Rate the video games you're currently playing
Mar 18, 2011 at 1:39 AM Post #1,441 of 6,961
Just got to Chapter 2 of Dragon Age 2 and have to lodge a complaint. I thought facing two vanishing assassin guys that could oneshot anything but a tank was as bad as it got. I was wrong. The hour long bugged boss battle was much worse.
Mar 18, 2011 at 5:43 PM Post #1,444 of 6,961
Got white the other day, been enjoy IT immensely. What is your current team?
I'll just be honest and admit that I'm playing Pokemon Black. And enjoying it immensely.

Mar 18, 2011 at 10:04 PM Post #1,445 of 6,961

I'll just be honest and admit that I'm playing Pokemon Black. And enjoying it immensely.

Is it wrong that I want to buy another DS to play that game. I sold my last one, but I do love some Pokemon.
Mar 19, 2011 at 8:53 AM Post #1,447 of 6,961
Current team is Dewott, Darumaka, Drilbur, Petilil, Blitzle, and Pidove, but Blitzle and Pidove are going to be replaced by a Solosis and a Litwick when they become available. Blitzle is just there for thunder wave at the moment since I get annoyed trying to rely on sleep powder from Petilil.
At the moment it's Servine, Darumaka, Drillbur, Sawk, Blitzle, and Panpour. I find myself switching out often to adapt to new trainers, so I spend most of my time grinding for levels. You?


Mar 20, 2011 at 11:46 PM Post #1,448 of 6,961
Been playing the hell out of Dragon Age 2. On my second play-through, after replaying the first for better choices.
I really like it. It has it's share of problems, but there is still plenty to like about it. The combat is much, much better. Still pretty tactical, but not as deathly slow as the first's. The story also offers much more interesting choices, and I like how they affect things later on in the game. With the first Dragon Age, choices you make really didn't seem to do anything, aside having characters react negatively or positively. But then you move on like nothing happened. Not here!
The biggest drawback to the game though is the reuse of environments. In this regard, it's probably the laziest game this generation. It's so obvious too. It's not like Oblivion where they reuse certain corridors, they actually use the whole map, and block off paths (but they still show up on the minimap!).
The characters also aren't quite as interesting as the first games... Or that is to say they aren't as interesting as DA:O's best characters. Leliana and Allistar just can't be beat, and it's kind of disappointing that there's really no character in DA2 that comes close. Varric is actually pretty interesting, and Merrill is cute, but that's about it. I freaking hated Isabella's guts. I've seen slutty characters before, but she is far and above the sluttiest I've ever seen in anything, movie, game, or anime.
Stepping away from the bad though, the story is very good as well, especially Hawke's connection to (in my case) her family. I actually found myself really caring for them. It really acted as a nice springboard into the main story. At first I was a little disappointed that it doesn't really tell you what the main objective of the game is until the very end, but playing it again I can see it was just looming over you the whole time. A good bit of subtlety there that I'm not used to in games!
I think if I had to be honest about a rating, I'd give it a 7/10 or so, but I'm enjoying it much more than a typical 7/10 game.
Mar 21, 2011 at 12:20 AM Post #1,449 of 6,961
Uncharted 2. What an amazing game. Polished to perfection, I'm trying to play it as slowly as possible, just to make sure I don't rush through such a rare gem.
Also 'playing' GT5, I've gotten to professional level but I now need to grind in order to get more money to continue, and sorry, I don't have the time and ain't willing to run laps pointlessly!
Mar 23, 2011 at 11:02 PM Post #1,450 of 6,961
Crysis 2 pc. Performance @ 1920x1200, extreme is near flawless and runs smoother than C1 and Warhead but at the cost of scaling down the visuals, so no surprises. I cannot really blame 'em for going mainstream-catered this time around. After all I have buddies who won't buy C1 b/c they don't think they can run the game.
Singleplayer, around 11 hours on veteran difficulty w/o rushing and exploring everything. On the flip side, there're people who beat it in 6 hours on normal. I was absolutely enamored by the 0g alien cesspool mission in the precursor and was looking forward to something similar here but no that didn't happen. Perhaps they decided not to do a mission like that due to past complaints about them. I honestly don't understand the rationale behind those complaints.
  If anything it's a non-cliche mission design like that made me fell in love w/ C1. Lengthwise it is longer than CoD fo sho so that's not a bad thing. 8/10.
Multiplayer, this is where the real meat is. I'm gonna hit level 20 in a few hours and like I said before is mad fun but at the same time a conspicuous copycat of CoD plus fatsuit. SCAR + laser is a must in Wars and cloaking was mostly for n00bs but the norm has changed now. Cloak is harder to differentiate and emits no buzzing noise so nanovision and cloak tracker are very useful at detecting cloaked n00bs. There are some glitches they need to iron out like ranked servers not starting, LE bonus exp resetting to 0 when entering matches and so on. I expect upcoming patches to address most of these issues. My k/d ratios aren't as high as how I usually do in Wars which is 5 - 10 and now at 2 - 4. Again, catering to mainstream has made 1v1 gunfights nowhere near epic as those in Wars and usually will be over in < 1 sec of encounter as opposed to 2 - 3 secs in Wars. Will see how long it will take me to get to 50 and prestige it 10 times over.
Mar 24, 2011 at 7:33 PM Post #1,451 of 6,961
Crysis 2 on Xbox 360
I'm probably a little less than half way done with the single player campaign.  So far, it seems like a standard campaign with a few added elements.  The story is nothing special (yet?), but the gameplay is pretty solid and allows the player to be a bit more tactical than in most first person shooters.  However, once my cover is blown, enemies know exactly where I am, even though I'm using a silencer, and then it turns into me hiding behind a chest-high-wall, putting on armor mode, shoot a couple guys, then duck back into cover.  The lighting is probably the best I've seen in any game.  However, textures and graphics look mediocre when your face is pressed up to them.  But whatever, I'm knit picking.
My real problem is with the multiplayer.  Like everybody and their dog has already stated, the game, at least on paper, feels like a cross between Halo and Call of Duty.  However, the game doesn't play as well as either game.  It might just be the less than great internet connect at my parent's house, but my experience can be summarized in one word: inconsistent.  Let me elaborate.
In Call of Duty (Black Ops or MW2, whatever), a guy goes down in 2-4 shots.  Lag is an issue, but it usually means enemy character models not walking smoothly and getting shot when, at least in your perspective, you're around the corner.  In Halo, a you drop a guy with 4 shots to the head.  Lag is not that much of an issue, at least in my experience.
In Crysis 2, you have armor mode, which temporarily gives you more health, to put it in simple terms.  You can take a lot more fire while in armor mode before dying is what I'm trying to say.  If you don't use armor mode, you'll go down very quickly.  I died more than a dozen times by a guy hipfiring across the room with an LMG while I wasn't in armor mode.
One game, I tried using a shotgun and got in a close quarter fight with a guy with an assault rifle.  We both enabled our armor mode and I unloaded 4 buckshots into his chest.  He didn't go down and rather sprayed my general area with bullets, dropping me with two connected shots.  Moreover, any gun is capable of a one hit headshot, provided the target is not in armor mode.  A lucky LMG hipfire spray across a room can trump 10 aim assault rifle shots.
I'm probably not getting my point across as coherently as I'd like so I'll just end this.  The demo of this game was great and I really want to like the full game, I really am giving it the ol' college try.  But spotty hit detection, unreliable killcams, and poor connection and gameplay experience is enough for me to never touch the multiplayer ever again.  However, my friends enjoy playing this game, so I play with them.  I don't use primary weapons but instead, I use the pistol because then I have some tangible excuse for losing all my gunfights.
Oh yeah, and the menu music also gets really distorted because it was compressed too much.  It pisses me off almost as much as the whole online experience.
Mar 26, 2011 at 8:56 AM Post #1,452 of 6,961
Dragon age 2 - 9/10
Great gameplay, Good storyline that changes based on our decision, decent graphics (could be better considering its on dx11), and fun!
Mar 27, 2011 at 11:03 AM Post #1,453 of 6,961

Uncharted 2. What an amazing game. Polished to perfection, I'm trying to play it as slowly as possible, just to make sure I don't rush through such a rare gem.
Also 'playing' GT5, I've gotten to professional level but I now need to grind in order to get more money to continue, and sorry, I don't have the time and ain't willing to run laps pointlessly!

I have a solution to your Uncharted problem. Play it again. I have played both of them at least 3 times. I am actually playing the first one again. Uncharted 1 was the greatest game I had ever played, until the second. Try Platinuming the game, that will extend the time.
Mar 27, 2011 at 11:37 AM Post #1,454 of 6,961
Playing GOW1 on PS3.
Great game, they should release more of the old classics from the ps2 on the ps3!
I would love to see MGS2 on the ps3, with trophies.

Edit: Forgot to rate GOW. I'll give it a 4 out of 5. Would have been a 5 if they had put a litle more work into enhancing the graphics and SQ. The SQ is horrible...
Mar 27, 2011 at 3:26 PM Post #1,455 of 6,961
I loved GOW. I had never played it on PS2, so I was just happy to get the opportunity.

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