Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:20 PM Post #145,803 of 154,313
I hope to visit NC soon as another old friend from UK has invited me over.
He lives in Charlotte and really likes living there.
He stayed with us here in the UK last month and even though he knows his English beers- we grew up drinking Fullers and Young’s in London- he had his first ever pint of draught Bass in my ‘local’.
He thought it was fantastic!
That’s one thing you can’t get in the States- it’s hard enough to find in England now!
My thanks to @Roy G. Biv- who I had the pleasure of meeting in person whilst in Dallas- for introducing me to Mexican beer.
It is quite remarkable that we now know each other purely as a result of this forum.
Cheers :beerchug:
... and I hope you get to meet other forum participants on that NC trip!

Mar 29, 2024 at 12:21 PM Post #145,804 of 154,313
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:22 PM Post #145,805 of 154,313
Just out of curiosity, since it’s been confirmed Valhalla 3 will be OTL/OCL like the Folkvangr, is there a reason Schiit has never made an output transformer coupled amp?

I have the Folkvangr now, and it’s amazing for high impedance headphones (and does solid with some lower and medium impedance headphones) but predictably falls apart with low-impedance current-hungry planars like the LCD-5.

I went ahead and ordered an MJ3 as a counterpoint to the FV, since I figure it’ll do a great job with those low impedance current-hungry loads.

Still, a Schiit “universal” full tube amp with output transformers that could handle low impedance loads as easily as high impedance would be pretty cool.

I had the chance to hear the LCD-5 on the Woo Luna, Abyss Diana on the Woo WA22, and the DCA Expanse on the Cayin HA-6A, and they all sounded very nice (though the HA-6A needed to be at about 85-90% max volume to get decent volume levels on the Expanse) so I’d really love to see what Schiit could do throwing their hat into that ring.
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:24 PM Post #145,807 of 154,313
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:26 PM Post #145,808 of 154,313
I can only dream of a five Friday night week followed by the weekend! If you count my paper route at 12 and my first real P/T job at 15, I've been working 52 years!! :D

** My youngest has 2 more years to finish her nursing program and then I'll likely retire. She'll either be done or taking on a job and student loans to finish out on her dime. Tough love, baby!! :D
Not a bit. Get them a start if you are able, then transition them to being self-supporting. They learn things other than (in our case) epidemiology. They’ll (probably) thank you later 🤣! Wait… That’s kinda the definition of tough love. Never mind. I agree with @Ripper2860!
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:26 PM Post #145,809 of 154,313

Today’s trivia…..

The Bass logo- a red triangle- is the oldest registered trade mark in the UK.

It dates from 1876!

Back then, Bass was one of the biggest breweries in the UK.

How things change; now its superb Draught beer is hard to find outside ‘The Midlands’ where it is brewed.
I just (sort of, echoed that, then get to this post).

For those not in the know, it's pronounced with a hard A, not like those low notes we stuggle to get out of our speakers.
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:28 PM Post #145,810 of 154,313
My late sister-in-law lived in Charlotte. I always enjoyed visiting. I also spent a lot of time (for work) in Raleigh-Durham. Both great towns. The Charlotte drivers scared me, I eventually realized that their role model was Richard Petty.
LOL! I suppose I got used to Charlotte drivers, and over time they just became the norm for me. But if you ever want to take the fright up a couple notches, try Atlanta. When you're not inching along in a perpetual traffic jam, there are two speeds: half the speed limit and twice the speed limit. My auto insurance tripled from what I was paying in Charlotte.
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:32 PM Post #145,811 of 154,313
Just out of curiosity, since it’s been confirmed Valhalla 3 will be OTL/OCL like the Folkvangr, is there a reason Schiit has never made an output transformer coupled amp?

He explains it in the latest video.
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:33 PM Post #145,812 of 154,313
He explains it in the latest video.
Ah, thanks. I always read the blog posts but I never watch the videos. I’ll have to take a look.
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:34 PM Post #145,813 of 154,313
Thanks for the recommendation! Alas, my alcohol consumption days are well behind me. After some trial and error it turns out that alcohol was the cause of some volcanic acid reflux. The money saved since I went dry has been plowed invested into my hobbies.
I went dry on the fourth day of this month, and the next six months of a medication regimen stipulates no alcohol consumption.
I'll have to do my drinking vicariously through this Schiit Happens thread.
Mar 29, 2024 at 12:37 PM Post #145,814 of 154,313
My Fender Bass dates back to 1962.
Not a joke.
If only it could talk.
Fender Jazz..?

I could only afford a Fender Jazz copy when I bought my first ( and only) bass guitar back in 1974.

I had to work all summer to save the £48 it cost me.

It sounded pretty good, through my home made amp and speaker cabinet, but had a terrible action, which meant it was really hard on the fingers.

That's my excuse for never troubling the careers of any of my bass guitar heroes, who included:

Jack Bruce
Jaco Pastorius
Andy Fraser
Chris Squire
Paul McCartney
John Paul Jones
John Entwistle
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Mar 29, 2024 at 12:39 PM Post #145,815 of 154,313
Just out of curiosity, since it’s been confirmed Valhalla 3 will be OTL/OCL like the Folkvangr, is there a reason Schiit has never made an output transformer coupled amp?

I have the Folkvangr now, and it’s amazing for high impedance headphones (and does solid with some lower and medium impedance headphones) but predictably falls apart with low-impedance current-hungry planars like the LCD-5.

I went ahead and ordered an MJ3 as a counterpoint to the FV, since I figure it’ll do a great job with those low impedance current-hungry loads.

Still, a Schiit “universal” full tube amp with output transformers that could handle low impedance loads as easily as high impedance would be pretty cool.

I had the chance to hear the LCD-5 on the Woo Luna, Abyss Diana on the Woo WA22, and the DCA Expanse on the Cayin HA-6A, and they all sounded very nice (though the HA-6A needed to be at about 85-90% max volume to get decent volume levels on the Expanse) so I’d really love to see what Schiit could do throwing their hat into that ring.
I love my FV with Sennheiser HD 800S headphones.

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