Earbuds Round-Up
Dec 5, 2019 at 11:21 PM Post #46,366 of 75,738
I'm listening to my EBX right now (Hiegi Donut over Hiegi Full Foams) on the Balanced output of my iBasso PB2 Amp (2x Burson V6 Classic op-amps), and I agree that they have good Bass extension, and then a bit of a recessed Mid-Bass (which robs them of some realism).
If you get a chance, listen to a set of K's 600 earbuds (I've modified mine, by installing a 2.5mm TRRS plug).
They've got really "real" sounding Bass. :ksc75smile:
To600 has a very full mid bass and low mids, the issue for me was there wasn't enough extension below 50hz to balance the heavy mid bass so you do get that bloated bass sound without much depth.

That's with the stock SE cable anyway. I honestly dont know if balanced makes a difference but I think the driver or housing/tuning is limiting the bass depth.

The to600 is a bit mid centric because of this with both a full warm midrange and slightly bright low treble (not very fatiguing just slightly elevated). I'd rather slightly less bloat in the middle frequencies and slightly more energy on each end but that's just me. Although the upper treble is perfectly fine on the to600 as its not too dark, its more about the relation of mid bass/low mids to the sub bass.

Theres one vent on the bottom, so it can be quiet easy to manipulate the sound for a bit tighter bass but you'd probably have to use double foams then because it becomes quiet bright. But the thick shell may not play so well with double foams... Although I would like to hear these drivers in an mx500 shell out of curiosity, might be a completely different beast!
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Dec 6, 2019 at 8:25 AM Post #46,367 of 75,738
the more I listen to my new 40-60 PK32 4.4mm Blurs hand made by Wong Kuan Wae in Singapore the more impressed I become with them especially their sound.
The cable's a little stiff similar to my Willsound MK32 8core black
but the sound coming of these shells is amazing even if they cost like 5 times the cost of the Willsounds
no comparison
plus they are very easily driven at 32okm
already pre-burned in by the creator with foamies attached
just plug. play and enjoy


Dec 6, 2019 at 1:00 PM Post #46,369 of 75,738
Snow lotus 2.0 sounds like a cheaper SE TO600 out of the box, scales well with volume without becoming harsh, similar sound signature but a bit less refined, and with a smaller soundstage. Good value imo, I prefer them sound and cable wise to the shiro-yuki.
Dec 7, 2019 at 2:00 PM Post #46,371 of 75,738
hi Earbuddies,
I've been "out of the audio game" for a while now... but I've been considering something that might seem a little wacko...
I have a really sensitive head and giant ears, so I'm thinking of replacing my full-size headphones with some earbuds which I found comfortable, as I like to listen with speakers most of the time at my desk anyway.
for some reason I get headaches in less than an hour with HD650 - even with new pads and whatnot.

are there any that you would say sounds similar to a HD650, with forward mids / a little warmth, but also a fairly linear treble without any big peaks? dips tend to be more OK but not harsh peaks.

I'm also wondering if they can do soundstage/imaging well...

budget would be preferrably less than $500, and I really need repleaceable cables as I don't want to have to replace the entire earbud if they break.

thank you!
Dec 7, 2019 at 2:58 PM Post #46,374 of 75,738
The Zoomfred sound like full size cans to me, but they don't have detachable cables. The To600 are warm and very full sounding to my ears with zero treble harshness. They have detachable cables and an excellent build

Yup, the TO600 is very warm, with completely inoffensive highs. TO400s is preferable if OP wants a more linear, less coloured FR with more treble extension, still very comfortable to the ears but a bit brighter.
Dec 7, 2019 at 5:20 PM Post #46,376 of 75,738
The Zoomfred sound like full size cans to me, but they don't have detachable cables. The To600 are warm and very full sounding to my ears with zero treble harshness. They have detachable cables and an excellent build

I did read about the camp/zoom-freds, they seem really interesting. unfortunately the non-detachable cable might be a deal-breaker for me :frowning2: I really would like to be able to swap out the cable since that tends to be what breaks the first.
have you heard the HD650 - and would you be able to compare it if so? is the detail retrieval good enough etc..? :)

Yup, the TO600 is very warm, with completely inoffensive highs. TO400s is preferable if OP wants a more linear, less coloured FR with more treble extension, still very comfortable to the ears but a bit brighter.

hmm interesting. I don't really know what the frame of reference is for comfortable for the ears, but if it's more akin to HD600 then I'd probably prefer something a touch more relaxed. the HD600 is a little too bright for my ears.

K's K600 is the closest earbud that reminds me of my HD650's

interesting! would you say they are at all comparable, except for the obvious drawbacks of extension with earbuds?
a little unfortunate that it's not a detachable cable. but I do like the simple shell it has.


thank you very much for the replies!
Dec 7, 2019 at 6:01 PM Post #46,377 of 75,738
I only have the SHP9500 (with thicker Shure pads) to compare, and the TO600 is comparable in treble quantity.

That headphone was much brighter stock tho. Now its bass is much fuller, more than the TO600 actually (well I'm running it on a bass-shy balanced output, will be more on single ended)

So yeah, the TO600 could be a good bet.
Dec 7, 2019 at 6:15 PM Post #46,378 of 75,738
I only have the SHP9500 (with thicker Shure pads) to compare, and the TO600 is comparable in treble quantity.

That headphone was much brighter stock tho. Now its bass is much fuller, more than the TO600 actually (well I'm running it on a bass-shy balanced output, will be more on single ended)

So yeah, the TO600 could be a good bet.

ohh hmm, yeah, the SHP9500 stock is very bright to me. I have no idea how it might sound with the Shure pads, but they certainly made my Audio Technica headphones a bit darker.

by the way, I see you have the ZS7 - do the Tonekings have more midrange compared to these? I have heard the ZS7 briefly a while back - a bit too withdrawn midrange and maybe too forward treble.
a comparison here would be great if you could do so please :)

and I should perhaps ask... I will be using these with a phone, one of those "apple USB dongles" - would that even work with these Tonekings? they have very low sensitivity and high impedance for an earbud it seems.

thank you very much again! these sure look nice! and people seem to be a fan of their comfort levels.
Dec 7, 2019 at 6:49 PM Post #46,379 of 75,738
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Dec 7, 2019 at 7:34 PM Post #46,380 of 75,738
Got the Faaeal Z-Sound 32 Ohms today (I'd oredered them with the Toneking ROS1s cos I wanted a cheaper earbud to go with the overpriced Tonekings). They aren't bad at all for the $2.75 price, not uncomfortable but not as ergonomic as the flatter buds either. Sound signature (with included foams) is a bit too bright for me but people with bigger ears might find it more balanced.

Although my ears are probably changing since I first got VE Monks several years ago. I'd say that I probably prefer that V shaped sound signature that has bass but is also clear more nowadays than the sound signature I always tried to get (flat with no sibilance but clear).
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