Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
May 10, 2024 at 11:43 AM Post #151,201 of 165,155
I went back and looked at your board again. Very nice indeed. Did you design it? Thanks for sharing, Richard.
Thanks, yes we like it a lot. I contacted David (The Cribbage Guy) and asked him to make me a Drueke board that could handle 2" pegs. He took it from there and came back with the design. If you go to his website and click on "Custom Boards" you will see the genius of his work. It's his full-time job, after all. :)
May 10, 2024 at 11:47 AM Post #151,203 of 165,155
My wife played some years ago and she is not interested in playing so I will not be building a board. I will stick to chess, poker, Go, rummy, and euchre for now. Oh and Scrabble lol, my wife is quite good so we have some amazing competitions there. I read years ago that games of skill are chess, Go, and poker but poker only when the stakes are high enough so you have to risk a decent amount to call.:)
Too bad. The other games we play here are Acey-Deucy (on a backgammon board) and gin rummy. She consistently wins at the former, whilst I dominate at the latter (so we rarely play it). We're evenly-matched at cribbage with games often coming down to the wire.
May 10, 2024 at 11:48 AM Post #151,204 of 165,155
Qobuz has quite a collection of her works and I was recently given several of her records in amazing condition. Back to tube comparisons for me soon, at the end it is easier to say why specific tubes had issues since a high score tends to speak for itself.😉
May 10, 2024 at 11:58 AM Post #151,205 of 165,155
Qobuz has quite a collection of her works and I was recently given several of her records in amazing condition. Back to tube comparisons for me soon, at the end it is easier to say why specific tubes had issues since a high score tends to speak for itself.😉

Looking forward to your tube comparison report.

At the moment I am listening Joan's Diva of the Folk Revival Volume 2.
May 10, 2024 at 12:03 PM Post #151,206 of 165,155
Too bad. The other games we play here are Acey-Deucy (on a backgammon board) and gin rummy. She consistently wins at the former, whilst I dominate at the latter (so we rarely play it). We're evenly-matched at cribbage with games often coming down to the wire.
Very nice! My wife has played chess against me for about 52 years but she does that more to be a good sport. Scrabble gives her the best chance of winning. Later, another tube has warmed up.🤪
May 10, 2024 at 12:04 PM Post #151,207 of 165,155
My grandparents were from the UP and had a huge custom board in their house. They kept track of a lot of measures including crib points. Over the course of many years, they determined the average crib to be worth 2.4 points. Seems kinda low to me, but that's what grandpa told me.

BTW, our house board was based on the 1950 continuous-track Drueke design from 1950, the type I learnt to play on. Ours is larger to make room for the 2" pegs.
I love this place:
May 10, 2024 at 12:06 PM Post #151,208 of 165,155
Tube comparison has begun in my Vali 3, one down five to go. Test music is going through an Emotiva transport, to Gungnir, to Vali 3, to Focal Utopias I keep the room dark and I am isolated from other sounds. 68 degrees F inside and HVAC is not operating. I can repeat any track as I go through 25 music criteria. There is a silent period between tracks so I have plenty of time to record results.
Yes, but what Scotch is accompanying your listening sessions? And briefs, boxers, or Full Monty?
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May 10, 2024 at 12:11 PM Post #151,209 of 165,155
My grandparents were from the UP and had a huge custom board in their house. They kept track of a lot of measures including crib points. Over the course of many years, they determined the average crib to be worth 2.4 points. Seems kinda low to me, but that's what grandpa told me.

BTW, our house board was based on the 1950 continuous-track Drueke design from 1950, the type I learnt to play on. Ours is larger to make room for the 2" pegs.

UP cribbage reminds us of the cool not found in Florida summer! :)......


......That we can't wait to get back to by end of July! Ahh, driving the Mighty Mac to St. Ignace, Mackinac Island, and the Soo!....oh and wild rice!
May 10, 2024 at 12:28 PM Post #151,210 of 165,155
In Western MA, just South off the 84…
One location there (Sturbridge), another is in Tewksbury (which is much closer to me…. Grin)
May 10, 2024 at 12:34 PM Post #151,211 of 165,155
Both. Address space limited to 256K words. GC reclaimed inaccessible substructures in the heap-allocated data structures of the AI languages of the day. If the heap allocated during a program run exceeded the address space, poof. GC delayed/avoided that by reclaiming the space occupied by stuff that was no longer reachable. Current languages like Java, Python, golang also rely on GC.
Yep. I was a senior software engineer on the TOPS-20 development team before I said “screw programming, I can talk to humans, I have a career in marketing instead”… I was focused (mostly) on improving the performance of the operating system, so was in the scheduler, pager subsystems quite frequently. I started at DEC in 1980, left engineering in 1987 for marketing/product management… (after you’ve built and optimized operating systems in assembler, what is left that would be both interesting and challenging? - my thoughts at the time when they announced the end of life of the 36 bit systems. A very SAD day)
May 10, 2024 at 12:39 PM Post #151,212 of 165,155
I've been listening to albums from Steely Dan and Donald Fagen again recently. And I'm reminded of how outstanding their recordings were. This is even more true, I think, of their later recordings, like Gaucho, Two Against Nature, Nightfly, and Morph the Cat. The placement and almost the shape of the sound in the mix is so incredibly clear; everything can be heard, with good timbre, and the overall mix is nicely integrated and balanced. Really a joy. I have a more or less mid-fi two-channel system: Qobuz downloads => Vox on Macbook M1 => Bifrost 2/64 => IOTAVX SA3 => Triangle BR08 and REL T7x subwoofer. I think this system is quite good in general at imaging and instrument separation, as well as soundstage width and to some extent depth. But with these albums it feels like a much higher level system - and all these qualities are pronounced. So basically my ears tell me that recordings themselves are very different with respect to their ability to reveal these aspects of the music. I wonder if any of you are recording engineers or could otherwise confirm what I'm hearing.

Ninja’s by @JohnnyCanuck

Check out Kamakiriad sometime; excellently recorded as well…
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May 10, 2024 at 12:57 PM Post #151,213 of 165,155
Yes, but what Scotch is accompanying your listening sessions? And briefs, boxers, or Full Monty?
lol no Scotch!! I must give the impression that I drink 24/7 but that is not the case.🤪

I am fully clothed since I am also working in my shop as well as with garden plants during the tube warm up sessions. Such is happening as we speak.

A bit more info, all of us have particular music that we might feel shows off our gear or gives us more insight as to how it handles the sonic spectrum. Now imagine music recorded to specifically to do that, all on one CD. Each track being a prime example of 25 traits that cover that spectrum. Each is not very long, maybe 20-30 seconds but you hear and get to know those tracks after several thousand listens. That is what I am using on each tube.🤪 There is a brief introduction of what to listen for before each track, for those new to the process.
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May 10, 2024 at 1:00 PM Post #151,214 of 165,155
May 10, 2024 at 1:06 PM Post #151,215 of 165,155
... My dad took to down to the individual boards and refinished it. ...
We did that once. In the process, the old, reddish, finish got all over the place and made our apartment look like it belonged to serial killers -- blood everywhere!

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