Fiio X5iii Custom Kernel and Scripts | 2016MHz CPU | 20% RAM increase | Undervolting | New DAC drivers | and much more
Dec 21, 2022 at 10:38 PM Post #556 of 587
Thank you - that is good to know for future attempts(!) as it removes the rather painful VM element. As you’ve maybe seen from an edit above, I am now sadly back to square one though :frowning2: I have stock 1.2.1 running correctly but no recovery mode.
Head scratching continues...

Bear in mind the boot.img that you push to the device along with the system.img is not the same boot.img that you push to it along with the recovery image, does that make sense?

If you do get the windows VM working in a semi stable fashion, using the (generically named) "android tool" to flash the boot and TWRP recovery image may(?) work if rkflashtool ends up in nothing but dead ends.
Dec 22, 2022 at 5:15 AM Post #557 of 587
Head scratching continues...

Bear in mind the boot.img that you push to the device along with the system.img is not the same boot.img that you push to it along with the recovery image, does that make sense?
Interesting… Not sure I flashed a system.img. I have done three steps basically:

1) 1.2.1 Upgrade Tool inside a VM (followed by factory reset, reboot to enable USB debugging)
2) rkflashtool twrp_recovery.img from terminal
3) rkflashtool boot.img.

Did miss a step?

EDIT: I just re-read your reply actually, and not sure what boot.img I should be using - I have been using the one you linked here - correct?

EDIT 2: Decided to open AndroidTool in my VM just for a poke around. Interestingly, there is no boot option available on main screen - just “RK3188Loader (L)_V2.31.bin”, or stock or twrp_recovery. Is this maybe a problem? Or does the boot.img need to be manually flashed in “Advanced Options”?

EDIT 3: SO, after redownloading the custom kernel linked in the very first post of this thread ("for Windows and/or first time users") but doing everything inside my VM, I was successfully able to flash both twrp_recovery.img and the boot.img from AndroidTool. As before, my X5 has the new kernel (according to settings) and appears to be working, but still just an illuminated blank screen when I try and boot into recovery, either through buttons or through adb!! I am losing my mind - going to replace my USB cable and try everything again inside the VM, just in case, but I doubt that's the problem. Still very very confused!!!

EDIT 4 (sorry): Just a question to eliminate a possibility - I have been doing all of these steps with the SD card holders (and SD cards) removed. Just checking this is OK, AndroidTool doesn't rely on having an sd card in the device??
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Dec 22, 2022 at 11:05 AM Post #558 of 587
There is a boot.img and system.img (unpacked from update.img when trying to do firmware restore via rkflashtool)

And there is a different boot.img that gets flashed along with recovery.img.

In regards to edit #2 in your above post, the android tool should have two checkboxes (#2, #3), boot and TWRP recovery, respectfully. This is mentioned in my main guide.
Dec 22, 2022 at 11:16 AM Post #559 of 587
I will try and use a friend's macbook tonight and go over the process again to refresh my memory.

Over the last couple years I've taken in several stubborn X5's and installed the custom kernel for their owners. I'd happily work on yours if it comes to that!
(see this uhh testimonial?)
Dec 22, 2022 at 11:50 AM Post #560 of 587
Good to know! Sadly I'm UK based so it might be tricky to organise but will bear it in mind!

There is a boot.img and system.img (unpacked from update.img when trying to do firmware restore via rkflashtool)

And there is a different boot.img that gets flashed along with recovery.img.

I understand this now. But am I right in thinking that if I am using the Firmware Upgrade Tool (on Windows), I don't need to worry about a firmware restore in rkflashtool?

Also - feel free to move this to PMs as I realise I've been hogging this thread for a long time now!!
Dec 22, 2022 at 12:06 PM Post #561 of 587
Ah don't mind the thread hogging, it was gathering dust but I still check in when folks need pointers :)
Can PM from hereon out, though!
May 12, 2023 at 5:12 AM Post #562 of 587
I've recently managed to install this custom kernel (thanks to @WitzyZed help on x5iii thread)
Loving how responsive it is now!
One quick question though, what is the "interface boost" option for?
Tried searching posts but couldn't find anything to explain its purpose or potential benefits
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May 12, 2023 at 9:21 PM Post #563 of 587
I've recently managed to install this custom kernel (thanks to @WitzyZed help on x5iii thread)
Loving how responsive it is now!
One quick question though, what is the "interface boost" option for?
Tired searching posts but couldn't find anything to explain its purpose or potential benefits
It removes transparency from the base UI, mostly.
If you use button navigation (instead of gesture navigation) the nav bar will have a black background behind the buttons (instead of the very bottom your wallpaper but faded).
Status bar will have black background as well instead of wallpaper beneath it.
If you swipe down for notifications or access any quick settings, a black background is shown instead of any lower layers like the application you were just in or your wallpaper behind it.
It will also hide (ie, replace with black background) any album art of now playing tracks on the lock-screen.

Some transitions or actions may feel snappier, as a result.
Sep 24, 2023 at 6:54 PM Post #564 of 587
It’s been a while since I managed it on my mac, I was lucky enough to have a roommate with a windows pc, but here’s what I did (if memory serves)
Working around the instructions from fidelizer’s website you can install homebrew and rkflashtool:

Firmware Upgrade Tool 1.2.3
^this^ will contain a stock FW 1.2.3 update.img once unzipped.

the first link and the terminal commands (terminal app found in applications folder under utilities) to install rkflashtool are what’s most necessary.

You'll need to install command line tools in mac os x:

then install android debug bridge (ADB) using option 1 found here:

then follow fidelizer page's instructions for rkflashtool

There are two things using rkflashtool that need to be moved to device,

boot.img from this zip

and the TWRP_recovery.img in this zip

Before you power off your device I’d enable developer options in your X5iii, under about device tap on 'build number' several times to enable them, go back on menu and under the new developer options section scroll to see enable USB debugging. turn that on.

You connect your player in powered off state to usb connection with your mac, while holding down the previous track rocker. In terminal you can try two commands to see that your device is recognized.

rkflashtool v
rkflashtool n

so you type the below command and after the arrow (with a space after it), I want you to drag the TWRP_recovery.img into the terminal window and then hit enter.

rkflashtool w recovery <

once that finishes do the below command but with the boot.img file being dragged into the terminal window and hit enter

rkflashtool w boot <

you can then type following command then enter

rkflashtool b

to reboot your device. if it boots properly, and still connected to usb, in terminal type below command then enter

adb reboot recovery

and hopefully you should boot into recovery.

you can then move the latest kernel to your device and install/flash the zip in TWRP (refer to Previous Guide from here on out)

I've been trying this on a Mac and I've come unstuck somewhere along the line. Rkflashtool and ADB both installed fine, but when I try to install boot.img and the TWRP_recovery_.img onto the X5, the flashing process runs, but then I get an extra line in Terminal saying 'premature end-of-file reached' for both images. When rebooting using 'rkflashtool b', the unit shows the 'Welcome' screen but then the large battery icon and it doesn't reboot, and entering 'adb reboot recovery' shows 'no devices found'.

Unfortunately all this playing around has stopped Bluetooth working (if I try to turn it on, it thinks about it for a few seconds and then turns itself off again). I won't have access to a Windows computer for a couple of weeks, so any pointers or suggestions would be extremely welcome!
Sep 24, 2023 at 7:27 PM Post #565 of 587
I've been trying this on a Mac and I've come unstuck somewhere along the line. Rkflashtool and ADB both installed fine, but when I try to install boot.img and the TWRP_recovery_.img onto the X5, the flashing process runs, but then I get an extra line in Terminal saying 'premature end-of-file reached' for both images. When rebooting using 'rkflashtool b', the unit shows the 'Welcome' screen but then the large battery icon and it doesn't reboot, and entering 'adb reboot recovery' shows 'no devices found'.

Unfortunately all this playing around has stopped Bluetooth working (if I try to turn it on, it thinks about it for a few seconds and then turns itself off again). I won't have access to a Windows computer for a couple of weeks, so any pointers or suggestions would be extremely welcome!
I'll dust off my memory of the mac procedures and get back to you! (Have the day off tomorrow, and may have some access to a mac computer myself to verify some things). If I recall though, premature end of file reached, is simply terminal acknowledging a difference in file sizes of what we're writing and what was overwritten. Will try and reconfirm as I can tomorrow!
Sep 25, 2023 at 4:14 AM Post #566 of 587
I'll dust off my memory of the mac procedures and get back to you! (Have the day off tomorrow, and may have some access to a mac computer myself to verify some things). If I recall though, premature end of file reached, is simply terminal acknowledging a difference in file sizes of what we're writing and what was overwritten. Will try and reconfirm as I can tomorrow!
Thanks - it did seem like it was doing the right things, it's just when I enter 'rkflashtool b' it reboots into a 'switched off' mode, and entering 'adb devices' gives an empty list.

Just to give the complete info, I'm running the latest versions fo Homebrew, rkflashtool and Android Platform Tools, and using the images that your post linked to.
I'm not a techie, but I have jailbroken a few Apple devices in the past, and re-flashed a couple of M7s a while back, and that was a lot more hit-and-miss in terms of needing button presses a vital moments in the process that sometimes didn't work!
Oct 3, 2023 at 10:57 PM Post #567 of 587
Thanks - it did seem like it was doing the right things, it's just when I enter 'rkflashtool b' it reboots into a 'switched off' mode, and entering 'adb devices' gives an empty list.

Just to give the complete info, I'm running the latest versions fo Homebrew, rkflashtool and Android Platform Tools, and using the images that your post linked to.
I'm not a techie, but I have jailbroken a few Apple devices in the past, and re-flashed a couple of M7s a while back, and that was a lot more hit-and-miss in terms of needing button presses a vital moments in the process that sometimes didn't work!
I'm sorry, I haven't had access to a mac to confirm any of my older instructions...

I'd simply point to these instructions from 4pda:

Specifically the "INSTALLING CUSTOM RECOVERY TWRP" section with regards to macOS.

Browsing the page via chrome (so the whole web-page may be translated) is highly recommended.
Oct 4, 2023 at 5:52 AM Post #568 of 587
I'm sorry, I haven't had access to a mac to confirm any of my older instructions...

I'd simply point to these instructions from 4pda:

Specifically the "INSTALLING CUSTOM RECOVERY TWRP" section with regards to macOS.

Browsing the page via chrome (so the whole web-page may be translated) is highly recommended.

No worries - I fortuitously just installed a bigger SSD on my Mac, so I ended up installing BootCamp and Windows 10, and installing it that way. Everything now up and running!
Dec 13, 2023 at 10:11 AM Post #570 of 587
Hi, My fiio doesn't open and doesn't come recovery menu. How can i factory load to it?
Okey, i figure it. If need solution is reload boot and recovery file with android tool and upgraded to firmware same program. But didn't accept fiio's stock rom and i load fidelizer rom. So i made it but i don't stop. If you have little language don't try, if you try when you made just stop!

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