General Information

Kinera has joined hands with Zeos from Z-Reviews for a special variant of the super amazing Nanna four-driver tribrid set of in-ear monitors.



Technical Specs:-

>Quad-driver setup(1DD+1BA+2EST).

>Impedance: 60Ω.

>Sensitivity: 110dB.

>Frequency Response: 5Hz-50kHz.

Latest reviews


100+ Head-Fier
Review of Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition
Pros: Excellent bass response with great depth and definition
Rich and engaging mids response that adds a sense of depth and complexity to the sound
Clear and detailed high frequency response that adds a beautiful shimmer and sparkle to the sound
Dynamic and nuanced sound with great texture and detail
Comfortable and well-designed earpieces with good noise isolation
Stylish and visually appealing design with a high-quality finish
Cons: Slightly recessed midrange compared to some other high-end earphones
Earpieces may not fit comfortably for everyone, as they are quite large and bulky
Price point may be considered high for some users, especially compared to other high-end earphones in the market
Disclaimer: This is entirely a personal preference based on my experience with this device. Furthermore, this is an unpaid review that is uninfluenced by Kinera. As part of a tour in my country, Nanna 2.1 was delivered to us as a review sample. I am grateful to the brand for this as well. For more information, please visit Kinera's website via the URL provided below (non-affiliated). As always, I recommend that you test the equipment before purchasing it.


Initial Impressions:
Once you put the earphones in your ears, you'll be immediately struck by the quality of the sound. The Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition boasts a wide soundstage, with every instrument and vocal given the space to breathe and be heard. The highs are crisp and clear, without ever becoming shrill or harsh. The mids are rich and warm, lending a depth and complexity to the sound that will have you rediscovering your favorite music all over again. And the bass is deep and powerful, without ever overwhelming or distorting the other elements of the sound.

The build quality of these earphones is also top-notch. The earpieces are made from solid, high-quality materials, and the cables are thick and sturdy, with a nice weight and feel that inspires confidence. The fit is comfortable and secure, with a range of ear tips included to help you find the perfect fit.

Overall, the Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is a truly outstanding pair of earphones. They offer a level of sound quality and customization that is unparalleled at this price point, and their build quality and design are impeccable. If you're an audiophile looking for a new pair of earphones that will bring your music to life in a whole new way, you owe it to yourself to give these a listen.

The review is based on using Apple Music (ALACs) as a source via Macbook Pro onto an AQ Cobalt + AQ Jitterbug at the same volume level for all tracks. Please keep in mind that I have used the stock cable and tips with the unit. Following are the tracks used for this review:
  • Wow by Post Malone
  • Carry On by XXXTentacion
  • Jiya Jale by AR Rehman
  • Moh Moh Ke Dhaage by Anu Malik
  • Street Dancer by Avicii
  • One Kiss by Calvin Harris
  • Get Low by Dillion Francis and DJ Snake

Detailed Impressions:


The bass response of the Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is a standout feature that sets it apart from many other earphones in its price range. The bass is deep, powerful, and well-defined, without ever overpowering or distorting the other elements of the sound.

The Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition utilizes a single dynamic driver, which is responsible for producing the bass frequencies. This driver has been specifically tuned to deliver a clean and impactful bass response, without any muddiness or bloat. The result is a bass that feels tight and controlled, with plenty of punch and impact.

What's particularly impressive about the bass response of the Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is how well it integrates with the rest of the sound. The bass never feels like it's competing with the other frequencies or drowning them out. Instead, it adds a solid foundation to the sound, giving it weight and presence without ever overwhelming it.

The bass response of the Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is also impressively versatile. It can handle everything from electronic dance music to hip-hop to rock with ease. It's particularly effective at reproducing acoustic bass, with notes that sound deep and resonant, without ever becoming muddy or indistinct. Its bass response is both powerful and nuanced, adding a layer of depth and richness to your music that is truly impressive.

The mids response of the Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is another area where these earphones really excel. The mids are rich and warm, lending a depth and complexity to the sound that is truly impressive.

The mids are handled by a single balanced armature driver, which has been tuned to deliver a detailed and nuanced midrange response. The result is a sound that is full-bodied and engaging, with vocals that are particularly impressive.

Female vocals are rendered with a smooth and silky quality, while male vocals are given a full and authoritative presence. The mids also do an excellent job of reproducing instruments like guitars and pianos, with notes that are both detailed and well-rounded.

One of the things that's particularly impressive about the mids response of the Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is how well it balances with the other frequencies. The mids never feel too forward or too recessed, but rather sit comfortably within the mix, adding a sense of richness and depth to the sound.

The mids are also very dynamic, with a great sense of texture and nuance. They can handle both delicate and complex passages with ease, and are equally at home with both acoustic and electric instruments. They deliver a rich and engaging sound that is both detailed and nuanced, and are a real treat for anyone who appreciates a well-crafted midrange response.

The high frequency response of the Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is another area where these earphones truly shine. The highs are crisp, clear, and well-extended, without ever becoming harsh or sibilant.

The highs are handled by sonion EST drivers, which has been specifically tuned to deliver a detailed and extended high frequency response. The result is a sound that is full of clarity and detail, with cymbals and other high frequency percussion instruments rendered with a beautiful shimmer and sparkle.

One of the standout features of the high frequency response of the Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is its ability to handle complex and busy passages with ease. Even in the most frenetic and layered recordings, the highs remain clear and articulate, allowing you to hear every nuance and detail in the music.

The high frequency response is also well-balanced with the other frequencies, adding a sense of airiness and spaciousness to the sound without ever becoming overwhelming or fatiguing. The highs are never overly boosted or emphasized, but rather sit comfortably within the mix, adding a sense of depth and dimensionality to the sound.

It delivers a clear, detailed, and extended high frequency response that is both engaging and enjoyable to listen to. Whether you're listening to acoustic music or electronic dance music, the high frequency response of these earphones is sure to impress.


In conclusion, the Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is an exceptional pair of earphones that delivers a truly high-end audiophile experience. The bass response is deep, powerful, and well-defined, without ever overpowering or distorting the other elements of the sound. The mids response is rich and warm, adding a sense of depth and complexity to the sound that is truly impressive. Finally, the high frequency response is crisp, clear, and well-extended, with a beautiful shimmer and sparkle that brings a sense of airiness and spaciousness to the sound.

The Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition truly excels at reproducing a wide range of genres, from electronic dance music to acoustic music, with ease. The sound is dynamic and nuanced, with a great sense of texture and detail that is sure to delight even the most discerning audiophile.

Overall, if you're looking for a pair of earphones that deliver a truly high-end audiophile experience, the Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition is an excellent choice. With its impressive bass response, rich and engaging mids, and clear and detailed highs, it's a real standout in its price range.

Thanks for your time and Cheers!

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New Head-Fier
Tonal Beast, The Kinera Nanna
Pros: 1. Natural Tonality
2. Smooth Treble
3. Musical Mid range
4. Warm Bass
5. Extensive Soundstage
Cons: 1. Lack of details
2. Imaging

Review Of The Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition



When it comes to electroacoustic products, Kinera is known for bringing out the best in the audiophile community. This is true of both their enormous selection of IEMs and their obscenely beautiful yet useful cables. I have tried many of their IEMs and cables, particularly those from their subsidiary Celest. They really do, in my opinion, bring out the cavalry in this battlefield in a distinctive and different manner. I'm overjoyed and relieved to have the opportunity to review their flagship IEM, the Nanna 2.1, which popular audiophile and YouTuber Zeos specifically tuned. The Nanna 2.1 Z-tune edition, jointly developed by Kinera and Zreview, is the third version of the Nanna family. Before I share my opinions and observations about them, let's look into some of the first things I need to clear.

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*Since this unit tour was organised by the wonderful people at HiFiGo, I am grateful to them. And as I've said in all of my evaluations, the same is true for this one: all of the concepts I've expressed below are entirely my own, original ideas that haven't been influenced by anyone else. If interested, go to this link.
*I am not associated with the connection, and I receive no financial assistance from anyone.
*For the remainder of the review, I will refer to these IEMs as "Nanna."
*I am using different Ear-tips for convenience and better versatility.
*Finally, I will only evaluate the Nanna based on their performance, even though I will explain how it feels and seems physically and aesthetically.



Nanna is an IEM with three different driver configurations. Totaling four drivers per side, the treble is handled by two Sonions EST65DA01 electrostatic drivers, the midrange is handled by a Sonions 26A00*/5 balanced armature driver, and the bass is handled by an in-house 7mm titanium-plated dome PU composite high poly fibre dynamic driver. The Nannas' shells are exquisitely crafted, and they feel and look smaller than the shells of many IEMs in this price range. The faceplate of the Nannas is incredibly gorgeous, with the Zreviews logo imprinted on one side and Kinera written over a lovely sparkling design on the other. The nozzle is long, in contrast to many IEMs in this price range, and it fits the right eartips perfectly. The IEMs are comfortable even after extended listening sessions because they are light, fit perfectly, and sit perfectly on the ear. A 2.5mm, 4.4mm, or 3.5mm plug can be connected to the 1.2m 6N OCC+OCC silver-plated cable that is included with the device. The cable connects to the IEM through a 2 pin connection. The included accessories include a cable with three connectors, the IEM itself, five sets of Final Audio type E eartips, six sets of Kinera custom eartips, two sets of foam eartips, a premium genuine leather storage case, and a cleaning brush .Technically speaking, the impedance is 60 ohms and the sensitivity is approximately 110 dB. 5Hz to 50kHz is the range of the frequency response.


* Photo Credit
*I was unable to test the other accessories because I was only given the IEMs with cable in its case; however, a picture of the contents of the package is shown above.


Peace and harmony were the only thoughts that came to mind as I was listening to the Nannas. I'm not kidding when I say that the Nannas are the holy grail in my ears. Every time I listen to these, the presentation is so fulfilling that I always lose myself in my own world. The more I listened to it, the deeper the sound carried me. These truly are excellent. The Nanna is tuned in a way that will help you unwind and enjoy the music. If I said that these excel in everything, that would be incorrect. In other words, regardless of the technical prowess of the IEMs, this kind of tuning is special and intended for those audiophiles who prefer mellow and rich sounding IEMs. It's not like these aren't technically advanced; in fact, they excel in many areas and have solid evidence to support them. IEMs in this price range, however, have better technical capabilities but lack the tonal balance that these offer. Another thing I want to mention is that, from my experience and from spending time with audiophiles, I find that after listening to an IEM for a while, I tend to lose interest in the technical details because I am more drawn to the IEMs' tonal qualities. The point of this issue is that these are the kinds of pairs that make you want to lean back and enjoy your time listening to them without ever thinking about any fatigue or inconveniences if ever made after a certain point in time. I am saying that the technicalities make no contribution to what I am listening to. The Nannas' presentation is soothing, satisfying, and radiates warmth and melody. The treble is exceptionally extended and responds smoothly. The bass response is sublime and boomy, and the midrange is as natural as it can be. Let's look more closely at sound.



The happiness I experienced while listening to the treble region was extraordinary, putting me in a state of nirvana due to how lush and engrossing the experience was while still being so vast and calming. The vocals and instruments stretch out as far as they can without dissolving into a single note or producing an offensive effect, and the more I try to grasp onto them, the farther away they seem to be. The upper treble is as expansive as it can be with ease. The fact that it never sounds offensive, regardless of how high the note scales are, is another of its best features. Instead, the details come across as more dependable and approachable. The cymbal crashes sound authentic with good note weight, and the snare hits bring back the realistic essesne, demonstrating the instruments' excellent tonal balance and timbre. However, even though the details aren't quite in the forefront, it still brings out the best in the notes' naturalness. To be honest, it isn't quite sparkly or bright sounding, where the details will shine with the crisp practicality of the instruments' notes while leaning on the light tonality of the vocalsI should also point out that this IEM's purpose is to satisfy an audiophile with whatever they listen to, not to achieve the highest level of detail possible. No matter what they listen to, they never take these IEMs off. These have a significant impact on the listener. While maintaining the integrity of the vocal and instrumental notes, the lower treble is quite energising. The vocals can be obtrusive and lack a lively approach, but the harmony and calming reaction these elicit in me make me wonder if this is not real and if so, what is. The vocal and instrumental timbre feels natural and energetic, enveloping you in comfort and lulling you to sleep. The instruments really hold down the dense approach of the notes, and the female vocals sound incredibly beautiful and mature. Although I still found some annoyances that bothered me, the first is that when listening to complex tracks, the vocals can get dense while ceding space to the instruments and getting pushed back, and the second is that even though the details come through, there are times when I yearn for more. Other than that, the treble region's overall presentation is calming, rich sounding, and relaxing.

Mid Range

The Nannas' music has such a soft, warm, and comforting presentation, and the more I listen to them, the more I realise how lovingly their vocals and instruments sound, especially in the mid range. When the vocals are complemented by the instruments' melodic accompaniment, the vocals and instruments are in perfect harmony. Nothing appears to be off or uneven. The upper mid range reaches you with a lot of thick and natural timbre and is just as energising as the lower treble, if not more so. There is no room for the vocals to sound hollow or lean, so they feel complete and delightful. The instruments have a corresponding response, which, in my opinion, reveals the instruments' natural timbre with a sufficient amount of details. Even though the note clarity isn't the best, it does a great job of highlighting the best notes, especially when it comes to strings and percussive hits. The best part is that even when challenging tracks are played, no energy is lost. Even though the vocals and lower treble had a slight pull to them, the positioning was overall much better. Again, I should point out that these aren't detail-hungry beasts that notice every inconvenience or detail that comes your way; rather, they are tuned to allow you to elope into the world of your music. But I think the specifics are enough to sound regal and impeccable. Even though these sound dense and warm, the overall cleanliness of the response is really impressive. Without a doubt, the lower mid range serves as the basis for the lovely symphony between the vocals and the instruments in the higher frequencies. Although the vocals and instruments have a flat sound, they are also dense and give the response its warmth. I think the tuning done in this region is commendable because the dullness of the notes in the lower mid range doesn't sound bloated or grainy; rather, the notes in this region should act exactly as they do to bring out the best in the higher frequencies. It surprises me how well the tonal balance between being clear and being ambiguous is maintained. Nothing can compare to the bass line because it is so natural and dense with the right amount of details, speaking naturally from a tonal perspective. However, I still believe that a little more air should be distributed over the mid range, which might have given the vocals and instruments a sense of openness and more breathability. Overall though, the mid range region is presented in a rich, satisfying, and musical manner.


The bass response is amazing, giving me a dashing and engaging feeling. As was already mentioned, they have a clean response, but that does not imply that it is distinct or tuned with the highest degree of clarity. Returning to the response, the Nannas' organic, thick, and somewhat explosive bass response. The deep and incredibly large sub bass region is where the emphasis is. The punches hits you really hard while the slams are very satisfying, so there is no question that they don't have much of an impact. The physicality of the bass is offset by the satisfying rumble that fills my entire ear canal. For the first time, I found it interesting that the sub bass region is not significantly elevated. I also learned that having a lower bass shelf actually elevates the experience of the mid bass, which results in more participation of the mid bass in the overall mix. By this I mean that the exposed lesser, which doesn't even feel like it bleeds into the mix, has a meatier approach than the mid. The slams are satisfying to feel as it hits you softly but with better exposure, and the mid bass has a good enough boomier approach. Such a response, which negates the fact that being sub bassy means less warmth, is what gives the music the explosiveness I was referring to. The warm bass approach is reassuring and enjoyable to listen to. However, this does not imply that it monopolises the stage or muddles the response. Although the response from the bass is not what you would describe as linear and staggering, it does maintain control and resolve very quickly. The response is dense, thick, and warm, which denotes that the impact is not strong, but it hits hard, and that the response is also not very well textured or detailed. When listening to tracks with a lot of bass, the bass can become overwhelming, and occasionally I find the response monotonous because the notes feel so similar and there isn't much clarity for any noises in between the notes. Other than that, I think the bass is nostalgic for me because it reminds me of how I had imagined the track's bass should have sounded. Such a bass response has very much met my expectations. Such a bass response has a satisfying, warm, and thick overall response.

Technical Performance

Since the beginning, I've been clear that such an IEM's technical prowess is neither breathtaking nor unbelievable; rather, the technical performance is sufficient to produce musical and engaging sound. I have heard many IEMs in this price range that perform better than this IEM, but I have also taken into account the fact that even though this IEM is a tonal beast, such technical prowess should not be taken lightly. If you only want to hear details and are willing to sacrifice the true nature of the notes, most IEMs lose their tonality and release annoyances and offensiveness in the signature. Even though I recognise the value of tonality and favour it over edgy, sharp technicalities, I can understand why most audiophiles prefer tonality over technical performance if it makes listening offensive or tiresome. Although I do not support the Nannas response as being superior due to its technical prowess, I do comprehend the "why" behind these IEMs. Although the stage is large and the separation is clearly far away and distinct, neither the imaging nor the details are as sharp as I had hoped. Let's go into this in more detail.


Soundstage, Sound Imaging & Separation

After Monarch MKII, this is the first time I've heard a stage this large, with such a great depth and enough width to sound spacious. The imaging could have used more tactility and a sharper edge, but I'm still happy with the result. The separation is excellent as well because the notes are far apart, giving it a spacious sound and allowing room for breathing. Since it is simple to identify the source of the sound, the distinctiveness of the notes is strongly implied.

Speed & Resolution

Although the details are not as exploitative as I may have anticipated, there is still strong resolution with such an IEM, which is impressive and strongly felt in the response. The clean response is made up for by the nicely timed attack of notes and the swift decay of notes.

Sound Impressions


Tempotec V6 - The Nannas felt fantastic when paired with the V6, with a response that was more relaxed and precise. The treble is calming while still being well-presented and detailed. The mid range is fuller, with more vocals coming through while the instruments are still there to support them. The bass feels much better and is well-controlled. Technically speaking, not much has changed because the stage and separation still feel the same. However, I can say that the imaging and details are slightly better because I have a better grasp of the notes. Overall, I think the V6 pairing is the best.

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iFI Hipdac - I noticed a slight difference in the response when pairing with the hipdac. Although the tonality wasn't greatly affected, the technicality of this IEM with such minor adjustments changed my response and perception of the IEMs. While the mid range sounded more forward in the mix with better details, the treble felt more rounded and relaxed. Punches and slams had a stronger bass feel, and they had more force. The stage is where I first noticed a difference. As the stage felt closer, the specifics of the notes became much clearer and had a better sense of texture. With some separation issues due to the placement of the elements, the imaging felt better. The conclusion and the details were incredibly vivid while the speed of the notes felt the same. Even though some minor tonal and technical adjustments improved the details, I still believe that the V6 hasn't changed much about the fundamental characteristics of this IEM.




With the Thieaudio Monarch MKII

Monarch MKII is the foundation from where I start recognising other IEMs. For me the Monarch MKII has the perfect treble, mid range and bass. I may prefer more punchy bass though, but all in all close to what I find in an IEM. The treble is extensive and exceptionallly smooth for my taste. The mid range is centric and very expressive and the bass goes deep and rumbles beautifully. The bass feels lacking slam but it is there, but I love the way it is. In my opinion, these are technical monster, as the stage is expansive and realistic with great depth and acting dimensions. The imaging may have been more edgy and sharp but it is enough to sound clean and crisp. The separation is really how distant and distinctive every element should be. The attack and decay resolves at a pace I find natural and real. All in all I find it to sound perfect with superb tonality and excellent technicalities. Monarch MKII still surprises me how both technical and tonal performances blend and compliments each other. A peaceful and relaxed play.
I was drawn to the Nannas because of their tuning, which reminded me a lot of my beloved Monarch MKII. The Monarch MKII delivers a tone that is nearly identical to the stage. Although there are obviously many differences in the ways in which they deliver the sound, the overall impression is the same. The Monarch MKII has the advantage in terms of technical aspects, despite the fact that the space feels nearly identical. The MKII also benefits more from the area's width and places everything differently on stage and in relation to it. I think the positioning on the Monarch is better because it seems more sincere and right to me in terms of perspective and taste. The Nannas has a similar sentiment, but it approaches stage and separation with more composure. The Monarch MKII's imaging is significantly superior, but if I were to take the nature of the IEMs into consideration, I would find the Nannas to be more thorough in their output. They are neither misleading nor incapable. I won't go and say that Nannas lack imaging and detail skills because that would be like barking up the wrong tree. With everything I've learned from my experiences, I've come to the conclusion that IEM tuning typically suffers from the fate that if the tonality is better, the technicalities may not be good, and if the technicalities are excellent, the tonality may suffer. Because of this, I see Nannas for what they are and if they meet my needs, which they do with ease. Along with the resolution, the Monarch MKII also has better note speed. Regarding tone, the treble on the Monarch MKII is much more grasping over the details than the Nannas, which it does quickly with a slight lean characteristic that is hardly audible. The response has more musicality thanks to the nanna's fuller, richer tone. While the Nannas mid range is dense and tonally much more pleasing, it occasionally becomes too soft for my taste. The mid range of the Monarch MKII is more forward and sounds open and free. They both approach the midrange differently, and both sound fantastic in their own ways. The Monarch MKII bass sounds better than the Nannas' bass because it has a richer texture with more details and sub bass extension. However, in my opinion, the Nannas perform better in the mid bass where the slams and note weight with their impact are close to real. If I had to pick out one of their responses that has any offensive noises, I'd say that only the Monarch MKII vocals, particularly female vocals, occasionally sound a little wispy and sibilant. Overall, I think the sound reproduction of Nannas is distinctive, whereas the Monarch MKII has accurate sound.


With the Unique Melody MEXT

MEXT is a beast coming to bass texture and details which great lower treble and enough forward mid range, although these are V-shape sounding, they often prove that they are more than that. The clarity in the higher frequency and detailing the lower makes it a very versatile IEM. The technical prowess itself makes a driving competitor which gives a close competition to the Monarch MKII(from my personal point of view I mean). The stage feels very expansive and wide with proper depth. The imaging is clean and sharp where as the separation is very distinctive and spacious sounding. The resolution is excellent with great detail retrieval. The pace resolves so fast that the attack and decay of notes happen at an alarming rate, Even though I prefer neutral with sub bass boost, I love the presentation of this IEM.

While Nannas have a warm and balanced sound, the MEXT aims to deliver a more neutral sound that almost sounds V-shaped. They are somewhat opposite in what they offer. The MEXT is technically comparable to the Monarch MKII, but when it comes to the stage, I'd say the Nannas are the Monarch MKII. Although the MEXT has much better imaging and layering than the Nannas, the Nannas performs better in terms of resolution. The MEXT are not bad at resolution; however, the Nannas take a better approach and maintain order. The MEXT has a much faster note-resolution process, but the Nannas are more realistic in their approach. Since I have already mentioned that Nanna's nature of doing things is different from the MEXT approach—where the MEXT goes for a more tactile, neutral, and bright signature—I don't think comparing the technicalities will yield a fair comparison. Of course, the MEXT would provide better details and technicalities. The distinction appears when the overall presentation is compared and technicality and tonality are compared for both of them. Regarding tonality, the MEXT's treble sounds aggressive, detailed, and bright with nuances like sibilance and peakiness, whereas the Nanna's treble sounds non-offensive with a smooth and trascient approach. Even though the MEXT highlights the vocals and instruments really well and in detail, the Nannas' mid range sounds more natural. The Nannas really fall short when it comes to bass because the MEXT's bass is on a different level and the Nannas' response is more subdued and conventional when compared to what the MEXT has to offer. Even though the Nannas really resonate with the concept, the MEXT response really reveals the physicality of the bass.Nannas cannot produce a bass with the MEXT's level of control over the bass's incredible texture and details. Although the MEXT falls short in the mid-bass department compared to the Nannas, it still sounds close. The Bone conduction driver makes the MEXT sound lean and accurate while the Nannas sound more warm and thick. Overall, these two have contrasting things to offer. However, the Nannas' tone is much better, and the MEXT's technical aspects are much better.


Tracks Used

Luna Haruna - Glory days
Luna Haruna - Overfly
Rokudenashi - The Flame of Love
LMYK - 0 (zero)
Marina Horiuchi - Mizukagami no Sekai
Indila - Love Story
Indila - Tourner dans le vide
Earth, Wind & Fire - September
Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
Blue Oyester Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper
Guns 'N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
The Police - Every Breath You Take
Gojira - Amazonia
TV on the radio - Wolf Like Me
Bring Me To The Horizon - Can You Feel My Heart
Bring Me To The Horizon - sTraNgeRs
Avril Lavigne - Dare To Love Me

Travis - Love Will Come Through
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
DJ Shadows - Six Days (Remix) [feat. Mos Def]
Lady Gaga - Just Dance
Lil Wayne - Lollipop
Flo Rida - Low
Sebastian Lopez & Flug - Electronic Measures
Federico Mecozzi - Blue (Da Ba Dee)
Wayve - Not Enough
Kai Wachi & TeZATalks - Ghost
NGHTMRE, Zeds Dead & Tori Levett - Shady Intentions
Zeds Dead, DNMO & GG Magree - Save My Grave
Skrillex, Noisia, josh pan & Dylan Brady - Supersonic
Skrillex & Nai Barghouti - Xena
Skrillex, Missy Elliott & Mr. Oizo - RATATA
Kaifi Khalil, Eva B & Wahab Bugti - Kana Yaari
A.R. Rahman, Javed Ali & Mohit Chauhan - Kun Faya Kun


I'm happy to suggest the Kinera Nanna 2.1 to anyone looking for a TOTL IEM to help them relieve stress and unwind with such lush, natural tonality, which is an improvement over the Monarch MKII in my opinion. These are unquestionably your choice if you don't care too much about the technicalities and details and just want an IEM to unwind with, help you recover from any daily struggles, and heal you. I'd advise trying these first if you're really concerned about technical performance and think an IEM with such a high price tag should also have excellent technicalities. Anyone who hears them will undoubtedly feel relieved.



Headphoneus Supremus
Kinera Nanna 2.1 Z-Tune Edition Review: Amazing Sound, Beautiful Design, Comfortable Fit!!
Pros: Expansive, Detailed sound
Crisp and clear
Vocals and Instruments both sound super good
Great extensions at both the ends
Beautiful Hand-Painted Ear Shells
Stock accessories are quite good and can get one going straight out of the box
Extremely Comfortable and perfect isolation
Cons: Needs amp'ing to sound its best
I personally would prefer a tad bit more punch in the mid-bass region
The products from Kinera have always intrigued me, especially their IEMs. Not only because of their sound which is praised widely by the audience but also because of the linkage to Norse Mythology in design and naming, not the mention the outstandingly beautiful hand-painted designer ear shells. A few weeks back, I got an opportunity to try Kinera’s latest Nanna 2.1, a sub-flagship multi-driver hybrid set of in-ear monitors. Today after spending a good 2-week honeymoon with the set, I feel like I should write and share my impressions with you guys, so let’s begin.

About Kinera Nanna 2.1:-

Nanna 2.1, is a strange name. It’s the third installment for the Nanna. Originally, the Nanna came out a few years back. The pair boasted outstanding sound capabilities with a 4-driver tribrid configuration(1DD+1BA+2EST). Back then when the OG Nanna was released, it was the flagship of the brand. Later it got the Baldr as the main flagship, but Nanna has always been a favorite of the brand. I was super interested to try this beautiful pair out when it got the 2.0 variant back in 2020. But had to miss due to some other commitments. Fast forward to 2023, we have got the Nanna 2.1 as a collaboration project between Kinera Imperial and Zeos from Z Reviews. It’s a minor tuning upgrade over the 2.0 variant and houses the same configuration as the OG model. This new Nanna 2.1 is limited to only 500 units worldwide, and here I have a unit with me.

A Short Disclaimer before I begin with the review:-

Nanna 2.1 was sent to me as a review sample as a part of a tour in my country. I feel thankful to the brand for the same, and I would like to assure the readers a free audition sample doesn’t mean I will mince my words. I will try my best to write the review true to my words, and experience with the set. For more information, you guys can check out the product details on Kinera’s website from the link below(non-affiliated).

Unboxing Nanna 2.1:-

Nanna 2.1 comes packed in a colorful cardboard box that has a hexagonal shape. It has a small outer slip-on cover with Z-Review branding information. The main box has a smokey pattern and looks quite beautiful. Kinera has printed technical information, a frequency graph, and some more brand and Nanna-related information on the back of the package. Inside all the contents are securely stored in foam layers. We have a booklet that has the story behind Nanna’s inspiration, tuning, and design. The earpieces sit firmly into foam cutout along with five pairs of Final Audio Type-E eartips, two pairs of memory foam ear tips, a carry case, and 3.5mm+2.5mm connectors on the side. Other contents including the cable, 4.4mm termination plug, a few more pairs of silicone ear tips, and a cleaning tool are all secured and packed inside the carry case.

That’s all about the package of the Nanna 2.1, we get all we need, earpieces, a cable with swappable termination, a bunch of eartips, a carry case, and a bunch of eartips. I have also posted an unboxing video for the Nanna 2.1 on my Youtube, you can check that out as well. Let’s move ahead and we will start with the design and build quality of the pair.

Design, Build, Form Factor:-

One thing I always praise about Kinera is their design for their IEMs. The shells are beautifully crafted with premium hand-painted face covers. Both the shells have a stunning smokey pattern on their face covers. From my understanding, these are hand-painted by a skilled artist. On the right shell, we have the Z-Reviews logo printed, and on the left shell, we have the Kinera logo printed. By no means the pair will allow you to have a minimal design, it’s eye-catchy and will grab the attention of a crowd. Great looker imo.

With a four-driver tribrid setup, the pair is quite compact and has a small form factory. The shape design is universal and ergonomic which allows for a comfortable wearing experience, atleast for me. While the pair don’t exactly disappear into my ears, the fit is comfortable and I get no issues even after 2-3 hours of continuous usage. Along with a good fit, the Nanna 2.1 also has excellent isolation. Thanks to this proper isolation, I never had to raise the volume to higher levels apart from testing.

I would say, I am impressed in all these regards, Design, Fit, & Isolation. The included stock cable is also quite light in weight and has a simple build structure. It has a swappable termination plug system which is pretty useful if one wants to use the pair with multiple sources. I have used it with included 3.5mm and 4.4mm plugs and the response was solid. Now, let’s go ahead to the power requirement section.

Power Requirements For Nanna 2.1:-

If I compare the Nanna 2.1 with other IEMs in terms of power requirements, I would say that the Nanna is a power-hungry set. It loves some extra power thrown it's way. Kinera has designed it with a moderately high impedance of 60Ω and a high sensitivity of 110dB. The high-impedance wants us to give it a powerful source, but the high sensitivity helps a bit. It sounds pretty good out of a dedicated USB DAC/AMP or a dedicated digital audio player with decent enough output power. Like it sounds amazing with Jcally AP90(4.4mm Balanced), Sony WM1Z MK2, Sony ZX707, and the Sony WM1A MK1. Although I recommend using it with a portable amplifier when using the set with low-power devices such as the Sony Walkman players. My personal setup for critical listening for this setup is as follows.

>Sony WM1A MK1 with HUM MA1B fully balanced class A portable amplifier(My favorite combination).

>Sony WM1A MK1 with Topping NX7 portable amplifier.

Sony WM1A MK1 also powers it efficiently through its 4.4mm output, but adding an amp surely tightens the lower end and opens the stage a bit as well. The difference is easily noticeable with both the amps attached to the WM1A, but the synergy of using WM1A as a DAC with Nanna 2.1 is simply amazing. It complements its sound and the resulting output is lovely. Let’s discuss more in that regard in the sound impression section now.

Sound Impressions for Kinera Nanna 2.1:-

Nanna 2.1 is a pair that instantly captivates its listeners with its exceptionally good sound output. The pair simply packs an impressive sound that is rich for vocals and instruments, detailed and textured for again vocals and instruments and has an expansive 3D soundstage as well. It hits the perfect sweet spot between analytical and musical sound. The vocals on the Nanna 2.1 have that charming musical touch to them while the level of detail retrieval on the Nanna 2.1 is outstanding as well. Nanna is an experience that instantly creates a gripe for the listeners with the first few tracks only. It honestly has become one of my favorite sets around the white price bracket(under 1k$). The best part about Kinera Nanna 2.1 is that it sounds fuller and immersive, Vocals, Instruments, and everything on the set has such a good body and definition that they sound spectacular for almost all the genres that I listen to(Vocal-centric, Regional Bollywood, Pop, Rock, etc). Let’s begin with the sound part according to different frequencies.


Kinera Nanna 2.1 extends deep into the sub-bass region and produces a rumbling response. The definition and texture in the lower end are nicely done with good slams in the mid-bass region that genuinely complement the rumble from the sub-bass. Although, I would say a tad bit of more punch in the mid-bass would have made it a perfect bass for my taste, still the Nanna produces an amazing lower-end. But I guess that would take the output from being balanced to a bit Bassy. Listening to my favorite tracks to test bass response on the Nanna 2.1 like Limit to your love or Bad guy, I find Nanna 2.1 to maintain a good resolution and speed and never lose its clarity or introduce any kind of distortion.


The mid-range response on the Nanna is clear, crisp, and well-detailed. The instruments and Vocals have a charming tone that is close to natural, atleast to my ears. Lower mids are a bit relaxed and recessed, but the upper mids have a bite and bring the vocals in a slightly forward manner. But the position is nicely controlled to maintain a balanced output, and the vocals sound sublime, never going shouty or fatiguing even at louder volumes(done this only for the sake of testing). I would like to praise now nicely Nanna maintains its resolution even on loud volume levels, especially in the midrange. If vocal-focused tracks/artists like Damien Rice, and Gloria Gaynor are a part of your everyday listening tracks, Nanna will be a solid companion for you.

Treble Response:-

Treble is done beautifully on the Nanna 2.1. It has excellent details and presents in a perfectly smooth manner. I mean, you can listen to the pair for hours and hours and won’t feel any kind of tiredness at all. The EST drivers on the Nanna do their magic in the higher end, the pair has an extended treble response showcasing an airy sound. Nanna reproduces every minute detail beautifully and still maintains a smooth, lively response. It’s one of the only few sets around the 1000$ price bracket that does Treble this beautifully. The other contender would be the Thieaudio Monarch MK2, delivering such a detailed and crisp treble.

Soundstage, Imaging, Instrument Separation:-

Well, Nanna 2.1 produces an expansive 3D soundstage presentation. The pair sounds simple and lovely with a wide and deep stage. If I have to compare the staging to something closely priced, I would say the Monarch MK2 has a bit more width, but the depth and full 3D feel is better created with the Nanna 2.1. Imaging and Instrument separation is crisp and very well done on the Nanna 2.1.

Somethings I Think Can be Done Better on Nanna 2.1:-

>Nanna 2.1 produces lovely sub-bass, it’s exceptionally well done. But I would need a bit more, just a tad bit more punch in the mid-bass.

>Nanna 2.1 is demanding in terms of power, being an IEM, it shines best with a powerful DAP or a DAP+Portable AMP combo. Though with its sound, I don’t mind stacking.

Ummm doesn’t matter how hard I try, I can’t find any more flaws with the Nanna. And after a lot of experience with many 1000$ and above-priced IEMs, I can simply state that Nanna 2.1 is one of the best-sounding IEMs priced around the 1000$ bracket, atleast to my ears.

Let’s check out some cable rolling with the Kinera Nanna 2.1.

I have tested the Kinera Nanna with three cables mainly, the stock cable, the Cadmus 8-Wire from Effect Audio, and the Kinera x Effect Audio Orlog premium upgrade cable. Here are my thoughts on them.

Nanna+Cadmus 8 Wire:-

To unleash the full potential of the Nanna, Cadmus 8-Wire is my absolute recommendation. The pair not only sounds expansive but has better details, buttery smooth treble, and a tighter lower end. Cadmus 8-Wire and Nanna 2.1 are an absolute bliss to listen to and they are probably my favorite portable combination with prices set to no bar.


Orlog improves the detail level a bit over the Cadmus 8-Wire, although it’s a bit dark in its presentation. So the Treble is a little soft. Orlog sounds a tad bit clearer and cleaner than the stock cable as well.

Some Short Comparisons!!

Kinera Nanna 2.1 Vs Thieaudio Monarch MK2:-

Monarch MK2 is a highly-acclaimed set for 1000$. Many people find it to be an end-game set, and probably it is because it sounds wonderful. Let’s check out how does this beautiful pair sounds with the Nanna 2.1 as a competitor.
MOnarch MK2.jpg

>Nanna 2.1 has a more pronounced lower-end response. It sounds clearer and more refined in the sub-bass region than the Monarch MK2.

>Both the pairs have a crisp midrange response, although I would say that the vocals are a bit lush, and the instruments a bit better defined, just a tad bit better on the Nanna. Though, Monarch is the one with a more natural timbre and tone.

>Treble on the Monarch MK2 extends a bit better, Nanna has a smoother treble. Both retrieve an excellent amount of details.

>Soundstage as I mentioned earlier in this blog, is a bit wider on the Monarch but more 3D on the Nanna 2.1.

Kinera Nanna 2.1 Vs Oriolus Szalayi:-

>Szalayi has a lot more punch to its lower end. It’s kind of bass-head level and even beyond that with its strengthful bass.

>Nanna 2.1 has a cleaner, crispier sound throughout the frequency band.

>Szalayi the midrange tone is lovely, though Nanna is more resolving and clear.

>Treble on the Szalayi is a bit soft, Nanna has more extensions and is better defined as well.

Final Words:-

Kinera Nanna is a wonderful-sounding set, it's adequately rich, it’s exceptionally well-defined, it has excellent resolving capabilities, and it pairs well with almost all the different genres of music that I have thrown at the set. It’s kind of an all-rounder pair that does everything nicely and presents an amazing listening experience. The only con that it might have for the masses would be its power requirements, it surely requires a good source to deliver the best performance. For me, as a personal preference, Nanna 2.1 is going to be in my collection as one of the best sounding 1000$ IEM!!!

Well, that’s all about the Kinera Nanna 2.1 from my side, I adore the pair every day, It’s going out on a review tour now, and I don’t know what I will listen to when this beauty is gone. Hope you guys liked this review of mine, for any further questions and queries, feel free to connect with me in the comments section below.


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Very good review. It's an IEM I've been curious about lately. Does the Sony ZX707 have enough power to drive the Nanna 2.1 well enough?
@jwheat09 sorry man your comment got shelved under so many notifications my bad. No Sony doesn't drives her well enough on its own. Adding an amp is suggested from my side. The combination sounds decent and can be enjoyed but for full potential, a portable amp shall be added.


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