  1. Zi0P4tch0

    High-end iPhone/office setup

    Hi!   I'm looking for some good full-size (closed) headphones that I could use whilst walking around in the noisy London and, at the same time, in the office.   Mobile Gear: - iPhone 5   Office Gear: - Macbook Pro Mid-2012   I mostly listen to: - Rock - Blues  - Symphonic metal -...
  2. jude

    PC to Mac: My Not-So-Genius Switch

    PC to Mac: My Not-So-Genius Switch With the exception of a three-year love affair with Apple’s infamous Newton, I have been a Windows guy since switching to a PC from an Apple //e some 20+ years ago. Lately, with my Dell laptop’s CPU’s lonely single core becoming more and more of a...
  3. nine

    iPod Classic Firmware 1.1 WARNING

    iPod Classic Firmware 1.1 WARNING Hi all Just updated my iPod classic to the 1.1 firmware, and was experiencing a lot of weird noise in my mini^3 when the power in the iPod was off. Took it down to the workbench and did some investigating. What I found was ~.5v of DC on the line out...
  4. MacDEF

    iPod Battery: The Definitive Word

    This should answer most questions, and correct most misinformation:
  5. Steve Eddy

    Apple Plans To Shut Down Beats Music

    Hot off the wires. se
  6. St0rMl0rD

    Audiophile iOS audio player

    So, Westone just posted this new app of theirs that's supposed to offer a better quality audio experience on iOS devices. What do you think of these apps - do you use one, does it really matter, etc.? I haven't tested it yet, so I can't really say about this one.  ...
  7. totylertarian

    Trouble with file types

    I have recently become an owner of an S:Flo2 (it took long enough). I tried transferring my iTunes files to the S:Flo2 but it didn't work. The S:Flo2 only seems to recognize mp3s. My iTunes files are a mixture of mpeg-4, AAC, and Apple Lossless. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? It seems...
  8. Chimera-se

    New MacBook Air!!!!

    Does anyone else think this could be the most incredible "transportable" system in the universe: A MBA running Amarra-->USB DAC -->JHA+JHxx or Protector-->balanced 'phones of choice!?!?!? Lemme know what ya think peeps! I'm excited
  9. jack963

    CDex Equivalent for Mac

    I just switched from PC to Mac, and I'm looking for something to take the place of CDex for my Mac (it doesn't exist for Mac, correct?). Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks a lot!
  10. Xombie11

    DAC for Macbook & Swans

      Hey guys!   I just joined Head-Fi, looks like a really cool community. I'm also a member at, where I posed a few of the same questions as I have here, and now I'm looking for some additional advice.   My original thread can be found here...
  11. aimlink

    Time Capsule as iTunes Server

    Any success getting that to fly?   If so, any pitfalls in the setup?  Anyone using a Squeezebox Touch with a Mac?  Do you need to install proprietary SqueezeBox server software for it to tango with your iTunes media?  
  12. rbf1138

    Macbook + uDAC + amp setup

    So I just got my uDAC, to be used with my MBP. I've got it outputting via RCA to my Cute Beyond amp. I'm a it confused as to how the volume should be set though. I hear a bit more "hiss" with the udac turned up high, but I've read that it and my Mac's audio should be on highest, with the amp as...
  13. SillyHoney

    Mac users, what are your media players?

    Since the day I got into audiophile world I haven't try iTunes no more. Today because of a friend asking for help on album artworks I opened my iTunes and played some songs in 320kbps. Guess what? It sounds sucky compared to Winamp Clarity and dynamic are what noticeably worse. Does iTunes...
  14. dozens

    Macbook audio out messed up?

    Hey, my Macbook audio works fine when I hav e headphones in, but when I pull the plug out the audio does not come thru the speakers and the volume button shows a speaker with a slash thru it. Also there is a red light in the plug port. Weird.
  15. Mr Do

    New Aluminum Mac MIni as audio source anyone?

    On a side note to todays iPhone 4 fiasco apple slipped in the new aluminum Mac Mini today.    Does anyone plan on getting this to use as a source for a computer rig? I currently use a mini and may upgrade if it decides to crash on me.
  16. Sovelin

    Significant audio improvement with Zero DAC on my MacBook Pro?

    This is kind of a two part question. I'm currently in Dominica, and won't be back in the US for a few months. There are several songs that I want, and I usually just buy them from iTunes. But if I like enough songs, I'll buy the entire album. There are a few albums that I want to get, and I'm...
  17. Mr Do

    Post pics of your computer rigs here.

    Lets see some pics of fellow headfiers computer rigs. When mine is complete i will post a pic. . Do!
  18. Hybrys

    Why buy a Macbook?

    Why did you buy a Macbook?  Or, why are you going to buy a Macbook?   I'm still curious to this, because everyone in Sound Design/Engineering seems to use one, and that's my path.  I need top performance for 3D design, and lighting design emulation.  (CPU > Video card > RAM > HDD/SSD)  I...
  19. adrockthewalrus

    0404 usb with multiple inputs/outputs

    I'm considering getting one of these to fit my need for a better-than-on-board sound card/headphone amp.   I use a mixture of a mac mini and a desktop pc, and use a mixture of headphones (ms-1 and a gaming headset with mic), and an old nad amp attached to a couple of speakers. At the moment...