E-Stat Summit: Hifiman Shangri-La vs. Stax SR-X9000 (vs. HFM Shangri-La Junior)
Aug 16, 2023 at 12:09 PM Post #181 of 234
my primary pair move some of the other chain funds here instead but I like my current system so much

If you have found your dream setup, just enjoy it..

Mimic Audio have done stuff like that lately and might have even more estat options in different price categories available in the next canjams afaik

They had the best and most varied table at CanJam Chicago!
Aug 16, 2023 at 12:11 PM Post #182 of 234
I have somehow held off buying a stats setup, in particular the X9K and kerry T2.. this despite a lot of attempts at persuasion from @nepherte and another one of our mutual friends.
I can be very patient (and persistent) when I want too. One day, my friend, one day...

. I'd like @nepherte to come over and demo my Raal setup one day, and hear what he has to say about it. perhaps he will let his stats go and jump ship to Raal instead heh..
Jumping ship seems unlikely, with me being heavily invested with electrostats already, but I sure do want to hear that Raal setup of yours and admire it from up close. I have this feeling sneaking up on me I'm gonna love it.
Aug 16, 2023 at 12:11 PM Post #183 of 234
The X9k are definitely very amp picky, and scale very well. The Woo Wee is just not good enough to power them I think, so you’re not getting what you could.

I disagree here. Woo wee clearly takes a performance hit vs from the amp direct, but wee ends up scaling past where conventional enegizers can ime. That said, it does take way way way more money than the cost of a t2 ro get that level of performance using a wee imo.
Aug 16, 2023 at 12:17 PM Post #185 of 234
Maybe if I ever decide to go to CanJam Singapore or Shanghai, I can swing by for a visit. Perhaps @Roasty could jet over and join the festivities...
If you ever end up in Singapore give @Roasty or me a call. We'd be happy have you.
Aug 16, 2023 at 12:30 PM Post #186 of 234
Michael just posted a review of the Expanse seems timed to our discussion so sharing:

(btw agree with him the Yamaha are too mid forward; had them for a weekend and returned them on that account)
Aug 16, 2023 at 12:31 PM Post #187 of 234
I disagree here. Woo wee clearly takes a performance hit vs from the amp direct, but wee ends up scaling past where conventional enegizers can ime. That said, it does take way way way more money than the cost of a t2 ro get that level of performance using a wee imo.

Perhaps a magnificent amp with that into works well, taking your word for it thanks for sharing
Aug 16, 2023 at 12:34 PM Post #188 of 234
Perhaps a magnificent amp with that into works well, taking your word for it thanks for sharing

Np, and yah, it realy does take something glorious imo. I just like bringing in up when I can in hopes someone makes a truly all out transformer box at some point (50lbs of Hammonds anyone?)
Jan 3, 2024 at 8:51 PM Post #189 of 234
Start checking again — just nabbed some @Ciggavelli SGL Srs :)

We can get some fun comparisons in and reprise some of your highlights. I’m from Dunedin and live in Nelson. Hope we made you feel welcome last time!

So looking forward to the SGL arriving…

[Currently checking kayak.com for cheap flights to Auckland............ :relaxed:]

Hey man, for some reason I thought you lived in Santa Monica or thereabouts. Did you move recently?
Jan 3, 2024 at 9:07 PM Post #190 of 234
Start checking again — just nabbed some @Ciggavelli SGL Srs :)

We can get some fun comparisons in and reprise some of your highlights. I’m from Dunedin and live in Nelson. Hope we made you feel welcome last time!

So looking forward to the SGL arriving…
I'm listening to them one last time tonight. It feels like having sex for the last time with your ex. I'm sad to see them go, but I'm glad they are going to a good owner. You'll enjoy them. I can't wait to hear your impressions :metal:
Jan 3, 2024 at 9:18 PM Post #192 of 234
Jan 3, 2024 at 9:23 PM Post #193 of 234
I'm listening to Lana del Rey for my last alum with the Shangs. I dunno but I've been in a Lana del Rey mood recently. :disappointed_relieved:
Jan 3, 2024 at 9:51 PM Post #194 of 234
Start checking again — just nabbed some @Ciggavelli SGL Srs :)

We can get some fun comparisons in and reprise some of your highlights. I’m from Dunedin and live in Nelson. Hope we made you feel welcome last time!

So looking forward to the SGL arriving…
Heh, I returned from an expedition cruise to Antarctica today, and was dealing with unpacking and "stuff" when Ciggy posted his notification of intended sale. I am rather tapped out from exotic travel and lots of home improvement, but for $9k I figured I should probably arrange a loan, sell some assets, or something to acquire it. Was about to fire off a PM to him when I noticed it had already been spoken for. I couldn't be happier that you ended up with it! Definitely looking forward to your own comparisons with the X9000. BTW, if I absolutely need an SGL fix, Chicago is a hella lot closer than NZ... :relaxed: but then again, your Pinot Noir is way better! Hmmmm.

Enjoy the SGL, it's a rare bird indeed...
Jan 3, 2024 at 10:03 PM Post #195 of 234
I didn't see this posted.. if I did I'd have pounced on it... jealous but happy for you.. enjoy!!

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