Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Feb 22, 2019 at 1:40 PM Post #44,207 of 153,797
[on the win7 topic]

We let win7 die with the hardware (PC's), agreed w/schiit not adding a lame USB1/48 fallback for UNISON on win7, hell blacklist it & pop up "win7 is antiquated". Enterprise, companies still supporting win7/well, more requiring/forcing win7 (by extension IE) suggests just being lazy bringing your own software forward with the upgrades... believe it or not, if you watch what MS is doing on the development/developer side, there is a path to nudge legacy software along (remember, there was a win8 lol), let your software languish in winXP/win7, sorry time to break it. Or run it in a VM where, because it's not actively being developed, or you don't have access to the source code. Hyper-V is wonderful server side / on win10pro --> it really cuts thru to the metal, not a bogus emulation layer like the 00's.

Just try to install win7, then the day of SP updates... screw that-- & it ain't that great now vs win10 / macOS
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Feb 22, 2019 at 1:50 PM Post #44,208 of 153,797
Some answers, in no particular order. I'll be going quiet today to look at Aegir boards and do some other engineer-y things.

No question that Linux is more important than Windows now--mainly due to the popularity of streamers.

It appears to be bullet-proof, a very small footprint and it works...Maybe your software genius could work on a Schiity OS as a flavor of Linux...if for no other reason than to say,

'I just upgraded to "Schiity 19.04 LTS" on my Audio streamer...' and have secret--no double-secret--ports to the heart of Mike's DACs which will only blossom the Music into big Schiity Bouquets, with that OS.:ksc75smile::ksc75smile::ksc75smile:
Feb 22, 2019 at 1:52 PM Post #44,209 of 153,797
I've not had too many problems with Win 10. I even run it on a 2010 MacBook Pro 17" in bootcamp (win 10 is supposedly not supported in this model). And while Macs cost a ton they are real easy to work with.... until you use want to use the terminal. Mac/OSX terminal is no where near as well documented as the various flavas of Linux. I've been able to do what I need to, but it requires a greater level of google-fu to find the cmd and modifiers you need to use.

VMWare is your friend too.
Feb 22, 2019 at 2:08 PM Post #44,210 of 153,797
Take your tin hat off. The world is much better than it's in your head. The new OS's don't break computers anymore. And USB devices just work. No kidding.
I'll have you know it's a tungsten-lined titanium hat. :wink: And, um, no. I have multiple pieces of evidence in my own little world that USB schiit will just stop working regardless of being extremely careful with it. And maybe, juuuust maybe, migration from W7 to W10 will behave, but I'm not going to wager one penny on that, nor will I hold my breath. It IS a computer after all!
Feb 22, 2019 at 2:18 PM Post #44,212 of 153,797
My Yggy with USB Gen 5 worked out of the box on all Linux distros I've tried it on. No glitches, no dropouts and for some reason sounds better than on Windows.

That's not a Linux issue, that's an RPI issue. All USB ports (and the Ethernet port) share one USB 2.0 bus to the CPU. Making it work with any usb storage is a serious pain in the butt. Try using network storage (if possible), should work out of the box.

With Ubuntu distros, you have to tweak the hotplug daemon settings to undo the default, which is to ignore USB audio devices. THAT was a pain to find.
Feb 22, 2019 at 2:23 PM Post #44,213 of 153,797
VMWare is your friend too.
I used VMware fusion for a year, ignoring parallels (used it on an air & always felt fast) --> but now, jeeze try it... just drag a window & see the difference... more important for me compile times in visualstudio went from 30secs to basically instant... VMware disk io is hobbled or something (even on a friggin' NVME m.2 SSD), and does not punch thru & use the graphics card (as well). Just FYI if you need to use a VM solution full time, watch both. [lol, random fyi, this poor thread :wink:]

Random side info: CorelDraw just bought parallels, seems odd, but its really nice vector draw software with a long history, Illustrator ya gotta have PHD (but then really good)!
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Feb 22, 2019 at 2:56 PM Post #44,215 of 153,797
But that's for you to deal with, not the vendor if they don't support it. So it would be your own nightmare, not Schiit's.

True, but sometimes persistent people (or people without control of their environment) have to be dealt with.

I use a Win 7 machine at work along with my main dev machine which runs Xubuntu. That Win 7 machine is required to run a single Silverlight application.

My work Schiit stays on the Linux machine so I can use it.
Feb 22, 2019 at 4:03 PM Post #44,219 of 153,797
I read with interest the Windows 7 vs. Windows 10 discussions and all this talk of forcing drivers...

For Audiophile music playback from a files based library, I really enjoy the utter simplicity of Linux.

Audacious music player, a keyboard, mouse and monitor (or "old school") as I have yet to get ANY headless OS to work as advertised on the RasPi...(Volumio and the rest just didn't see my external drives, and some would never boot past a CLI command line--with no web-interface.)

I am not a geek or nerd, just an Audiophile with 4TB that works just fine in Ubuntu...

I'm not sure that I would call any form of Linux "utter simplicity" if only for the mind change that is needed, For headless pi, I run all my Pi-base Roon endpoints on dietPi. Runs well and has a simple command line (i.e. text based!) app for config and install. (


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