Schiit Valhalla 2 impressions
Jul 7, 2014 at 7:07 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 306


500+ Head-Fier
Feb 24, 2004
Well, you'll have guessed what I have to say is good. 
I don't start a lot of threads, but when I'm blown away like today... why not share the euphorium!
Let me start by saying I've listened seriously to headphones for a decade. After experimenting with Alessandro Pros, I finally fell in love with my Sony SA5000 headphones some time back and they paired well with my Benchmark DAC1/amp. It was resolution heaven. When the SA5000 had their right side driver stop I was devastated - even more so when my own exploratory surgery finished them off.
Sadly, no replacement pair to be had as they stopped making them two years ago. I've never heard a headphone that could compare to the SA5000 so I was ready to give up after I ordered Sony's more recent offerings and found I really wasn't impressed. They were "ok" but not near SA5000 level.
But, having a bit of time recently I was reading on Head-Fi a few respected views saying the Beyerdynamic T1 was a detailed enjoyable listen.
I ordered a pair. They arrived about three weeks ago.
Liked them. Wasn't taken to the moon and back mind you, but I got the detail, enjoyed the bass to mids and perhaps found a sibilance with the treble which was a little fatiguing. Not to be daunted I dusted of a 7 year old "Fatman" valve amp. Everyone says valves tackle sibilant issues, right? So I plugged in and found some recordings were "better" despite the obvious lack of design for headphones with this amp (way too much power and quite a treble drop off). In fact, I was generally enjoying the DAC1 amp more on good recordings despite the sibilance. But when those fatman tubes worked, they really did a good job. Dire Straits, The Doors, Santana... the list was growing.
That is when I decided to bite the bullet and try a tube amp designed for headphones. I settled on the Schiit Valhalla 2 mainly because the reviews here emphasized the detail and value in this little amp.
And they were not wrong.
When just out of the box and plugged in "WOW"... suddenly every album I tried sounded better. I've been sitting here for five hours now. Yes its not burned in, but nevertheless I can offer an opinion - that wow factor is real and growing. Analysing why is easy. Plug back into my beloved DAC1 everything sounds thinner. Slam is less emotional. Treble is less enjoyable, probably because the sibilant qualities can get in the way with the T1s. The Valhalla 2 plays with my emotions in a way beyond expectation. Its like the T1s just gained in PRAT (pace, rhythm and timing) with the result of more obvious emotion in the music.
I was a solid state tragic up to now. But no longer, valves have now carved a place in my audio experience that I may not easily move from. 
Deciding which music is best improved on the Valhalla 2 is a tough task. I've been listening to 24 bit recordings and they are certainly specially improved to my ears. Vocals such as in Jackson Brown's late for the sky are wonderful. The Doors and The Cars are superb. Classical is also especially pleasing. I'm a fan of violin and the 24 bit recording by Jascha Heifetz & Walter Hendl of Sielius, Prokofiev and Glazunov's violin concertos is way up there - brilliant! So what about some average recordings, in 16 bit, say Hotel Costes or AC/DC's Highway to Hell... well it has an improved visceral feel, so these too get the nod but I'm not hanging around on these lesser "recorded quality" albums.
Any failures: yep, I have a binaural recording in 16 bit of Pearl Jam. Nothing can save the dull congested sound of Breakerfall, the first track. This disappointment continues as I listen on, but then track 4 "light years" lifts from the dull, lifeless sounds before it... it doesn't shine but it gets my attention. Not too bad. The bass impact in "of the girl" is awesome. The T1/V2 combo seems to be pushing through after all - even with this album. But I'm not very content with the recordings lack of detail, so back to some clearer sounds... Tommy by the Who, very nice. Then back to 24 bit Graceland by Paul Simon and I'm back in valve heaven.
So how does the V2/T1 combo compare to my beloved SA5000/DAC1 combo. Probably not as much raw resolution, but certainly more musicality and to my ears superior enjoyment with plenty of detail, just the right treble and enough bass punch! If the choice was there I'd stick with the Valhalla 2, with the T1's - they make an awesome combo. Detail ability is phenomenal, and demand great recordings while putting up with average ones. I do think that my poorer recorded albums will be relegated to the speakers in the lounge room though as I'm just enjoying the top end sound that is possible with the better, HiRes recordings.
Final words: I cannot believe that an amp can add so much!
Just my two cents!
Jul 20, 2014 at 4:18 PM Post #2 of 306
i liked your post, do you think the valhalla 2 would be a good combo with the modi and alpha dogs?or the bifrost in place of the modi in that combo.thankyou, happy listening.
Jul 21, 2014 at 1:19 AM Post #3 of 306
Sadly not able to comment on the synergy with any of those cans as I am yet to hear them. I'd suggest any headphones with a prevelant treble and tight bass would sound good. Some of my lesser headphones are good on the val2 but I will keep the term euphoric for the Beryer T1 sound. Alessandro seem to do well to. Wish I had more to comment on.

As for the bit frost I'm tempted to find out!

Mar 20, 2018 at 10:43 AM Post #4 of 306
Hello... hello... hello... is there anybody in here? :)

Got myself into deeper Schiit... enjoying Bifrost / Valhalla 2 combo... wondering if there's an active group of users here...
Mar 30, 2018 at 7:40 AM Post #5 of 306
Hello... hello... hello... is there anybody in here? :)

Got myself into deeper Schiit... enjoying Bifrost / Valhalla 2 combo... wondering if there's an active group of users here...
Hello hello hello there, I’m wondering the same thing. I normally use IEMs with my DX200/90, recently got some full size headphones and now I need an amp. So tomorrow I’m picking up the Valhalla 2 to try out for a few days and buy it if I like it. I can also do the same with the Lyr3 when it’s available at the end of next month. Not sure which one I’d prefer or which would be the best to go for. Any advice would be much appreciated, cheers :L3000:
Mar 30, 2018 at 4:04 PM Post #6 of 306
Enjoy the Valhalla trial! :)

I love mine, especially it’s looks... i don’t have the Lyr cause i have been using the Bifrost for a few years now... but if you are looking into a nice looking amp... i’d consider Valhalla instead of Lyr. especially if you have a dac already...

if not, it is definitely a good bang for the buck! :)

keep us posted!
Mar 31, 2018 at 4:31 AM Post #7 of 306
Enjoy the Valhalla trial! :)

I love mine, especially it’s looks... i don’t have the Lyr cause i have been using the Bifrost for a few years now... but if you are looking into a nice looking amp... i’d consider Valhalla instead of Lyr. especially if you have a dac already...

if not, it is definitely a good bang for the buck! :)

keep us posted!
Thanks for the tip, I should be picking it up in about an hour. You never know, I might end up with both as my son loves his music also and I could do with a partner in crime lol:ksc75smile:
I’ll let you know how I get on and thanks again :smile_phones:
Mar 31, 2018 at 6:26 PM Post #8 of 306
Right on, hope the trial is going well. Keep in mind the Valhalla 2 works really well as a pre amp in case you plan to hook it up to an amp and speakers.

I’m using mine with an old sony home theatre receiver (solid state) and floorstanding KEF Q700 speakers...

happy easter folks, happy listening!
Mar 31, 2018 at 6:27 PM Post #9 of 306
Picked up the Valhalla 2 today, very nice and my partner in crime likes it also. Only had a short listen, very smooth and warm but not too warm. I’ll be having a proper listen tomorrow and get more accustomed to it’s sound. Also had a listen to the Lyr2, very nice also, more impact and punch. I was tempted to get that instead but thought I’d wait for the 3 to arrive and maybe grab that to compliment the Valhalla. :smile_phones:
Apr 7, 2018 at 10:56 AM Post #10 of 306
hey folks, hope you all are having a great time!

I haven’t really found a post regarding high gain vs low gain along with volume and life expectancy of tubes... :) i’m sure there must be one, but let’s make this thread alive again... :) :) :)

For louder volumes, It makes sense that I am using « more » resources... but if I use high gain along with lower volumes (as it is becomes louder anyway), would I compensate the higher voltages/temperatures and have a similar life expectancy for the tubes?

It sounds « better » to my ears... and in the end of the day, unless I am cutting down the life of the tubes big time, I’d rather enjoy the sound.... even if I will need to replace tubes sooner than if I’m using low gain...


Apr 16, 2018 at 6:19 AM Post #11 of 306
hey folks, hope you all are having a great time!

I haven’t really found a post regarding high gain vs low gain along with volume and life expectancy of tubes... :) i’m sure there must be one, but let’s make this thread alive again... :) :) :)

For louder volumes, It makes sense that I am using « more » resources... but if I use high gain along with lower volumes (as it is becomes louder anyway), would I compensate the higher voltages/temperatures and have a similar life expectancy for the tubes?

It sounds « better » to my ears... and in the end of the day, unless I am cutting down the life of the tubes big time, I’d rather enjoy the sound.... even if I will need to replace tubes sooner than if I’m using low gain...


Interesting, didn’t even occur to me about the life expectancy of the valves. I’m pretty new to headphone amps, especially valve amps. Normally just use a dap, but since I’ve got the Senns HD660s I’ve had to start spending in other areas now also :L3000:
I have my Valhalla II in high gain all the time, so maybe I need to get some back up valves for when the time comes or should I upgrade the valves I have now to something better. I still have the stock valves it came with and this is where I would appreciate any advice on which valves to get as I wouldn’t know where to start.
It would make sense to me that more power going through the valve would shorten its life span. Any info will be much appreciated, thanks
Apr 16, 2018 at 9:14 AM Post #12 of 306
Good morning folks!
Hope all is well!!

Interesting, didn’t even occur to me about the life expectancy of the valves. I’m pretty new to headphone amps, especially valve amps. Normally just use a dap, but since I’ve got the Senns HD660s I’ve had to start spending in other areas now also :L3000:
I have my Valhalla II in high gain all the time, so maybe I need to get some back up valves for when the time comes or should I upgrade the valves I have now to something better. I still have the stock valves it came with and this is where I would appreciate any advice on which valves to get as I wouldn’t know where to start.
It would make sense to me that more power going through the valve would shorten its life span. Any info will be much appreciated, thanks

There are quite a few options out there... I am pretty new to tubes as well, just got my first tube amp (Valhalla 2 not too long ago) but I have been enjoying a LOT the JJ E88CC from Slovakia. They seem to be a pretty good bang for the buck. It all depends on your budget, but to be honest, I was a bit worried about life expectancy, but seems like unless higher gain would cut down significantly, I shouldn't bother and I'd better simply enjoy the sound! :)

My goal for upgrades though, is to keep tube costs lower than $100/pair... :) Higher than that, for me, that would be like trying to improve performance that I won't really "notice" unless I "upgrade" my speakers and headphones altogether... and the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper... and I do not wanna go there... :) :) :)

I think this process might be a little bit like over driving the CPU or turbo charging a car engine.. You will need to balance out the performance vs. maintenance...

Apr 16, 2018 at 9:29 AM Post #13 of 306
Good morning folks!
Hope all is well!!

There are quite a few options out there... I am pretty new to tubes as well, just got my first tube amp (Valhalla 2 not too long ago) but I have been enjoying a LOT the JJ E88CC from Slovakia. They seem to be a pretty good bang for the buck. It all depends on your budget, but to be honest, I was a bit worried about life expectancy, but seems like unless higher gain would cut down significantly, I shouldn't bother and I'd better simply enjoy the sound! :)

My goal for upgrades though, is to keep tube costs lower than $100/pair... :) Higher than that, for me, that would be like trying to improve performance that I won't really "notice" unless I "upgrade" my speakers and headphones altogether... and the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper... and I do not wanna go there... :) :) :)

I think this process might be a little bit like over driving the CPU or turbo charging a car engine.. You will need to balance out the performance vs. maintenance...

I’ll look em up and maybe get some once I have a few more hours of listening done. I did see some valves on eBay, Russian, ex military apparently and new old stock. Not sure if they are good or not without doing some more digging.
Haven’t got round to using as a pre amp yet, Im using Talk Electronics Tornado/Hurricane pre/power amp with Harbeth Compact 7es-3 speakers and I’m quite looking forward to see how that sounds with the Valhalla 2.
Been away for a week, so looking forward to powering up and chilling out with some nice sounds.
Apr 16, 2018 at 12:59 PM Post #14 of 306
Hi there @KEV G & folks,

Haven’t got round to using as a pre amp yet, Im using Talk Electronics Tornado/Hurricane pre/power amp with Harbeth Compact 7es-3 speakers and I’m quite looking forward to see how that sounds with the Valhalla 2.
Been away for a week, so looking forward to powering up and chilling out with some nice sounds.

Even the stock (russian) tubes are pretty good... I'm sure it might be a matter of getting a good batch! :)

I had a chance to visit an audio store in Toronto a few weeks ago (we don't have ANY audio specialized stores here, sadly) so it has been the first time listening to Harbeth speakers... I don't recall the model number, but they sounded quite impressive! :) I was quite pleased to "hear" the way it reproduces even "deep" bass, as I am currently "cheating" with a (cheapo home theatre) Sony subwoofer... hehe :)

Keep us posted... I think you will enjoy the Valhalla 2 as a pre-amp! I think i will give you a little bit of a tube vibe...

Apr 16, 2018 at 2:45 PM Post #15 of 306
Hi there @KEV G & folks,

Even the stock (russian) tubes are pretty good... I'm sure it might be a matter of getting a good batch! :)

I had a chance to visit an audio store in Toronto a few weeks ago (we don't have ANY audio specialized stores here, sadly) so it has been the first time listening to Harbeth speakers... I don't recall the model number, but they sounded quite impressive! :) I was quite pleased to "hear" the way it reproduces even "deep" bass, as I am currently "cheating" with a (cheapo home theatre) Sony subwoofer... hehe :)

Keep us posted... I think you will enjoy the Valhalla 2 as a pre-amp! I think i will give you a little bit of a tube vibe...

I’m kind of toying with the idea of getting the Lyr 3 when it’s available in a couple of weeks and the Valhalla II can take a place on the vacant shelf below the power amp. I built a HiFi rack with 30mm solid oak worktop off cuts and I put an extra two shelves on while I was building it, thought I’d probably need em when I get something new to add to the two amps and Rega turntable. Looking forward to the tube vibe, cheers

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