JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread
Apr 9, 2014 at 7:26 PM Post #10,067 of 10,747
I'll chime in with my experience.. I've had the JH13 FP since August of last year.  I ordered over the "4th of July" sale.  Had impressions taken (I've had a number of custom IEMs before the JH13, so I'm familiar with the wait times and requirements for quality impressions) and sent them off a few days after the 4th.  Lead time on my JH13 was almost exactly one month.  I didn't get an email for confirmation that they received my impressions (nor did I request one.. I just followed the USPS tracking on my impressions).. one month later, I got a FedEx tracking confirmation email.  The fit was terrific and they sounded great.
About two months ago, I needed the fit on both my ear piece slightly adjusted.. it just felt a tad loose.  Nothing was wrong with the original fit, just perhaps that something changed in/around my ear.  I emailed JHA and asked if they could facilitate a refit w/ new impressions.. even though my pair was out of the '30-day refit' period.  I got an email back from Johnny @ JHA in a matter of days (who was very nice).. who said it wouldn't be a problem and asked I send my JH13s and new molds back to them.  About two weeks after they received my IEMs/impressions, I received another FedEx tracking # and my JH13's back in a matter of days after that.. fit was perfect again.  I wasn't charged anything for the refit.
About two weeks ago.. I.. like an idiot.. accidentally dropped the right ear piece in a cup of iced tea as I was removing them from my ear.  I was able ot fish it out almost immediately since it was still attached to the cable, but after trying the whole "toss it in a bag of rice" deal, the bass was completely non-existent in the ear piece that got submerged.. so I'm surmising a driver was damaged.  I informed JH Audio (by email) of my foolish mistake.. and within a day or two, received an email back saying the same thing, "just return your JH13 and we'll take a look."  I sent them back about a week ago and received an (un-prompted) email from Sue @ JHA who informed me they received my JH13 and will be taking a look at them soon.  That's where I'm at now.. waiting to hear back from JHA.  I know others haven't been as fortunate as me, but my experience with them (so far) has been nothing short of terrific.  They've accommodated a (timely) refit that's far out of the 'refit window' for free.. and might even repair one of my JH13's ear pieces for free (again, in a very timely manner).  I'm not a musician or any other type of customer that might get 'preferential' treatment, either.  Just a regular old Head-F'ier.  Will keep everyone posted on what I hear back.. but so far, I'm very happy with my JH Audio experience.

Update, folks: I got a FedEx tracking # from JH Audio this morning.  No fee charged for repair, either.  They received my Lipton-submerged JH13 on 4/1.. and turned it around in one week.  So my good JH Audio juju continues to serve as it looks like my repaired JH13 are enroute to me...
.. or they're sending a box of iced tea.
Apr 10, 2014 at 5:00 AM Post #10,068 of 10,747
Good to hear that you're experiencing nice customer service from them, FlySweep. As for me, I was just informed by my dealer that my order might take between 45 - 55 working days to be completed, which means it could take up to another 2 weeks to get dispatched. Just a small heads up for you folks who attempt to order the 13's and the 16's (And no, this is not even the Roxanne. Not even close).
Apr 10, 2014 at 7:27 AM Post #10,070 of 10,747
No what I meant was that it was ridiculous for a normal product line like the 13's or the 16's to take nearly as long to manufacture as the notorious Roxanne does. Regarding the Roxanne and the JH13FP, I do believe that some actually prefer the JH13FP to the Roxanne in the clarity department. I have yet to get my pair, but I don't think given the 13s' performance there's currently anything leaps and bounds better than it.
Apr 11, 2014 at 7:48 PM Post #10,073 of 10,747
  No what I meant was that it was ridiculous for a normal product line like the 13's or the 16's to take nearly as long to manufacture as the notorious Roxanne does. Regarding the Roxanne and the JH13FP, I do believe that some actually prefer the JH13FP to the Roxanne in the clarity department. I have yet to get my pair, but I don't think given the 13s' performance there's currently anything leaps and bounds better than it.

I have to think that the same technicians are working an assembly line that produces both 13's, 16's,... et al - as well as Roxanne's - so any delay in production would affect all products equally - the CF issues notwithstanding - that is another can of worms. So any new project simply gets in a very crowded line.
(It always amuses me that there are some that slam JH Audio for their lack of attention and warm fuzzy's to the community as other companies seem to do. Give those companies the same workload and I imagine their response time might lag a bit as well)
Apr 11, 2014 at 8:19 PM Post #10,074 of 10,747
Im sorry guys to repeat myself, but i never got an answer. How long after jh audio receives your impressions do you get a confirmation.

In my case.. I never got a confirmation when they received my impressions.  I just used USPS tracking to confirm that they were delivered.
In other news.. my repaired JH13's arrived today.. the included invoice stated the low bass driver was replaced (damn you, Lipton!).  They were only gone a couple of weeks.. but man did I miss them.. such a terrific sounding IEM!
Apr 11, 2014 at 8:24 PM Post #10,075 of 10,747
I had a few refits and I think the second time they gave a confirmation but I can't be completely sure. I used my tracking number as well and gave them 2 weeks before I would call them if necessary. 
Flysweep I feel the same way. the JH13 are great iem's and even having newer stuff I always go back to them..well that and the UERM but I need to get those refit by someone eventually if I could ever get impressions.
Apr 13, 2014 at 3:04 PM Post #10,077 of 10,747
What amps are you guys using the JH13 or JH16 with? I have the ALO RX MK3 but the hiss is kind of starting to be annoying. I've heard good things about the Pico Slim and I'm quite interested in them now. Or do you guys don't use amps with them?
Apr 14, 2014 at 4:24 AM Post #10,079 of 10,747
  I just looked up the patent for the FP technology, Is there really a processor inside each ear piece controlling the timing to keep the drivers in phase?

LOL processor? What!? FreqPhase as far as I understand is just re-positioning the drivers and altering the bore lengths for each respective driver to make sure they are phase that way. Much more lo-fi and less likely to stuff up.
Apr 15, 2014 at 12:48 PM Post #10,080 of 10,747
Not sure if anyone else has made any comparisons between the jh13fp and the audeze lcd 2.2 with fazor, but i find them to be about as close as an iem and full size can can get.

I was comparing sound signatures and overall presentation between my he-500, hd700, and lcd2.2 and the lcd2.2 is clearly more similar than the other two, particularly in how smooth the frequencies run together, and also regarding the treble response. They are both clear and resolving without the slightest bit of harshness. Very refined in the treble area. The he-500 could even sound somewhat harsh compared to the jh13 and lcd2.2, which is saying something.

I expected the jh13 to be bright compared to the lcd2, but again they were quite similar.

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