Fischer Audio Sigma v2 Quick Review
Nov 30, 2010 at 11:18 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1
Oct 31, 2008
Fischer Audio Sigma v2 Quick Review

Brief:  Ity bity IEM’s with venting issues.
Price:  Not a clue, couldn’t find them for sale anywhere.
Specification:  18-22000 Hz 102 dB 18 Ohms 65 mW
Accessories:  4 sets of tips.
Build Quality:  Nothing amazing bit they both look and feel substantial.  The cable is a little thin but nothing about it suggests it will die but I’d rather it had a strain relief.
Isolation:  once you get a seal and the fit just right, they isolate pretty well for a dynamic.  Fine for day to day use not really for a plane.
Microphonics:  Due to their shape you can easily wear these up, so i did and there was none.
Comfort/Fit:  Comfort was good, the things are like a fat PL-50’s.  Fat or not they are tiny and fit me beautifully.  However getting the little feckers to that perfect fit position was a nightmare.  Once more a dynamic tries to isolate, lacks venting and turns the fit to crap.  Fit sensitive to the point of really annoying.
Aesthetics:  I really like how they look, tiny tasteful and discrete.  Just lovely.
Sound:  When I got these they came with a note saying “where is the bass, not a great fit, lack of noise isolation.”  That note really sums up the problem here, if you don’t get the fit right you get no isolation and they will have no low end, generally just sound crap.  Once I ripped off the stock tips and put on some “fake” hybrids, BOOM!  These changed so much and the improvement was startling.  Bass became powerful and controlled, smack you round the head powerful while maintaining good control of it, never.  The bass clearly is what’s centre stage here, the mids are of a good quality too if a little recessed compared to that bass.  Highs too aren’t shoved in your face but they remain clear if a little distant.  If anything these are a bit bass heavy and I can feel myself tiring of its abundance but I don’t doubt for a second many will just adore it.  It’s so sad that these are so fit sensitive, unless you like being able to use your jaw as a bass controller, which I don’t.
Value:  While these sound great their fit sensitivity is a total bugger.  For some it’s going to make these useless and their lack of availability means if you get them you have to order online internationally making returns a pain.  Its a shame as these are really nice sounding when you get them just right.
Pro’s:  Tiny sized, impressively good bass and overall sound.
Con’s:  Fit sensitivity caused by a lack of venting makes these a total hit or miss.
Thanks to Advanced Headphones for the samples

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