Ostry KC06 vs Zero Audio Tenore?
Jul 26, 2014 at 11:03 AM Post #31 of 41
I recently bought the Tenores.  The right side blew within 5 minutes.  States a 100Mv input.  I am using an e-12 but was no where near full volume (also LoD from iPod).  I just got a bad pair?  Would like to know before I re-order.
Jul 26, 2014 at 12:13 PM Post #32 of 41
The forum police
They live inside of my thread
The forum police
They argue 'bout what I said
I get your sentiment, really I do -- but threads like these are made every hour all over head-fi and almost none of them get any flak. You only think this case is special because you have already accomplished the thing you want others to do. I say live and let live.
  Why does this thread exist?  Sorry I understand it takes time to read and I don't want to sound like forum police, but if you're really interested in learning about each item, there are 130+ pages of each IEM in their own respective threads, and PLENTY of reviews and impressions.  When I first joined head-fi I went back from the beginning of each thread (including Discovery and Chinese, etc) and read every single post.  If you really want to know about things, please take the time to read.

Jul 27, 2014 at 7:17 AM Post #33 of 41
Jul 27, 2014 at 7:19 AM Post #34 of 41
Why be so inflammatory? It's still very valid advice considering you never apologized.
Thanks for staying on topic for something posted 2 months ago instead of just contributing to the thread.

Jul 27, 2014 at 7:28 AM Post #35 of 41
  I recently bought the Tenores.  The right side blew within 5 minutes.  States a 100Mv input.  I am using an e-12 but was no where near full volume (also LoD from iPod).  I just got a bad pair?  Would like to know before I re-order.

It's happened before.  It might come back, you can try giving it a rest and the right side might return.. but 5 minutes seems like a major concern to me.  I suggest going to the Tenore thread and asking some of the 'experts'.
Jul 27, 2014 at 7:37 AM Post #36 of 41

I just read the last few new posts on the KC06 thread and BAM -- check out this amazing detailed comparison of KC06 and Tenore:
Why would I apologize?  
Jul 27, 2014 at 7:51 AM Post #37 of 41
Things like telling a fellow member of the forum that their thread doesn't need to exist and they should go read comparisons, even after they explicitly stated they read comparisons and they were "too brief" and they wanted an in-depth one from someone specific; like implying that reading more than 100 pages of posts should be standard fare for anyone wanting to learn on this forum; like giving your opinion at all that a thread that follows forum rules doesn't need to exist although you're not a moderator.
Stuff like that is really ostracizing and can make people not want to reply or post information next time. Judging by your replies, I'm guessing you might think to yourself "Good!", but I would consider it a detriment to the community's wealth of information. Not to mention that it's not friendly at all, and I believe that's one of the running themes of this website.
You also linked to an impression made 15 hours ago in a way that you're implying it should have sufficed for a similar request made two months ago? I don't think you thought that one all the way though.
I just read the last few new posts on the KC06 thread and BAM -- check out this amazing detailed comparison of KC06 and Tenore:
Why would I apologize?  

Jul 27, 2014 at 8:21 AM Post #38 of 41
Your argument is about a post I made 2 months ago implies that the opinion is still relevant.  Since then I've contributed to the thread topic and you still continue to stick to the one post.  That tells me that you care nothing about THIS fellow member.  A contributing one.
Here's a long review of KC06 made a week ago.  
Here's another from one month ago:
This took me 10 minutes to pull up, that's including 4 minutes spent trying to wrestle the keyboard away from my 3 year old.
Here's my apology:  I'm sorry that you feel the need to continue ostracizing me.  
Jul 27, 2014 at 8:30 AM Post #39 of 41
I'm noticing a trend of completely missing the point and making things about yourself. I didn't mention anything about your depth or dearth of contribution. The  opinion I'm giving is still very relevant, because it has nothing to do with peoples' reviews which you keep linking to and talking about: I mentioned your attitude, which you've yet to address and continue to have. Since your main talking point is "I know you are but what am I?", I don't think you're going to get it -- especially if you don't know the meaning of the words you're using.
Just try to be less insulting to members in the future even if you think they're doing something dumb. Try to be friendlier. It's not a big ask.
Thanks for all your contributions in that thread, by the way. They helped me in looking for a Tenore.
  Your argument is about a post I made 2 months ago implies that the opinion is still relevant.  Since then I've contributed to the thread topic and you still continue to stick to the one post.  That tells me that you care nothing about THIS fellow member.  A contributing one.
Here's a long review of KC06 made a week ago.  
Here's another from one month ago:
This took me 10 minutes to pull up, that's including 4 minutes spent trying to wrestle the keyboard away from my 3 year old.
Here's my apology:  I'm sorry that you feel the need to continue ostracizing me.  

Nov 10, 2014 at 8:34 PM Post #40 of 41
ebrian, you are a duche, do you realise how tiring it is to read 291 pages threads? people just want to know which is better.

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