Deva on the back. It stands out and looks great, open the box and you’ll find the manual along with the headphones which are held in a fabric covered foam insert. This is quite common across HiFiMAN products now, and it’s a good looking product presentation without being excessive.

Build quality on the whole feels good, with the typical half fabric, half leatherette pads that clip into the cups. The cups are plastic, the grills are metal, the headband has metal arms that both extend and have a certain degree of swivel which is great. The top of the headband is leatherette and there is a single TRRS 3.5mm female socket on the left side. Whilst they don’t feel quite as industrial as the Sundara, and I do prefer headband with straps over just a single headband, the Deva definitely looks a bit better. It has more of a lifestyle product appeal to it with the chosen colour scheme. Luckily they sport some love planar drivers inside and HiFiMAN have not forgotten why people buy their products.

Accessory wise you get the standard 3.5mm cable for them, and if you opt for the bluetooth version you also get the Bluemini accessory along with the USB-C charging cable. These are full size headphones for $299, they don’t come with a fancy case or anything, and they don’t need to.


The bluetooth version come with the Bluemini dongle, which fits nicely onto the Deva and turns them in to a high quality bluetooth headphone. The Bluemini dongle supports the best bluetooth codecs out there luckily (LDAC / Aptx HD / AAC) and provides 7-10 hours of playback. The Bluemini also works as a DAC/amp so you can use the Deva via USB into a PC/Laptop via the USB-C port on the Bluemini. Some quite interesting features for sure, along with the traditional analogue wired mode.




Being a planar driver you can normally expect a tight and flat low end response, and the Deva definitely deliver that. They have good impact when it’s called for, and there is great extension down in to the sub-bass too. They are not an overly warm headphone, but they have the foundation there to make sure the sound isn’t boring. It’s agile enough to keep up with complex mixes, yet has enough body to be thoroughly enjoyable with more up-beat tracks. It’s tactile and articulate, with double bass sounding superb through the Deva but also always in line with the rest of the frequency response. They don’t quite reach the physical impact of the old HE-500 or the HE-6, and are a little more in line with the Sundara in terms of quantity.

Midrange: Due to the superb low end control you get a well separate and clean sounding midrange, both male and female vocals cut through with excellent detail retrieval and separation. Again resolution wise these are excellent for the price, but on a more technical note they don’t quite have the detail retrieval or note decay of the older HE-500 which sound a little more organic. The Deva don’t sound unnatural but there is a cleanliness to the sound that means they won’t necessarily suit those looking for a more coloured sound. The midrange isn’t peaky, there are no sibilance problems I can detect, they are just clean and well presented within the mix.

Treble: There is a little peak in the lower treble that brings out a little bit of extra energy, but it isn’t problematic or fatiguing to my ears at least. There is lots of energy and sparkle, but I wouldn’t say they have the airiest of treble extension, it does fall a bit flat when getting right into the upper octaves. However these are a lot of fun when listening to metal mixes, the energy and responsiveness of the drivers really do make a world of a difference and you can hear every tap and crash of cymbals, all well placed within the soundstage. There is a good amount of detail on display in the treble, but it isn’t presented in too forward a manner, and doesn’t reach the refinement levels of higher end models.

The soundstaging isn’t necessarily huge, but there is good separation and stereo imaging, everything sits in the right place and it’s easy to pick apart mixes.

The sound of the Deva to me is snappy and clean when driven with the JDS Labs Element II, they are very controlled and detailed with a good overall balance. They are not the most refined or detailed headphones, and the tonality might be ever so slightly lean, rather than organic, but they are so energetic and responsive that they are just a joy to listen to. I listen to a lot of heavier rock music and the Deva really brings this genre to life with a clean delivery and excellent speed and attack.


With the Bluemini the Deva retain their core signature which is really impressive, Bluetooth is advancing to the point where it really does sound great without too many drawbacks. If you listen closely, yes the top end isn’t quite as airy, and there is a slight lose of micro-detail the Deva are really enjoyable in their wireless configuration. It’s especially handy if you have things to do about the house and don’t want to be tethered to an amp for example, the slight loss in fidelity is negligible compared to the convenience here.

And even when critically listening with the Bluemini/Deva combo, the Deva offer up a very precise and clean sound, however there is a slight warmth over using them out of something like the Element II. This slight warmth actually contributes to making you think less about what you are listening to, and allows you to enjoy it.



I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first got the Deva, but from first listen the captivated me and are going to be a regularly used headphone. The sound is addictive, not as clinical as the Sundara, but on the other hand they are also not overly warm or smooth. They have the technical ability to pick apart complex mixes, yet the overall sound is balanced and coherent. You even get the added convenience of using them wireless if you get the version with the Bluemini dongle, which allows you to enjoy the core sound of the Deva with a bluetooth device. There is still excellent detail and depth to the sound when used wirelessly, only the sound is ever so slightly more compressed.

Anyone wanting an excellent all rounder with great flexibility for home use should consider the Deva, it’s great value for just under £300. They give you a taste of the higher end HiFiMAN models, in a comfortable and relatively easy to drive package.

Sound Perfection Rating: 9/10 (Natural, easy to listen to, flexible and enjoyable)


Previously known as sub30
Pros: A relatively relaxed neutral signature
All the planar benefits without the drawback/s
That soundstage, when amped…
Not as power-demanding as its little brother
Sophisticated look (subjective)
Large “earpad hole”
Relatively light clamping force (preference-dependent)
Cable is usable – this is a huge pro coming from the HE400se
Cons: Nothing for 219 USD (wired)

I would like to thank Mr. Mark and HIFIMAN for providing a review unit of the Deva. Rest assured that my impressions written in this review are my own personal thoughts and opinions and in no way influenced by outside parties.

I am not an expert in this hobby nor claim to be an audiophile. I just love listening to music and am fond of writing articles.


Deva. A simple Google search tells me that it is a Sanskrit word related to Hinduism meaning “a divine being or a god.” I have here the wired version which sells for 219 USD, with an impedance of 18 ohms and a sensitivity of 93.5dB. There’s a BT version with an included BT DAC/Amp for 299 USD. As it is a HIFIMAN, it utilizes a full-sized, planar driver and follows in one way or another the neutral “line.”

Oppo Reno 4 > KGUSS BH3 > Kenwood KA-7300 > Transducer


It was possible to reach my listening volume using only my phone, with a bit of headroom. But, as this is a planar, amping is mandatory.


Build and Comfort: There’s something with the color scheme of the Deva that I just frickin’ adore. It oozes sophistication, luxury, and dare I say, “divinity.” As looks are subjective, it will of course depend on your preference. For me? I really, really love how the Deva exudes this delicate “air” around it, when on display.

As is typical of HIFIMAN, build is a mix of metal and plastic. Cup is made of plastic, but the grill and the “cup holder” thingy are all metal. No “wrong” moving part, whatsoever.

It also uses the new headband which fit comfortably on my head (same with HE400se, swivel’s front-and-back to an extent). YMMV.

The earpads are angled, aren’t circular, and are rather… elliptical? Hole is larger than the HE400se and should fit most ears. I do have to note that it was quite stiff OOTB, but a few days of leaving it “engaged” on the product box resulted in a softer feel on-ear (break-in).

Shaking the headphone itself, and you get some “wiggle” but nothing I would say unacceptable.

Now, for the cable… IT’S AWESOME!... coming from the HE400se, that is. It’s a 3.5mm TRS to 3.5mm TRRS cable, with the input source side being L-shaped. I’m not sure about the length, but it’s definitely more than 1 meter, which is very useful for me as I am always plugged into the amplifier, and a shorter cable would have been a hassle. This length is quite, personally speaking, impossible to use portably. But, then again, the Deva is an open-backed planar headphone and it’s generally not intended for portable use, no matter how it is advertised.

If you want to commission a custom cable if ever you need different connector types (balanced and such), cable material, or others, just send HIFIMAN a message on Facebook and they’ll send the pinout immediately.

Clamping force is on the lighter side and comfort would depend on the user’s head.

Package: ¼" adapter. Paperwork. Stock cable.

Now, onto sound:

For this review, the headphone was left in stock mode, without mods with a listening volume of low-medium to medium.


it’s neutral-sounding but mid-bass is more noticeable in the mix due to the sub-bass roll-off, resulting in a warmer tonality. What this does is that while it retains the “flat” line, the listener is provided with a fuller and punchier bass response, compared to a more analytical bass, to a degree, that is. However, even if it easily extends lower than 40 Hz (quite amazing, if you think about it), as it is an open-back, the Deva doesn’t work well in providing that sub-bass rumble for tracks that utilize such frequency. I have only listened to two planar headphones currently, the HE400se and the Deva. The former’s bass response is significantly more analytical/linear than the latter. However, the latter sounds much more “organic.” One can interpret this statement as, “The HIFIMAN Deva actually sounds close to how a dynamic driver presents bass, with the DD being vaguely described as having that organic tonality.” That’s a huge advantage, in my opinion – the best of both worlds, tonality of a DD + technicalities of a planar. But, it is still quicker in decay than the usual DD. Detail/texture is perceived and because it is a planar, bass lines are controlled and articulate, although isn't the best I've heard, regardless of transducer type.

Midrange: still that pre-upper/upper midrange dip… but it’s not as bad as the HE400se! While it is essentially “neutral,” that very slight dip does make the Deva appear to have a more delicate midrange. It does come off as recessed with certain tracks if you listen carefully, but it is still very much present, nonetheless. Coming from the HE400se, I didn’t expect the Deva to sound so… organic. Vocals are presented satisfyingly weighty, definitely influenced by that mid-bass presence – lush and emotional. The dip allows for an “ethereal” display. That quality is so hard to explain in words without having listened to it, but if you’ve ever watched movies/shows with the “coming-from-the-heavens” voice, or one of the dryad or any mythical creature kind of stuff, its close to that. Very, very preference-dependent but also very, very addicting. Instruments are articulate, detailed, and well-separated in the mix.

Treble: relatively neutral with the deviation of a peak going above neutral at around lower-to-mid treble. What this does is add zing to the presentation, but because the mid-bass is noticeably prominent on-ear, everything balances out. Extension is excellent and there are no lost frequencies. As it is a planar, along with the benefits of the driver technology granted that it is being fed with ample power, treble is very crisp, airy and detailed. But it is not the smoothest presentation – due to the few dips here and there, while staying in line with neutral (note: more mellow even on some sub-regions), highs sometimes sound grainy depending on the track, though is admittedly a rare occurrence. This is nitpicking, ngl. No sibilance heard at all.


the Deva is exceptionally natural sounding considering it’s a planar, with no artificial tint whatsoever.

Soundstage, Imaging, and Separation: You gotta amp the Deva. After that, you are enveloped in this majestic soundstage that simply presents music as if you’re not wearing anything on your head – it’s *that* holographic. The lighter clamping force, larger earpad hole, and the open-back design plays a role in this. Add in the accurate imaging and effortless separation, and the Deva keeps getting better and better.

Detail-retrieval: The technical capabilities of a planar headphone is just fascinating. Even if it’s not an aggressive tuning to maximize perceived detail, it effortlessly presents macro and microdetail even with the distinct mid/upper-bass presence.



While I cannot speak for the more expensive wireless version that comes with the Bluemini BT DAC/Amp, the wired Deva that I have presents incredible value at 219 USD. With a close-to-neutral tuning that is tonally exceptional, the HIFIMAN Deva incorporates its namesake to its looks and most importantly its sound. Endgame-material tonality, in my most honest opinion.

*Dropped rating due to Takstar HF580

****If you have other questions/concerns with the headphone mentioned, feel free to message me****​
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Reviewer at Ear Fidelity
Hifiman Deva Wired
Pros: Fantastic sound quality for the price
Slightly warmer and more exciting than the 400i 2020
Good build quality
Soundstage is bonkers
Cons: Cable is just okay
Packaging is simple, but that's okay for the price

After the huge success of the Bluetooth Deva, Hifiman decided to launch its wired version, pricing it at $219. As usual, it is a planar-magnetic headphone promising an unrivalled value.

Sound quality for the price

Rating: 10 out of 10.

Build quality and design

Rating: 9 out of 10.


Rating: 10 out of 10.


In 2020 Hifiman released the Deva – their second, full-sized Bluetooth headphone after the Ananda BT. It’s been vastly successful, thanks to its fantastic sound quality and convenience.

It wasn’t all double rainbow though – some people simply didn’t want to pay extra for the Bluetooth functionality they might never use. Hifiman has listened to these complaints, and they came up with a wired version of Deva, simply because not everyone needs Bluetooth functionality (me included actually). So, here it is.



Say hello to Hifiman Deva.

The unboxing experience is quite similar to that of the Sundara or the HE-400i 2020. It’s a good looking outer box with not really much more into it. After opening it, you’re greeted by the Deva itself, the cable, and…that’s basically it. You’re also getting a manual and catalogue, but we’re living in an era of the internet – nobody really uses them anyway.
Having all that in mind, a simple conclusion comes into my mind – sure, it’s a modest and rather simple packaging, but this product isn’t meant to be luxurious or to seem expensive. Almost all of the budget went into the technology and materials, and that’s a good thing. Why bother including some quality accessories, if the performance of the product itself is rather poor? I prefer it to be the other way, and that’s exactly what happens here.


And here it is.


The included cable is Deva’s biggest weakness. It is basic and unimpressive. For the $219 asking price it’s fine, but don’t expect a quality cable coming with the new Deva. Also, it isn’t symmetric, which means that only one connector goes into the headphone itself (in this case, into the left earcup). Not a perfect solution, but I believe many people will actually appreciate this. I’d personally prefer a symmetrical entry into both earcups, but hey, it is what it is.


The included cable is…okay.

Build quality and design​


But as far as the headphone goes, it impresses with basically everything.

In terms of the wired Hifiman models, Deva continues the fashion started by the 400i 2020. That means that it’s a very well-built pair of headphones, with the whole headband construction being identical to this of the 400i.

The only difference is in the earcups and the pads. The cups have an elongated shape in comparison to the round ones found in the 400i. This results in a more interesting look of the headphone, and it also affects the overall shape of the earpads as well. Thanks to that, they’re slightly more comfortable than the HE400i, as there’s simply more room around your ears.

The included pads are squishy, comfortable and nice to the touch. What’s interesting though, is that as shown on the photo below, they do look like a sweater from up close. Still, they are breathable and I really have no complaints.



I was surprised when I first saw the earpads through the Macro lens. It looks like a sweater!

Let’s put that straight – Deva is a very comfortable pair of headphones. This is my go-to pair for gaming, because of that, and thanks to one thing, that I’ll describe in the sound section of this review.

Nonetheless, Deva weighs 360g, but you simply don’t feel that on your head. The clamping force is very subtle, resulting in a fatigue-free and lightweight listening experience. The one and only problem I feel is the cable. Because of it going into just the left earcup, I sometimes feel it dragging a little, as the connector itself is not the smallest one. It’s not too big of a problem, but if they made it angled, or the connector itself was smaller, it would have been a perfectly comfortable pair of headphones.



Old-School-ish planar magnetic driver with magnets on both sides – lovely.

Deva uses a planar-magnetic driver with magnets on both sides. This is a reference to the past, when Hifiman was producing their legendary line-up, including the HE-6, HE-500, etc.
Thanks to that, the drivers are heavier than the ones with the single-sided magnet array, and this kind of construction is relatively harder to drive. The impedance is rated at 18 oHms, with the sensitivity of 93.5 dB.



It really sings.

I personally believe that Hifiman leads the market when it comes to “affordable”, open-back headphones nowadays. They’ve got the he400i 2020, which we awarded as “Best Headphones of 2020” thanks to their incredible value. Also, they’ve got a very broad offering, with award-winning models in almost every price category – Sundara, Ananda, Arya, Susvara to name a few. In Bluetooth over-ear market they are playing in their own league, and now they gave us a wired version of the vastly popular Deva, and guess what…it’s yet another great product.
One thing that is worth mentioning is that the Deva is a similar headphone to Hifiman’s He400i 2020. The biggest difference between the two when it comes to the sound is a slightly different timbre. That’s actually a great thing, as we still think the 400i is THE headphone to beat in the +/- $200 price market.

Starting from the bass, it is a touch boosted compared to the 400i 2020, and it has a slightly more sub-bass presence. It results in the low frequencies that are both neutral and boosted just a little bit. Result? A fantastic performing bass that is both well-controlled and fun to listen to.
“Sounds That Can’t Be Made” by Marillion starts with a hit and it continues throughout the whole song. While the 400i was greatly controlled and accurate, it lacked a little bit of kick, which is more prominent with the Deva. That made this song more enjoyable, powerful, and just simply better sounding.
That change also helps modern music quite a bit. Let’s talk The Weeknd “After Hours”. I’m not gonna talk about the pure awesomeness of this album, as I believe everyone knows what I’m talking about.
Getting back to it, that is a fun, fun, fun album to listen to, but it requires some kickbass presence to be really enjoyable. Well, while this is not perfect with the 400i 2020, it’s noticeably more enjoyable with the Deva.


This color combination is striking in real life.

The midrange is again – quite neutral, but a touch different in terms of timbre than the 400i. While I described the latter as very neutral and uncolored, the Deva takes a slight step towards being warm and full-bodied sounding. Don’t expect the body or warmth of Audeze headphones though, as it is subtle here in the Deva.
This frequency also got me the biggest shock I’ve had in the headphone audio for a while now. The first song I’m always playing with the new gear is “A thousand Shards of Heaven” by Lunatic Soul. I’ve done it a couple thousand times now and I know every single note as my own pocket. Yet after trying the Deva for the first time I was well…shocked. As speechless as I’ve been, I asked my girlfriend to come to the desk and to listen to the same song as well. Observing her face as she was submerged into this musical abyss was quite nervous for me, as I waited for her feedback about my sanity.
As expected though, she took them off and simply said – wow, beautiful. That’s exactly what I’ve heard. The vocal of Mariusz Duda was such beautifully mellow, moist, resonating, romantic…it is hard for me to explain the genesis of such thing by looking at the frequency response. One thing I’m sure though – that was a TOP 5 performance when it comes to this specific song that I’ve ever heard, and I’ve tried it on some really serious gear, reaching 100k dollars and above. Stunning.

The treble is where I hear the least differences between the 400i and the Deva. It is vivid, crispy and well-controlled, but it doesn’t get sharp or unpleasant, running from the ATOM stack, which is known for not hiding anything in the upper frequencies. That results in a very energetic and neutral response that is well-suited for every music genre. The only thing that is not super impressive is the cymbals. Don’t get me wrong, they do sound great and detailed, but they lack body just a little bit. That’s not a problem though, as I think that only high-end, top of the line headphones tend to really get those right in terms of timbre and that pure, metallic sound.
As a result, listening to Fletwood Mac’s “Rumours” album is a great journey to enjoy. While not the best I’ve heard, it is definitely shockingly good for a +/- $200 pair of headphones. Chapeau bas.


But still, not as striking as the sound quality.

And it doesn’t end there. Now into the biggest difference between the 400i and the Deva – the soundstage. I’ll put it as simple as it gets – Deva is the best staging headphone under 500 USD that I’ve ever heard, period. Wide, deep, razor-sharp and such holographic. It’s easiest to notice in gaming – while the 400i 2020 gave me a great gaming experience in FPS games, the Deva is just simply spectacular in this regard. They do create such a realistic, 3D soundstage that I kinda feel like I’m cheating. Also, what’s the most impressive is the ease of distinguishing the front and the rear. I actually believe that the Deva does this one thing better than the Sennheiser HD800 – and that means a lot to me.


VS Hifiman HE400i 2020

Hifiman HE400i 2020

Well, I’ve spent a big part of this review comparing these two, but let me summarize things. The 400i is the more neutral, flat and linear sounding of the two, which results in a more analytical and studio-like listening experience. The Deva, on the other hand, is a little bit fuller sounding, warmer and more pleasant. It also has a better sub-bass response, and most importantly – an even better soundstage. While the 2020’s staging capabilities are impressive, the Deva is, yet again – the best staging headphone I’ve ever heard in this price range.

VS Meze 99 Classics

Meze 99 Classics

Okay, these two are just different – while the 99 Classics is fun, bold and in-your-face sounding, it lacks the definition, staging, and detail of the Deva. This planar-magnetic driver is really hard to beat when it comes to imaging, accuracy, and transparency of the sound. If you’re all about that big, bassy, and energetic sound then sure, consider the Meze – you might actually love them. But, for every single other reason, Deva is an easy choice.

VS Dekoni Blue

Dekoni Blue

This one is a similar story to the one with Meze 99 Classics – If you want that huge, saturated bass and very forward, exciting sound, then the Dekoni Blue has the edge. If you value detail, soundstage and resolution though, the Deva is a no-brainer and it beats the Blue by a big margin. If you have quite a collection under your hand, then the Dekoni Blue is an exciting addition thanks to many things (review coming soon – stay tuned!), but if you’re looking for the best possible pair of headphones within that price range, Deva wins easily.



Deva is just shockingly good.

Hifiman yet again proves that it plays in its own league when it comes to “budget” open-back headphones. Even though they’ve got the Award-Winning he400i 2020 that beats all the competition, they’ve released the wired version of Deva, which in some areas is even better. If you’re looking for the best possible sound quality for 200-300 USD, then the DEVA is a very, very strong contender. Extraordinary.

Highly recommended.

Gear used during this review for the sake of comparison and as an accompanying equipment:
  • Headphones – Audeze LCD3, Hifiman HE 400i 2020, Meze 99 Classics, Dekoni Blue, AKG K501
  • Sources– Cayin N3Pro, JDSLabs Atom DAC + Atom AMP, Luxman R-1040, Ayon HA-3
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Excellent review, I agree on each single word. Just a minor comment/remark to stress once again that the Bluemini module of the Deva BT is working very well and is a BIG added value, allowing you to go wired or wireless (and Hi-Res) at your will, they are just two very different ways of enjoying music.


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