Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jun 28, 2012 at 5:16 PM Post #5,986 of 48,580
Both the T-HD and Asto Mix-amp come with headphone surround sound, so plugging the Mix-amp into the T-HDs optical out seems unnessary.
Now the T-HD uses CMSS-3D and the Mix-amp uses Dolby, so that is one difference.

You're absolutely right. My MixAmp is primary for use for my PS3/360. However in this case I was testing it with the T-HDs in order to see if they help drive the Q701s any better. As far as I could tell, I didn't hear much of a difference.
I do plan to test DH versus CMSS-3D, but its lower on my priority list.
Jun 28, 2012 at 5:44 PM Post #5,987 of 48,580
Velsu, I'd definitely go for the DT990, as long as you have a way to tone down the treble a little if it bothers you that much. The DT880 is great, but not for virtual surround gaming.
Jun 28, 2012 at 7:44 PM Post #5,989 of 48,580
Velsu, I'd definitely go for the DT990, as long as you have a way to tone down the treble a little if it bothers you that much. The DT880 is great, but not for virtual surround gaming.

Unless you add the DT880 pro model into the mix instead of the premium.
Jun 28, 2012 at 8:39 PM Post #5,991 of 48,580

Yeah i also thought 990 would be the way to go...just 880 has "something" that also makes me interested in it,clear sound etc.
In my country those headphones are hard to obtain,price i found in store is not so bad compared to other online retailers i see here. Also Amazon prices (im using UK one because they are sending to my country) have a bit higher prices than the store i found so its ok,about 250 euro for DT 990 Premium and 240 euro for 880 DT premium so difference is not so big.
And about budget,really no idea. I have no budget,got enough money but those are savings up for my future apartment so i would like to not spend too much and at the same time i dont want to limit myself by few euro/dollars and loose quality. DT 990 Premium are already expensive for me,but even for that price they are tempting with what they offer.
Also i was wondering if Fiio E9 is good amp,because o2 is not avaiable in my country (unless i try on amazon i guess).
p.s. are there any GOOD clip microphones with noise cancelling? Found some cheap ones in market but my friends say they are terrible and catch all kind of sounds.

That's a great price considering they are 257 Euros here (320 dollars off
As for a great mic I'd say Ant Lion that chicho offered us. I bought one and love the heck out of it.
Jun 28, 2012 at 9:21 PM Post #5,992 of 48,580
Great guide :)
Right now I have a pair of ATH-m50s for music though I occasionally play BF3 with them since they're already plugged into my computer.
Any suggestions for a good cheap (less than $100) headphone with a good soundstage that I can use for gaming?
I do have the KSC75 too but i'm not sure if they really are indeed better for gaming.
I cant really tell i guess but I'll probably play around with them again.
Jun 28, 2012 at 9:37 PM Post #5,993 of 48,580
Creative Aurvana Live is a good gaming headphone that is comparable to the M50, but with better soundstage. Typically under $100. Though they are similar to the M50s, so not sure you'd go for them. They are warmer and less aggressive.
Jun 28, 2012 at 9:40 PM Post #5,994 of 48,580
Great guide :)
Right now I have a pair of ATH-m50s for music though I occasionally play BF3 with them since they're already plugged into my computer.
Any suggestions for a good cheap (less than $100) headphone with a good soundstage that I can use for gaming?
I do have the KSC75 too but i'm not sure if they really are indeed better for gaming.
I cant really tell i guess but I'll probably play around with them again.

check out the JVC RX700, Superlux HD668, Samson SR850, umm I am sure there are others can't think of any off the top of my head.
The KSC75 works just fine as well.
Jun 28, 2012 at 11:13 PM Post #5,995 of 48,580
I haven't heard those, so I can't say.

I know the premium's suppose to have issues with the sound imaging because of not being able to hear your 6 o'clock position if I think that what it was.  The DT880 pro doesn't have that issue and have very good sound imaging.  I know I was talking to some one about it,Because I was mentioning to them that I didn't had that issues because of me having the Pros.
Jun 29, 2012 at 1:03 AM Post #5,996 of 48,580
I was really skeptical of the hype surrounding O2 but it ended up impressing even my coworker who swore off SS amps after he went Stax only.  The O2 surprised our ears for the low price and now he's back doing orthos and SS.  The joys of digging deeper into money pit that is this hobby.
Jun 29, 2012 at 1:58 AM Post #5,997 of 48,580
I'm interested in the DT990 Pro which I can get from Germany in late July. I thought I would get the KSC-75 to tide me over until then, good idea? Also, would the O2 amp be enough for the DT990 Pro 250?

Thanks :D
Jun 29, 2012 at 2:02 AM Post #5,998 of 48,580
I'm interested in the DT990 Pro which I can get from Germany in late July. I thought I would get the KSC-75 to tide me over until then, good idea? Also, would the O2 amp be enough for the DT990 Pro 250?


I  would assume the 02 has no problem working with 250-Ohm headphones.
Good headphones.
Jun 29, 2012 at 3:27 AM Post #6,000 of 48,580
The DT990 Pro would be terrible for classical. Too much bass, weak mids, strong treble. The DT990 Pros' strength would be for bass heavy genres.

You're better off with the DT880s.

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