Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jan 19, 2024 at 8:53 PM Post #136,921 of 165,154
Fotons are for peasants, you deserve royalty.🤪🤪
Not all of us were born with our Gerber baby food served in a 14th century Ming dynasty china cup with a silver spoon made by Paul Revere himself. All we had was paper plates But then my Dad got a better job and we were able to upgrade to cardboard.... :smile:
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Jan 19, 2024 at 8:57 PM Post #136,922 of 165,154
This is not the landfill---I know what you guys are up to!!!
Tsk tsk -- too bad -- that NIB TFK G-73R quad has been redirected back home 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣🍺
Jan 19, 2024 at 9:00 PM Post #136,923 of 165,154
I have a pair of Tekton Double Impact loudspeakers that I like very much. They are around 98dB of sensitivity and the Parasound Halo Integrated that I use has too much gain for them. Although it does have plenty of punch. I listen to everything from chamber/orchestral to EDM and everything in between.

I am considering either a Kara/Aegir (single) combo or a Ragnarok 2.

Does anyone have any experiences with these combinations?
if the speakers are ported, wait for Aegir 2 with HALO mixed-mode feedback and use it with Jotunheim 2 in low-gain mode for more usable volume control range.

This is not right at all, at least for stocks, I don't have experience with other assets. Once you realize a capital gain on sale of an equity you owe tax for it in that fiscal year. The wash sale rule which someone else mentioned is actually intended to CAPTURE a tax situation rather than avoid it. Essentially, the rule is that if you sell an equity AT A LOSS (thus triggering a capital loss) and then rebuy the same security within 30 days, the net is that you cannot declare the loss on the sale. I know of no rule where selling equity A and then buying equity B results in no taxable situation on the sale of equity A in the US tax code except in the above mentioned wash rule, and that is not beneficial to the taxpayer.

As a US investor it works exactly as you describe for Canada so there is no reason to look longingly at the US tax code, at least in this instance.
there is Section 1031 like-kind exchange for real property (real estate) but there are limitations on that as well.

US Gov't is on track to spend 7 Trillion (7 million-million dollars) but take in "only" 5 Trillion... 7 Trillion spending buys a lot of political favors.
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Jan 19, 2024 at 9:01 PM Post #136,924 of 165,154
This is the best part of having tubes nobody wants. 🤣

I am, however, holding on to a pair of Philips ECG 5814's to send to @jonathan c for Christmas next year. Just don't tell him as the anticipation may get the best of him.
The GA bcowenotto:
1st prize, 1 pair 👆
2nd prize, 2 pairs 👆...
Jan 19, 2024 at 9:15 PM Post #136,926 of 165,154
Jan 19, 2024 at 9:18 PM Post #136,927 of 165,154
Not all of us were born with our Gerber baby food served in a 14th century Ming dynasty china cup with a silver spoon made by Paul Revere himself. All we had was paper. But then my Dad got a better job and we were able to upgrade to cardboard.... :smile:
Cardboard? That is a luxury item, we only had string! Nevermind, Finnegan and I watched Mousehunt together today,😺
Jan 19, 2024 at 9:24 PM Post #136,928 of 165,154
I will have to check that out, I am a fan of most anything by Alan Parsons.
Ha! Sitting here sipping on DonQ 7 Reserve (rum), browsing through this thread streaming Eye In The Sky


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Jan 19, 2024 at 9:27 PM Post #136,929 of 165,154
My current configuration is a pair of Aegirs in mono block feeding 4 ohm Marten Design Dukes. The Skoll has more then enough gain for my Bent Audio passive preamp (John Chapman's Bent Audio using S&B TX-102 transformers). The digital front is an old Levinson 360s, and the table is the original VPI Aries. It's pure bliss at any volume. I cant wait for the tube phono pre...20240119_205906.jpg
Jan 19, 2024 at 9:33 PM Post #136,930 of 165,154
Ha! Sitting here sipping on DonQ 7 Reserve (rum), browsing through this thread streaming Eye In The Sky
Excellent. I have a penchant for dark, aged rums but tonight it is Japanese whisky. A friend is heading or Japan soon so I am trying to decide on what she should bring back. Hibiki or Suntori?
Jan 19, 2024 at 10:52 PM Post #136,933 of 165,154
My current configuration is a pair of Aegirs in mono block feeding 4 ohm Marten Design Dukes. The Skoll has more then enough gain for my Bent Audio passive preamp (John Chapman's Bent Audio using S&B TX-102 transformers). The digital front is an old Levinson 360s, and the table is the original VPI Aries. It's pure bliss at any volume. I cant wait for the tube phono pre...20240119_205906.jpg
interesting set up. I bought from J. Chapmen 4 S&B units, two for a DIY passive, plus two as step-up for MC. all idle now. Also I looked seriously at the Aries. Have the #36 ready for recycling, #38 replaced with Freya+...had their first tray loading unit..#39?..frought with control issues, ended up paying more for a B-stock #31

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