Cayin C9: Dual Nutube, Fully Balanced Class A/AB Portable HeadAmp
Jan 4, 2024 at 7:53 PM Post #6,166 of 6,240

As mentioned in the write up from 2021, the P6K does great with the C9.
The Variable LO from the P6K using the "Pre In" setting of the C9 allowed me to control audio from the DAP, and made it much more convenient, and TBH I think it sounded better that way but that is IMO, and YMMV.
Even with the N7 I run it the same way using the Variable Out into the C9 in Pre In mode.

The P6K into the C9 still sounds very good, despite its age, and was better than many other newer DAP's I tried with the C9
Only recently bested by the N30LE into the C9, but right now prefer using the N30LE by itself, so hence keeping the P6K and N7 around for use with the C9 and the N8ii will soon be in the classifieds.
Recently purchased desktop Tube Amp - Resisted that rabbit hole with tube rolling for a few years but succumbed to it this past year, but the C9 will stay around for its versatility and transportability.

Hope this helps.
More than enough, sounds like something I'd like.
Jan 5, 2024 at 5:15 AM Post #6,167 of 6,240

As mentioned in the write up from 2021, the P6K does great with the C9.
The Variable LO from the P6K using the "Pre In" setting of the C9 allowed me to control audio from the DAP, and made it much more convenient, and TBH I think it sounded better that way but that is IMO, and YMMV.
Even with the N7 I run it the same way using the Variable Out into the C9 in Pre In mode.

The P6K into the C9 still sounds very good, despite its age, and was better than many other newer DAP's I tried with the C9
Only recently bested by the N30LE into the C9, but right now prefer using the N30LE by itself, so hence keeping the P6K and N7 around for use with the C9 and the N8ii will soon be in the classifieds.
Recently purchased desktop Tube Amp - Resisted that rabbit hole with tube rolling for a few years but succumbed to it this past year, but the C9 will stay around for its versatility and transportability.

Hope this helps.

Great sharing, and the recap of interconnects between C9 and various DAPs, a very helpful contribution indeed.

And I am very interested in your opinion between C9 and HA-3A. I have said it repeatedly that, while C9 is a brilliant product, it won't outperform a decent desktop amplifier when you are using full-size headphones, but I am not too sure if IEM is used instead of full-size headphones.

Since you have C9 and HA-3A, maybe you can tell us whether the HA-3A can outperform the C9 with different headphones or IEMs. Chances like this are difficult to come by, It might be a bit controversial if you own a desktop tube amp from a different brand.

Maybe using N7 as the source? N7 + C9 makes more sense than N30LE + C9, IMHO.
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jan 5, 2024 at 7:15 AM Post #6,168 of 6,240

Back in Oct 2021 I wrote my own observations/mini shoot out of several IC Cables that I either had made (I had 2 Plussound X8 IC's made), or was able to borrow and posted my thoughts using them on the C9
Here is the link to that test

It might be a little long, but it might give you some information that you are looking for
I still use the X8 Hybrid IC I had made of Tri-Silver and PPH from Plussound and still enjoy using it
I still own the PAW 6000 DAP from that test, and it does still get some use, but I primarly use it Cayin N7 I own also
The C9 sound was something I missed when I traveled in airplanes, so that led to a N8ii purchase to get close to the C9 sound. (The N8ii is going up for sale soon, replaced with a N30LE)
I had several AK DAP's but even with the C9 connected to them, just didn't do it for me, and were sold very quickly

You will get a lot of milage from a good IC connected to the C9.
The C9 responded very well to various good quality IC's I've purchased or borrowed. I am always looking to see if I can improve on the sound, but I've so far stuck to my Tri-Silver/PPH combo IC. The X8 Copper/SPC IC from that write up did sell quite a while ago, as it just was not getting a lot of use.
I've borrowed a friends EXO (4 wire) IC and IMO the X8 had a little more soundstage (Width and height) vs the 4 wire if you're wondering.

Here is a picture from that test showing the X8 IC between the PAW6K and the C9, and then going out through another X8 PPH cable to the JH Audio Jolene's I had then
While some of the HW I use now (the IEM's, the cable to the IEM's and the source) are different, the C9 and the IC are still the same.
P6K C9 Jolene PS IC PC PPH.jpg
Hope this information helps and of course YMMV

Good luck finding the sound signature your chasing!
Outstanding review/write up. Incredibly helpful and revealing. Thank you.
Jan 6, 2024 at 3:40 PM Post #6,170 of 6,240
Has anyone experienced the Eletech Ode To Laura IC with the Cayin C9...or any other portable amp?
Would love to hear any SQ thoughts/feedback/opinions on this IC...
There is a dedicated thread for Eletech cables
you may find those user impressions there more readily and also the regular post-era there are very friendly. I haven’t watched that thread for quite a while though as I got out of the ‘cable reviewer’ mode about a year ago
Jan 7, 2024 at 5:35 PM Post #6,171 of 6,240
Great sharing, and the recap of interconnects between C9 and various DAPs, a very helpful contribution indeed.

And I am very interested in your opinion between C9 and HA-3A. I have said it repeatedly that, while C9 is a brilliant product, it won't outperform a decent desktop amplifier when you are using full-size headphones, but I am not too sure if IEM is used instead of full-size headphones.

Since you have C9 and HA-3A, maybe you can tell us whether the HA-3A can outperform the C9 with different headphones or IEMs. Chances like this are difficult to come by, It might be a bit controversial if you own a desktop tube amp from a different brand.

Maybe using N7 as the source? N7 + C9 makes more sense than N30LE + C9, IMHO.

Thank you and honored by your ask of my opinion, C9 vs Desktop Amp.

First and foremost I do want to state everything I write is IMO, and definitely YMMV
Also I'm not compensated by Cayin for anything I write here, have paid for all of my devices from Cayin certified sellers (have not received anything directly from Cayin) and that I choose the devices I have after doing my own research and listening at venues like Can Jam and similar meets.
All be told I started off enjoying and using Lotoo products but have found better sound to value balance in Cayin's products as i've come through the years.
And apologies up front if this write up runs long, but I've been asked this very question about Tube Amps a lot recently, so drawing on past responses to make this post and trying to include as much info as possible, as if you're like me, you don't have unlimited funds to put towards this hobby and have to be selective on what you buy.

C9 vs HA-3A or any desktop amp, and what Andy has said in multiple forums is correct.
AS GOOD AS the C9 is, it might not be as good as a desktop amp.
Mostly because a desktop amp will deliver higher power output if needed, and one can tube roll on a desktop amp to tailor the sound, have uninterrupted run time power (IE plugged into AC) which all equal an advantage to a desktop amp on sound delivery and adjustability even with how flexible the C9 is.
I resisted for at least 3 years on buying a desktop amp, but this year I finally updated my over the ear headphones to the Meze Elite, and until I purchased a N30LE, all of my DAP's while they could drive the Meze Elite directly, when plugged into the C9, there was a distinct difference and the purchase of the Meze Elite is what pushed me to the purchase of the desktop amp, with some specific wants/parameters (such as also being able to use IEM's with the amp - more below)

The C9 was purchased originally to help drive the Dynamic Driver IEM's I was starting to purchase. Early DD IEM's needed more power than the DAP's I owned could provide to get the ideal sound signature. (newer DD IEM's even in combination with EST drivers for the highs are much more efficient and generally are driven well with any DAP out now, so this is less of a issue except for some specific IEM's out there)
I purchased the C9 due to its sound first and foremost, but also for its flexibility. Having the ability to use SS or tubes timbre, Class A or AB, low or high gain and the ability to completely remove the volume control section from the sound equation with its "Pre" in mode, are what made me choose the C9 over other portable amp options. Having a end user replaceable 18650 battery source was just icing on the cake, allowing this amp to be a true standalone transportable option.
While the Meze Elite's sound good from both the N7 and N8ii (and really good out of the N30LE) I own, running the N8ii or the N7 into the C9 for the Elite's took them from good to great sounding. I found myself just "listening" to the music, instead of analyzing the sound or the headphones. I stopped switching from A/AB and SS/tubes, just put the C9 into Class A/Tubes and sat back and began to enjoy the music. Once I had the Elites burned in, my first sit down through the C9 I probably just listened for 5-6 hours nonstop, something that has not happened since I first bought the C9 and paired with my first pair of DD driver IEM's.
IF you need flexibility, with the ability to tune the sound with options (Class A/AB, Tubes/SS, H or low gain, etc) and minimal fuss (one of the biggest advantages of the C9 over a desktop amp), the C9 is a must try IMO.

But as the C9 is using the fixed/not changable Korg NuTube tubes, it cannot surpass the experience one can have with a true desktop amp, IMO
I'm no stranger to tube amps, having had tube amps early on for home stereo. I knew (and a reason I resisted till now) desktop Tube Amp, OTL or Transformer coupled, have their quirks (susceptible to EMI/RMI/Ground loop noise/microphonics if not properly isolated to name a few that one must accept they need to find and resolve IMO).
If you want trouble free experience, stay C9 or go Solid State.
Desktop amps allow you to really change and tailor your sound and get to the sound signature your chasing. Changing the input tubes, the power tubes and even the rectifier tubes all affect your final sound. But as mentioned, they are magnets to sound killing influences like power transformers plugged into the same AC circuit, buzzing or cycling sounds from your WIFI router, or even hum and static from things like Infrared light sensors or even a laptop. You MUST have patience if your going to venture into a desktop Tube amp. Heck, even rolling from one brand of tube to another can introduce noises or hums not present on another brand, but call me crazy this is half the fun of tube rolling as when done right you will get a sound you cannot get any other way.

To answer Andy's question
Do I consider the C9 a good amp? a resounding YES. I'd even call it a great amp because of its sound and flexibility and ease of use.
Are there better amps out there? Debatable IMO. Mostly because they don't offer the flexibility of the C9 that I just can't get with many other portable amps, SS or Tube driven.
Is the C9 better than a desktop amp? for some of the inexpensive amps out there Yes, but for a "real" tube amp from OEM's like Cayin, Feliks etc, NO. (not the place for me to name names here, let's just call Tube Amps, amps like the Cayin HA-3A or Feliks Evo for now)
Where a desktop amp excels, is the higher power output, when tuned and matched correctly to the source and the heapdhone/IEM's the sound can be a magnitude of order better than the C9. But it takes a lot of work to get there, be prepared spend a lot of time, effort and $'s to get there. If you don't want to do this, stick with the C9 IMO.
Andy asked where do I hear differences in the C9 vs. the HA-3A I own?
Mostly in the ability to change the tone, the depth and the warmth by rolling tubes on a desktop setup.
I don't own over the ear headphones like the Susvara or hard to drive Electrostatic headphones, so needing the output of something like the HA-300 with its 300B tubes was not needed. Plus the cost of true NOS 300B's like the holy Grail Western Electric tubes from the 30's/40's are upwards of $9000 for the tubes on top of the cost of the amp, not something I can afford. I took the availabity and cost of available tubes into account when chosing between amp makers and models. Be warned you should do this also.
The HA-3A offers me the abilty to play/tube roll within a budget, and Cayin's newly announced HA-2A is even more affordable, but I think and IMO the HA-3A is the sweetspot of affordability and sound with all the NOS tube options out there for the 6V6 and 12AU7 tubes, and still somewhat affordable.
I purposely chose the HA-3A over other amps I was considering like the Feliks, because of the 4.4mm output tailored to be able to use IEM's with the amp, and the Meze Elite's being easy to drive form the same 4.4mm connection.
However if you do own harder to drive over the ears, you may be looking at a desktop amp over the HA-3A to get the best sound, there is plenty written in other forums to help you decide which way to go, but there are options under Cayin's brand in the HA-6A and the HA-300 that track along side the other OEM amps out there.
For me, the C9 and the desktop amp are complementary, not mutually exclusive. There is a time and a place to use one or the other, and my purchase of the HA-3A did not mean the C9 was put up for sale, on the contrary it is used now more than ever.

But some words of advice
Either amp is ONLY as good as the source you use, the interconnects to connect them, and the IEM's/Headphones and headphone cables your using.
Neither amp will transform a shrill or overly dark monitor into something else. it will instead help you tease out that last 5-15% of sound you think your monitors can offer.
And as the adage in the computer industry quotes, Garbage in Garbage out. You will need to invest in a good source, and you may want to invest in good interconnects. The cheap plastic $2.99 interconnects will be your weak link to getting great sound, and if you want to get more sound than what is bundled with the C9, you will need to do some research and will have to spend some money
This does NOT mean you have to go out and buy kilobuck cables. I've seen and listened to great interconnects that start as low as $40, but I've also had made and use interconnects both for the C9 and the HA-3A that are a closer to IEM cable costs. I guess this is the great part of this hobby, buy until you can't justify the cost to go higher.

Andy has stated and I will confirm the N30LE benefits the least from the C9 over other Cayin DAPs
I almost sold my N7 several times, but paring it with the C9, using the 1bit all to DSD conversion of the N7 iinto the Korg NuTubes class A or AB of the C9 is one of the most entertaining sound signatures and why I'm keeping the N7. I also use the N7 as my source to the desktop HA-3A. It is a great combo C9 or HA-3A.
Hoping the replacement to the N8ii is the DAC of the N7 to the amp section of the N8ii/N30LE as that would be to me (and IMO) one entertaining DAP, and would probably end up on my next to buy list.
The N8ii even though it has the Class A/Nutube set does limit the power output vs going into the C9 so there is some improvement and using the C9 you get more of that tube sound. Sadly I will probably be putting it up for sale, sad because it has served me well to date.

Andy I hope I answered your question as I have edited out items that might not be meaningful in this the C9 forum. If I did not feel free to let me know.

And as always all written above is IMO, and YMMV

Thanks for reading!
Jan 7, 2024 at 6:10 PM Post #6,172 of 6,240

Thank you and honored by your ask of my opinion, C9 vs Desktop Amp.

First and foremost I do want to state everything I write is IMO, and definitely YMMV
Also I'm not compensated by Cayin for anything I write here, have paid for all of my devices from Cayin certified sellers (have not received anything directly from Cayin) and that I choose the devices I have after doing my own research and listening at venues like Can Jam and similar meets.
All be told I started off enjoying and using Lotoo products but have found better sound to value balance in Cayin's products as i've come through the years.
And apologies up front if this write up runs long, but I've been asked this very question about Tube Amps a lot recently, so drawing on past responses to make this post and trying to include as much info as possible, as if you're like me, you don't have unlimited funds to put towards this hobby and have to be selective on what you buy.

C9 vs HA-3A or any desktop amp, and what Andy has said in multiple forums is correct.
AS GOOD AS the C9 is, it might not be as good as a desktop amp.
Mostly because a desktop amp will deliver higher power output if needed, and one can tube roll on a desktop amp to tailor the sound, have uninterrupted run time power (IE plugged into AC) which all equal an advantage to a desktop amp on sound delivery and adjustability even with how flexible the C9 is.
I resisted for at least 3 years on buying a desktop amp, but this year I finally updated my over the ear headphones to the Meze Elite, and until I purchased a N30LE, all of my DAP's while they could drive the Meze Elite directly, when plugged into the C9, there was a distinct difference and the purchase of the Meze Elite is what pushed me to the purchase of the desktop amp, with some specific wants/parameters (such as also being able to use IEM's with the amp - more below)

The C9 was purchased originally to help drive the Dynamic Driver IEM's I was starting to purchase. Early DD IEM's needed more power than the DAP's I owned could provide to get the ideal sound signature. (newer DD IEM's even in combination with EST drivers for the highs are much more efficient and generally are driven well with any DAP out now, so this is less of a issue except for some specific IEM's out there)
I purchased the C9 due to its sound first and foremost, but also for its flexibility. Having the ability to use SS or tubes timbre, Class A or AB, low or high gain and the ability to completely remove the volume control section from the sound equation with its "Pre" in mode, are what made me choose the C9 over other portable amp options. Having a end user replaceable 18650 battery source was just icing on the cake, allowing this amp to be a true standalone transportable option.
While the Meze Elite's sound good from both the N7 and N8ii (and really good out of the N30LE) I own, running the N8ii or the N7 into the C9 for the Elite's took them from good to great sounding. I found myself just "listening" to the music, instead of analyzing the sound or the headphones. I stopped switching from A/AB and SS/tubes, just put the C9 into Class A/Tubes and sat back and began to enjoy the music. Once I had the Elites burned in, my first sit down through the C9 I probably just listened for 5-6 hours nonstop, something that has not happened since I first bought the C9 and paired with my first pair of DD driver IEM's.
IF you need flexibility, with the ability to tune the sound with options (Class A/AB, Tubes/SS, H or low gain, etc) and minimal fuss (one of the biggest advantages of the C9 over a desktop amp), the C9 is a must try IMO.

But as the C9 is using the fixed/not changable Korg NuTube tubes, it cannot surpass the experience one can have with a true desktop amp, IMO
I'm no stranger to tube amps, having had tube amps early on for home stereo. I knew (and a reason I resisted till now) desktop Tube Amp, OTL or Transformer coupled, have their quirks (susceptible to EMI/RMI/Ground loop noise/microphonics if not properly isolated to name a few that one must accept they need to find and resolve IMO).
If you want trouble free experience, stay C9 or go Solid State.
Desktop amps allow you to really change and tailor your sound and get to the sound signature your chasing. Changing the input tubes, the power tubes and even the rectifier tubes all affect your final sound. But as mentioned, they are magnets to sound killing influences like power transformers plugged into the same AC circuit, buzzing or cycling sounds from your WIFI router, or even hum and static from things like Infrared light sensors or even a laptop. You MUST have patience if your going to venture into a desktop Tube amp. Heck, even rolling from one brand of tube to another can introduce noises or hums not present on another brand, but call me crazy this is half the fun of tube rolling as when done right you will get a sound you cannot get any other way.

To answer Andy's question
Do I consider the C9 a good amp? a resounding YES. I'd even call it a great amp because of its sound and flexibility and ease of use.
Are there better amps out there? Debatable IMO. Mostly because they don't offer the flexibility of the C9 that I just can't get with many other portable amps, SS or Tube driven.
Is the C9 better than a desktop amp? for some of the inexpensive amps out there Yes, but for a "real" tube amp from OEM's like Cayin, Feliks etc, NO. (not the place for me to name names here, let's just call Tube Amps, amps like the Cayin HA-3A or Feliks Evo for now)
Where a desktop amp excels, is the higher power output, when tuned and matched correctly to the source and the heapdhone/IEM's the sound can be a magnitude of order better than the C9. But it takes a lot of work to get there, be prepared spend a lot of time, effort and $'s to get there. If you don't want to do this, stick with the C9 IMO.
Andy asked where do I hear differences in the C9 vs. the HA-3A I own?
Mostly in the ability to change the tone, the depth and the warmth by rolling tubes on a desktop setup.
I don't own over the ear headphones like the Susvara or hard to drive Electrostatic headphones, so needing the output of something like the HA-300 with its 300B tubes was not needed. Plus the cost of true NOS 300B's like the holy Grail Western Electric tubes from the 30's/40's are upwards of $9000 for the tubes on top of the cost of the amp, not something I can afford. I took the availabity and cost of available tubes into account when chosing between amp makers and models. Be warned you should do this also.
The HA-3A offers me the abilty to play/tube roll within a budget, and Cayin's newly announced HA-2A is even more affordable, but I think and IMO the HA-3A is the sweetspot of affordability and sound with all the NOS tube options out there for the 6V6 and 12AU7 tubes, and still somewhat affordable.
I purposely chose the HA-3A over other amps I was considering like the Feliks, because of the 4.4mm output tailored to be able to use IEM's with the amp, and the Meze Elite's being easy to drive form the same 4.4mm connection.
However if you do own harder to drive over the ears, you may be looking at a desktop amp over the HA-3A to get the best sound, there is plenty written in other forums to help you decide which way to go, but there are options under Cayin's brand in the HA-6A and the HA-300 that track along side the other OEM amps out there.
For me, the C9 and the desktop amp are complementary, not mutually exclusive. There is a time and a place to use one or the other, and my purchase of the HA-3A did not mean the C9 was put up for sale, on the contrary it is used now more than ever.

But some words of advice
Either amp is ONLY as good as the source you use, the interconnects to connect them, and the IEM's/Headphones and headphone cables your using.
Neither amp will transform a shrill or overly dark monitor into something else. it will instead help you tease out that last 5-15% of sound you think your monitors can offer.
And as the adage in the computer industry quotes, Garbage in Garbage out. You will need to invest in a good source, and you may want to invest in good interconnects. The cheap plastic $2.99 interconnects will be your weak link to getting great sound, and if you want to get more sound than what is bundled with the C9, you will need to do some research and will have to spend some money
This does NOT mean you have to go out and buy kilobuck cables. I've seen and listened to great interconnects that start as low as $40, but I've also had made and use interconnects both for the C9 and the HA-3A that are a closer to IEM cable costs. I guess this is the great part of this hobby, buy until you can't justify the cost to go higher.

Andy has stated and I will confirm the N30LE benefits the least from the C9 over other Cayin DAPs
I almost sold my N7 several times, but paring it with the C9, using the 1bit all to DSD conversion of the N7 iinto the Korg NuTubes class A or AB of the C9 is one of the most entertaining sound signatures and why I'm keeping the N7. I also use the N7 as my source to the desktop HA-3A. It is a great combo C9 or HA-3A.
Hoping the replacement to the N8ii is the DAC of the N7 to the amp section of the N8ii/N30LE as that would be to me (and IMO) one entertaining DAP, and would probably end up on my next to buy list.
The N8ii even though it has the Class A/Nutube set does limit the power output vs going into the C9 so there is some improvement and using the C9 you get more of that tube sound. Sadly I will probably be putting it up for sale, sad because it has served me well to date.

Andy I hope I answered your question as I have edited out items that might not be meaningful in this the C9 forum. If I did not feel free to let me know.

And as always all written above is IMO, and YMMV

Thanks for reading!
Nicely put especially for those of us C9 users contemplating purchase of a desktop tube (pre or speaker) amp.
Jan 7, 2024 at 11:36 PM Post #6,173 of 6,240

Thank you and honored by your ask of my opinion, C9 vs Desktop Amp.

First and foremost I do want to state everything I write is IMO, and definitely YMMV
Also I'm not compensated by Cayin for anything I write here, have paid for all of my devices from Cayin certified sellers (have not received anything directly from Cayin) and that I choose the devices I have after doing my own research and listening at venues like Can Jam and similar meets.
All be told I started off enjoying and using Lotoo products but have found better sound to value balance in Cayin's products as i've come through the years.
And apologies up front if this write up runs long, but I've been asked this very question about Tube Amps a lot recently, so drawing on past responses to make this post and trying to include as much info as possible, as if you're like me, you don't have unlimited funds to put towards this hobby and have to be selective on what you buy.

C9 vs HA-3A or any desktop amp, and what Andy has said in multiple forums is correct.
AS GOOD AS the C9 is, it might not be as good as a desktop amp.
Mostly because a desktop amp will deliver higher power output if needed, and one can tube roll on a desktop amp to tailor the sound, have uninterrupted run time power (IE plugged into AC) which all equal an advantage to a desktop amp on sound delivery and adjustability even with how flexible the C9 is.
I resisted for at least 3 years on buying a desktop amp, but this year I finally updated my over the ear headphones to the Meze Elite, and until I purchased a N30LE, all of my DAP's while they could drive the Meze Elite directly, when plugged into the C9, there was a distinct difference and the purchase of the Meze Elite is what pushed me to the purchase of the desktop amp, with some specific wants/parameters (such as also being able to use IEM's with the amp - more below)

The C9 was purchased originally to help drive the Dynamic Driver IEM's I was starting to purchase. Early DD IEM's needed more power than the DAP's I owned could provide to get the ideal sound signature. (newer DD IEM's even in combination with EST drivers for the highs are much more efficient and generally are driven well with any DAP out now, so this is less of a issue except for some specific IEM's out there)
I purchased the C9 due to its sound first and foremost, but also for its flexibility. Having the ability to use SS or tubes timbre, Class A or AB, low or high gain and the ability to completely remove the volume control section from the sound equation with its "Pre" in mode, are what made me choose the C9 over other portable amp options. Having a end user replaceable 18650 battery source was just icing on the cake, allowing this amp to be a true standalone transportable option.
While the Meze Elite's sound good from both the N7 and N8ii (and really good out of the N30LE) I own, running the N8ii or the N7 into the C9 for the Elite's took them from good to great sounding. I found myself just "listening" to the music, instead of analyzing the sound or the headphones. I stopped switching from A/AB and SS/tubes, just put the C9 into Class A/Tubes and sat back and began to enjoy the music. Once I had the Elites burned in, my first sit down through the C9 I probably just listened for 5-6 hours nonstop, something that has not happened since I first bought the C9 and paired with my first pair of DD driver IEM's.
IF you need flexibility, with the ability to tune the sound with options (Class A/AB, Tubes/SS, H or low gain, etc) and minimal fuss (one of the biggest advantages of the C9 over a desktop amp), the C9 is a must try IMO.

But as the C9 is using the fixed/not changable Korg NuTube tubes, it cannot surpass the experience one can have with a true desktop amp, IMO
I'm no stranger to tube amps, having had tube amps early on for home stereo. I knew (and a reason I resisted till now) desktop Tube Amp, OTL or Transformer coupled, have their quirks (susceptible to EMI/RMI/Ground loop noise/microphonics if not properly isolated to name a few that one must accept they need to find and resolve IMO).
If you want trouble free experience, stay C9 or go Solid State.
Desktop amps allow you to really change and tailor your sound and get to the sound signature your chasing. Changing the input tubes, the power tubes and even the rectifier tubes all affect your final sound. But as mentioned, they are magnets to sound killing influences like power transformers plugged into the same AC circuit, buzzing or cycling sounds from your WIFI router, or even hum and static from things like Infrared light sensors or even a laptop. You MUST have patience if your going to venture into a desktop Tube amp. Heck, even rolling from one brand of tube to another can introduce noises or hums not present on another brand, but call me crazy this is half the fun of tube rolling as when done right you will get a sound you cannot get any other way.

To answer Andy's question
Do I consider the C9 a good amp? a resounding YES. I'd even call it a great amp because of its sound and flexibility and ease of use.
Are there better amps out there? Debatable IMO. Mostly because they don't offer the flexibility of the C9 that I just can't get with many other portable amps, SS or Tube driven.
Is the C9 better than a desktop amp? for some of the inexpensive amps out there Yes, but for a "real" tube amp from OEM's like Cayin, Feliks etc, NO. (not the place for me to name names here, let's just call Tube Amps, amps like the Cayin HA-3A or Feliks Evo for now)
Where a desktop amp excels, is the higher power output, when tuned and matched correctly to the source and the heapdhone/IEM's the sound can be a magnitude of order better than the C9. But it takes a lot of work to get there, be prepared spend a lot of time, effort and $'s to get there. If you don't want to do this, stick with the C9 IMO.
Andy asked where do I hear differences in the C9 vs. the HA-3A I own?
Mostly in the ability to change the tone, the depth and the warmth by rolling tubes on a desktop setup.
I don't own over the ear headphones like the Susvara or hard to drive Electrostatic headphones, so needing the output of something like the HA-300 with its 300B tubes was not needed. Plus the cost of true NOS 300B's like the holy Grail Western Electric tubes from the 30's/40's are upwards of $9000 for the tubes on top of the cost of the amp, not something I can afford. I took the availabity and cost of available tubes into account when chosing between amp makers and models. Be warned you should do this also.
The HA-3A offers me the abilty to play/tube roll within a budget, and Cayin's newly announced HA-2A is even more affordable, but I think and IMO the HA-3A is the sweetspot of affordability and sound with all the NOS tube options out there for the 6V6 and 12AU7 tubes, and still somewhat affordable.
I purposely chose the HA-3A over other amps I was considering like the Feliks, because of the 4.4mm output tailored to be able to use IEM's with the amp, and the Meze Elite's being easy to drive form the same 4.4mm connection.
However if you do own harder to drive over the ears, you may be looking at a desktop amp over the HA-3A to get the best sound, there is plenty written in other forums to help you decide which way to go, but there are options under Cayin's brand in the HA-6A and the HA-300 that track along side the other OEM amps out there.
For me, the C9 and the desktop amp are complementary, not mutually exclusive. There is a time and a place to use one or the other, and my purchase of the HA-3A did not mean the C9 was put up for sale, on the contrary it is used now more than ever.

But some words of advice
Either amp is ONLY as good as the source you use, the interconnects to connect them, and the IEM's/Headphones and headphone cables your using.
Neither amp will transform a shrill or overly dark monitor into something else. it will instead help you tease out that last 5-15% of sound you think your monitors can offer.
And as the adage in the computer industry quotes, Garbage in Garbage out. You will need to invest in a good source, and you may want to invest in good interconnects. The cheap plastic $2.99 interconnects will be your weak link to getting great sound, and if you want to get more sound than what is bundled with the C9, you will need to do some research and will have to spend some money
This does NOT mean you have to go out and buy kilobuck cables. I've seen and listened to great interconnects that start as low as $40, but I've also had made and use interconnects both for the C9 and the HA-3A that are a closer to IEM cable costs. I guess this is the great part of this hobby, buy until you can't justify the cost to go higher.

Andy has stated and I will confirm the N30LE benefits the least from the C9 over other Cayin DAPs
I almost sold my N7 several times, but paring it with the C9, using the 1bit all to DSD conversion of the N7 iinto the Korg NuTubes class A or AB of the C9 is one of the most entertaining sound signatures and why I'm keeping the N7. I also use the N7 as my source to the desktop HA-3A. It is a great combo C9 or HA-3A.
Hoping the replacement to the N8ii is the DAC of the N7 to the amp section of the N8ii/N30LE as that would be to me (and IMO) one entertaining DAP, and would probably end up on my next to buy list.
The N8ii even though it has the Class A/Nutube set does limit the power output vs going into the C9 so there is some improvement and using the C9 you get more of that tube sound. Sadly I will probably be putting it up for sale, sad because it has served me well to date.

Andy I hope I answered your question as I have edited out items that might not be meaningful in this the C9 forum. If I did not feel free to let me know.

And as always all written above is IMO, and YMMV

Thanks for reading!
Phenomenal write up!
Jan 9, 2024 at 6:11 AM Post #6,174 of 6,240

Thank you and honored by your ask of my opinion, C9 vs Desktop Amp.

First and foremost I do want to state everything I write is IMO, and definitely YMMV
Also I'm not compensated by Cayin for anything I write here, have paid for all of my devices from Cayin certified sellers (have not received anything directly from Cayin) and that I choose the devices I have after doing my own research and listening at venues like Can Jam and similar meets.
All be told I started off enjoying and using Lotoo products but have found better sound to value balance in Cayin's products as i've come through the years.
And apologies up front if this write up runs long, but I've been asked this very question about Tube Amps a lot recently, so drawing on past responses to make this post and trying to include as much info as possible, as if you're like me, you don't have unlimited funds to put towards this hobby and have to be selective on what you buy.

C9 vs HA-3A or any desktop amp, and what Andy has said in multiple forums is correct.
AS GOOD AS the C9 is, it might not be as good as a desktop amp.
Mostly because a desktop amp will deliver higher power output if needed, and one can tube roll on a desktop amp to tailor the sound, have uninterrupted run time power (IE plugged into AC) which all equal an advantage to a desktop amp on sound delivery and adjustability even with how flexible the C9 is.
I resisted for at least 3 years on buying a desktop amp, but this year I finally updated my over the ear headphones to the Meze Elite, and until I purchased a N30LE, all of my DAP's while they could drive the Meze Elite directly, when plugged into the C9, there was a distinct difference and the purchase of the Meze Elite is what pushed me to the purchase of the desktop amp, with some specific wants/parameters (such as also being able to use IEM's with the amp - more below)

The C9 was purchased originally to help drive the Dynamic Driver IEM's I was starting to purchase. Early DD IEM's needed more power than the DAP's I owned could provide to get the ideal sound signature. (newer DD IEM's even in combination with EST drivers for the highs are much more efficient and generally are driven well with any DAP out now, so this is less of a issue except for some specific IEM's out there)
I purchased the C9 due to its sound first and foremost, but also for its flexibility. Having the ability to use SS or tubes timbre, Class A or AB, low or high gain and the ability to completely remove the volume control section from the sound equation with its "Pre" in mode, are what made me choose the C9 over other portable amp options. Having a end user replaceable 18650 battery source was just icing on the cake, allowing this amp to be a true standalone transportable option.
While the Meze Elite's sound good from both the N7 and N8ii (and really good out of the N30LE) I own, running the N8ii or the N7 into the C9 for the Elite's took them from good to great sounding. I found myself just "listening" to the music, instead of analyzing the sound or the headphones. I stopped switching from A/AB and SS/tubes, just put the C9 into Class A/Tubes and sat back and began to enjoy the music. Once I had the Elites burned in, my first sit down through the C9 I probably just listened for 5-6 hours nonstop, something that has not happened since I first bought the C9 and paired with my first pair of DD driver IEM's.
IF you need flexibility, with the ability to tune the sound with options (Class A/AB, Tubes/SS, H or low gain, etc) and minimal fuss (one of the biggest advantages of the C9 over a desktop amp), the C9 is a must try IMO.

But as the C9 is using the fixed/not changable Korg NuTube tubes, it cannot surpass the experience one can have with a true desktop amp, IMO
I'm no stranger to tube amps, having had tube amps early on for home stereo. I knew (and a reason I resisted till now) desktop Tube Amp, OTL or Transformer coupled, have their quirks (susceptible to EMI/RMI/Ground loop noise/microphonics if not properly isolated to name a few that one must accept they need to find and resolve IMO).
If you want trouble free experience, stay C9 or go Solid State.
Desktop amps allow you to really change and tailor your sound and get to the sound signature your chasing. Changing the input tubes, the power tubes and even the rectifier tubes all affect your final sound. But as mentioned, they are magnets to sound killing influences like power transformers plugged into the same AC circuit, buzzing or cycling sounds from your WIFI router, or even hum and static from things like Infrared light sensors or even a laptop. You MUST have patience if your going to venture into a desktop Tube amp. Heck, even rolling from one brand of tube to another can introduce noises or hums not present on another brand, but call me crazy this is half the fun of tube rolling as when done right you will get a sound you cannot get any other way.

To answer Andy's question
Do I consider the C9 a good amp? a resounding YES. I'd even call it a great amp because of its sound and flexibility and ease of use.
Are there better amps out there? Debatable IMO. Mostly because they don't offer the flexibility of the C9 that I just can't get with many other portable amps, SS or Tube driven.
Is the C9 better than a desktop amp? for some of the inexpensive amps out there Yes, but for a "real" tube amp from OEM's like Cayin, Feliks etc, NO. (not the place for me to name names here, let's just call Tube Amps, amps like the Cayin HA-3A or Feliks Evo for now)
Where a desktop amp excels, is the higher power output, when tuned and matched correctly to the source and the heapdhone/IEM's the sound can be a magnitude of order better than the C9. But it takes a lot of work to get there, be prepared spend a lot of time, effort and $'s to get there. If you don't want to do this, stick with the C9 IMO.
Andy asked where do I hear differences in the C9 vs. the HA-3A I own?
Mostly in the ability to change the tone, the depth and the warmth by rolling tubes on a desktop setup.
I don't own over the ear headphones like the Susvara or hard to drive Electrostatic headphones, so needing the output of something like the HA-300 with its 300B tubes was not needed. Plus the cost of true NOS 300B's like the holy Grail Western Electric tubes from the 30's/40's are upwards of $9000 for the tubes on top of the cost of the amp, not something I can afford. I took the availabity and cost of available tubes into account when chosing between amp makers and models. Be warned you should do this also.
The HA-3A offers me the abilty to play/tube roll within a budget, and Cayin's newly announced HA-2A is even more affordable, but I think and IMO the HA-3A is the sweetspot of affordability and sound with all the NOS tube options out there for the 6V6 and 12AU7 tubes, and still somewhat affordable.
I purposely chose the HA-3A over other amps I was considering like the Feliks, because of the 4.4mm output tailored to be able to use IEM's with the amp, and the Meze Elite's being easy to drive form the same 4.4mm connection.
However if you do own harder to drive over the ears, you may be looking at a desktop amp over the HA-3A to get the best sound, there is plenty written in other forums to help you decide which way to go, but there are options under Cayin's brand in the HA-6A and the HA-300 that track along side the other OEM amps out there.
For me, the C9 and the desktop amp are complementary, not mutually exclusive. There is a time and a place to use one or the other, and my purchase of the HA-3A did not mean the C9 was put up for sale, on the contrary it is used now more than ever.

But some words of advice
Either amp is ONLY as good as the source you use, the interconnects to connect them, and the IEM's/Headphones and headphone cables your using.
Neither amp will transform a shrill or overly dark monitor into something else. it will instead help you tease out that last 5-15% of sound you think your monitors can offer.
And as the adage in the computer industry quotes, Garbage in Garbage out. You will need to invest in a good source, and you may want to invest in good interconnects. The cheap plastic $2.99 interconnects will be your weak link to getting great sound, and if you want to get more sound than what is bundled with the C9, you will need to do some research and will have to spend some money
This does NOT mean you have to go out and buy kilobuck cables. I've seen and listened to great interconnects that start as low as $40, but I've also had made and use interconnects both for the C9 and the HA-3A that are a closer to IEM cable costs. I guess this is the great part of this hobby, buy until you can't justify the cost to go higher.

Andy has stated and I will confirm the N30LE benefits the least from the C9 over other Cayin DAPs
I almost sold my N7 several times, but paring it with the C9, using the 1bit all to DSD conversion of the N7 iinto the Korg NuTubes class A or AB of the C9 is one of the most entertaining sound signatures and why I'm keeping the N7. I also use the N7 as my source to the desktop HA-3A. It is a great combo C9 or HA-3A.
Hoping the replacement to the N8ii is the DAC of the N7 to the amp section of the N8ii/N30LE as that would be to me (and IMO) one entertaining DAP, and would probably end up on my next to buy list.
The N8ii even though it has the Class A/Nutube set does limit the power output vs going into the C9 so there is some improvement and using the C9 you get more of that tube sound. Sadly I will probably be putting it up for sale, sad because it has served me well to date.

Andy I hope I answered your question as I have edited out items that might not be meaningful in this the C9 forum. If I did not feel free to let me know.

And as always all written above is IMO, and YMMV

Thanks for reading!

Excellent sharing and I have pinned this comparison of C9 vs desktop tube amplifier to the FAQ of the opening post. I hope we are not too late to provide some solid opinions on this topic.

By the way, when you mentioned "Neither amp will transform a shrill or overly dark monitor into something else. it will instead help you tease out that last 5-15% of sound you think your monitors can offer", I assume you mean to say will NOT transform?
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jan 9, 2024 at 5:30 PM Post #6,175 of 6,240
Excellent sharing and I have pinned this comparison of C9 vs desktop tube amplifier to the FAQ of the opening post. I hope we are not too late to provide some solid opinions on this topic.

By the way, when you mentioned "Neither amp will transform a shrill or overly dark monitor into something else. it will instead help you tease out that last 5-15% of sound you think your monitors can offer", I assume you mean to say will NOT transform?
THANK YOU for letting me share.
And you are correct
"It will NOT transform...."
My California colloquialism is showing....
Jan 12, 2024 at 10:47 AM Post #6,177 of 6,240
Before I start want to pass on "Thank You's" to the early contributors to this thread and especially to Andy Kong for all of his info and transparency of what is the C9, all of you have posted great info and insights that made me want to go and buy one and now I am just enjoying the c9 thoroughly! Also want to pass on Thank You's to Christian at PlusSound Audio and Eric Chong at Eletech for their input and advise for upgraded interconnects which have made a difference and the subject of my post today.

I know the topic of cables and the associated costs have launched many religious wars here on Head-Fi. Many consider it snake oil, but I view cables as the "final" tuning that can be done to IEM's or even source devices. IF the sound signature you are seeking is close with the HW you've purchased, and your already using high bit rate MP3's or preferably FLAC files, then eeking out that last bit of enjoyment can be found in changing cables. Will it convert HW that is overly dark or bright into the perfect system, NO. but if it is close, and you like what your HW is presenting to you, it makes sense to save your investment in said HW and tweak on it with cables, and this is my opinion and a philosophy I follow.
I don't consider myself a reviewer, just someone who enjoys audio and has been around the block a few times, and likes to share info. Please understand what I write below is IMO and that YMMV.
Also all of these cables were purchased, nothing was provided to me by any of the OEM's mentioned, nor am I getting anything in return for what I am writing below.
I'm just another audio enthusiast like most everyone else here at Head-fi.

I just want to share info today about interconnects and how I think it affects the quality/enjoyment of the sound as while early on there were a few posts about interconnects making a difference, haven't seen more on the topic
I've allowed the C9 to have well over the 50+ hours of burn in as recommended by many on this thread, as well as on the various IC's I've procured or commissioned.
As "Ichos" mentions above, the Class "A" / Tube Timbre is so addicting and easy to listen to that for all of the listening/testing I did for the interconnects, I used the Tube Timbre and mostly Class A amplification, but some Class AB amplification on the Cayin C9 for critical back to back listening, I did do some work with the Solid State Amplification but the changes in sound were much more pronounced between the interconncets that for this write up, will stick to notes I made for Tube/Class A.

Source was my Lotoo PAW 6000 in variable line out mode, and the C9 in Pre Input/Pure Amplification Mode bypass all of the Cayin's preamp sections.
This combination is REALLY good, and to me is a much fuller sound than any other sources I borrowed or tired during the several months I have taken to get to this write up!
This included even the Cayin N6ii with a A02 Module. The N6ii/A02 preout combo was close, but for my tastes I preferred the PAW6K/C9 combo with the PAW6K being a true preamp contolling the volume. The sound was just clear, and with the C9 in Pure Amp/tube/class A mode very analog, full, rich and warm regardless of genre of music! - Again IMO
I also only listened to the 4.4mm Balanced input for the most part. While the Single Ended 3.5m was nice, the Balanced input seem to have a wider soundstage and with some cables a deeper front to back presence. Again just my preference as this is not meant to be an end all be all write up.
IEM used were my new (but well over 200 hours of time on them) JH Audio Jolene's (dynamic bass and low mids drivers and BA high mids and high for a total of 12 drivers per side) going through a Palladium Plated Copper/Silver Hybrid cable
Source material was all mostly FLAC recordings which included original Master Recording modern Jazz, Older Rock including many with lots of 3 part harmony, Standards Jazz and Classical/full Orchestra with some Acid Jazz Club music as source material.

I'm going to score the interconnect cables discussed below on a 1-10 scale
Also I borrowed or tired as many different interconnects I could use, but will concentrate on 4 for this write up and may briefly mention the few that I did not own as I could not provide full burn in time/knew how burn in they had, and well for me did not measure up to the 4 interconnects I'm going to concentrate on below

Cayin's provided 8 wire Copper Interconnect with the C9. (Approx $45 by itself from Cayin/Cayin resellers)
Using the Stock Copper 8 wire cable that Cayin provided is the baseline for the 4 interconnects since most will have this as their primary cable.
The cable build is of great quality and much better than cables often provided by other OEM's.
It was good, nice balanced sound but highs seemed to be a little veiled and sub bass was a little muddy
Very narrow soundstage, sound is in my head and not extending out
I'd give the Cayin stock cable a 4+/5 out of 10
Most will be able to live with this interconnect and be happy not spending more, but others will blame the C9 for not sounding as good as they expected, and here is where changing out the interconnect should be explored.
But let me say this.
It was better than some less expensive "plastic" throw in or supposed OCC copper or SPC 4.4mm balanced cables as well as some of the really inexpensive interconnects on Amazon or similar stores in the $35-$75 range that are supposed to be SPC (but not sure as it sure did not sound like it) that others let me try who were using for a variety of other 4.4mm input amps/dac-amps they were using. I'd give these cables a 1-3 at tops.
So yes the Cayin is much better then inexpensive cables that are out there

Plus Sound X8, 8 wire custom interconnect using OCC Silver Platted Copper and OCC Silver+Gold alloy wires and PlusSound Rhodium Platted 4.4mm TRRRS termination (Approx $350-400 depending on options chosen and shipping)
Speaking with Christian at PlusSound and wanting to take baby steps, he and I settled on a the combination above since he felt a straight copper or even SPC 8 wire probably would not give me much more than the stock Cayin cable. Adding the Silver + Gold alloy wires to the SPC would help with extending the highs and still keep the bass signature I was hearing
This cable proved to be much better than the stock Cayin cable. It had an greater quantity of bass and was less muddy to my ears, more clarity in the mids, highs much better and little more extended, but still seem to be a slight veil on them
Sound stage is still in my head but there was MUCH more space between instruments and vocals.
I give this combo a solid "6" as slightly better than the stock cable but there can be more done to clear the highs and add more depth and width to the sound

Also as a note: I also had this cable made in a 12" length
Even though the Lotoo PAW6K has a setting to flip the screen 180' allowing the use of a short interconnect vs the input locations, having the little extra length allowed me more flexibility, without having to flip the UI. I did not perceive any loss of SQ for the extra 6" in length but gained much more usability and was not putting any extra stain on the connectors. Anyone not using a DAP or Source that allows you to move the interface getting a 12" cable is highly recommended for the minimal cost change.
As to using the Rhodium Platted terminations. There has been many write ups on various pages here on Head-Fi (in The Effect Audio Thread and several others) that over gold or even straight copper TRRS/TRRRS plugs, the Rhodium platted plugs (Like PlusSounds, Effect Audio's, Eidolic or Furutech's) seem to add a little more smoothness to the sound. Also these plugs seem to wear much better than other platings I've tried, just as another bonus.

Eletech Iliad 4 wire 4.4mm Interconnect (Combination of Silver+gold Alloy, Pure Silver and Palladium Platted Silver 24 AWG wires) $329 + Shipping from Singapore)
Vs the SPC+/Silver+Gold cable mentioned above with the Iliad it started to move the sound out of my head, and started to give me better front to back (not completely but more so than the previous 2 cables which were definitely still in my head)
The veil on the highs are gone. Some nice Sub Bass rumble now there. Highs are nice and smooth but that might be because the mid highs are now clear, but I did notice with the Iliad there was a little less extension to the highs that the PlusSound Cable above
In general the cable is warm, inviting and VERY easy to listen to. the Iliad initially sound smoother, as it’s a little more “Mid Forward”
This interconnect has decent bass control and extension into the sub bass, and the highs are smooth and easy to listen to.
Many will stop here as going anywhere else will be a serious investment of money
I think the Iliad because of its use of larger diameter of the wires (24AWG vs 26 AWG) it does NOT loose anything to an 8 wire.
I was contemplating buying one of Eletech's 6 wire Iliad Interconnects (True ground on 2 wires) but seeing some of the comments early on in this C9 thread, saved the money and just went with the 4 wire.
The Iliad is a 8 (initially thought a “9” but looking to do a 12" wire it led me to the interconnect below that well blew the Iliad away, leaving it with an 8 rating)

But having tried a 12" interconnect and enjoying the benefits, I reached out to Eric about the cost of doing a 12" interconnect, and well given COVID and I guess some other projects they are backed up on, it just did not come to be, which led me to try another combination below

PlusSound X8, 8 wire custom 4.4mm interconnect using 4 wires of their Tri-Silver (Gold Platted Silver, Pure Silver, Palladium Platted Silver) and 4 wires of their Palladium Platted Hybrid (Palladium Platted Copper + Palladium Platted Silver) ($900-1200 depending on options and shipping)
Vs. the Iliad it has an clear cleaner soundstage that is now completely outside of my head
The effect on the sound for this cable I feel like I’m just sitting on stage as a guest of the performers. The Iliad I’m in the first 5 rows but not onstage,
Definitely extension on the highs that are clear and never goes to sibliance/shrill, and the sub bass now has an authoritative rumble, deep and clear
I think what I heard initially is the Iliad sounds smoother, but when you really start listening the clarity and pinpoint accuracy of this hybrid is what makes it a little more accurate but in turn maybe a little more "clinical" vs the Iliad, hence the difference in sound, but hands down a MUCH wider and deeper soundstage
There is quite a bit more Bass/Sub bass, and almost subwoofer like. Compared to the Iliad, NO CONTEST, there is just MUCH MORE Bass, and its tighter and clearer.
The mids are definitely less upfront/in your face than the Iliad, and I think the extra Mids is what makes the Iliad initially sound smoother.
But as I started listening for specific items, this Hybrid PPH/Tri-Silver is MUCH cleaner in the mids, much sharper. I can pinpoint specific sounds where in the Iliad they sometimes just get jumbled to the back. And like the first PlusSound cable above, just more air between/amongst the instruments and vocals.
The highs again are much clearer and much more focused and are really fun to listen to
Soundstage is JUST incredible. At least 1.5 to 2X wider than the Iliad left to right. Front to back HANDS DOWN much better.
The clarity I’m hearing is more “live sound” than a recording, I expect this will be the right investment for the Cayin C9 to reach fill potential
I give this a 9+ rating. Is there room for improvement? Well there always is so I've yet to hear what I think is a 10

It’s just the price that I’d say will make people pause with this interconnect, and what feeds the religious wars about cables.
If the Iliad is 90% there, will someone want to pay the extra to get to 100%? because of the costs I'll be selling the Iliad and the first PlusSound Cable to try and recover some investment
I think for some if they get a chance to listen to it, some will pull the trigger. but for most, nope, they can't justify the ROI. Again this is all In My Opinion (IMO) and Your Milage May Vary (YMMV)

the only other cable I was able to borrow but I do not know how much burn in time it had so did not want to give a full write up, is the iFi 4.4mm Interconnect
Its more expensive than the cheaper $25-45 interconncets out there, but it is listed as pure OCC- silver cable.
It is reasonably priced (less than $90 on Amazon in the US) but again since I did not know if the cable has burned in I don't want to give it a rating but during my time with it, had nice bass, a little more controlled, and decent mids, but there seem to be a peak in the Mid highs and again in the highs that on some tracks went to being sibilant and caused me to cringe a little. I honestly think this cable will sound good with burn in time/brain burn in, but for me having the other cables on hand, I just stopped listening to it.

For the Cayin C9 reviews if memory serves me correctly only Twister 6 did a small review within his review of the C9 about interconnects and how it influenced the end sound. (He used a Eletech Iliad, a Romy Audio Encryption Series Sensation IC Cable (Talk about a price heart attack) and DHC Silver)

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading and again this is what I hear and is just my opinion, but I hope it helps those who like their Cayin C9 but thought there should be more. There can be with a little time and investment. I'm thoroughly enjoying my investments and for now just sitting back and enjoying the sound

Pictures of the 4 interconnects
Hi, thanks so much for a great IC comparison.. extremely useful

I wanted to ask if your custom made cables have their Ground/GND/5th pole connected? I understand that the Eletech Iliad IC is grounded by default..

Do you have any experience or thought on whether it is better to have the GND 5th pole connected, or just to leave it floating? Some cable makers have said that having the ground connected could potentially result in lower SQ (due to noise or feedback causing the sound to be less open and more strained, I honestly do not understand the reasoning though) when compared to ungrounded..

The reason I am asking is because I am about to order an exotic interconnect from a local cable boutique and the guy is asking me if I need the GND/ground connected or not.. Grounded will mean some extra cable strands and a slightly thicker cable overall..

I want this cable to be future proof for when connecting my Cayin DAPs to a desktop setup in the future, so if grounding will not degrade SQ at all (as per what I have heard and explained above), then I will go with a grounded cable option..

Perhaps @Andykong has some thoughts on this matter too?

Thanks so much in advance everyone :))
Last edited:
Jan 12, 2024 at 12:32 PM Post #6,178 of 6,240
Hi, thanks so much for a great IC comparison.. extremely useful

I wanted to ask if your custom made cables have their Ground/GND/5th pole connected? I understand that the Eletech Iliad IC is grounded by default..

Do you have any experience or thought on whether it is better to have the GND 5th pole connected, or just to leave it floating? Some cable makers have said that having the ground connected could potentially result in lower SQ (due to noise or feedback causing the sound to be less open and more strained, I honestly do not understand the reasoning though) when compared to ungrounded..

The reason I am asking is because I am about to order an exotic interconnect from a local cable boutique and the guy is asking me if I need the GND/ground connected or not.. Grounded will mean some extra cable strands and a slightly thicker cable overall..

I want this cable to be future proof for when connecting my Cayin DAPs to a desktop setup in the future, so if grounding will not degrade SQ at all (as per what I have heard and explained above), then I will go with a grounded cable option..

Perhaps @Andykong has some thoughts on this matter too?

Thanks so much in advance everyone :))

If you want your IC cable to be future-proof, then go with a grounded version, it doesn't hurt, and even better if you get one with a grounded shielding. But not everybody implements it. I remember it was discussed here that C9 doesn't have pentaconn socket ground pin connected to the ground, so it is not a requirement. While on the other hand, Brise Audio urges you to use only grounded IC cables to avoid damaging Tsu amp.
Jan 12, 2024 at 2:10 PM Post #6,179 of 6,240
Hi, thanks so much for a great IC comparison.. extremely useful

I wanted to ask if your custom made cables have their Ground/GND/5th pole connected? I understand that the Eletech Iliad IC is grounded by default..

Do you have any experience or thought on whether it is better to have the GND 5th pole connected, or just to leave it floating? Some cable makers have said that having the ground connected could potentially result in lower SQ (due to noise or feedback causing the sound to be less open and more strained, I honestly do not understand the reasoning though) when compared to ungrounded..

The reason I am asking is because I am about to order an exotic interconnect from a local cable boutique and the guy is asking me if I need the GND/ground connected or not.. Grounded will mean some extra cable strands and a slightly thicker cable overall..

I want this cable to be future proof for when connecting my Cayin DAPs to a desktop setup in the future, so if grounding will not degrade SQ at all (as per what I have heard and explained above), then I will go with a grounded cable option..

Perhaps @Andykong has some thoughts on this matter too?

Thanks so much in advance everyone :))

Quick answer first.
I do not have the ground connected as early in this thread (and I see Twister6 also mentioned it below) it was mentioned that the C9 did not implement the ground.
Early on Eletech offered 2 versions of the Illiad IC, one was grounded and I believe had 6 wires with 1 or two dedicated to the ground, and the other ungrounded and had 4 wires (if memory serves me correctly)
The Illiad I had was the 4 wire ungrounded. I don't see that 6 wire grounded version at Eletech without going the Bespoke route.
Also early on some C9 users made comments the grounded cable caused some SQ and other issues but those were also early releases of the C9
Andy may have some additional comments, but back then he had mentioned for the C9 a grounded cable was NOT necessary.
Look back to the early posts in this forum as there was a pretty good dialog about grounded vs ungrounded interconnects, and issues and fixes people were doing.

Knowing I was going to probably build another cable for any changes in HW, and what I had made was going to be dedicated to the C9, I chose for that time to go not grounded
Many charge more to have the ground connected as it usually means 1 or 2 more wires in the bundle to be done correctly and not take away from the L/R channels in balanced format.
But YMMV and as Twister6 says to future proof you may want consider it.

Just as a follow up, and recently had a dialog with another Head-Fier over a PM.
I still use the cable I had made when I use my C9 and it does run circles around most commonly available IC's
But I've also used and keep on hand one really reasonable ($40-50 range) 8 wire 6n OCC silver IC's (not the lower cost SPC or on some sites list as Sterling Silver or Silver blend) and its probably 75%-85% of my custom IC for quite a bit less cost.
It goes with the C9 when I leave the house/travel as I can't afford to lose an expensive cable. (My funds for this hobby have a limit)
You may want to experiment, borrow or demo where you can.
I'm seeing more companies build nice IC's using more traditional wire materials just in a very non-traditional configuration with OCC silver no longer being the holy grail for IC (still one of the best don't get me wrong) and as an example Eletech has version of their IC using the Ode To Laura copper, which is a copper cable that does NOT behave like a typical copper cable and does things some good silver cables do. If I had to do it all over again I may have gone the route of using an available IC vs. having one customer built, but again that is the fun in this hobby is it not, expermenting?
But as we have all experienced, cost doesn't always equal cleaner/clearer sound. (But I'm preaching to the choir here...the infromation you've sent above shows you already know this, just listing for future readers)
As I've mentioned before, the great thing about this hobby is choices in this hobby allow you to decide if getting that 5%-15% better sound is worth the additional $'s spent.
Everyone has their limits, some its just a few $'s for some its a Kilobuck or more. Neither approach is wrong, as it is all personal choice, taste and the sound signature your chasing.

Hope this information helps, and as always all above is IMO, and YMMV
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Jan 12, 2024 at 6:09 PM Post #6,180 of 6,240
Hi, thanks so much for a great IC comparison.. extremely useful

I wanted to ask if your custom made cables have their Ground/GND/5th pole connected? I understand that the Eletech Iliad IC is grounded by default..

Do you have any experience or thought on whether it is better to have the GND 5th pole connected, or just to leave it floating? Some cable makers have said that having the ground connected could potentially result in lower SQ (due to noise or feedback causing the sound to be less open and more strained, I honestly do not understand the reasoning though) when compared to ungrounded..

The reason I am asking is because I am about to order an exotic interconnect from a local cable boutique and the guy is asking me if I need the GND/ground connected or not.. Grounded will mean some extra cable strands and a slightly thicker cable overall..

I want this cable to be future proof for when connecting my Cayin DAPs to a desktop setup in the future, so if grounding will not degrade SQ at all (as per what I have heard and explained above), then I will go with a grounded cable option..

Perhaps @Andykong has some thoughts on this matter too?

Thanks so much in advance everyone :)
I can't speak for other DAP or IEM implementations.

From C9 design perspective, you don't need a grounded interconnect for line/pre connection but you can do that if you prefer. However, we have run into several cases that users changed to a grounded interconnect to stop the background noise of their IEM, and if I remember it right, those were high-sensitivity IEMs. Therefore if you want future proof, I'll suggest you go for a grounded interconnect
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