iFi audio Pro iDSD Signature and Pro iCAN Signature - The Pro range just got better!
Sep 2, 2024 at 1:53 PM Post #916 of 917
I made a mistake in my previous post and said Pro iDSD/iCan I meant iESL and iCan so apologies for that.

In terms of the bad experience post, I have expressed my apologies and directed the person to let "our" support know of the issue, and as I said there are many folks who have had quite different experiences with our Pro units. While a regrettable instance I continue to say this is not a normal experience, I am not sure how much I can say past that, but I wish it was handled within our system if this was a possibility, I also cannot comment on other "Units" besides our own, and to do so would be equivalent to saying I have a "brand A" unit and it's five years old but my brand "B" unit crapped out after one year. Obviously we regret that a piece of our equipment failed to stand a time test, but without having a chance to examine the unit, commenting any further would not be a productive conversation.

In terms of internals, all units have pluses and perceived minuses, with an eye on developments and improvements in sound quality. We stand behind the sound that the Phantom provides and are proud of our progression of units coming to market. To refer to "caps" as a deciding factor in how the unit performs, I would direct you to the Phantom thread, and the many many posts of enthusiastic support for this unit and what it offers in itself.

Again regrettably we have seen some folks have an issue with their units, and again this is not what we like to see, and should be handled best by the folks who brought the unit to market.

I'm not sure how I can say more than that.

however many apologies you submit, it does not help me or any other who purchased a ifi USD 2500 product that is now colleting dust as garbage. ifi audios service is what I understand non existent. Its record low warranty of its high-end amplifiers having serious quality issues combined with once it stops turning on no one can fix it makes this a brand to avoid for those who own flagship headphones from Fostex, HifiMan and Audeeze.
The iCAN Pro signature I own sounds fantastic with my Susvara and LCD-5, but the expected life is only one year. At this point I am considering putting the iCAN Pro Signature in the trash can. I have ordered the HeadAmp GS-X mk2 which seems to be the price performane leader wirth excellenrt support. I also considred ferrum audio oor and Burson high end but I am at this point priortiizing quality and reliability much more. Regarding Burson, I have evaluatet its opamps vs Sparkons, BBs and Muse. they are the best but I am not familiar with its support and comitements to its customers.

One question you know the answer to but refuse to reveal is why ifi has chosed a warranty that is the shortest of all audio makers. I own flagship Rega amplifier that feeds my B-W speakers of the Nautilys series D803 including suybwooers of REL Xt7, one for each channel. B-W and Rega have life time warrant. My REL subwoffers works all the time... Your products die after one year hence the warranty.
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Sep 3, 2024 at 3:47 PM Post #917 of 917
I’m currently thinking between:
  • IFi iDSD Pro
  • Schiit Yggdrasil
  • Holo Cyan 2
  • Gustard A26
  • S.M.S.L D400EX
Any recommendations between these?

  • Meze Elite headphones
  • iFi iCan Pro amp
  • Mostly listening rock, indie and metal
I might going towards Schiit Yggdrasil A1 usb gen 5. I have the possibility to have it around 800 € from a friend.

Would that be a good match and deal?

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