  1. luckybaer

    Need Help - Gumby + Mjolnir 2... Worthy Upgrade From...

    ... Mimby and a mix of the Vali 2 & Magni 3? I'll eventually upgrade, and I like the Schiit products so far, but I could pull the trigger within the next couple of weeks if I wanted to. Has anyone else made a similar jump? What can I expect? The headphones I currently have: HD650, DT880...
  2. Frank161

    Schiit Mimby gets quite hot

    Hi everyone, I have a Schiit Modi Multibit for a couple of weeks now and it's a great DAC, but I'm wondering how hot it's supposed to get. Mine becomes almost too warm to touch at the top. Is this normal behaviour? It's connected now with a USB cable from ghentaudio (which I got today) to my...