A/B Comparisons - iems, buds, cans, daps, and more - Tips & Impressions
Sep 2, 2021 at 3:11 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 396


1000+ Head-Fier
Mar 17, 2012
Welcome to A/B Comparisons!
I started this because I feel that too much digging has to be made before finding direct comparisons, and I personally find comparisons more helpful than reviews. I will try to be concise and jargon-free. Hope it helps some people! Everything I tested was owned while comparing.

TIPS / IMPRESSIONS / Do cables matter? Does balanced matter? / $20 vs $10,000

64 audio duo vs andromeda 2020, ier-m9, u12t
64 audio tia trio vs mext, solaris se, u12t
64 audio u12t vs arya stealth, duo, ie900, ier-z1r, monarch, monarch mk2, odyssey, serratus, tia trio, traillii, zen pro
7hz timeless vs b2 dusk, hook-x, n5005, stellaris, wf-1000xm4
Akg n5005 vs andromeda 2020, hook-x, timeless
Audeze euclid vs mext
A&K uw100 vs ie600
Campfire audio andromeda 2020 vs b2 dusk, duo, evo, ier-m9, ier-z1r, mext, n5005, rsv
Campfire audio solaris se vs mesk mk2, nt6pro, tia trio, traillii
Campfire audio trifecta vs krypton 5, legend evo, multiverse mentor, perpetua
Dita perpetua vs krypton 5, odyssey, trifecta
Dunu zen vs b2 dusk, clairvoyance, rsv
Dunu zen pro vs ie600, monarch mk2, u12t
Empire ears legend evo vs ier-z1r, odyssey, trifecta
Empire ears odyssey vs krypton 5, legend evo, perpetua, u12t
Etymotic er3se vs er4sr, evo
Etymotic er4sr vs er3se, evo, kato, nt-1, ier-m9
Etymotic evo vs andromeda 2020, er3se, er4sr, kato
Fiio em5 vs blessing 2, masya, monk+
Fiio fd11 vs chu 2
Fir audio krypton 5 vs odyssey, perpetua, trifecta
Hidition nt1 (custom) vs er4sr, ier-m9
Hidition nt6pro vs mest mk2, solaris se
Hidition viento-b (universal) vs blessing 2, clairvoyance, ier-m9, ier-z1r, variations
K's earphone bell-lbbs vs chaconne, desolation sound, linkbuds, masya, rw-3000, serratus, x6
Meze rai penta vs ier-m9, variations
Moondrop blessing 2 vs b2 dusk, clairvoyance, em5, hd600, ie300, ier-m9, ier-z1r, variations, viento-b
Moondrop blessing 2 dusk vs acro be100, andromeda 2020, blessing 2, timeless, zen
Moondrop chaconne vs bell-lbbs, kato, listen wireless, masya, serratus, totem
Moondrop chu 2 vs fd11
Moondrop kato vs chaconne, er4sr, evo, serratus
Moondrop stellaris vs hook-x, timeless
Moondrop variations vs blessing 2, ier-m9, rai penta, viento-b
Oriolus traillii jp vs ier-z1r, solaris se, u12t
Raptgo hook-x vs n5005, stellaris, timeless
Rose masya vs bell-lbbs, chaconne, em5, x6
Sennheiser ie300 vs blessing 2
Sennheiser ie600 vs monarch mk2, uw100, zen pro
Sennheiser ie900 vs ier-z1r, monarch, monarch mk2, u12t
Softears rsv vs andromeda 2020, zen
Sony ier-m9 vs andromeda 2020, blessing 2, clairvoyance, duo, er4sr, ier-z1r, monarch mk2, monarch mk3, multiverse mentor, nt-1, rai penta, variations, viento-b
Sony ier-z1r vs andromeda 2020, blessing 2, ie900, ier-m9, legend evo, mest mk2, monarch, monarch mk2, traillii, u12t, viento-b
Sony linkbuds vs bell-lbbs
Sony wf-1000xm4 vs timeless
Tgxear alpha vs serratus, totem
Tgxear desolation sound vs bell-lbbs, multiverse mentor, rw-3000
Tgxear serratus vs alpha, bell-lbbs, chaconne, kato, totem, u12t
Tgxear totem vs alpha, chaconne, serratus
Thieaudio clairvoyance vs blessing 2, ier-m9, viento-b, zen
Thieaudio monarch vs ie900, ier-z1r, monarch mk2, u12t
Thieaudio monarch mk2 vs ie600, ie900, ier-m9, ier-z1r, monarch, monarch mk3, multiverse mentor, u12t, zen pro
Thieaudio monarch mk3 vs ier-m9, monarch mk2, multiverse mentor
Unique melody mest mk2 vs ier-z1r, nt6pro, solaris se
Unique melody mext vs andromeda 2020, euclid, tia trio
Unique melody multiverse mentor vs desolation sound, ier-m9, monarch mk2, monarch mk3, trifecta, utopia 2020
VE monk+ vs em5, x6
Yincrow rw-3000 vs bell-lbbs, desolation sound
Yincrow x6 vs bell-lbbs, masya, monk+

Source (DAP, dongle, amp, DAC & more)
Audioquest dragonfly cobalt vs no dragonfly cobalt, iemagni/modi 3+, paw s1, paw s2, sr25
Audioquest jitterbug vs no jitterbug
A&K ca1000 vs diablo, dx320, hugo 2, m17, pro ican
A&K hc2 vs paw s1, ru6
A&K kann alpha vs ca1000, sp2000t, sr25, wm1a, wm1z
A&K kann max vs ca1000, m9+, zx707
A&K se180 vs sp2000t, sr25 mk2
A&K se200 vs dx300, dx320, mojo 2, wm1am2
A&K sp2000t vs hugo 2, hugo tt2, kann alpha, se180, wm1z
A&K sr25 vs dragonfly cobalt, dx170, g8x, iemagni/modi 3+, kann alpha, mojo 2, sr25 mk2, wm1a, zx507
A&K sr25 mk2 vs se180, sr25
A&K sr35 vs dx170, m6u, m11s
Cayin ru6 vs hc2
Chord hugo 2 vs ca1000, diablo, dx320, m9+, mojo 2, sp2000t
Chord hugo tt2 vs iemagni/modi 3+, sp2000t
Chord mojo 2 vs dx320, gryphon, hugo 2, m6u, se200, sr25
Chord poly vs no poly
Fiio ka3 vs paw s1
Fiio ka13 vs fc3, k9
Fiio k9 vs dx320, ka13
Fiio m11s vs dx170, gryphon, m3x, m6u, sr35
Fiio m17 vs ca1000, dx320
Hiby fc3 vs ka13, m15, paw s1
Hiby r3pro saber vs dx170
Ibasso dx170 vs dx320, m11s, r3pro saber, sr25, sr35
Ibasso dx300 vs dx320, se200
Ibasso dx320 vs ca1000, dx170, dx300, hugo 2, k9, m17, mojo 2, se200, wm1am2
Ifi diablo vs ca1000, gryphon, hugo 2
Ifi gryphon vs diablo, m11s, mojo 2
Ifi pro ican vs ca1000
LG g8x vs sr25
Lotoo paw s1 vs dragonfly cobalt, fc3, hc2, ka3, paw s2
Lotoo paw s2 vs dragonfly cobalt, paw s1
Questyle m15 vs fc3
Schiit iemagni/modi 3+ stack vs dragonfly cobalt, hugo tt2, magni heresy, sr25
Schiit magni heresy vs iemagni
Shanling m3x vs m11s
Shanling m6u vs m9+, m11s, mojo 2, sr35, zx707
Shanling m9+ vs hugo 2, kann max, m6u
Sony wm1a (mrwalkman) vs kann alpha, sr25, zx507
Sony wm1a (stock) vs wm1am2
Sony wm1am2 vs dx320, se200, wm1a, zx707
Sony wm1z (stock) vs kann alpha, sp2000t
Sony zx507 vs sr25, wm1a
Sony zx707 vs kann max, m6u, wm1am2

Audeze lcd-5 vs ls50 wireless 2, utopia
Focal clear pro (og) vs hd800s, utopia
Focal elegia vs utopia, wh-1000xm4
Focal elex vs arya stealth, listen wireless
Focal listen wireless vs chaconne, elex, wh-1000xm5
Focal utopia vs clear pro, elegia, hd800s, lcd-5
Focal utopia 2020 vs arya organic, arya stealth, hd660s2, multiverse mentor, susvara, utopia 2022
Focal utopia 2022 vs susvara, utopia 2020
Hifiman arya organic vs utopia 2020
Hifiman arya stealth vs elex, hd600, hd660s2, u12t, utopia 2020
Hifiman he-4xx vs hd58x
Hifiman sundara vs hd600, hd800s
Hifiman sundara closed vs momentum 4
Hifiman susvara vs utopia 2020, utopia 2022
Sennheiser hd58x vs hd600, hd6xx, he-4xx
Sennheiser hd600 vs arya stealth, blessing 2, hd58x, hd6xx, hd660s, hd800s, sundara
Sennheiser hd660s vs hd600, hd6xx
Sennheiser hd660s2 vs arya stealth, utopia 2020
Sennheiser hd6xx vs hd58x, hd600, hd660s
Sennheiser hd800s vs clear pro, hd600, sundara, utopia
Sennheiser momentum 4 vs sundara closed
Sony wh-1000xm4 vs elegia
Sony wh-1000xm5 vs listen wireless

Others (tips, wires, speakers & more)
3.5mm vs 4.4mm
4.4mm vs 3.5mm
A&K acro be100 vs b2 dusk, soundlink flex
A&K rm01 vs no rm01
Azla crystal vs cp100, type e
Bose soundlink flex vs be100
Effect Audio Ares II vs first times shielding
Eletech Iliad vs litzps 4n litz
Final audio type e vs cp100, crystal, spiral dot++
JVC spiral dot++ vs cp100, type e
KEF ls50 wireless 2 vs lcd-5
KEF lsx 2 vs mu-so
Naim mu-so vs lsx 2
Nicehck litzps 4n litz vs Iliad
PWaudio first times shielding vs ares II
Spinfit cp100 vs crystal, spiral dot++, type e
Spotify 320kbps vs tidal mqa
Tidal MQA vs spotify 320kbps
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Sep 2, 2021 at 3:11 AM Post #2 of 396
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Sep 2, 2021 at 3:13 AM Post #3 of 396
Review info:
  • I owned all items at time of comparison, so nothing from memory, shop demos or review samples.
  • Only strict A/B testing in an controlled environment.
  • I always use the same tips/earbud foams on both items, but I normally use the included cables.
  • I listen to around 1/3 classical/instrumental, 1/3 pop, 1/3 other, and prefer a shallow fit.
  • Stuff I care about in order of preference: transparency, naturalness (tonality), clarity (resolution), coherence (cohesiveness), soundstage, layering, imaging; mids, bass, treble
  • Mostly I prefer tonality over technicality.
  • My preferential item in sound is marked with a (W). This may change over time.
  • If I don’t talk about an aspect, it’s because they sound about the same to me.
  • This is supposed to be a rough guide, so I don't go into 5khz peaks, pinna gains, and minute technicalities.
  • I'm not sure if I believe in burn-in (since I haven't tested it), but almost all my items are bought used, and so should already be burned in.
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Sep 2, 2021 at 3:14 AM Post #4 of 396
1. etymotic er4sr vs sony ier-m9 (W):

the m9 is better in most things, especially in bass, soundstage and coherence, but the er4sr is clearer, more natural, and excels at tracks with single instruments (acoustic guitar, piano, etc.) m9 fit is much better.
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Sep 2, 2021 at 3:15 AM Post #5 of 396
2. sony ier-m9 (W) vs hidition nt1 custom:

the nt-1 has clearer mids, faster bass, has a more analytical sound. m9 has a smoother, fuller sound, better bass.
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Sep 2, 2021 at 3:16 AM Post #6 of 396
3. hidition nt1 custom (W) vs etymotic er4sr:

these both aim for a balanced natural sound. The er4sr has a clearer and more natural sound, but the nt-1 has more bass, musicality and soundstage.
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Sep 2, 2021 at 3:17 AM Post #7 of 396
4. a&k sr25 (W) vs sony zx507:

zx507 for bass quantity, musicality and a more relaxing sound. sr25 for clarity, soundstage, instrument separation, accuracy; has higher volume cap, but ui is laggy. also, the buttons are placed way too close to each other, and more prone to accidental pressing
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Sep 2, 2021 at 3:18 AM Post #8 of 396
5. sony ier-m9 vs sony ier-z1r (W):

z1r has better bass, better (but sometimes a bit shouty) treble, has a wider 3D soundstage, more detail. yes, the bass is AMAZING, but it can drown out the mids and treble, especially a problem in female vocals where it’s overpowered by the bass. m9 has the better mids and coherence (due to having a balance between bass, mids, and treble); also lighter and better fit.
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Sep 2, 2021 at 3:20 AM Post #9 of 396
6. sony ier-z1r (W) vs moondrop blessing 2:

z1r is better in most ways, some much better (like deeper, clearer bass, coherence), and some a little better (like fuller, but not clearer mids, soundstage, better treble); has slightly forward mids. Blessing 2 is lighter and has a better fit.
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Sep 2, 2021 at 4:41 AM Post #10 of 396
7. a&k kann alpha (W) vs a&k sr25:

both obviously have the same house sound, clear and natural, but kann alpha has a slight edge in some instances: wider 3D soundstage, a 4.4mm jack (!), can output more power, the click wheel is nicer and easier to turn. To be honest it sounds pretty similar with the iems I use. Both can drive a hd600, but the sr25 can barely drive it, whereas the kann alpha can do it with ease.
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Sep 5, 2021 at 3:15 AM Post #11 of 396
8. ve monk+ vs fiio em5 (W):

the em5 has more bass, is smoother, has a wider soundstage, better treble, mids are a little forward; monk plus has clearer mids, is more natural sounding, has a flat signature, requires more power (70 vs 100), harsher treble. The monk+ is great for $5, but it's not going to beat a much more expensive bud.
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Sep 5, 2021 at 3:17 AM Post #12 of 396
9. fiio em5 vs rose masya (W):

the em5 has more bass (but bass overpowers mids), more detail, mids are a little more forward; masya has clearer mids, more transparency, better coherence, more balanced, feels a little faster; the treble of both is a little bright for me; drum cymbals sound harsh on both.
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Sep 5, 2021 at 3:21 AM Post #13 of 396
9. fiio em5 (8) vs rose masya (10):
the em5 has more bass (but bass overpowers mids), more detail, mids are a little more forward; masya has clearer mids, more transparency, better coherence, more balanced, feels a little faster; the treble of both is a little bright for me; drum cymbals sound harsh on both.

Are you using the foam covers on these earphones? I have the EM5 and there's no way I would say the treble is bright.
Sep 5, 2021 at 3:24 AM Post #14 of 396
Are you using the foam covers on these earphones? I have the EM5 and there's no way I would say the treble is bright.
yeah i am, the balanced ones. maybe the fit isnt right, maybe im just too used to smoother treble, maybe i'm just real sensitive, but hey, it sounds a "little" bright to me :D
Sep 7, 2021 at 6:27 AM Post #15 of 396
10. sony wm1a mrwalkman (W) vs sony zx507:

wm1a is a little smoother, has a wider soundstage, bass is a little clearer (but not more in amount), background instruments are clearer; zx507 sounds slightly leaner and a little congested in comparison. I feel that the zx507 gives a more typical sony warm sound than the wm1a mrwalkman. however, i do not know what the stock wm1a sounds like.
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