Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
Jan 29, 2024 at 11:07 PM Post #12,196 of 12,322
Highly respected Finnish headphone reviewer Roderick (has the same name on this forum I think) writes like this on his Empyrean review: ''If Empyrean could reproduce fast bass patterns a little more accurately, I think it could be the best headphone I've heard for listening to just metal music. It is still close to this title, despite the clumsy bass reproduction.''

So you mentioned those Senns. I managed to buy those in mint condition for 200 euro (unless I got ripped off) Picking up Monday from postal office. I have seen other people on reddit praise them for metal music. Interested to see if they are any good, never heard any 600 series ever. Prob way different to OG HE-6 Im currently rocking with.
I guess my ears are not as focused as some others (reviewers) because I thought the bass on the Empyrean was really solid. I do understand that the bass does bleed into the midrange -- at least with the stock pads. I have not yet pad-rolled, but I would like to purchase the angled alcantara pads and the new hybrid pads that come with the Empyrean II.

I also have an OG HE-6 that is fantastic with metal, but I have not listened to it for a few years now. Part of my collection has been left at my parent's house as there isn't enough room for my entire collection in my apartment. :sweat_smile:
I think the Empyrean at their $3000 MSRP is a tough pill to swallow. IMO, the $1500 mark that seems to be the going rate on the secondhand market is much more in line with their technical competency. The build quality is fantastic though, as is comfort. I sold off a pair of Rosewood LCD-2 and hung onto the Empyrean. Comfort is night and day between the two. As is build quality in general.

I don't want to sound like a broken record but the Angled Alcantara pads have really fixed most (all?) of my complaints when it came to the Empyrean and how they handle metal. Swapping back to the leather pads and the bass overwhelms the midrange. The AA pads clean things up substantially across the range. There's still plenty of midbass punch for bass drum kicks and bass guitar has plenty of heft and weight but leads can now shine through and vocals are no longer lost or veiled. If you listen to faster metal genres, the AA pads are essential IMO.

Purchasing the angled alcantara and the hybrid pads is my future goal. Do you know if anyone has written impressions after using the stock (hybrid) pads from the Empyrean II?

I do love how easy it will be to switch out the pads on the Empyrean. I've been mostly used to dealing with changing Audeze pads, so not having to replace stickers/glue and instead use magnets is quite convenient.
I've had the HD660S2 for a while, and they handle metal quite well. They're likely my favorite Sennheisers for metal, but a bit of EQing is needed to get the sound just right for my taste. Out of the box, they miss a bit of punch in the lows, and I had to beef up the mids because they were a bit too polite for me. You can also remove the foam in front of the drivers for some extra clarity.
I really didn't feel like they needed to be EQ'd, but at the same time I have never ever EQ'd any of my headphones. It would be nice to have another pair of the 660S2 to mod and pad swap -- maybe with the ZMF HD6xx pads.
Jan 29, 2024 at 11:21 PM Post #12,197 of 12,322
I really didn't feel like they needed to be EQ'd, but at the same time I have never ever EQ'd any of my headphones. It would be nice to have another pair of the 660S2 to mod and pad swap -- maybe with the ZMF HD6xx pads.

It really depends on the amps and DACs. I've been using my 660S2 with my Woo OTL for the past few weeks, but tonight I got back my Magni Unity from Schiit after it blew up a few weeks ago. Trying it out with the 660S2, and honestly, no need to mess with the EQ at all. The mids and bass are spot on. The Magni Unity's with the built-in DAC makes it a fantastic and cost-effective setup with the 660S2.
Jan 30, 2024 at 8:59 AM Post #12,198 of 12,322
Purchasing the angled alcantara and the hybrid pads is my future goal. Do you know if anyone has written impressions after using the stock (hybrid) pads from the Empyrean II?
I've not come across any impressions of the Empyrean II stock hybrid pads on Empyrean OG, but haven't really looked for them. I do know that Empyrean OG leather pads are quite popular on Empyrean II, helping tame some of the upper mids and treble energy than can be a bit too much for some.
I do love how easy it will be to switch out the pads on the Empyrean. I've been mostly used to dealing with changing Audeze pads, so not having to replace stickers/glue and instead use magnets is quite convenient.
Agreed. It's such a simple yet reliable attachment system. Effortless to swap pads. Audeze pad changes were a nightmare. I wish all headphone mfgs would employ a magnetic attachment system like Meze. My next headphone purchase will be a ZMF (either an AO or AC... likely AO) and I'm already preparing for some frustration when it comes to pad rolling. I've been spoiled by the Empyrean haha.
Feb 2, 2024 at 10:31 PM Post #12,199 of 12,322
I’ve spent time with my Bokeh’s and I highly recommend them for anyone looking for a closed back pair of cans. I currently am rocking stock pads with no mesh. Great mid bass, natural sounding and just an overall fun set of headphones!
Feb 6, 2024 at 3:01 AM Post #12,200 of 12,322
Any recommendation for budget headphones for listening to death/thrash/grindcore/any extreme metal music? Not melodic/symphonic/folk.
Under 50 USD.
Electric guitars are the most important. Raw, hot, over emphasized, speedy. A little detailed, so when you are listening to a speedy thrash record you can differentiate between the two lead guitars. It has to have body so no something thin.
Bass is the fewer the better, not important. It is not problem if I can hear it, but quietly.
No harsh highs.
May be closed headphones. I do not like the airy, wide soundstage.
Feb 6, 2024 at 5:22 AM Post #12,201 of 12,322
Any recommendation for budget headphones for listening to death/thrash/grindcore/any extreme metal music? Not melodic/symphonic/folk.
Under 50 USD.
Electric guitars are the most important. Raw, hot, over emphasized, speedy. A little detailed, so when you are listening to a speedy thrash record you can differentiate between the two lead guitars. It has to have body so no something thin.
Bass is the fewer the better, not important. It is not problem if I can hear it, but quietly.
No harsh highs.
May be closed headphones. I do not like the airy, wide soundstage.
Maybe you should look for an IEM (at that price)... I don't know about one which fulfill your requisites. I use Beyer Soul Byrds while using the brushcutter (under the ear protectors) with my Hiby R2 II, mainly with melodic metal (gothic, black, death, some power) and, although they are nothing special, I like the sound.
Feb 6, 2024 at 6:52 AM Post #12,202 of 12,322
Any recommendation for budget headphones for listening to death/thrash/grindcore/any extreme metal music? Not melodic/symphonic/folk.
Under 50 USD.
Electric guitars are the most important. Raw, hot, over emphasized, speedy. A little detailed, so when you are listening to a speedy thrash record you can differentiate between the two lead guitars. It has to have body so no something thin.
Bass is the fewer the better, not important. It is not problem if I can hear it, but quietly.
No harsh highs.
May be closed headphones. I do not like the airy, wide soundstage.
S/h HD25
Feb 8, 2024 at 4:42 PM Post #12,203 of 12,322
Feb 8, 2024 at 4:49 PM Post #12,204 of 12,322
Any recommendation for budget headphones for listening to death/thrash/grindcore/any extreme metal music? Not melodic/symphonic/folk.
Under 50 USD.
Electric guitars are the most important. Raw, hot, over emphasized, speedy. A little detailed, so when you are listening to a speedy thrash record you can differentiate between the two lead guitars. It has to have body so no something thin.
Bass is the fewer the better, not important. It is not problem if I can hear it, but quietly.
No harsh highs.
May be closed headphones. I do not like the airy, wide soundstage.
If you can't afford the sennheiser hd25, I'd get the koss porta pros tbh. For how cheap they are, they're actually disgustingly good at metal
Feb 8, 2024 at 5:45 PM Post #12,206 of 12,322
Man, the sibilance on the amperiors was brutal though…
It's been a looong time since I've used them. I need to replace the cable and keep forgetting to do so. So maybe my memory is betraying me. But I don't remember it being that bad tbh. I enjoyed them quite a bit. They reminded me a lot of grados, but without the things people tend to complain about. Less highs, nice bass. Trade off being sound stage ofc. A little less edge.
Feb 9, 2024 at 3:48 PM Post #12,207 of 12,322
I should really stop coming to head-fi, my wallet and ears crying for different reasons. The Empys are made for metalheads who love bass/kickdrums. No EQ needed (although I know I will EQ the f out of them just for kicks)

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Feb 10, 2024 at 1:24 AM Post #12,208 of 12,322
Sometimes metal music IMO can get really congested and almost "bloated" with how much is going on within the song, leading to metal music favoring headphones that can accurately reproduce all the notes and riffs being played in metal with all the speed. For this I think the ZMF Verite closed with its beryllium drivers performs remarkably well and the cans reproduce everything going on in a song simultaneously with great accuracy. Sounds even better on tubes as well.
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Feb 11, 2024 at 3:26 PM Post #12,209 of 12,322
Are the Arya Organic too bright for metal? I listen to a lot of genres, not just metal, but I have a thing for the AO and would really like to have feedback from any metalheads on them.
Feb 12, 2024 at 8:30 AM Post #12,210 of 12,322
Are the Arya Organic too bright for metal? I listen to a lot of genres, not just metal, but I have a thing for the AO and would really like to have feedback from any metalheads on them.
I have had my arya organics for months and I absolutely love them for metal. They are bright, but I like that. I don't think they are bright enough to cause fatigue, at least not for me. I used to play drums and I guess I like how "real" the cymbals sound on them. It's a preference thing but I definitely recommend them.

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