Feliks-Audio EUFORIA - A Wolf in "Sheep's" Clothing...
Sep 27, 2017 at 5:15 PM Post #3,977 of 11,489
Speaking of money bags, how are you PCT?

Money bags???? You have me confused with.....well, never mind:ksc75smile:

Any way, thanks for asking. I'm feeling better. I had a challenging struggle with a flu bug I hadn't invited into my body, and still taking it easy ((((

From what little I've been able to read, I don't think any changes have been made to Elise. Euforia now comes with some elusive new drivers and it seems some modification to the preamp circuit, which wouldn't affect me as I don't use it as a preamp. I agree with you that EL11/EL12 spez probably takes it to the limit of its SQ level, which works quite well for me and any improvement will have to external.
Sep 27, 2017 at 6:33 PM Post #3,984 of 11,489
Thank you for your explanation, It makes sense for me. It is however (very) bad luck for those who are just too late ordering an amp. For those who already have one it's good news. Their amp has just increased in value. Not that I, and many others, will sell the Euforia (or Elise).
I can only wish FA succes in their efforts to set up a dealer network although it saddens me to see the price increase.

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Sep 27, 2017 at 6:46 PM Post #3,985 of 11,489
Although I own Elise #28 and Euphoria #7, I am saddened by this news. I feel this might bury this company.
Sep 27, 2017 at 7:30 PM Post #3,989 of 11,489
I think it’s premature to pronounce the bankruptcy of Feliks Audio. Many of us have taken advantage of the value FA has offered over the past 2 years. But we have no idea what their profit margin has been or how sustainable their pricing and marketing approach over the past two years is. Nor do we have any idea of the dealer network they have already assembled, what their new marketing plan consist of or what their business projections are going forward and what those projections are based on. They are a small, isolated business that has gained good recognition for their products. Part of that is based on their low prices, but FA amps are good. Few of us have compared them to the competition they will face from other products at the new price points. They have made a business decision. It may or may not be sound. But the FA people are obviously smart, hard-working people. Like all of us they like to be rewarded monetarily for their work. And like all small businesses they have to make difficult decisions every step of the way as they grow. I do feel sorry for people who did not order one of their amps as they were ramping up. But I would also feel sorry for the FA people if by continuing as they have for the last 2 years led them to future years of hard work with little reward, or even cause the company to eventually fail. I’m sure they have not taken this latest step without a great deal of thought and planning, and I hope they will be wildly successful.
Sep 27, 2017 at 7:46 PM Post #3,990 of 11,489
In would have to agree, it is early yet, and if things work out for them at this price point, that is a good thing for them. I do enjoy their amps, the Euforia is a very capable amp, and also very versatile, not many amps can roll so many tubes. While that may not appeal to all, it is still a factor that most of us has tried, and enjoyed, (except for the wallet). They may discovered a new configuration for the amps going forward, they do not say, but the market will figure out if this is a good or bad decision. I wish them well.

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