  1. xedjflowx

    Oddly Specific Recommendations for a Super Basshead <=200

    Time goes by but I never stop visiting head-fi. Years before I signed up and years after not having logged in, I still visit. But today, I'm in eager need of all your help.   The reason I call my title oddly specific is because I'm looking for IEMs only with ability to replace the cord with -...
  2. richi143

    IEMS with bass under $100

    A friend of mine is returning from USA. I am interested in getting an IEM's from him as there are hardly any choices to get them from india. Please suggest me a good pair of IEM's with following requirements: -Bass, no less than Nuforce NE-6 or Soundmagic E10 or Brainwavz M1.It can be...
  3. kbsmasta

    NuForce NE-6/7 vs NE-700X

    I, like many others, fell in love with the NE-6. I had a pair that got stolen in Malaysia. I returned to the US and after a bit of research I got a pair of MEE SP51P (I was able to find the SP51P for cheaper than the SP51 somehow) which I dont find as great a IEM as the NE-6. I see the NE-6 is...
  4. m0rn

    Replacement for Nuforce NE-6

    So a little over a year my NE-6 has crapped out on me (2nd pair after warranty replacement), I purchased the Brainwavz M4s as a replacement but I didn't like their sound what so ever. Granted I'm no expert but the bass sounded too boomy and the highs and mids sounded like they were projected in...
  5. richi143

    Bass as same as nuforce ne-6/7..

    2 years back i got a pair of nuforce ne-6. I started listening to them and become a fan of its bass and quality. Unluckily, after an year, it started having problems. Since then i have monitored many earphones in 60-70$ category and didnt find any with same sound quality and bass. I can extend...
  6. HeadphoneAddict

    Mini-Review: Nuforce NE-770X and NE-600 budget earphones

      First Impressions of Nuforce NE-770X and NE-600X:   Please be sure to see my NE-700X review at and my      Nuforce NE-7M review...
  7. 7Virtues

    IEMs for movies?

    I currently own vsonics, sunrise IE, and nuforce ne6.   Curious if I spent the same money on headphones, would I get a better sound for movies than using any of those?
  8. nOoneNL

    Good $200 Headphones with no sound leaking?

      Well hello there,   I'm in the market for some good cans with very little to NO sound leaking, since I will be using them on the bus, train and at school. I currently using in-ear NuForce NE6, but I'm really bothered by the lack of a great soundstage.   My home equipment...
  9. nOoneNL

    Good $200 Headphones with no sound leaking?

    Well hello there,   I'm in the market for some good cans with very little to NO sound leaking, since I will be using them on the bus, train and at school. I currently using in-ear NuForce NE6, but I'm really bothered by the lack of a great soundstage.   My home equipment contains a...
  10. 7Virtues

    Is this normal?

    I just bought some Sunrise Impressive Editions, and I noticed something. When I put them in regular(not over the ear) I hear some weird noises, almost an echo if I move the wires/head(which moves the wires).    I didn't notice this on my old pair of NuForce Ne-6/7's.    Is this normal...
  11. 7Virtues

    Is there anything out there that I can replace my NE-6 with?

    For under $100 that has way better SQ than my Nuforce NE-6?   Had these for 2 years ish and looking for something that will have SQ that will make the NE-6 look like a joke. I don't know if its possible though for under $100.
  12. z0mghii

    Where can I buy NuForce NE6/NE-7M

    All the online retail stores are sold out because it's a discontinued product.   Does anyone have any idea where to get them? Or is there a similar IEM that compares with the NE6/NE-7M?    
  13. 7Virtues

    Looking to replace my Nuforce NE6

    For some reason I don't have much bass coming from them anymore. I don't think its my ears, but I don't know what the hell happened.   Whats the best replacement for around $50? Brainwavez M2 still?
  14. CyberAthlete

    Need new earphones: Torn between Tier 2C and 2B reviews

    Hello everyone, Are you actually getting better earphones as you move from one tier to the next or are tiers just divided based on price range? Are there Tier 2C headphones that sound better than Tier 2B headphones not taking over all value into consideration? I am in the need of a pair of...
  15. cybernick01

    Nuforce NE6/7M vs HD555/MDR7506

    Hi, before anything, I know nuforce ne-7m are IEM, but i own them, so i'd like a compare against them. I'm looking to buy a pair of headphones for music and gamming. Dont really care much about isolation. I mostly listen to rock i guess, i really like detailed sound tough, i guess it would be...
  16. cybernick01

    Nuforce NE-6/7M vs HD555 vs 7506

    Hi, before anything, I know nuforce ne-7m are IEM, but i own them, so i'd like a compare against them. I'm looking to buy a pair of headphones for music and gamming. Dont really care much about isolation. I mostly listen to rock i guess, i really like detailed sound tough, i guess it would be...
  17. ohhgourami

    You know you're an audiophile when...

    You are passing by a girl and you keep trying to see what kind of IEMs she's wearing.  Once you realize they're crap (or not), then you realize she's actually a very attractive girl.     You keep staring at the guy sitting across from you cuz you heard him mention something about...
  18. moleface

    XL single flange silicone tips?

    I have issues with fit - large single flange tips provide the best sound for me but they won't stay sealed, and for some odd reason I can't get bi and triflanges to seal no matter what I do.   Large Comply foam tips seal perfectly, but I find them extremely muffled. I used some earplugs to...
  19. Palpatine

    Upgrade from NE-700x

    I just upgraded my NE-6 headphones which I thought were quite good for the money. I bought the NE-700x after many favourable reviews. I am very happy with the result. They have more definition in the higher frequencies, and have nice bass as well. Mostly I was impressed how the sound stage...
  20. kwitel

    Has anyone tried the Creative EP-650's?

    I have loved the ep-630's for years now; recently lost mine and am wondering if there is a reason to now go with the 650's instead?
  21. moleface

    Weirdest IEM problem ever - static electricity??

    Ok, so -   I bought some Nuforce NE-6s a couple months ago for use with my Sansa Fuze. The first pair developed a serious short in the cord after a few weeks, so I returned them.   The second pair had a different problem out of the box - they made a continuous popping/crackling sound...
  22. kunalv

    IEM for around 50$ for metal music

    Hi,   This is my first post here . I would like to buy a pair of IEMs for about 50$ . The music i listen to is mainly metal , bands like Kalmah , Nile , Meshuggah , Decapitated , Opeth etc .. I am looking for a good amount of bass as im a big sucker for the double bass blast beats . I am...
  23. Innova

    Looking for new tips.

    I bought some Nuforce NE6 IEMs a couple years ago, with the help of this wonderful forum.  The stock tips are now starting to bother me, they don't seem to fit as well, and they also pop off the iem quite easily.   Can someone recommend some better tips, comply are about the only ones I have...
  24. moleface

    Nuforce NE-6 - fragile plug?

    I know that the NE-6s are old news for Head-Fi,  but I'm curious if anyone's had any issue with the build quality of these IEMs.   My last pair developed a short in the plug after three weeks of careful use, and my replacement pair had a short in the plug on day one. It's definitely not my...
  25. Shawn8864

    affordable in ear headphones from amazon?

    Let me start this off by saying i am no audiophile. I am one of the few people at my high school to expand their headphone choice beyond skullcandy and Beats by Dr Dre. i Had the sennheiser cx500s, and i loved them. While they lasted. I had them for 2 months, and they broke. I am extremely...