Meze Audio Rai Solo


1000+ Head-Fier
Long Term Review: Good match with SpinFit and Fiio cable
Pros: Comfortable. Nice sound stage and bass depth.
Cons: Warm sound may not suit all

I got my Rai Solos in 2021 and have used them almost every day. For walking outdoors with my Fiio M11Pro DAP, I prefer these to my Shure SE535.

I contacted Meze and they do not stock replacement tips. My search led me to these SpinFit tips that work really well for me.

The Fiio "silver" 4.4mm cables are great on these. The MMCX plug is a very snug fit, but the plus is that they do not swivel around once in place, making insertion much easier.

Happy listener :)
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New Head-Fier
Meze Rai Solo; unique flavor
Pros: Detailed and full-bodied bass, mids, and highs
Cons: Upper mids can feel overwhelming sometimes.
Hi everyone. I’m here to give you my impressions of Meze Rai Solo and help anyone who might be interested in this model to understand this IEM's characteristics.

I used this model for 5 months now, sometimes switched to other models but returned to it every now and often. I don’t have a dedicated DAP or AMP yet but I have enough experience to tell the difference between the sources.

I won’t pay attention to the box contents and design because you can always check it out on the official site or even in here. All I can say about the presentation and accessories is they are enough for this product to be used for its purpose. This is an IEM that puts comfort, reliability and quality on top of everything else and the box contents are enough for that. Except for a pair of foam tips. This IEM sounds best with a wide bore tip and adding a pair of short and wide bore foams would have been better. They are not easy to find.

Design and comfort is top notch. They are neither overly flashy or underwhelming. They have a nice nostalgic color and finish that I’ve been seeing only on our old milk skimming equipment. (60 years old, been trough so much abuse yet still doesn’t shows any marks ) They feel don’t feel like a consumer electronic product, they feel more like a furniture that designed to be a part of your lifestyle for a long time.

Fit is great, since they are made of stainless steel they warm up very quickly and doesn’t cause discomfort especially in winter. This is something that bothers me with aluminum IEM’s. I can use them while walking, sleeping; they need minimal adjustment effort to fit into my tiny table spoon sized ears. If you are looking for comfort Rai Solo nails at this segment effortlessly.

Now about the sound. This is the topic where I can see most people are not exactly able to clarify or agree on a common result. It's understandable actually everyone has different tastes and they mostly expect a more neutral timbre to enjoy their favorite songs.

In order to understand Rai Solo you need to understand Meze Audio or more particularly it’s founder; Antonio Meze.

Antonio Meze is an industry designer but he doesn’t have a musician background. As a designer, he designs these products based on his personal preferences. And these preferences are shaped by his past, environment and his outlook towards life. Result? Products put reliability, comfort, and quality above everything else. I know this sounds like a marketing manifesto but this is the reality. Romanian culture has a lot of handmade elements and you can see their effects in the Meze Audio products.

The sound however is the most subjective topic in our list. In Romania or generally European traditional music culture you got mostly warm smooth sounding instruments. This affects people’s preferences in sound signature. Since Antonio Meze designs these products based on his own preferences it’s only natural to have a slightly colored sound. And he also prioritizes comfort.

The sound signature that you are getting from this IEM bears the characteristics of the culture that it originates from. So its normal for it to not have a perfectly natural timbre.

The general sound signature of Rai Solo is balanced with a little bit more focus on the bass and upper mids.

But this relatively balanced sound signature is colored. It has a warmer, thicker, sweeter characteristic. It feels like a V-shaped sound signature but unlike V shaped tuning every mid instrument is easily noticeable. Every instrument and vocals sound thicker, more intimate and this affects the best use cases.

Rai Solo performs well with almost every genre thanks to its characteristics. It reflects its own character rather than the raw character of the song that you are listening which can be too analytical sometimes. Isn’t this is why people love Spotify? it adds a flavor to the sound, aside from the convenience of course.

In instrumental or vocal-focused tracks like the Raindancer album from Erutan Rai Solo provides a cozy and intimate presentation. Every instrument has a thicker note characteristic, it's like you’re listening to the music on a warm wooden room while watching the snowflakes fall outside. (I wonder if Antonio Meze have such a memory :] ) In pop and electropop there's not much change, since this colored sound profile doesn’t change much in this genre, but it becomes smoother and more colorful. In Vocaloid albums, you sometimes crave for a more open and sparkly presentation because eastern music culture has a lot of shiny notes. Whether it's Kodo or keyboard there’s always some sparkly shining notes. But Rai Solo keeps you in your place with its performance in other parts of the spectrum. This is where another benefit of Rai Solo’s warm timbre catches your attention; it’s warm timbre adds a more emotional, more nuanced flavor. It becomes a joy to delve deep into the notes of the songs like Tsugai Kogarashi. And it's full and smooth presentation creates an addicting atmosphere with the albums like Fever by Samfree. In songs that it synergizes well Rai Solo keeps you in your position, leaving you with thoughts like ‘Ok this is not exactly the most transparent or airy set, it sounds… muddy maybe? No, details are there but they have a thicker note, its not the most accurate but man I like it’

With EDM and rock however, things are a little tricky. Everything I said above applies for these two genres as well. But by their tuning EDM and rock doesn’t excel as good as the other genres in this IEM. EDM does benefit from the meaty bass of Rai Solo. But it becomes a little overwhelming with its forward and thick upper mids. If the upper mids were a little bit more transparent it wouldn’t be a problem. But this would also have an impact on the overall performance of Rai Solo. And rock really benefits from an open, airy upper mid and treble. While Rai Solo has excellent treble detail and presence it’s too smooth and thick for a song like Invincible from Skillet.

One of my favorite ways of consuming music is watching concert recordings. Live performances have a more exciting, special experience than the originals. While Rai Solo nails at giving every little detail and nuance of the live recordings they are not exactly the best option for them. Why? Because of their colored sound profile. Like the EDM and Rock live recordings benefits from a more transparent and airy presentation. And that's totally fine.

The soundstage and separation on Rai Solo is very good. But it's colored timbre and smooth presentation might give you a more claustrophobic feeling. This is evident especially with a song that has too many instruments in upper mids. Thicker notes, a lot of instruments. Even with the good separation capabilities, you can’t get away from getting overwhelmed slightly.


I tend to categorize the Rai Solo or Meze Audio products as a more of long-term tool rather than a simple consumer electronic product. You need to take a look at your past 2 years of music consumption, what do you want from an IEM? what are your most favorite songs? Do you use any eq settings? How often do you switch the bass boost button?

A sound engineer would benefit from a flat-sounding headphone or IEM why? Because they earn money from that. They need that colorless analytical sound profile.

But not all of us are exactly in the same boat. We tend to prefer a certain type of sound signature and this sometimes changes during our lifetime, when we change our preferences our preferred sound signature changes as well. Meze Rai Solo is for people who want to listen to music with a more enjoyable sound profile. It's unique and smooth presentation provides a very enjoyable, non-fatiguing experience even with listening sessions that goes on for hours. Granted it's not a perfect fit for every genre at the same time. But the other models are not any different either.

If you are looking for a more open presentation using it with a balanced cable would improve its performance in both rock and live performance use cases. According to BadSeed Tech from YouTube Meze 99 classics behaves in such a way with a balanced cable. And same goes with the soundstage. A balanced cable should improve it.

While using it you should be careful with the nozzle; it has a screen to prevent outside dirt to get in but its very thin and if left unchecked dust could reach the nozzle. While I do think the cable is not the best I didn’t had any issues with it aside from some frustration from tangling. It doesn’t change its color or get stiff over time. I wish it was a little bit thicker. Like I stated before having a pair of wide bore foam tips would be better. This IEM sounds best with a wide bore ear tip and having a foam with the wider opening is hard.

As for pairing Rai Solo easily usable with a smartphone. But smartphones tend to have warmer sound output. (at least the Samsung models) Using a neutral source would be a better idea. Or even better; using a balanced cable.

If you are interested in a Meze product but don’t have the necessary budget or are skeptical about their colored sound you can always check out 12 classics v2 as well. It is like a mini Rai Solo. I will be adding a review of it soon.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I’m sure that I’ve forgotten a lot of things that I want to add. :)


Headphoneus Supremus
Meze Rai Solo: Steel Samurai
Pros: Premium presentation and build - Ergonomic and stylish shells - Vocal detail, clarity, and texture
Cons: Not the most accurate timbre - Bass likely lacking for those used to more standard v-shaped tunes

Today we're checking out Meze's midrange earphone offering, the Rai Solo.

In the realm of earphones Meze had some budget options in the 12 Classics and Neo and a premium offering in the Rai Penta, but were lacking presence with no products priced in between. Enter the Rai Solo. Released in late 2019 at 249 USD, it showed itself to be a competitive product thanks to a well-sized 9.2mm driver, ergonomic stainless steel housings, and a premium accessory kit which included a bespoke carrying case and a high quality, silver-plated cable. Now that we have entered 2021, the Rai Solo is even more competitive thanks to a drop in price to 199 USD.

I've been using the Rai Solo consistently over the last two months for everything from music to games to movies and have come away seriously impressed with the ownership experience. It easily goes head-to-head with other products in the price range and should not be overlooked.

Let's take a closer look at why, shall we?


What I Hear

Tips: The Rai Solo comes with a wide variety of ear tips. Since I found the midrange to be the star of the show, I settled on tips that played to this region. The included medium bi-flange wide bore tips were absolutely perfect for me as they provided a great seal and let the Solo's detail and clarity shine through. Smaller bore tips brought out some roughness in the mids and lower treble, but boosted the low end slightly, adding warmth to the vocals. Utilizing third party tips like Sony Hybrids or Spinfit CP100s provide a similar experience to the included small bore tips, but thanks to a softer silicone ended up providing a slightly smoother, improved sound. Other wide bore tips like generic JVCs or Spinfit CP145s gave me a similar experience to the included wide bore bi-flange set, but with reduced comfort (I prefer a stable, shallow fit with most products). If you like the sound of the bi-flange set but want something similar in a single flange design, those two might be worth checking out. Medium bore tips sounded virtually identical to the small bore sets in my experience.

The midrange of the Rai Solo is where my attention is drawn most when listening. Vocals come through loud and clear, able to cut through even the most busy of instrumentals. Check out Black Sun Empire & State Of Mind's “Caterpillar (Drumsound & Bassline Smith Remix)” to see just how articulate they can sound against a congested background. They are plenty weighty as well, as heard on Calyx & TeeBee's “Long Gone”. The Rai Solo does an amazing job with Calyx's deep, textured vocals. Improvements could be found in timbre which is a tad cool and dry, keeping the Solo from sounding completely accurate. In all honesty, I'm okay with that. The more time I spend in the hobby, the less I care about complete realism. The earphone is the final step in a reproductive audio chain where each component flavours the sound. I'm totally okay with it bringing it's own character to the party, as long as it can bring a smile to my face and bounce to my step.

The low end of the Rai Solo has gotten some flack in the past for being too light. It doesn't offer the boosted sound of your typical v-shaped best seller, yet it's still above neutral in terms of emphasis. A Boy & A Girl Feat. Megan Hamilton's “Bridge Burner” shows that while fairly reserved, bass out of the Rai Solo is deep and offers good punch. The rumbling opening moments of Kavinski's “Solli” won't rock your socks through the Solo like in will in something bassier, ala. Sennheiser IE300, but it still moves enough air to provide a solid bite of visceral feedback. Texturing and detail are quite good with the Rai Solo easily handing the grunge and grit inherent to tracks from Tobacco and The Prodigy. Speed is quick enough to handle rapid transitions, but doesn't provide the sort of snap you'd get from an armature-based low end, or small 6mm dynamic. On the other hand, it won't distort as easily as those drivers when the volume is cranked and bass slamming.

The Rai Solo's treble goes more for detail than sparkle with a prominent presence region and more relaxed brilliance region. As heard on Brookes Brothers' “Carry Me On (feat. Chrom3)” treble shimmer is there, it's just not prominent and forward. The lower treble bias leaves the Solo sounding extremely detailed and with outstanding clarity. Notes are crisp and well-defined too, which is apparent upon tossing on King Crimson's chaotic live rendition of “Cat Food”. Texturing is less smooth than the bass and mids though. I find this adds a bit of extra character that helps to distract from the under emphasized upper end sparkle.

When it comes to sound stage Meze knocked it out of the park here. The Rai Solo sounds wide and deep with vocals that are placed just outside of the ear as the default positioning. I really enjoy the way sounds can trail off into the distance and found imaging to be quite immersive and accurate. Playing World of Tanks on PC and experiencing the sounds of shells ricocheting off your armour in random directions never gets old. Going back to Black Sun Empire & State Of Mind's “Caterpillar (Drumsound & Bassline Smith Remix)”, the messy, heavily distorted track shows off the Solo's above average instrument separation and layering. It doesn't quite reach the heights of Brainwavz' B400, but it's not too far off. Pretty impressive for a single dynamic.

Overall I adore the Rai Solo's presentation. The bass is tight and punchy with just enough sub-bass emphasis to keep from feeling like there isn't enough in terms of quantity. The midrange, while not the most accurate, is rife with detail, has outstanding clarity, and yet isn't too peaky nor fatiguing. The treble is full of character too and brings with it a great sound stage and the sort of technical capability you'd want at this price. Nor a signature for everyone, but if you're open minded or enjoy variety, there is lots of love. Also, if you're a low volume listener the Rai Solo isn't something that requires high volumes to get the most of. It still sounds excellent at moderate and low volumes.

Compared To A Peer (Volumes matched with Dayton iMM-6)

DDHiFi Janus (199 USD): The Janus is DDHiFi's first earphone and like the Rai Solo, features a single dynamic driver per side. The Rai Solo's bass presence is stronger, though extension is similarly good on both. Notes out of the Janus sound a little faster and better controlled, but they give up texture and detail to the Solo. The Solo also does a better job of holding onto extended bass lines which drop off too quickly on the Janus. The midrange of the Janus is simply fantastic and bests the Rai Solo's already very good midrange. The Janus is more natural sounding thanks to a smoother, warmer sound and more accurate timbre. The Rai Solo provides more detail and achieves a greater level of clarity. Leading into the treble, the Rai Solo is quite a bit more energetic. The Janus really drops emphasis after 4k leaving it sounding quite mellow. Like the Rai Solo, notes are snappy and well controlled with little to no splashiness. Unlike the Solo, it sounds a little dull. The Solo once again is more detailed and provides greater clarity, in addition to the extra energy and liveliness. While the Janus' treble is of good quality, just as good as the Solo, the lack of emphasis has me enjoying the Meze's upper ranges considerably more. When it comes to sound stage these two go tit for tat. Both have a wide, deep stage with plenty of space and air between notes. To my surprise, despite the lack of emphasis at the extremes the Janus sounds even larger. It's pretty impressive actually. Back into the Rai Solo's favour is imaging accuracy, layering, and instrument separation which are all a small step above the Janus.

When it comes to build, the Janus is no slouch. Like the Rai Solo you will find the use of brushed stainless steel, however, it is only utilized for the front half of the shell and nozzle. The rest is clear plastic which allows you to see the unique innards. It's likely not going to be as durable long term as the Solo as a result. Fit and finish on the Janus is a hint better thanks to even tighter seams, and I also like the cable more. While it's not as visually stunning, the rubber sheath is thicker and more dense while also being more flexible and resistant to bends, kinks, and tangling.

While I enjoy the Janus more for commentary-focused content, the Rai Solo is more entertaining with basically everything else. Although the cable isn't as good, I also appreciate the more durable materials of the Meze and find it more comfortable to wear for long periods despite being larger and heavier. Plus, the Janus provides barely any more isolation than an Earpod which makes it less than ideal for use outside of the home. The Rai Solo is more versatile and convenient with fewer downsides.

HiFiMAN RE600s (199 USD): The RE600s is a classic single dynamic earphone that has been out for quite a few years now. Starting with the low end, the Rai Solo offers more weight and punch with a slightly darker tone. The RE600s is smoother and faster, but falls behind in texture and visceral feedback. Leading into the mids, the RE600s has a slightly warmer, leaner and less dense sounding presentation with a stronger lower region presence vs. the Solo which peaks in the upper mids. This gives vocals on the RE600s a more intimate, forward feel at the expense of micro-detail. Timbre is slightly more natural on the HiFiMAN thanks to a hint of dryness in the Solo. Heading into the treble neither is particularly linear with both having peaks at 4k and 7k. The Solo's 4k peak overshadows the brilliance region and gives it improved clarity and detail over the RE600s which seems to provide more shimmer and sparkle. Both offer well-defined, controlled presentations free of slop and splash. The RE600s has a well-rounded but fairly averagely sized sound stage which is quite apparent when pitting it against the Solo. The Solo sounds wider and deeper and does a better job of enveloping me in my music. The extra low end presence in particular helps with this quite a bit. In addition to sounding larger, the Solo provides a small improvement in laying and instrument separation, with similarly good imaging accuracy. If you enjoyed the RE600s but found it lacking bass, the Rai Solo might be just what you need. It provides a similar signature with improved bass response and slightly better technical ability.

Another reason you might want to go with the Rai Solo over the RE600s is the build quality. The fixed cable on the RE600s is pretty terrible. The cloth section is noisy and stiff, adjectives which can extend to the rubber coated upper section. I've used worse cables, but the RE600s' is still pretty darn low on the list. The tiny aluminum housings compete better with the Rai Solo thanks to their excellent ergonomics and low weight that allow them to nearly disappear in the ear. They certainly don't look or feel as premium as the Meze though, and come across quite delicate in comparison.

Overall I prefer the Rai Solo. It addresses some aspects of the RE600s I didn't know I needed improved, like the bass response and overall clarity. It also offers vastly improved build quality, the cable in particular, while also providing notably better isolation.


In The Ear Meze always crafts some impressive looking products. Just look at the Rai Penta, 99 Classics, and Empyrean. The Rai Solo is no different and upholds my expectations for quality design from the brand. The use of stainless steel earphones gives the Rai Solo a unique aesthetic and upon picking them up immediately provides a sense of quality thanks to their weight and solidity. It is very curvy and smooth, completely free of sharp edges like the rear of the ADV GT3. Fit and finish is also quite good with seams and a cable that sits quite flush. The more budget oriented Exclusive 5 from TFZ has a similar shape and aesthetic, but lacks the same level of design polish. When it comes to telling which channel is which, the Rai Solo lacks any L/R markings, instead opting for coloured nozzles. With tips installed you can't really tell which is which, but this is less of an issue than it might otherwise be. This earphone is designed to be worn cable up which is supported by the low profile fit and shape which really only feels comfortable when inserted in the correct orientation.

The Rai Solo's braided cable makes telling channels easy thanks to thick, coloured collars surrounding each MMCX plug. It follows traditional scheming with red for right, blue for left. The rest of the hardware is just as thoughtfully designed. The y-split and chin cinch are rubber and as a result should be plenty durable and avoid showing wear. The 90 degree angled jack is extremely compact and looks quite pleasing thanks to a mix of a metal, logo infused jacket, and the same translucent rubber used for the y-split. A nice touch to the design is that the edges flare, similar in shape to a reared cobra, giving your fingers plenty of purchase when plugging the cable in or out. The silver plated wire is coated in a thin rubber sheath that is quite light and flexible, though it does have a tendency to remember kinks and bends. While I appreciate thin cables like this because they rarely get in the way, others are not so fond and prefer something thicker and more luxurious feeling, such as the Dunu SA3's braided inclusion. Lastly, the Rai Solo's cable uses memory wire to hold the cable securely around your ears. Normally I'd mark memory wire down as a negative, however, Meze did it right by using wire that actually holds the shape you set. Sadly, that's less common than you'd think.

Comfort of the Rai Solo is pretty outstanding. Yeah, they're somewhat weighty due to the use of stainless steel, but it doesn't really matter because the ergonomics are fantastic. The nozzle angle is natural and the low profile design slots perfectly into the outer ear. I really can't say anything negative about how the Rai Solo fits. It can be worn for extremely long periods without any fatigue. It is also one of the few earphones of this style that I can lay on my side in bed while wearing, although in that situation the memory wire sometimes gets in the way. Isolation is also above average in my experience. With the stock silicone tips (medium, wide bore bi-flange is my preference) installed and no music playing, while typing on my laptop I can barely hear the snicking of the keys. All sounds are greatly dulled and muffled and trying to hold a conversation at normal speaking volumes isn't happening. Turn on your music and you're on your own. Little sound comes through, even in noisy areas. With some third party foam tips, the isolation steps up to another level. If you frequently listen in loud areas and hate turning up the volume to counter incoming noise, the Rai Solo should make you a happy listener.


In The Box The Rai Solo comes in a very classy flip top cardboard box coated in a faux-leather looking material. On the front is a clear viewing window allowing you to peer at the gorgeously crafted earpieces and silver-plated cable. Above and below the viewing window you find the usual branding and model information in silver-foil. Adding to the classiness is how slender and compact these logos are, letting the earphones themselves make a statement and draw the eye. Down the left shoulder you find silver-foil renditions of the earpiece in four different orientations, and on the rear some features, like the use of their exclusive Unified Pistonic Motion driver, a stainless steel shell designed to reduce unwanted vibrations from the driver, and that a silver-plated MMCX cable is included.

Lifting and looking to the rear of the magnetically sealed lid you find a more detailed description of Meze's Unified Pistonic Motion technology. Inside the package itself the earpieces, with cable attached, are nestled safely in a dense foam insert. You also find one of the most attractive, extravagant earphone carrying cases I've come across. It definitely takes queues from the 99 Classics case with the use of leather (faux?) and a large metal Meze logo front and centre. It is truly gorgeous. A little on the large side and more fit for a jacket pocket than pants, but who cares when it looks that good? Inside the case are the rest of the accessories. In all you get:
  • Meze Rai Solo earphones
  • 1.3m silver-plated MMCX cable
  • Carrying case
  • Velco cable tie
  • Single flange wide bore tips (s/m/l)
  • Bi-flange wide bore tips (s/m/l)
  • Bi-flange small bore tips (s/m)
Overall a pretty solid unboxing and decent accessory kit, with two highlights of note. The first of course is that case. In addition to looking amazing, it's well constructed and has plenty of space inside of the earphones, extra tips, and a small Type-C dongle or DAP, like the Shanling M0. The second highlight is the wide bore bi-flange tips. These are the same style as those popularized by Sennheiser and adopted by Havi, ADV, and others later on. I find they provide an amazing seal, isolate well, and pair especially well with the Rai Solo. Often the stock tips are kind of useless, but Meze did a good job providing tips that pair well and offer enough variety to warrant the inclusion of various styles. The only thing missing are foamies, but you can scoop up a set for a few bucks so while it's a disappointing omission, it's nothing that can't easily be overcome.

Final Thoughts A 199 USD the Rai Solo slots right in the midst of a segment of the market that has become hotly contested in the last couple years. It takes some something special to stand out, and in my opinion the Rai Solo is an unquestionable success.

From the get-go, the experience is a positive one. The packaging is attractive and not overly wasteful. The accessory kit features numerous sets of useful tips and an amazing carrying case. The earphones themselves look and feel stellar in the ear thanks to their ergonomic, organically curvaceous design and effective use of stainless steel. While I like the lean, light cable, some will prefer a heavier, more solid feeling option. The memory wire might be a turn off too, even though it works well and puts most memory wire systems to shame.

Most importantly, I think the Rai Solo sounds amazing. It has a detailed, forward midrange with tight, textured bass and smooth, crisp treble. This presentation is set within a spacious sound stage and isn't fatiguing, even after long listening sessions. I can absolutely see some left wanting if they are accustomed to warmer, bassier earphones with a more recessed midrange. To you I say, give yourself time to adjust. The Rai Solo is extremely capable. It joins the Moodrop SSR/SSP, Shozy Form 1.4, and Dunu DK-3001 Pro as a personal favourite and gets an easy recommendation from me. Great job Meze!

Thanks for reading.

- B9

Disclaimer A huge thanks to Alexandra for arranging a sample of the Rai Solo for the purposes of review. The thoughts within this review are my subjective opinions and do not represent Meze or any other entity. At the time of writing the Rai Solo was retailing for 199 USD:

  • Driver: 9.2mm UPM dynamic driver
  • Diaphragm thickness: 9µm
  • Impedance: 16 Ohm
  • SPL: 105±3dB at 1mW/1kHz
  • Frequency response: 18Hz - 22kHz
  • Distortion: <1% at 1mW/1kHz
  • Stock cables: MMCX connector ending in 3.5mm
  • Warranty period: 2 years
Gear Used For Testing LG Q70, Earstudio HUD100, Earmen TR-Amp, Asus FX53V, TEAC HA-501

Some Test Tunes

Supertramp – Crime of the Century
Slipknot – Vol 3 (The Subliminal Verses)
Daft Punk – Random Access Memories
Aesop Rock – The Impossible Kid
King Crimson – Lark's Tongues in Aspic
King Crimson – Starless and Bible Black
Infected Mushroom – Legend of the Black Shawarma
The Prodigy – The Day is My Enemy
Steely Dan – The Royal Scam
Porcupine Tree – Stupid Dreams

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Codename john
Great review as usual 🙏🏿


Reviewer at Ear Fidelity
Meze Rai Solo
Pros: Outstanding design
Perfect build quality
Rather comfortable
Great customer service by Meze (as always)
Cons: Small soundstage

Meze Rai Solo is an IEM equipped with one dynamic driver. It is basically a younger brother of Meze Rai Penta. Rai Solo is priced at 249USD.


Meze always cares about the handcrafting quality and the overall design of their products.

It’s the same this time, Rai Solo is packed inside the black box with the window on the front where you can see the earphones themselves. The box is opened from the right side and is locked with magnets. When opened, the leather case and the earphone themselves appear. Inside one of the best looking earphone cases I’ve ever seen you’ll find 13 pairs of silicon eartips.

Build quality

I felt in love with Rai Solo when I saw it for the very first time. Pretty big metal shells made of two pieces with tooled and black painted Meze logo. The icing on the cake are coloured in red and blue (depends on the channel) nozzles and MMCX connectors. For me, it’s a masterpiece of design.

The earphone is very well made, with the highest precision. MMCX connectors are stiff enough to not rotate by themselves.
The cable is terminated with 3,5mm jack folded at more than 90 degrees. Unfortunately, the cable gets tangled very easily.


Each earbud is medium sized, but they are very flat so they don’t stick out of your ears. That’s nice, but their shape can be a bad choice for people with huge ears. I have a hole between the earphone and some parts of the ear so with bad matched tips they were easy to fall out, especially when I was smiling.
In my opinion, the cable’s standoffs are too stiff, but it can be helpful if Rai Solo would try to fall out of your ear. It is irritating for me in the mask times, especially when I’m wearing glasses. It’s great for long sessions, but if you have to take an iem out from time to time, it can be amusing.


Meze Rai Solo are one of the most tips dependent earphones I’ve ever used. With stock tips that have very wide nozzles, they sound neutral with higher midrange stepping at front. With spinfits they began to be way brighter, with very recessed bass and vocals. On the other hand, Dekoni foam tips changed Solo playstyle to something maybe not dark but set really close to that. Also, the scene depends on the tips, but these aren’t such big differences. Anyway it’s playing inside the head, but imaging and separation are great.
Sound description below is written using bi-flange stock tips.

The bass is kinda lacking, without such a great strike, so it is not providing much fun in its playstyle. It is exact, fast as a full frequency range dynamic driver, and in overall it is neutral. It doesn’t beat the beat at all, it’s not the main part of the sound, it just exists. It’s weaker than Rai Penta’s bass, weaker even than FiiO FH5, but I can’t tell there are no low frequencies. They show up when there are only a few instruments playing.

The midrange is recessed, male vocals are covered by the rest of the sound. It is also muddy and detailed in one moment, starts without much enthusiasm, but ends each musical note fast to let the next one sound out from the beginning. That’s weird behaviour, but for me, it’s kinda comfy to listen to. The higher midrange is faster compared to the lower part. It stands on the front for the most time, because of that Rai Solo sometimes sounds brightened. On the other hand, the higher part has very good detail reproduction, it’s very precious in all piano themes.

The treble is smooth, but not delicate at all. It can cut through the rest of the sound without watching out for the bass and midrange, but it also can sing in the background without bothering the others frequencies. It’s very neutral, I wouldn’t call it natural because it’s too digital. As an advantage, details are on a very high level, slightly better than Ikko OH10.

The soundstage is poor when it comes to its width. It’s playing only to the right and left, but with great imaging and distance distinction. It delicately opens with quiet music, but as the number of details increases, it returns to one line, although the separation is still at a good level. The main sound source is placed in the middle of the head, it’s sometimes running further, but not as far as FiiO FH5 or even FH3.


I love Meze products, I love them all – even Rai Solo which isn’t their best. It’s decent. It sounds neutral with narrow soundstage, the cable gets tied easily, but they look wonderful and are pretty comfortable. Sound signature goes well with iBasso DX160 which is loading some fun inside Meze Rai Solo, but I would discuss if it is worth 249$.

Gear used during this review for the sake of comparison and as an accompanying equipment:

  • Headphones – Meze Rai Penta, Noble Audio Sage, Fiio FH5, FiiO FH3, Ikko OH10,
  • Sources– iBasso DX160, Earman TR-Amp, iFi iDSD Micro Black Label, Topping NX4DSD, iFi Hip Dac
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New Head-Fier
Pros: strong technical properties
wonderful design
agile, precise and detailed
Cons: neutral-bright
harshness in the mids...
lacks a bit musicality
Rating: 8.3
Sound: 8.2


MEZE AUDIO is known for its over-ears, for which they have won countless awards over the years, but can they also produce in-ears?
Founded in 2011, the Romanian company has been conquering the IEM market since 2019 with its flagship Rai Penta hybrids, but has also experimented with wired in-ears before. However, this review is about the smaller brother, the Rai Solo with a dynamic driver. This one uses the so-called UNIFIED PISTONIC MOTION TECHNOLOGY, or UPM for short. Here, there are no wires on the membrane, but the membrane itself is conductive. This is intended to improve the vibration behaviour, as there is less irritation.


The Rai Solo is already a small work of art in its appearance and workmanship.
Here the years of development have paid off, because the final product is more than visible from an aesthetic and haptic point of view.
The ergonomics are also excellent, which makes it very comfortable to wear, no matter what the occasion or use.

As accessories we get a very robust hard case and a variety of different silicone tips (3 Soft-Silicone-Tips S, M, L | 3 Doubleflanged Tips S, M, L & 2 Long-Doubleflanged Tips M, L), but unfortunately no foam tips.

To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of the included MMCX silver cable. It is of the more filigree kind, which is not the problem at first, but the metal reinforcements bother me. But the cable makes a harmonious overall impression together with the solo, even if you would have wished it a little softer and thicker.

The isolation is good and finds a good balance between reducing the outside noise but not the complete isolation.


Do I hear a difference through due UPM technology? Hm, not really, but this is very subjective and can sometimes have a positive placebo effect. In any case, the driver impresses with speed and firmness, which can certainly be attributed to this technology. In the end, it's more a question of the material used for the diaphragm. In the case of the Rai Solo, it is a multi-layer membrane with PET-PEI and an electrically conductive layer. The Solo is a rather neutral-bright tuned IEM, with a small, sometimes nasty peak around 3 and 5 kHz.

The bass is extremely tight and with a dry punch, but feels more at home in the mid-bass and does without a noteworthy sub-bass extension. As a result, the bass lacks a bit of authority, but can make up for this with very good detail reproduction and appealing texture. Sometimes it acts a bit anemic, but always convinces with precision. However, it will never swing the bass club, but will always act like a gentleman, holding back and contributing only the most necessary, which is also its strength and will make purists happy. In the sub-bass, however, there is room for improvement and I would like to see a bit more bite.

The midrange definitely has this bite. Due to their valley around 1 kHz and the following steep rise to 3 kHz they are tuned quite bright and vocal focused. The voices sometimes lack a bit of body, but still they have a very natural basic timbre. The mids can generally sound thinner due to the somewhat too dry and polite bass, but they score with clarity and crispness. I don't want to reproach the mids with boredom, because the transparency and separation is too good for that, but they definitely aren't the most lively ones, they rather go into the analytical direction. This is also ensured by the clear emphasis on the upper mids. This can even be quite exhausting and can slightly drift into the unnatural. Horns and guitars sometimes sound too aggressive, where the handle automatically goes to the volume control.

The lower trebles announce themselves with a 5 kHz peak for the first time and this peak has turned out to be a bit too brisk in combination with the somewhat set back mids. This robs the mids of their fullness even more and everything sounds less emotional and slightly sterile. After that, however, the highs calm down drastically and can stand out positively in high-end with very good extension and naturalness. No jingling, or exaggerations, but unexpectedly relaxed and high resolution without rubbing it in your face. In micro-, macro-, nano-, mega- and whatever-comes-next detail management should be a bit more present, but this criticism is more from my assumption the Rai Solo wants to put this in the foreground with its tonal alignment. There's certainly no lack of details, but with a more musical IEM my demand for more micro details would certainly be more restrained.

The strengths of the Rai Solo lie more in the soft and quiet tones, because with loaded music (e.g. rock) it sometimes gets a bit confusing with overlays, which is of course also very dependent on the respective mastering, it can become uncomfortable due to the already boosted mids. Nevertheless the stage is to be highlighted in its horizontal alignment. In the vertical as well as in the depth it is however less expansive.


Let's take a quick look at the weaknesses of the Rai solo. Personally too well-behaved bass, which lacks some dynamics and sub-expansion. Biting mids that want to be tamed and slight sibilant emphasis in the high frequencies. In addition, the Rai Solo doesn't forgive a bad recording quality, but this rather speaks for him and his more analytical demands.
Of course, the Rai Solo also has many positive arguments on its side, such as excellent transparency, precision and imaging. If you get a grip on the mids (EQ) and add one or two dB to the bass, you get a technically very sophisticated IEM, which is then also musically more convincing and can play out its strengths to the full.

Without any adjustments, the Rai Solo is a very agile IEM, which has a very good resolution, but is not one of the most musical representatives. On the other hand, it invites more analytical listening and can make friends of precision, voice reproduction and sharp 3D imaging happy. It also benefits from warmer sources. The workmanship is of the highest standard and leaves little to be desired both visually and ergonomically.


Thanks to MEZE AUDIO for the review unit.
More reviews: CHI-FIEAR
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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Very good soundstage and imaging
Well controlled and very detailed bass
Clear, articulate mids with very good bite
Energetic yet smooth treble with good extension
Very good response to EQ if need be
Outstanding build quality
Cons: Bass might lack impact for some
Upper mids might have too much bite (can be EQ’ed)
Manufacturer’s website :
Price : 249$


Fit, Build & Isolation
The Solo shell looks identical to its bigger brother the Penta, the only difference being color. It’s compact and lightweight which contributes to excellent comfort and the fit is top tier as far as universal goes. This is no small aspect of an IEM for every day use. The build is superb with very tight tolerances and immaculate finish which punches well above its price range. The Solo look sturdy (up to the color coded metal nozzle).

Isolation is good, and much better than the Penta, probably due to a smaller vent and the choice of stainless steel versus the CNC Alluminium of the Penta.


The Solo right next to its bigger brother the Penta

Meze Audio is not a new comer, founded by industrial designer Antonio Meze in 2011 in Romania, it became widely known to the audiophile community with the award winning Meze 99 Classics. I purchased a set and it’s one of my favorites headphones regardless of price, with great value for money.

Since then, Meze move on to conquer the flagship headphones and IEM category with the highly acclaimed Empyrean and the Solo’s bigger brother the Rai Penta. While the Penta and Solo share identical shells aside from color, Meze chose a single dynamic driver for the Solo’s architecture versus the 4 BA and 1 dynamic of the Penta.


Exploded view of the Solo’s UPM dynamic driver (courtesy of Meze website)


On the left side, traditional driver and on the right UPM driver (courtesy of Meze website)

For the Solo Meze keeps innovation going with what they call Unified Pistonic Motion (UPM). Meze writes “In a traditional electrodynamic driver the voice coil lead wires are glued to the back side of the thin membrane. This is the major factor of the unbalanced vibration. The new UPM driver eliminates this inconvenience by using a totally different approach: the membrane itself is electrically conductive and, therefore, no wires are attached to the diaphragm. The result is a symmetric pistonic motion through its entire movement, without disturbance from the unbalance created by wires.”

Since I am a big fan of single dynamic driver in terms of coherence, physicality of the bass and edge in timbre accuracy I was curious about the tuning of the Solo, would it be the IEM counterpart of the Meze 99? Or would it be something entirely different?

Let’s see!


The Solo is clear sounding, with very good soundstage and imaging and its tuning is quite reference with a significant touch of mids forwardness. It boast well controlled and very detailed bass, clear articulate mids with excellent bite and energetic but smooth treble with good extension.

The Solo is characterized by well textured and highly detailed bass, more than a hard hitting, punchy bass. It’s a refined bass presentation rather than a full on bass-head experience.

Sub bass extension and presence is fair but nothing to rave about either especially for a dynamic driver. Sub bass is more heard than felt on most tracks. Only the most sub bass heavy tracks like Aphex Twins “Ageispolis” is the sub bass satisfyingly present but it’s a track that’s on the far end of the scale. Other sub bass test tracks like Sohn’s “Falling” or Alice Jemima “Liquorice” are a bit disappointing. Things are a bit different with the AAW Capri DAC/cable for the iPhone with a less neutral source the Solo sounds fuller and has more impact. I actually like the Capri’s presentation better than the LPGT without any EQ with the Solo. As we’ll see later on in this review, in my opinion the Solo matches better with a warmer source than a pure neutral one without EQ.

Solo’s mid bass is tuned a bit similarly, but there is a bit more presence and heft to percussions in Manu Katché “Keep on trippin’ ” and José James “Better of dead”. The Solo convey a nice rythmic baseline but more impressively the level is very high with a very articulate presentation. The Solo’s bass has good control in all circumstances and fair speed for a dynamic.

This makes up for a rather reference bass tuning that a fun one, and again switching to the AAW Capri there is a bit more impact and presence which sounded more satisfying to me.


The Solo’s mids are clear, articulate with very good separation and air, timbre is accurate and the presentation is forward. The Solo emphasizes lead instruments and vocals with a focus on the upper mids section.

Lower mids are not thin by any standards, but do take a back seat to the more prominent upper mids. The mids are full bodied, but neither thick nor warm. Vocals are clear and there are a lot of nuances conveyed with the Solo, this is where it punches well above comparably priced IEMs. On the flipside, out of the dead neutral Lotoo PAW Gold Touch Male vocals do lack a bit of power and sound a bit higher pitched than neutral. This being said, given it’s signature the Solo can be EQ’ed easily with great results without loosing clarity. Switching to the less neutral but excellent value for money AAW Capri DAC/cable out of the iPhone provides a bit more lower mids and is fairly similar to using EQ on the LPGT.

Upper mids are significantly forward, and the Solo therefore has limited depth to its soundstage, lead instruments as well as singer are not far away from you. Also, the Solo has a significant amount of bite, cymbals have great sizzle, snare drums are very crisp and electric guitar remarkable buzz… so much so that with a source like the LPGT and depending on tracks this might get into a sensitive territory for those who are upper mids sensitive. Again, things are smoother with a warmer source. Don’t misread this as the Solo being harsh, it’s not but it sure has much more upper mids presence and bite than most IEMs I know and the overall tone is – with a source like the LGPT – brighter than neutral. Things balance out a bit with a warmer source.


The Solo’s treble is definitely key to its signature, it has very good extension and provides good air and very nice resolution as well as great energy.

Lower treble sounds spot on to me, a perfect balance of exciting energy and smoothness. The Hot Sardines “Come Love (l’amour s’en fout)” intro was pure pleasure out of the LPGT, the piano overtones are just sublime. In Vateani’s “How they call it”, the glockenspiel was as good as I have heard it as well. In Al Kooper and Michael Bloomfield’s “Albert’s shuffle” the electric guitar is again spot on and no signs of harshness although this track has plenty of bite up top. Same goes for the Pixies “Where is my mind”.

The upper treble section is well extended and contributes to the Solo’s very good soundstage and imaging.

The solo is a clear and energetic IEM especially out of a powerful and neutral source like the Lotto PAW Gold Touch. It responds very well to EQ and in my opinion will shine with warmer sources. Given its price range, and the probable match with lower to mid tier DAPs, that tend to be a bit warmer than neutral with a bass boost.

If you’re looking for a clear, energetic, open sounding IEM with strong technical foundations and a touch brighter than reference tuning then the Solo will provide fantastic value for money. If you own a warm DAP or source or are willing to EQ you can shift its signature easily into a slightly warm and fuller sounding reference IEM without loosing its clarity and energy.

Originally published here :

Listening notes
I spent approximately 40hours with the Solo, listening on Lotoo PAW Gold Touch and AAW Capri lightning DAC cable out of the iPhone XS Max.

Special Thanks
Thanks to Alexandra at Meze Audio for providing a review unit of the Solo. As usual, this review is my honest opinion. No incentive was given for a favorable review.


  • 1.3m MMCX braided cables made of silver plated copper custom wires ending in high quality 3.5mm
  • Hard Case: protective EVA case with Meze Audio metal logo
  • 3 pairs of soft silicone eartips S, M, L
  • 3 double flanged eartips S, M, L
  • 2 deep insertion double flanged eartips M, L
  • Driver: 9.2mm UPM dynamic driver
  • Diaphragm thickness: 9µm
  • Impedance: 16 Ohm
  • SPL: 105±3dB at 1mW/1kHz
  • Frequency response: 18Hz – 22kHz
  • Distortion: <1% at 1mW/1kHz
  • Stock cables: MMCX connector ending in 3.5mm
  • Warranty period: 2 years
In one review the midrange is muddy and recessed, and in another one is forward... not very easy to follow guys...
These are good IEMs though I wouldn't spend $250 on these when other IEMs in this price range are better.

If you can find the Solos at $150, they aren't a bad choice if you are looking for a detailed, dry sounding IEM
Ahahaha :D you're right @dottormorte
It's neither recessed or forward.
This IEM's sound characteristic is colored. It's not a bad thing by any means. Mids are thicker and more meatier than usual. It's great for long, really long listening sessions. But some people might look for a more light, airy, sparkly presentation.
With the detailed sound signature across its hard to understand the sound characteristics easily.
I will write a review for it. I think I might be able give a better insight.