New Bose Ultra Open Earbuds
Apr 26, 2024 at 11:10 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


Headphoneus Supremus
Apr 19, 2015
Yesterday I receiving the excellent Bose Ultra Open Earbuds and I don't planning doing a review or starting a new thread, but after 2 days (about 10 hours of use until now) I deciding I must sharing my impressions. So, right now I will just copying and pasting the 2 posts I writing in the Dali iO-12 thread (a 1300 USD / 1000 EUR ANC headphone) and will continuing here posting more impressions and/or answering questions.

I'm someone that using the standard AirPods (AP3) several times EVERY day, specially for podcasts and telephone calls. This are the 3rd Gen release of the normal AirPods, the open-style earbuds without ANC where you can always hearing your environment because they don't going inside your ears.

Today I testing already for several hours the new Bose Ultra Open Earbuds (BUOE) and, for me at least, they are a VERY serious alternative to my AP3. Why?

--- Maybe because of the fit I have with the AP3 I don't get good low end reproduction at all -- the sound of my AP3 is unnaturally lean in bass, and because I using this principally for podcasts, bass reproduction isn't so important. But this is sometimes a little frustrating because I often listening to some music with the AP3 in YouTube that people sending me via email or WhatsApp, and then I sometimes must changing to my APP2 (in-ears AirPods with ANC) or my iO-12 if I want better sound. I DON'T have this problem with the BUOE at all, I'm just getting really very good sound in all the frequency range, and this is from an open-style pair of earbuds!

--- You have volume control in the BUOE that you don't having in the AP3 (people in this thread know that I changing volume all the time). With the AP3 I always need changing volume in my iPhone or MBP and this isn't always very practical because my iPhone sometimes isn't near me.

--- Battery life is more long in the BUOE.

--- You have spatial audio in the BUOE that, in difference with the AP3 that only working with Apple devices, is working very well with my OLED Panasonic TV.


I'm not sure I will doing a review of the BUOE, but I can telling you that, at least for me, with the fit that I have, the sound is really very, very good. And about low/sub-bass, the bass I'm getting in that part of the spectrum is very correct, similar (or even little better) than what I get in the iO-12. And, in difference with others headphones or earphones, the EQ in the app, even if is only 3 bands (bass, mids and treble), is very effective, but personally I don't using this because I think the factory sound is very good already (with my fit).

I actually prefer the sound of the BUOE than of my AirPods Pro 2 (APP2, the Apple in-ears with ANC) because I sometimes finding the bass in the APP2 a little more elevated than I think is necessary. I also find the BUOE better sounding (from memory), with the fit I'm getting, than the Bose QuietComfort Ultra (the direct competitor of the APP2).

If open earbuds are important for you, like they are for me, then I must insisting that you must trying the BUOE. But they have 2 negatives: 1) No multipoint connection right now, but apparently maybe in future firmware update this will becoming possible, but who will knowing if true; and 2) No wireless charging.
Apr 27, 2024 at 11:47 AM Post #4 of 12
Please keep us posted on longer-term usage experience. Comfort (what's your longest session btw?), real battery life, mics.

Here's a nice comparison with few other open-ears, with call samples. What I strongly agree with Andy is that starting price tag is hard to justify.

I don't know the others earphones that the person is reviewing in the video that you posting, but after watching I have the impression that he's doing a very good job for being objective. So, some more comments about my personal experience.

-- First, I paying 275 EUR (not the retail price is 349 EUR) after I seeing a one-day offer and this is when I deciding buying and testing the BUOE. Retail price is too expensive, in my opinion -- I think more realistic is 250 EUR, so 275 EUR in this case is acceptably close.

-- Until now that maximum time I using the BUOE in one session is 3.5 hours, and I only stopping because I must doing other activity.

-- Comfort is seriously great, for me at least -- don't matter how strongly I shaking my head, the BUOE isn't moving nothing AT ALL. I know I can using this earphones for many hours and forgetting I'm wearing them.

-- I continue being very impressed with the sound, specially after testing more music than last 2 days. The reviewer is probably correct when he's saying that if you're using this earphones outside, the sometimes "little" better sound of the BUOE maybe isn't so important -- I don't know if the difference is really that small, like he's saying, because I don't know all the others earphones that he's speaking about. BUT, in my case I using the BUOE primarily at home/office, so good/better sound is making an important difference for me and I'm ready paying more for this important aspect.

-- The charging case is have very acceptable small size, is only little more big then the excellent small case of the Apple APP2 (others Bose earphones cases are always too big for me, so this is very good).

-- About multi-point connection, this isn't available yet, but you have one good decent alternative if, like me, you using a "shortcut" in the left (in my choice instead of the right) earpiece for changing devices reasonably quickly from the earpiece without needing disconnecting one device and connecting to the other manually.
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Apr 27, 2024 at 1:22 PM Post #5 of 12
I don't know the others earphones that the person is reviewing in the video that you posting, but after watching I have the impression that he's doing a very good job for being objective. So, some more comments about my personal experience.

-- First, I paying 275 EUR (not the retail price is 349 EUR) after I seeing a one-day offer and this is when I deciding buying and testing the BUOE. Retail price is too expensive, in my opinion -- I think more realistic is 250 EUR, so 275 EUR in this case is acceptably close.

-- Until now that maximum time I using the BUOE in one session is 3.5 hours, and I only stopping because I must doing other activity.

-- Comfort is seriously great, for me at least -- don't matter how strongly I shaking my head, the BUOE isn't moving nothing AT ALL. I know I can using this earphones for many hours and forgetting I'm wearing them.

-- I continue being very impressed with the sound, specially after testing more music than last 2 days. The reviewer is probably correct when he's saying that if you're using this earphones outside, the sometimes "little" better sound of the BUOE maybe isn't so important -- I don't know if the difference is really that small, like he's saying, because I don't know all the others earphones that he's speaking about. BUT, in my case I using the BUOE primarily at home/office, so good/better sound is making an important difference for me and I'm ready paying more for this important aspect.

-- The charging case is have very acceptable small size, is only little more big then the excellent small case of the Apple APP2 (others Bose earphones cases are always too big for me, so this is very good).

-- About multi-point connection, this isn't available yet, but you have one good decent alternative if, like me, you using a "shortcut" in the left (in my choice instead of the right) earpiece for changing devices reasonably quickly from the earpiece without needing disconnecting one device and connecting to the other manually.
Sounds really interesting. Though I even didn't bother to watch reviews on these before thinking this is a lucklaster, I'll probably monitor prices in order to check it myself. Thanks mate :beerchug:
Apr 28, 2024 at 7:18 PM Post #6 of 12
This is day #4 and I'm writing this post principally because I really must insisting how good is the sound of this earphones after even more different music that I testing (all types of music).

The people that don't know me well can looking at my signature and seeing the (expensive) headphones and earphones that I own. I prefer a more neutral/refernce sound, so my favourite headphones and earphones are: the Sennheiser HD800 (wired open-back headphones), UERM (reference custom in-ear monitor/earphones) and Dali iO-12 (wireless ANC headphones), all costing at least 1000 EUR when buying new at the time of releasing.

Really this Bose Ultra Open Earbuds (BUOE) have very, very good sound and maybe many people will probably ignoring this product simply because is from Bose. If you're a basshead, this are NOT for you. But if you like correct bass, with decent low-end extension, you will like the BUOE very much. The midrange is excellent with all details easily discernible, and the treble is very, very good with sufficient sparkle but never becoming piercing or fatiguing OR dull, excellent balance. This is a pair of earphones with very, very correct tonal balance. I'm still very positively surprised with the sound quality I'm getting.

One other aspect that I like very much, and is very important for me, is that the play/pause, next/previous track, and volume up/down buttons are responsive 100% of the time; they're big so you can always finding them quickly and they are NOT touch buttons but click buttons (with touch buttons you often don't getting correct response, not here. EXCELLENT.

The money that you paying for a product is personal and dependent on what is (very) important for you. For me I think that 250-275 EUR is a price that I'm ready paying for this reasons:

1. Really VERY good sound
2. EXECLLENT comfort for many hours of use and good battery life (7,5 hours from one charge)
3. Small form factor and very more small than average charging / travel case. By the way, even if you, like me, probably thinking that this earphones look strange and maybe big, when you're actually wearing them, they look small and don't calling for attention at all.
4. EXCELLENT and always responsive playback buttons.

One other aspect I'm appreciating is that, even when no multipoint is available yet, the shortcut for changing devices is very good. I have the BUOE connected to 5 devices and this shortcut is cycling through all devices, BUT the good thing is that the cycling is dependent on the last devices used, so in my case I can quickly changing from my iPhone to my MacBook (and vice versa) quickly without needing waiting going to the other 3 devices.

*** In some countries (not all) Bose offering trying their products for 30 days and they're giving a full refund if you're not happy with the product ***
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Apr 29, 2024 at 7:11 AM Post #7 of 12
Got a question about sound volume. By the looks of it, the actual dynamic is fairly distant from ear canal. Do you have to crank the volume up for nice sound at home? And what about sound leakage by the way?

*** Here in NL Bose has return period of 90 days. And the price currently is 290 Euro. Decisions, decisions... ***
Apr 29, 2024 at 8:22 AM Post #8 of 12
Got a question about sound volume. By the looks of it, the actual dynamic is fairly distant from ear canal. Do you have to crank the volume up for nice sound at home? And what about sound leakage by the way?

In my case I'm using a similar volume level with the BUOE than with my AirPods 3rd Gen, this is an average of 50-65% volume depending in type of music or podcasts (some podcasts, like music, are more loud than others too). With 50-65% volume I enjoy music a lot, but you know some people like playing music very loud, so this is a personal aspect.

The BUOE leaking sound a little more sound than my AirPods because the AirPods go a little more inside the ears than the BUOE (actually I like this aspect very much about the BUOE), but with the volume that I prefer sound leaking isn't a problem at all. Again, you must testing this for yourself, with your favourite volume and see if leaking is ok for you or not.

*** Here in NL Bose has return period of 90 days. And the price currently is 290 Euro. Decisions, decisions... ***
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Apr 29, 2024 at 12:27 PM Post #9 of 12
In my case I'm using a similar volume level with the BUOE than with my AirPods 3rd Gen, this is an average of 50-65% volume depending in type of music or podcasts (some podcasts, like music, are more loud than others too). With 50-65% volume I enjoy music a lot, but you know some people like playing music very loud, so this is a personal aspect.

The BUOE leaking sound a little more sound than my AirPods because the AirPods go a little more inside the ears than the BUOE (actually I like this aspect very much about the BUOE), but with the volume that I prefer sound leaking isn't a problem at all. Again, you must testing this for yourself, with your favourite volume and see if leaking is ok for you or not.

I also don't like loud volumes, so most likely your experience is 100% relevant to me. Thanks much!
May 26, 2024 at 5:36 PM Post #10 of 12
Any update or hope on multi point Bluetooth
I own a pair they nice sound pretty good too
the buds do some odd stuff one bud then the second one pops in
it’s always the left one that’s gone then back ?
I’ve updated to new firmware no improvements
May 26, 2024 at 5:53 PM Post #11 of 12
Any update or hope on multi point Bluetooth
I own a pair they nice sound pretty good too
the buds do some odd stuff one bud then the second one pops in
it’s always the left one that’s gone then back ?
I’ve updated to new firmware no improvements

I doing the update, like you, and have still the same thing of the sound "pops" in the left earbud sometimes, but the isn't a real problem for me because I'm sure an update fixing this in the future. And the multipoint connection is something I'm also waiting in the update but I accepting working around this aspect in the way I explaining before, but I still hoping for an update for real multipoint.

BUT, unfortunately I deciding returning my pair one week ago because after using every day, I begin having discomfort after about 10 days, specially in my left ear after about 30 minutes using them, and then I start changing the position of the left earbud, but the overall discomfort isn't going away. So, this really is, for me, the only aspect that making me returning this earbuds. I waiting and waiting hoping my ears accustoming but this discomfort isn't going away (I think is actually becoming little more bad each day [remember I'm using this earbuds every day]).

Is really a pity because I like the sound very much, and I'm even accepting the 2 others little (temporary) 'faults'. BUT discomfort is very important don't matter how cheap or expensive is a pair of headphones/earphones.
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May 27, 2024 at 9:19 PM Post #12 of 12
Wow sorry to read this. They fit perfectly I don’t even know there are there.
Left does lag on connect but it’s not a big deal.
what I want is multi point
I have 3 phones but two for my work
I also have Oladance pro
Very good open sound
and there multipoint works perfect
but there is always a but lol
I use reading glasses and this makes them fall off
as hard as I try it’s an issue no doubt
so when I saw the Bose it’s design is a well made concept
let’s see if there is an update as promised

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