Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
May 17, 2011 at 6:36 PM Post #1,156 of 48,579
I don't really have anything on my PS3, as I greatly prefer the 360 controller for FPS games. As of right now, I only have MvsC2, Street Figjter II HD, and a few other PSN arcade games. Only Star Ocean International as my one PS3 game. I really only use my PS3 for movies. :frowning2:

I had MW2 on the 360 but got tired of it. I still have CoD4 in the house though.

I'll hit you up on PS3 when I get home.

I'm most likely gonna get on Black Ops again tonight.
May 17, 2011 at 8:32 PM Post #1,158 of 48,579
You're not the same Zombie_x from the Fallout 3 forum are you?
I'm really addicted to that game. I even have a stupid playthrough of it on Youtube when I got bored...totally not worth it since my PC kept crashing trying to record 720p video.
So I just rushed through the game hitting things with a sledgehammer and finished at level 11..not the way to play the game

I also love Uncharted 2. I've finished it so many times now I've gotten sick of it. I still need to torture myself and beat the first one on crushing mode.
Yeah it was fun MLE. I'll add you on the PS3 as well. Do you have MW2 on the PS3? How about Medal of Honor? 
Also my PSN ID is SaiyanElite87.
I also have a Youtube channel here that has a lot of gameplay videos >

May 17, 2011 at 8:45 PM Post #1,160 of 48,579

I love the combat in that. So much fun and feels more like real life than what most FPSs are like. in the old games it was just stand there or move around and try not to get hit by a least some new FPSs added a cover system.
I always re-play the Monastery level over and over. There's one area there that killed me about a dozen times on Crushing on the first playthrough, but now I could probably do it without dying. Uncharted 2 on Crushing is like Uncharted 1 on hard I guess. Thank god Uncharted 2 didn't have any Jet Ski sections! Driving upstream while being shot at is not my idea of fun.
I never thought anything could top Half Life 2, but Uncharted 2 and FO3 sure did. FO3 I probably spent 300 hours in over several years..quite sad. And to think this was even after my addiction to Final Fantasy XI/Online. That game was like crack.
Uncharted 2 is so friggin amazing. I love the campaign.

May 17, 2011 at 11:02 PM Post #1,161 of 48,579
COD 4:MW2 has larger maps compared to COD:BO, only that some skills are limited in Black Ops, like knifing is very slow and with limited area...I'm a knifer and a fast runner guy in COD4: MW2 but in COD:BO, I cannot do that. For me, speed is my preference on both games. I seldom, hide or lure enemy to win in TDM.
May 17, 2011 at 11:24 PM Post #1,162 of 48,579

COD 4:MW2 has larger maps compared to COD:BO, only that some skills are limited in Black Ops, like knifing is very slow and with limited area...I'm a knifer and a fast runner guy in COD4: MW2 but in COD:BO, I cannot do that. For me, speed is my preference on both games. I seldom, hide or lure enemy to win in TDM.

lolwat. Also knifing was nerfed due to commando pro.
May 17, 2011 at 11:29 PM Post #1,163 of 48,579
I use "Zombie_X" everywhere I register so chances are that it's me. On the FO3 forum that is not me. I'm not a fan of FO3...
I also love Uncharted 2 and am currently replaying it and recording it for my youtube channel.
And yeah I hate the commando perk. I do love the pro version for no fall damage though :wink:
You're not the same Zombie_x from the Fallout 3 forum are you?
I'm really addicted to that game. I even have a stupid playthrough of it on Youtube when I got bored...totally not worth it since my PC kept crashing trying to record 720p video.
So I just rushed through the game hitting things with a sledgehammer and finished at level 11..not the way to play the game

I also love Uncharted 2. I've finished it so many times now I've gotten sick of it. I still need to torture myself and beat the first one on crushing mode.

May 17, 2011 at 11:29 PM Post #1,164 of 48,579
Yeah, I'm referring to the awesome maps is CoD 4: Modern Warfare, not Modern Warfare 2 which had some pretty big maps, though Black Ops has ridiculously large and convoluted maps.

I'm about to get on some Black Ops in about 30 or so minutes.
May 17, 2011 at 11:51 PM Post #1,166 of 48,579
BFBC2 sounds insane with the T1's man. Love them a lot with games, though I prefer speakers for gaming.
I kinda wish you could hear how amazing Bad Company 2 sounds with a nice set of headphones. It would blow you away.

May 18, 2011 at 1:29 AM Post #1,168 of 48,579
BFBC2 simply got one of the best sound I have heard from any game, I have it setted to "Home Theatre" found it have a edge on dynamic range and imaging over the "Hi-Fi" settings, where "Wartape" is just over done and terrible, not sure why that many liked it.
May 18, 2011 at 3:08 AM Post #1,169 of 48,579
I kinda wish you could hear how amazing Bad Company 2 sounds with a nice set of headphones. It would blow you away.

My roomie has BC2. I played a little. The sound is amazing. :)

I think people like War Tapes because it's 'fun' sounding, though not exactly helpful.

Played Blops again with Zombie. We had so much fun he was supposed to leave like 5 games before. :p
May 18, 2011 at 11:06 AM Post #1,170 of 48,579

BFBC2 simply got one of the best sound I have heard from any game, I have it setted to "Home Theatre" found it have a edge on dynamic range and imaging over the "Hi-Fi" settings, where "Wartape" is just over done and terrible, not sure why that many liked it.

Spot on, Bad Company 2 sound engine is one of if not the best around.  And Battlefield 3 will improve even further.
For BFBC2 I like home theater (5.1) with sound quality on high mode, with Dolby headphone mode 1 (Essence STX). 
Wartapes is is overly compressed pile of ugly to my ears.

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