Meze Audio 109 Pro
May 17, 2024 at 8:09 PM Post #3,496 of 3,559
what do you mean by that? so do you don't like the 109?
I like the 109 Pro with a limited amount of music. Meditation, chakra, rieki, and jazz are all great on it. For my tastes overall:

1) Shure SRH1540
2) Sennheiser HD660S2
3) Audio-Technica ATH-MRS7b
4) Meze 109 Pro

All are 4.4mm balanced. I had the Empyrean on tour for two weeks. I kept craving my Shure headphones over the Empyrean. Everyone's ears hear differently. My players are the two original Sony Signature DAPs and Lotoo Paw Gold Touch.

To be fair to the Meze 109 Pro headphones, I am getting the Shanling M30 Pro to try them on. Some say they're magic with more power. I go back and forth with them. Some days they pop and other days I don't like them. It's the strangest thing I've ever experienced with headphones. Tonight was a night where I switched right away. (Next morning) This morning I am now in a jazz mood and the 109 Pro makes that sound lively and great. Oh, the ups and downs. Again, this is a bizarre headphones phenomenon. It's never happened to me before. This morning, they're great.

The Shure and Sennheiser are beautiful with Lotoo Paw Gold Touch. The Audio-Technica ATH-MRS7b and Shure SRH1540 are great on the Sonys. The 109 Pro is used with Lotoo. 20240518_090254.jpg
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May 18, 2024 at 7:38 AM Post #3,497 of 3,559
Just swinging by to say hi to the fellow 109 Pro enthusiasts. These are my first serious HPs and what an experience they are. As a result, I'm definitely looking forward to demoing the 105 AEM at some point.


Current tunes:

May 18, 2024 at 2:14 PM Post #3,498 of 3,559
After leaving the Dekuni pads attached to the outer wood portion of the 109’s overnight, just tried to properly attach the left pad in the slot properly and was successful. The same with properly inserting the Dukoni pad on the right side. WHEW. I guess letting the rubber lips extend overnight made it open enough to attach the pads in the slots.
May 18, 2024 at 2:17 PM Post #3,499 of 3,559
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May 26, 2024 at 1:58 PM Post #3,501 of 3,559
Life, and other gear, had me not paying nearly as much attention to the 109s as I should have been. Thanks to the recent activity on this thread getting my attention I pulled them out and have spent the last two hours on a cool, rainy, Sunday morning falling back in love with the 109s. Thank you all for the reminder!!!
May 26, 2024 at 3:04 PM Post #3,502 of 3,559
Life, and other gear, had me not paying nearly as much attention to the 109s as I should have been. Thanks to the recent activity on this thread getting my attention I pulled them out and have spent the last two hours on a cool, rainy, Sunday morning falling back in love with the 109s. Thank you all for the reminder!!!
Some days I love them and other days I don't.
May 26, 2024 at 4:37 PM Post #3,503 of 3,559
anyone still using the 109?
it is so interesting how some don't enjoy at all, and some love them to death.
but i guess that is pretty normal with every gear.
i love both my s2 and the 109.

Nonwithstanding the sibilant treble, I think it is a terrific pair of headphones. It is hard to find something better on its price range.

The sibilance can be tamed down with eq, but it is inevitable to loose a little bit of sound quality while doing it.

And the comfort is second to none.
May 26, 2024 at 4:49 PM Post #3,504 of 3,559
Nonwithstanding the sibilant treble, I think it is a terrific pair of headphones. It is hard to find something better on its price range.

The sibilance can be tamed down with eq, but it is inevitable to loose a little bit of sound quality while doing it.

And the comfort is second to none.
Lotoo Paw Gold Touch has a PMEQ that doesn't seem to add distortion or reduce sound quality.
May 26, 2024 at 5:31 PM Post #3,505 of 3,559
Been using mine for roughly six months on a daily basis and thoroughly enjoy them.
Couple of things I have noticed, firstly if a recording is bad the 109's will definitely show it, and secondly the highs which need taming.
Luckily my Hiby Dap has a few options for tweaking the highs without any real detriment to the overall sound.
May 26, 2024 at 6:20 PM Post #3,506 of 3,559
Yeah, the HiBy MSEB and newly added PEQ (on at least some models) is great to customize so much gear. Today I was listening from my phone connected by BT to my Q15, running some EQ by way of Wavelet. I don’t have anything against EQ… maybe some in blind testing could detect a change in quality, but I know I cannot. I think of EQ like I think of salt, pepper, spices, cooking times… I customize food to my taste, so I customize sound to my taste 🤤. But I respect that not everyone sees it that way!
May 28, 2024 at 4:40 PM Post #3,507 of 3,559
Now this post does make me laugh. The 109 Pro need roughly 5ma of current RMS / 1mW / 0.2v to get to 110dB

There is no way a 24, 26 or 28awg cable is changing the sound based on the thickness. A thicker cable will not suddenly carry more signal, or make the sound have more body, that's your brain.

FYI I do believe in small audible differences in cables due to material differences, but headphone cables don't carry high current or voltage so anything above 28awg is absolutely fine.
too many ignorant and gullible people. The differences between cables are so subtle that they either don't exist/can't be measured or aren't perceptible to our ears. It is an ever-present topic as long as people believe in absolute uncertainties like God, they will also believe in strange fantasies like this or like the op amp switch etc etc The important thing is that it is a good cable, of the right thickness and built with good terminals, it does not need silver or gold or kryptonite. If there is and it costs the right amount, ok. Otherwise it is totally superfluous. There are people so crazy and full of cognitive biases that they "listen" to cables, without even measuring them. And all this for many years, spending staggering sums. I won't add anything other than that the subjectivist audiophile (stupidphile) is a strange guy who doesn't know any scientific subject but only personal opinions that perhaps grow on trees. Sorry for the bad English, probably.

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