From Shure E3C to E5C - Unamped
Apr 14, 2006 at 6:40 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


Aug 12, 2004
Please help on the following:
I'm considering an IEM upgrade (from Shure E3 to E5C), to use unamped with a Sony D-EJ2000 PCDP and in a near future with the Sony MD-RH1.
Is this upgrade worth it or do you think I wouldn't notice significant differences (for the better, I mean...) without an amp?


Apr 15, 2006 at 8:02 AM Post #2 of 10
Is there anybody out there?
Apr 15, 2006 at 9:26 AM Post #4 of 10
If the e5 needs an amp (no experience with it myself) perhaps the E4 is something for you?
I went from E3 to E4 and the difference was great, the E4s are far more musical and engaging.
Apr 15, 2006 at 9:48 AM Post #5 of 10
The E5c is one, if not the best universal IEM I ever heard! The jump from the E3c is a huge one! The E5c really shine with good amplification, but yet, they are very efficient, and you don't need a lot of power to run them! The dual drivers give better seperation of the music, without that clutter from most single driver units. All in all, you won't regret the upgrade, trust me, I've had about 4 pairs already!!
Apr 15, 2006 at 10:01 AM Post #6 of 10
^ You have owned 4 pairs of E5?
Anyway, the E5 is truely very efficient, and the iPod do have enough juice to drive them. So no worries..!
Apr 15, 2006 at 10:34 AM Post #7 of 10
U REALLY don't NEED amp for the e5c, it does make it that lil bit better, but not much difference...
If you can wait, i'm traded mine for a um2 and it should arrive here on monday.
I can tell u my impressions ,IF u wanna wait that is
Apr 15, 2006 at 7:17 PM Post #8 of 10

Originally Posted by jdimitri
...I've traded mine for a um2 and it should arrive here on monday.
I can tell u my impressions...

Dear jdimitri, if you have the chance do write a few lines with your impressions of the UM2 vs E5C...

After having read your kind posts, I must say I'm kind of skeptical regarding a non placebo improvement in perceived sound quality (with my current portable setup, that is...).

Apr 15, 2006 at 8:18 PM Post #9 of 10

Originally Posted by Brunobiseu
Is there anybody out there?

Yep, that is a hot song, but that is not the point. The E5c are the best IEMs in my opinion. The have amazing timbre, and a great balance between detail, and musicality. Although not as detailed as the E4, these are also more transparent. Less clear, but more transparent without enhancing detail ala ety.

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