Head-Fi Basshead IEM thread (lists page 1)
Nov 8, 2016 at 7:58 PM Post #9,676 of 12,597
7550 and 800 are same unit the 1000 is a different one.

To the research you did..
Tough to sort out who is rationalizing a very expensive purchase for their own sanity and others who have not paid for the ones they talk about highly.
Finding a normal person who spent their own cash and say this part sucks and that part is awesome is pretty hard to do. I have not heard the ones Warrior mentioned. I just heard the flagship and the ones named after planets

I've heard just the Andros and Vegas. I have the Dorado and possibly the lyr 2 coming in on loaner. Dorado is definite.

For those that don't know, much like Hawaiibadboy I buy my gear. Anything I receive on loaner is from friends.

On the topic of the Vega, it's expensive, as is most TOTL IEMS. You can purchase cheaper iems, get more bass, and probably 95% if not more, of the performance of the Vega or any of the other TOTL IEMS. You won't miss much with the ex800st, trust me, that's coming from someone that's owns and has owned quite a few TOTL basshead IEMS.

Impact wise, you can easily outperform the Vegas.

On another side note, I will be receiving one of the Radius iems on loaner as well. I know a few peeps have mentioned it here. I'll give feedback when I have it in hand. I'm not an iem snob, despite owning expensive gear. I will give honest feedback. Like Chris mentioned, people do try to justify their purchases, or are biased with their reviews and impressions. As many of you already know, I'm not one of those people.
Nov 8, 2016 at 8:26 PM Post #9,677 of 12,597
So excited, I finally ordered myself a pair of MDR-7550's off Amazon today! I will try them stock directly out of the package first, but I plan on taping the vent right away since I love my bass. 
I pulled the trigger on these because I've become unimpressed with my JVC FX-850's. For the most part they are a good sounding IEM, but they are really difficult to EQ more sub-bass out of them. They are very efficient, so the extra power from my E12 doesn't really help them too much. But I bought the fx850's in search of an IEM with more bass, so it's become time to move on. I still have my GR07BE's that I absolutely love for overall sound quality, although they can be a tad bright in the treble at times. 
So excited for the 7550's to arrive. I will promptly tape them, and get a new EQ profile set-up for them. For now I will be listening to them from my PC with my Dragonfly DAC and Fiio E12 amp, since that's my only option for quality EQ'ing. But in the near future I plan on picking up a good quality DAP that I can run Spotify on so I can EQ on the go. Currently debating between the Cayin i5, Fiio X7, or Pioneer XDP-100R.
Nov 8, 2016 at 10:22 PM Post #9,680 of 12,597
Bro, it's not even close. The 7550's have more everything, bass included without the tape too. With tape, it's just ridiculous...

Side note, dusted off my xb90ex and took them for a walk tonight. Such great iems. I don't use them much because I have so many iems, but these never cease to amaze me, that's on my P1, no amp too. I think I'm going to stop and grab my C5 just for fun.

Hell, I'd take these too over the gr07be. Again, not a difficult choice. Only downside, the 90s need power.

Are you using an amp? That could be a factor. Both Sonys need extra juice.
Nov 8, 2016 at 10:33 PM Post #9,681 of 12,597
Are there any other improvements in the A4? Does it have an extra driver?

A4 tour unit had multiple nozzles and back-plates to dial in the bass/mids/treble and tone/soundstage on the back nozzles. The new retail shell is bigger but internally I'm not sure what has been changed...all external parts can be dialed. I just love their sweet house sound. If he did take my advice it might have basshead potential....PET neodymium cone...but unknown right now till I get my hands on the first retail set.
Just want to own 2 sets of IEMs... A4 for sweet closed sound and iSine or 7550 for that low-end craving and done ! Don't see myself ever paying over $400 for IEMs.
Nov 8, 2016 at 10:48 PM Post #9,682 of 12,597
Damn, forgot how much I loved the xb90ex. Just hooked up the C5... Sweet.

Going to hook up the Vorzuge Duo when I return home from my walk. Use that bass boost, which is pretty damn incredible, plus lower noise floor than the C5. Tempted to buy the Vorzuge, I just don't roll around with stacks much lately.

Damn, kicking it old school right now, C5, xb90ex, and Method Man. You're all I need...its the truf tonight. Love you Sony xb90ex!!
Nov 9, 2016 at 12:24 AM Post #9,683 of 12,597
4 for sweet closed sound and iSine or 7550 for that low-end craving and done ! Don't see myself ever paying over $400 for IEMs.

I think this is a wise and reasonable choice! especially considering what you can get in the 200-400 range.
Nov 9, 2016 at 4:36 AM Post #9,684 of 12,597
Bro, it's not even close. The 7550's have more everything, bass included without the tape too. With tape, it's just ridiculous...

Does the taping make the mids suffer?
I don't like opening the port on 2.5 more then 1/4, because the mids get sucked out too much.
How soundwise do the Sony's compare to 2.5?
Nov 9, 2016 at 4:48 AM Post #9,685 of 12,597
Damn, forgot how much I loved the xb90ex. Just hooked up the C5... Sweet.

Going to hook up the Vorzuge Duo when I return home from my walk. Use that bass boost, which is pretty damn incredible, plus lower noise floor than the C5. Tempted to buy the Vorzuge, I just don't roll around with stacks much lately.

Damn, kicking it old school right now, C5, xb90ex, and Method Man. You're all I need...its the truf tonight. Love you Sony xb90ex!!

 My xb90 are running off my c5 right now :)
Nov 9, 2016 at 5:44 AM Post #9,686 of 12,597
Bro, it's not even close. The 7550's have more everything, bass included without the tape too. With tape, it's just ridiculous...

Side note, dusted off my xb90ex and took them for a walk tonight. Such great iems. I don't use them much because I have so many iems, but these never cease to amaze me, that's on my P1, no amp too. I think I'm going to stop and grab my C5 just for fun.

Hell, I'd take these too over the gr07be. Again, not a difficult choice. Only downside, the 90s need power.

Are you using an amp? That could be a factor. Both Sonys need extra juice.

Yes, I have a Fiio E12. And thanks for the insight, now I REALLY can't wait to hear these bad boys!
Nov 9, 2016 at 10:05 AM Post #9,689 of 12,597
I prefer the Sonys, by far too. I don't recall taping effecting the mids much, but it's been a while.

According to my observations, taping the vents on the MDR7550's/EX800's raises the bass level but doesn't lower the mids.  The mids can take a bigger back seat to the bass, but they're still there in full effect.  I don't know about the 2.5's, so I won't comment on those.  IMO, my EX800's are excellent all-around IEM's and have become my favorites--amazing bang for the buck.  Maybe not as crisp up top, but certainly not lacking in detail.  Mids are really good and bass is insane if you want it.  
Nov 9, 2016 at 10:34 AM Post #9,690 of 12,597
  Because without tape or something covering the vents you will not get much bass at all. You will get linear bass that extends low. Tape just gives it a lot more quantity.
This is what tape does to EX800ST/7550 from http://rinchoi.blogspot.com.au/2012/11/sony-mdr-7550.html


Blocking vent reflects clearly in sub bass and dissolves just as lower mids begin. It is perfect actually and they could not have known this or they woulda/coulda made a 16mm DD tunable port. That woulda been a good sell angle. Studio tuned stock or bass elevated while retaining remaining freq's.

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