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Apr 20, 2011 at 7:28 AM Post #1,472 of 6,961
Portal 2: 8/10.

Great game, very cool innovations compared to the previous game. It feels like a full game now. The puzzles are just right in difficulty, some are very intricate. The story is alright, nothing original. Single player is about 6 hours long I'd say. Played through in one go.

The new features, like the different gels, work very well.

Tried co-op as well. Now this is extremely fun!! Don't have any Steam friends with the game so I paired up with a random stranger. I got very lucky because he/she was very nice and thankfully also smart with portals. The co-op is really amazing, it forces you to work together. The difficulty scale ramps up towards the end. Some puzzles make you think for a while. I think the co-op took us about 4 hours. If you have portal 2 and are wary about co-op, please give it a go. Hopefully you'll get a great partner like I did.

8/10 is the max I can give this game though, because like all puzzle games, the replay value is lost almost completely. It's darn fun though!
Apr 20, 2011 at 12:52 PM Post #1,473 of 6,961
Crysis 2 Single Player: 9/10 - I really liked the campaign of this game, one of my favorite single player shooters in quite a while. The freedom to tackle battles in the way you want is so refreshing when compared to CoD et. al., and the length seems almost spot on, much longer than most FPS these days, although that depends on how you play it. The visuals are awesome although that was expected, but impressive what Crytek accomplished in the PS360, I didn't think this level was possible with good framerates. I would give it maybe a 10 if the AI wasn't so hit or miss, sometimes soldier charge at you pretty intelligently and complicate matters a lot, but often you find a soldier or aliens stuck walking to a wall or repeatedly asking a death partner  if they are hit, although since I was having a lot of fun with the battles and graphics, it amused me more than bother me.
Crysis 2 Multi Player: 5/10: Why if the single player was so good they had to go and try to make it like CoD for the multiplayer baffles me. It was really disappointing for so many reasons I don't even want to go deeper into it, sigh so much potential wasted, hopefully by Crysis 3 the multiplayer will rise as an alternative to Halo and CoD as a third pillar of FPS console multiplayers.
Apr 20, 2011 at 9:16 PM Post #1,474 of 6,961
Portal 2: 9/10

So far, I really like this game. It's really quite an interesting game, both in puzzles and in visuals.

The visual quality is excellent, but what really struck me was the visual change over the levels and over Portal 1. It means so much when the visuals change the first time in Portal 1, now once again the visuals change to tell a story or to convey a certain emotion. This game reads like an excellent story, one which I wish I had more immediate time to play. The animation fluidity is really amazing, if I do say so myself. The puzzles are puzzles, not reaction based like Portal: Prelude.

EDIT: Three words: Pure Epic Win.

That's what Portal 2 is.

Apr 21, 2011 at 3:20 PM Post #1,475 of 6,961
Crysis 2 SP 9 out of 10. Crytek raise their own standard technically. They do things that a lot of game developers want to do but can´t and offer a very immersive gameworld. Only thing that doesn´t give it a 10 is the story and the AI. Otherwise a trademark for the Crysis series. Alien AI is better but human AI is worse then I remember from Far Cry and Crysis.As for story I don´t demand much for action paced fps games. Stories that has moved me has always been in more rpg oriented titles like System Shock 2, Bioshock, the Darkness. There is just no time or place to develop characters like in slower paced fps games with more rpg elements. Story is nice told never obtrusive but to clichéd in the end. I have seen this ending in several movies already. But it´s okay since actual gameplay is always in focus. The 3D is what impresses the most. It proved me wrong that it can´t work 100 % for fps games actually. 3D is just as good as the better 3D movies and apart from other games the image quality doesn´t suffer like in most other fps games where I enable 3D. It does actually look better unless you enable a lot of AA when not running in 3D.
Multiplayer I can´t judge since I never play it. Wish the AI was better I don´t expect to much fun with the bots. I will quite surely do another run on the highest difficulty later on. Veteran was just right for me. Good pacing didn´t die to to often. Powerful but not immortal :)
Apr 24, 2011 at 1:02 AM Post #1,476 of 6,961
Portal 2 - 9.5/10. Thoroughly thoroughly enjoyin' it. Makes the first one look like a peanut in comparison. -1/2 for visuals which can be better but then I'm rather nitpicking.
Other than that, fp puzzle-solving game at its finest. Would not be an overstatement if I said Valve coined this genre. 
Apr 25, 2011 at 3:41 AM Post #1,478 of 6,961
been playing Metro2033...sooo hard
May 10, 2011 at 6:15 PM Post #1,481 of 6,961
just built myself a new computer last week. And i beat Crysis 2 yesterday, i really liked it. Yeah the graphics were freaking awesome, though not as good as the first from what ive read. but its also alot better than many other shooters coming out now. I know yahtzee compared it to HL2 a bunch, and i wouldnt go that far, but it was very good.
May 11, 2011 at 1:56 PM Post #1,482 of 6,961
Portal 2 - 9/10 (PS3)
Wow, what a great game. I didn't play the first Portal, but with how much I enjoyed this game, I definitely will. Portal 2 doesn't need you to have played the first game as it catches you up (and it's likely you've heard reference to the first game from the overused "the cake is a lie" meme) and the story along with the written dialogue are amongst the best I've seen in any game, but to see it come from a puzzle game was impressive and makes me respect the folks at Valve that much more. I also can't remember the last time a game had a second story for the co-op (split-screen or online).
I would highly recommend this game if you love clever puzzles, witty (and not so witty) comedy and visually pleasing games. It's short (7-8 hours give or take), it's sweet and it leaves you wanting more.
Also, a few catchy ditties!

May 11, 2011 at 2:04 PM Post #1,483 of 6,961
Yes it´s league above HL 2. It shouldn´t be compared to that one.
May 11, 2011 at 2:39 PM Post #1,485 of 6,961
Sorry haven´t played Portal 2. Meant Crysis 2. There is a lot of better fps games then Half Life 2.

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