Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Sep 18, 2017 at 4:18 PM Post #3,946 of 11,489
Spot the difference! Is that a 4654?

Good call. Yes they are. Honestly, I wasn't paying much attention when I ordered them. I think (hope) they may work the same as EL12spez if they can be adapted. The two tubes seem pretty similar. How they will sound if they can be adapted is anyone's guess.Will have to consult my higher power !!!






Lesson to be learned. Don't order tubes just because they bear some vague resemblance to what you think you are ordering :jecklinsmile:
Sep 18, 2017 at 4:20 PM Post #3,947 of 11,489
The tubes have different pins, one has the traditional straight and the other tube has paddlefoot pins,

Well that is one difference. But you may be assuming I had some idea of what I was doing when I ordered them. Either I have made a pioneering discovery or have made a total fool of myself. Any guess??? :triportsad:
Sep 18, 2017 at 4:53 PM Post #3,949 of 11,489
Hopefully a beautiful young woman that has lots of money, and wants to take you out for pizza and it's her treat.!. Of course that is only my take on it, but as far as those tubes are concerned they look great, so even if they don't work you could always just put a piece of Playdough back on top of the Transformer and stick them on there and they look really cool. That way you would have the only six to be Euforia amplifier!
Sep 18, 2017 at 6:09 PM Post #3,950 of 11,489
Good call. Yes they are. Honestly, I wasn't paying much attention when I ordered them. I think (hope) they may work the same as EL12spez if they can be adapted. The two tubes seem pretty similar.
Hey O...you tryin' to get me to look at even MORE tubes or what, mon ami?...EL12/39/34/465X...far too many in the same sort of stable IMHO - ie. far too tempting lol!!! :astonished: :wink: :L3000:...
Wasn't me! It was PCT. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Sep 23, 2017 at 5:34 AM Post #3,952 of 11,489
After trying Audio Technica's entire line of both IEMs and on/over ear headphones, I've come to the stark realization that their models are very 'hit & miss'. The majority IMO seem to be fairly bright and appealing to those who like a colored sound in some way or another, often have somewhat off kilter tonality or boomy bass lacking control, depending on the model. Their ATH-M30 - M50's are set apart quite a bit, being more neutral, balanced & detailed yet still have their flaws, mainly in bass definition. This 'can is also somewhat popular with producers of a certain genre' I won't name here, who in reality only pretend to have a clue about fidelity and proper mastering techniques. I sold my M50's off 3 years ago for its' bass and some other major issues I noticed with it and have since moved up the closed-back chain several times.

May I be the first one on the Feliks Audio threads to recommend the Sennheiser HD-380 Pro. After 10 years, trying around 200 closed-backs (and owning at least 10), I have finally found one that performs like a miracle, and at a fraction of the cost of others! The bass extends deeper, dynamics punchier, is more detailed and soundstage is much better than my SoundMagic HP-100's (modded), even more than my recently acquired Focal Spirit Classic and more than the Senn. HD-280. They're @54 ohms so I would be mightily surprised if these beasts don't sing wonderfully with the Euforia. Here's a recent write-up with my experiences with this far underrated model:
Hey you found the right person to ask, though my time is a bit limited these days. Earlier I had demo units of all three variants of the Fostex TH-X00 (Ebony, Purpleheart and Mahogany), as well as owning the HP-100 original, then modded for a few years. These two headphones are at opposite ends of closed-back collection I would say, having hardly anything in common. The HP-100's do Isolation about 5x better than the Fostex, especially with the pleather Dekoni earpads, which also improve dynamics & soundstage somewhat. Vocals sound good on the two, but the Fostex are much more lush and vivid in the mids, and additionally have the ability to handle complex passages, which lacks on the Soundmagics. All 3 versions of the Fostex have better bass definition than the SoundMagics, as well as more natural / organic sounding mids.

But IMHO, that's where as far as the cookie crumbles with those Fostex over the SoundMagics. Overall the TH-X00 variants all have either too much bass emphasis or hyper-analytical treble, and they all seem to cause listening fatigue from the low and/or highs being overdone, and all being a quite 'colored' sound with isolation almost as low as an open-back.

Move on to my new recommendation: Sennheiser HD-380 Pro... What, 380 you may ask? Yep it may have a lower number but this relic beast of a closed-back was actually just released in 2016 if I understand correctly. It's the darnest thing how I discovered them too... after several days at Japan's largest headphone stores in both Osaka and Tokyo, very literally trying at least 200 other closed-backs, I was initially the most impressed with the Focal Spirit Classic. These are actually on my head right now and giving me immense enjoyment... balanced tonality (yet ever so slightly dark leaning), great impact, realism, etc. and now a tighter more detailed sound with an upgraded silver cable.

Thinking I've finally found my end-game after 10 years of trying and even more recently modding closed-backs, I was super impressed with the Focal Spirit Classic. So still curious for more comparisons I went back to audition a few last closed-backs, leaving me very impressed with the Sennheiser HD-280. To me these were a hefty 90% of the Focal Spirit Classic, being very proper and true sounding with bass that reaches even deeper, yet soundstage + details a but less. But here's what changed everything with me & closed-backs: several posts I noticed saying that the HD-380 is even better than the HD-280. Well I'll tell you, the first few minutes of putting those bad boys on to audition, I was in as much disbelief at their sound in-person as I was when reading about their superiority... and boy is that the perfect word for them!!! Leaps and bounds better than every other closed-back I've heard from brand A-Z including all of the above mentioned (and yes, multiple times better than the HP-100 / 150) - dynamics that are immediate, realistic and snappy, details galore, bass going subterranean deep with what could be perfect definition, nice mids, well extended top-end and absolutely nothing overdone... except perhaps the soundstage! Wow that is a soundstage to write home about, nearly 'out of your head', though still in a closed 'can, which may be attributed to their angled drivers and HUGE size earcups. Finally, ISOLATION in spades because they clamp even more than all of the above headphones, though I've read this can loosen in time. Overall the HD-380 to me a massive win over all other closed-backs I've ever tried, save the Mr. Speakers Ether C Flow at around two grand. Both the HP-100/150's and Focal Spirit Classic are discontinued anyway, and even weider yet... the HD-380 Pro are the cheapest of these all.


No problem folks! The Senn. HD-380 Pro is an ABSOLUTE upgrade to SoundMagic Hp-100/150's. Basically everything that's good about the (modded, much improved version of it), plus bass that reaches deeper with more authority, vastly improved imaging / layering and details, and greatly larger soundstage. To me it one-ups the Senn. HD-650 in a few ways with perhaps the best voicing I've ever heard in a closed-back, sub-$2,000 anyway... that is to say yes it does vocals with great finesse and realism, being very tonally balanced. Search online and you'll find only positive reviews. The only reason I don't have mine YET is because I'm currently in a remote area. But geez, they're only about 1/2 the price of the initial SoundMagics, so why not.

PS- the cups are huge so they will fit around any ears
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Sep 23, 2017 at 6:59 AM Post #3,953 of 11,489
Guys, I know you all migrated in Euforia land, but the Elise thread has reached 10.000 posts. Wanna give it a Viking funeral? Personally I feel very emotional because the thread has reached a threshold at the same time as I [feel I] reached my summit with the Elise, and I'm now considering migrating to different ventures.
Sep 23, 2017 at 7:15 AM Post #3,954 of 11,489
Guys, I know you all migrated in Euforia land, but the Elise thread has reached 10.000 posts. Wanna give it a Viking funeral? Personally I feel very emotional because the thread has reached a threshold at the same time as I [feel I] reached my summit with the Elise, and I'm now considering migrating to different ventures.

I think it's pretty hard to end a thread. I think only HeadFi admin can do that. I suspect that there remain some Elise owners who still look at that thread occasionally and may be some people come along who are thinking about Elise who may find some helpful information there. When I started the thread I thought it would be a quiet place for a few of us who weren't interested in the Christmas Tree/Frankenstien craze that was in full force at the other Elise thread at the time. I'm surprised and happy it reached 10,000 posts.

Good luck with whatever course your quest takes you. There are a lot of great amps out there. But amp rolling can be even more expensive than tube rolling))) For me, Euforia is truly the end of the line. But I'm at a stage in my life where even thinking about what else might be out there isn't fun, let alone actually pursuing greener grass. I don't feel I'm missing anything with Euforia. My one remaining audio dilemma is deciding whether to stick with Bimby and buy Eitr, or upgrade to new Gumby with Gen5 USB. Even with Gen2 USB Bimby is quite wonderful for my ears. Again, good luck :smile_phones:
Sep 25, 2017 at 2:57 PM Post #3,956 of 11,489
It is all pcts fault! He is a troublemaker! Always stirring up trouble! In fact! It's what did he he does! Sorry PCT, I still think you're cool
Sep 25, 2017 at 4:35 PM Post #3,957 of 11,489
I think it's pretty hard to end a thread. I think only HeadFi admin can do that. I suspect that there remain some Elise owners who still look at that thread occasionally and may be some people come along who are thinking about Elise who may find some helpful information there. When I started the thread I thought it would be a quiet place for a few of us who weren't interested in the Christmas Tree/Frankenstien craze that was in full force at the other Elise thread at the time. I'm surprised and happy it reached 10,000 posts.
I agree that the Elise thread still has a purpose, and, btw, I still have Elise #3.
Sep 26, 2017 at 6:39 AM Post #3,959 of 11,489
Guys, I know you all migrated in Euforia land, but the Elise thread has reached 10.000 posts. Wanna give it a Viking funeral? Personally I feel very emotional because the thread has reached a threshold at the same time as I [feel I] reached my summit with the Elise, and I'm now considering migrating to different ventures.

Hi ang..."Viking funeral"?...WHY, lol?!...more like a New Year Grand Fireworks Display, surely?! :wink: :L3000: :ksc75smile:...

All threads have 'quiet' periods, plus a good few owners who - for their own reasons - choose, sadly, not to participate....especially in the Summer months lol!!
But - as @pctazhp says - plenty of folks still look in, even with just the occasional post being made...those who, like myself, for one reason or another perhaps simply cannot devote the same amount of time to our hobby as was once possible.

I'm quite sure Elise threads will continue for a good long while yet - F-A's amps are going to be around for a lot longer still...especially as Lukasz is determined to keep 'tweaking' each model to raise performance even further, as well as look to introducing an even higher-spec 'flagship' model in the future.

And so, good times ahead, dear friends...no funeral fires - or marches! - on this horizon lol!!! :gs1000smile::darthsmile::)....CHEERS!...CJ

I agree that the Elise thread still has a purpose, and, btw, I still have Elise #3.

Purpose indeed, O...and much more besides lol! :dt880smile:

ps.....#3?...getting a bit old in the tooth, no?...time to raid the savings, my good friend!! :wink:...(plus, you've just got to get the Hugo2 - this thing defies all sense and reason!! :ksc75smile::ksc75smile::ksc75smile:...but send the bill to @pctazhp or @connieflyer, not to me!!!...CHEERS!...).
Sep 26, 2017 at 7:15 AM Post #3,960 of 11,489
@hypnos1 , thank you for being so generous with pcts money and my own. That's very thoughtful of you, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate being Remembered in this way! And I'm sure that PCT would want to share in the Delight by buying o a Hugo 2! After all what are friends for anyways? Hope you are all well

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