RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis
Feb 7, 2024 at 7:05 AM Post #47 of 3,192
I was looking for the CA-1A at canjam socal to demo, but couldn't find one. I hope to be able to find it, and these, at the next.

Pretty please? :)
I'm not sure what is Danny's plan for NYC CanJam, but I guess he's bringing them, too.
I'll let you know when I find out.
RAAL 1995 Stay updated on RAAL 1995 at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/raalribbon https://raalribbon.com/
Feb 7, 2024 at 7:11 AM Post #48 of 3,192
Will you leave a sample each with Thomas?
So that he can offer Private auditions at his store, or will this still take some more time?
It will take some more time.
I'm bringing demo samples to Germany by ATA Carnet (passport for goods), which allows for temporary import, but I need to return them home, or there will be heavy fines.
Soon after the Show, I'll send him the full shipment.
RAAL 1995 Stay updated on RAAL 1995 at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/raalribbon https://raalribbon.com/
Feb 7, 2024 at 1:38 PM Post #49 of 3,192
I'm not sure what is Danny's plan for NYC CanJam, but I guess he's bringing them, too.
I'll let you know when I find out.
Appreciate it, and hope to see someone at Canjam SoCal.
Feb 7, 2024 at 5:38 PM Post #53 of 3,192
I was looking for the CA-1A at canjam socal to demo, but couldn't find one. I hope to be able to find it, and these, at the next.

Pretty please? :)
We were originally targeting the last SoCal CanJam to be the reveal show for these new models. Sadly, delays in parts fabrication and various details prevented the release. Same for the Dallas CanJam. Decided to take the time off from shows, until we could show the new multi-driver models. I'm thrilled to be showing at NYC CanJam. It will be worth the wait!
Feb 7, 2024 at 5:42 PM Post #54 of 3,192
Hi Danny: Denver was asking if you will have a CA-1a with you to demo at SoCal.
I'm not sure. Being so busy with the new models there hasn't been time lately to do a run of CA-1a. We're getting low enough on CA-1a I'm not sure if any will be left for the NYC show. I'll bring them, if I have them.
Feb 7, 2024 at 5:49 PM Post #55 of 3,192
I'm not sure. Being so busy with the new models there hasn't been time lately to do a run of CA-1a. We're getting low enough on CA-1a I'm not sure if any will be left for the NYC show. I'll bring them, if I have them.
@DenverW I'm going to try to make CanJam SoCal, and if I do, I'd be happy to bring my CA-1a's for you to try out. Just PM to remind me when it gets close.
Feb 7, 2024 at 9:55 PM Post #56 of 3,192
The 32 Ohm version comes as standard, and by order we can make 16 or 8 Ohms.
The new RCD Interface will not come with two selectable impedances, but only one, whichever someone wishes to choose.

The reasons for a single impedance on offer are that we're not chasing power so much any more and compatibility with all decent headphone amps.

Here's the comparison to SR's, driven by 32 RCD Interface, on SAEQ Hyperion Ge:

For the same perceived broadband SPL as SR's (with OB Compensation):

In dB:
CA's with Coffee Bean pads needs 1 click down (-2dB)
Magna needs 2 clicks down (-4dB)
Immanis needs 3 clicks down (-6dB).

In terms of power percentage (if SR's use 100% of power):

in % of power:
CA's need 63%
Magna needs 40%
Immanis needs 25%

In Watts, if the SR's needed, say...6W, for the same perceived broadband SPL:

In Watts:
CA's need 3.8W
Magna needs 2.4W
Immanis needs 1.5 W

Basically, if you have a SET amp of 6W at 8 Ohms, it will produce 1.5W at 32 ohms and Immanis will give you the same SPL as SR's with TI-1c at 8 Ohm input.
However, having 32 Ohms will be compatible to any decent headphone amp out there and 8 Ohms will not.

If we're talking 6-ish Watt SET amps, the new and upcoming Auris Audio Headonia 10th Anniversary 300B has output transformers that provide full power at 25, 50, 100, 150, 300 and 600 Ohms. There are transformer outputs for each of those load impedances, not one-winding-for-all, so full power is available at any impedance, and no problem there.

Unfortunate to hear there will be only one impedance per interface. Having 16Ohm and 32Ohm is really useful on my TI-1b interface since my speaker amp has 16Ohm taps and my headphone amp likes the 32Ohm option.

I suppose if I order, I should get the 8Ohm interface and keep my old TI-1b for use with my headphone amp or just not get any interface and continue using my TI-1b.

For DIY purposes would you be willing to share the specs of the transformers such as their winding ratios? I suppose I could also just tear open my TI-1b and look myself. I built a transformer box out of jumbo Lundahl transformers for my STAX headphones and would be interested in doing this for the Immanis as well potentially.

I'm not sure. Being so busy with the new models there hasn't been time lately to do a run of CA-1a. We're getting low enough on CA-1a I'm not sure if any will be left for the NYC show. I'll bring them, if I have them.
I'll likely be bringing my CA-1a to CanJam NYC if anyone wants to try it.

I'll be at CanJam NYC March 9/10 with both Magna and Immanis.
And I will be there listening to them! (multiple times) :L3000:
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Feb 7, 2024 at 10:58 PM Post #57 of 3,192
@DenverW I'm going to try to make CanJam SoCal, and if I do, I'd be happy to bring my CA-1a's for you to try out. Just PM to remind me when it gets close.
Awesome! Thanks a ton :)
Feb 7, 2024 at 11:00 PM Post #58 of 3,192
Yes, I'll (Danny McKinney) be at SoCal CanJam. Please come by and have a listen!
That's great. Looking forward to trying as much RAAL as I can.

Those darn New Yorkers won't have all the fun!!!
Feb 8, 2024 at 12:58 AM Post #59 of 3,192
They are different in size and design details.
Magna is 100mm in dia., Immanis 110mm in dia.

They are of the same general visual design, but different in details of the headspring design, headband stitching, headband click-stop buckles, grille design and plating.
Immanis package also comes with a STAR-8 cable.

R² driver has almost 29% greater surface area than CA-1 driver, or the same s.a. as SR-1 driver.
R³ driver has almost double the surface area of the CA-1 driver, or 1.45x the SR-1 surface area.
The differences in R³ driver compared to R² driver, are 50% greater surface area, 2.5dB higher sensitivity, larger front chamber (ear/driver).


wow this is exciting!!!
Feb 8, 2024 at 1:01 AM Post #60 of 3,192
Dear All,

I am very glad to announce the formation of the new brand of true-ribbon headphones, RAAL 1995.

The new brand stands on the shoulders of RAAL Advanced Loudspeakers, the brand that I have founded for manufacturing tweeters and RAAL-requisite, the brand that I have co-founded with Danny McKinney of Requisite Audio Engineering and Standel fame, for manufacturing of headphones.

RAAL 1995 will, at first, focus to headphones and later to loudspeakers, with aim to push the limits of True-Ribbon technology in different applications.

I'll start from the beginning, with an intro to the technology that we use:

Over the decades past, all kind of rectangular-diaphragm drivers were called ribbons, but that's not really what they were.
Most of the time, they were mass-produced planars in a long(ish) form factor. A really good True-Ribbons can not be mass produced and need ancillary components to work, but they carried the fame, so the need to rub-off on some of that fame by twisting the names was pronounced in audio marketing.

We follow the specifics of the tech, as I believe that this is the best loudspeaker technology that has ever existed.

Here's a short pictograph of what are the differences between True-Ribbons vs Planars (regardless of their form-factor):

Ribbon vs Planar.JPG

So, no matter what you do to a planar, unless you make it long, narrow, place the magnets at the sides of it, clamp it only at top and bottom, regardless of it's resistance, or percentage of plastic foil area covered with conducting layer, it won't become a ribbon.
The exception are quasi-ribbons, like Apogee Acoustics used to make, that are ribbons, but using a plastic substrate foil to carry the conducting layer that is etched to form many traces connected in series, for increasing the resistance.

A True-Ribbon is only pure metal foil, with no plastic substrate, hanging in magnetic field. They are exactly what is used in ribbon microphones, only reinforced to work as speakers, but the purity of it's acoustical vicinity (the stuff placed around the sound-radiating element) remains.
This is what I was developing for the past 29 years and together with Danny McKinney, 5 years ago, introduced the True-Ribbons as a new headphone technology.

After showing the technology, more about the new headphones later...
any hints of the release date?

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