Schiit Folkvangr - Impressions Thread
Mar 3, 2024 at 5:56 PM Post #1,441 of 1,604

The best pairing I have is the Meze Liric 30ohm/100 db/mW. The second best I have is either the Utopia or Stellia. I know @ArmchairPhilosopher likes the DCA Aeon 2 Noire with his.

Even with IM on and high gain, I can't get the Stealths or Diana V2 to sound truly good to me. They play music, and some genres well, but ultimately the FV can't keep up.
Me too.
Mar 4, 2024 at 7:29 PM Post #1,442 of 1,604
My other cable came in and it looks like the Elear is officially toast, at least in one channel. I wonder if it would be worth it to send in to Focal for a repair or to just write it off.

I did find a new pairing with the FV that works surprisingly well. I didn’t expect my Fostex TH909 to be a great pairing, but the efficiency of it seems to overcome the low impedance.

I do like it more with the impedance multiplier on, it seems to bring it more into focus and provide more definition in the bass. The FV seems fully capable of delivering that deep impactful biodynamic bass with this one.
Mar 4, 2024 at 8:15 PM Post #1,443 of 1,604
My other cable came in and it looks like the Elear is officially toast, at least in one channel. I wonder if it would be worth it to send in to Focal for a repair or to just write it off.

I did find a new pairing with the FV that works surprisingly well. I didn’t expect my Fostex TH909 to be a great pairing, but the efficiency of it seems to overcome the low impedance.

I do like it more with the impedance multiplier on, it seems to bring it more into focus and provide more definition in the bass. The FV seems fully capable of delivering that deep impactful biodynamic bass with this one.
Did you try your Grado with FV yet? It's amazing combo.
Mar 4, 2024 at 8:45 PM Post #1,444 of 1,604
Did you try your Grado with FV yet? It's amazing combo.
I did. I have a PS1000e that I have to be in the right mood for, because it’s just a very intense headphone.

I did like it through the FV, but it’s not going to be a daily-driver for me. With my Auteur or HD6XX I can lean back, close my eyes, and just let the music flow over me. The Grado just demands your full attention.

I did an in-home demo of the Grado Hemp a couple years ago (courtesy of TTVJ I think) and I actually really enjoyed it. It struck me as a kinder, gentler, Grado. I’ve heard the new X series takes their tuning from the Hemp, so I may pick one of those up down the road.
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Mar 8, 2024 at 6:25 AM Post #1,445 of 1,604
In my experience the Folkvangr is better than most transformerless amps in dealing with low impedance, but it really prefers 50 Ohms or more and an efficiency of 94 dB / mW or better. There’s some fuzziness around those numbers depending on the headphone, but low impedance and inefficient isn’t the best combination for the vast majority of tube amps and the FV is no exception.
I'm hearing some great things with ZMF Bokeh, so far this is my favorite amp for these. For Dan Clark Audio, low impedance low sensitivity type headphones I find running out the preamp into Schiit Gjallarhorn via a banana spider to xlr does the trick.

Grado PS1000e ... just a very intense headphone.
I did an in-home demo of the Grado Hemp a couple years ago (courtesy of TTVJ I think) and I actually really enjoyed it. It struck me as a kinder, gentler, Grado. I’ve heard the new X series takes their tuning from the Hemp, so I may pick one of those up down the road.
I find the 3000x is a great set of cans, not without some drawbacks (lack of subbass, early bass rolloff, not the last word in detail, high treble) but frankly in other ways the best headphone made (stage, fast peppy sound, musical tone (w/e that means), treble lift provides some apparent detail). Hemp is a great change of pace and I often use them for computer stuff and light music listening. I find them very comfortable for an hour or so.
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Mar 16, 2024 at 9:49 PM Post #1,446 of 1,604
I have been listening to my Mjolnir 3 since I received it in December of 2023. Then in January of 2024 I purchased an Yggdrasil + OG before they where no longer available from Schiit. I was using a Bifrost 2/64 before the Yggy+ OG. Tonight, I decided to give the Folk some play time and I am impressed with the sound since it is the first time listening to it with the Yggy+ OG.
folk .jpg
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Mar 16, 2024 at 9:53 PM Post #1,447 of 1,604
I have been listening to my Mjolnir 3 since I received in December of 2023. Then in January of 2024 I purchased an Yggdrasil + OG before they where no longer available from Schiit. I was using a Bifrost 2/64 before the Yggy+ OG. Tonight, I decided to give the Folk some play time and I am impressed with the sound since it is the first time listening to it with the Yggy+ OG.folk .jpg
Do you notice a big difference between the 2/64 and the Yggy OG? I can’t remember exactly but I think I saw that the 2/64 uses the same chip as the Yggy LIM, which is the version I had the least interest in.

How do you feel about the MJ3 vs the FV? I’ve been curious about the MJ3 but I already have a Midgard and I’m not sure how big of a difference it would be.
Mar 16, 2024 at 10:12 PM Post #1,448 of 1,604
There is a difference and it is worth the price difference from the Bifrost 2/64 and the Yggy+ OG. My opinion is yes there is difference and I did not return the Yggy+ OG to Schiit within the 15 day return period. I had a chance a listen to Mjolnir 3 (MJ3) and the Yggy+ OG at the SOCAL Can Jam at the Schiit booth. I brought along my Denon AH-D9200, Schiit had the MJ3 and the Yggy+ OG paired together and I was impressed with what I was hearing. So much so when I arrived home, I immediately ordered the MJ3. Several months later in December the MJ3 arrived and while there was several months since I listened to combo at Can Jam, I felt something was missing from what I remembered. So, in January I took the leap and purchased the Yggy+ OG. Once I brought it home from the Schiitr (l live in driving range from the Schittr). I placed the Yggy+ OG into my system and what I remembered from the Can Jam was once present in my ears when listening to my favorite music. I am not great at explaining how something sounds but with my current setup it sounds more alive with greater detail. I will not get rid of my Folkvangr but the MJ3 has more detail sound. While owing the Folkvangr I am running Mullard E88CC tubes (they are my favorite).
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Mar 17, 2024 at 1:12 AM Post #1,449 of 1,604
There is a difference and it is worth the price difference from the Bifrost 2/64 and the Yggy+ OG. My opinion is yes there is difference and I did not return the Yggy+ OG to Schiit within the 15 day return period. I had a chance a listen to Mjolnir 3 (MJ3) and the Yggy+ OG at the SOCAL Can Jam at the Schiit booth. I brought along my Denon AH-D9200, Schiit had the MJ3 and the Yggy+ OG paired together and I was impressed with what I was hearing. So much so when I arrived home, I immediately ordered the MJ3. Several months later in December the MJ3 arrived and while there was several months since I listened to combo at Can Jam, I felt something was missing from what I remembered. So, in January I took the leap and purchased the Yggy+ OG. Once I brought it home from the Schiitr (l live in driving range from the Schittr). I placed the Yggy+ OG into my system and what I remembered from the Can Jam was once present in my ears when listening to my favorite music. I am not great at explaining how something sounds but with my current setup it sounds more alive with greater detail. I will not get rid of my Folkvangr but the MJ3 has more detail sound. While owing the Folkvangr I am running Mullard E88CC tubes (they are my favorite).
I think you explained it just fine. I’ve found the difference between meh and fantastic is how it makes you feel.
Mar 23, 2024 at 1:58 AM Post #1,450 of 1,604
Tried my new Moondrop Variations on the FV. For those who aren’t aware, the Variations are IEMs and there’s probably some risk hooking them up to the direct output of four tubes per channel. I did it anyway though and the sound was superb. No weird impedance issues, no gain issues, just amazing spacial imaging, super detail, and organic living bass. A warmer, more tube like midrange than I get with my DAPs, which nicely complements the slightly recessed mids of the Variations.

Settings were low gain, IM on.
Mar 23, 2024 at 2:01 AM Post #1,451 of 1,604
Does anyone know which power tubes are responsible for each channel? Is it one row for left, one for right, or are the four tubes on the left (2x2) the left channel and the four on the right the right channel, or something else entirely?
Mar 23, 2024 at 4:16 PM Post #1,452 of 1,604
Does anyone know which power tubes are responsible for each channel? Is it one row for left, one for right, or are the four tubes on the left (2x2) the left channel and the four on the right the right channel, or something else entirely?
They are split left and right, see the numbering on the board:
Mar 23, 2024 at 6:39 PM Post #1,453 of 1,604
They are split left and right, see the numbering on the board:
So the ones with numbers beginning in 2 are left channel and the ones with numbers beginning in 1 are right channel?
Mar 23, 2024 at 9:28 PM Post #1,454 of 1,604
Mar 26, 2024 at 9:55 PM Post #1,455 of 1,604
I just installed some new tubes (well, new to me old tubes that came with the amp from the previous seller) and I noticed something on on power on.

I’m running a pair or NOS GE JAN 5670s with adapters for preamp (I bought those) and some Philips Heerlen taller tubes with different adapters in the other 8 slots.

On power on some of the Philips tubes flare up with orange color briefly like this:


That lasts less than a second, and then they go to their normal glow where only the tips of the rods are glowing


Is this something I need to worry about or is it normal some tubes will do that?

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