Schiit Valhalla Tube Rolling thread.
Oct 25, 2016 at 7:23 PM Post #526 of 2,739
Has anyone tried some of the newer offerings in the 6922 tubes like JJ's or EH and such ? I have been wanting to try the JJ's in my Valhalla 2 but have been putting it off.....

JJ Gold pins are my absolute favorite tube. Followed by Mullard E188cc then Telefunken E88cc. JJ standard pin sound remarkably close to the Telefunken to me. YMMV
Oct 26, 2016 at 5:50 PM Post #527 of 2,739
JJ Gold pins are my absolute favorite tube. Followed by Mullard E188cc then Telefunken E88cc. JJ standard pin sound remarkably close to the Telefunken to me. YMMV

Are these the same tubes I see going for about $25 each? You find them to be in the same league as the Telefunken! How do the differ from the stock tubes? I may have to pick up a pair.
Oct 26, 2016 at 7:40 PM Post #528 of 2,739
Are these the same tubes I see going for about $25 each? You find them to be in the same league as the Telefunken! How do the differ from the stock tubes? I may have to pick up a pair.

I found the stock tube to be tubby and "tube like." The Telefunkens are dry, like a transistor amp.

I paid $60 per pair for matched and balanced from euro tubes. They performed poorly in the Lyr1 but in the Valhalla 2, they are rich, sweet and have a holographic presentation that easily gives you an idea of the space that the recording was made in.

In summary: Yes, I feel that a $60 pair of new tubes beats a $300 pair of Telefunkens from The Tube Store.

These are my opinions and are therefore not guaranteed to be aplicable to anyone but myself and two friends who agree me.
Oct 26, 2016 at 8:29 PM Post #531 of 2,739
I found the stock tube to be tubby and "tube like."...

I think you're the first person I've ever heard say this... ever. I found the stock tubes far from tubey or tube like. The stock Valhalla 2 comes equipped fairly neutral and uncoloured by tubes. Most i've seen dive into tube rolling are looking for more of that warm, organic tube sound usually associated with OTL tube amps, not the other way around.
"Not Your Father’s Tube Amp
If you’re expecting syrupy, tubby, euphonically colored tube sound, you’re in for a shock. Valhalla 2 is exceptionally accurate, neutral, and resolving, without being strident or etched."
but hey, to each their own.
Oct 26, 2016 at 9:20 PM Post #532 of 2,739
I think you're the first person I've ever heard say this... ever. I found the stock tubes far from tubey or tube like. The stock Valhalla 2 comes equipped fairly neutral and uncoloured by tubes. Most i've seen dive into tube rolling are looking for more of that warm, organic tube sound usually associated with OTL tube amps, not the other way around.

"Not Your Father’s Tube Amp
[COLOR=8F8F8F][COLOR=000000]If you’re expecting syrupy, tubby, euphonically colored tube sound, you’re in for a shock. Valhalla 2 is exceptionally accurate, neutral, and resolving, without being strident or etched."[/COLOR][/COLOR]
but hey, to each their own.

Perhaps I did not give the stock tubes a chance to break in. However, I found other tubes to be better right from the get go.

That being said, the Stock Valhalla 2 tubes sounded absolutely fantastic in the Lyr1. That is where they are now.

Perhaps it may be illuminating to you to know that my floorstanding speakers are electrostatic and my headphones are HD800. I guess I like sharp transients.
Nov 15, 2016 at 5:27 PM Post #533 of 2,739
While being a huge fan of the Valhalla 2 HD800 pairings ability to present a holographic soundstage and wonderful nuances of texture I was left feeling the sound was a little soft and dry. After a kind recommendation I installed some JJ Gold Pins. Now there is more slam, more bloom and more body. The dry, sterile softness is gone but all the positives remain. I do not think there has been a loss to any resolving details but it is hard to tell for sure.

Very happy indeed.
Nov 15, 2016 at 8:21 PM Post #534 of 2,739
While being a huge fan of the Valhalla 2 HD800 pairings ability to present a holographic soundstage and wonderful nuances of texture I was left feeling the sound was a little soft and dry. After a kind recommendation I installed some JJ Gold Pins. Now there is more slam, more bloom and more body. The dry, sterile softness is gone but all the positives remain. I do not think there has been a loss to any resolving details but it is hard to tell for sure.

Very happy indeed.

Yeah, the stock driver tubes are bad. Didn't change power tubes and have no idea.
Nov 16, 2016 at 1:31 AM Post #535 of 2,739
Yeah, the stock driver tubes are bad. Didn't change power tubes and have no idea.

Switching to some 70's Russian tubes added a touch more warmth and bottom end. But, difference was small compared to changing the the driver tubes.
Nov 18, 2016 at 4:21 PM Post #536 of 2,739
I just got back from guitar center,
The guy never heard of schiit.
I showed him the tube names rollable to, and he said that the names maybe "American version names"? He knows about the gold lion Russian tubes, but, dosnt carry them.

He was kinda amazed that the valhalla2 was a Class A amp and that it was American made,
For some reason he thought Schiit was British
Nov 23, 2016 at 12:29 PM Post #537 of 2,739
Switching to some 70's Russian tubes added a touch more warmth and bottom end. But, difference was small compared to changing the the driver tubes.

I am running some late 70's Voskhod Rockets for the Driver tubes. I also swapped the Driver tubes that did not make much of a difference. I bought some tubes that were supposedly JJ's and did not like them. Lack of Bass and very Mid heavy. The Markings supposedly wore off. I may have to give another set off JJ's a run again (I did not think the markings changed the sound
). I may have missed this in the thread, Any thoughts on the Electro Harmonix EH 6922? I run one in My Vali 2 at work I am Curious about them in my Valhalla 2 now.

Nov 25, 2016 at 7:42 AM Post #539 of 2,739
Which headphones are you using with your Valhalla bigro?

 No Headphones Right now. I Use it as a Pre amp for My 2 Channel Rig, Which Is Why The Freya Is a Welcome Release. Once the Freya is Release It will become an HP amp. I Am Going to Try My Hand at The "Open Alpha" From Mr. Speakers.What Headphones do you use?
Nov 25, 2016 at 8:17 AM Post #540 of 2,739
 No Headphones Right now. I Use it as a Pre amp for My 2 Channel Rig, Which Is Why The Freya Is a Welcome Release. Once the Freya is Release It will become an HP amp. I Am Going to Try My Hand at The "Open Alpha" From Mr. Speakers.What Headphones do you use?

I got a pair of HD800 after the 800S came out and the price dropped. ATOMICBOB speaks highly of the HD650.

Aren't the Open Alpha headphones rather low impedance? I thought the Valhalla paired well with high impedance headphones that like large voltage swings? I do not wish to discourage you, experimentation is great fun, but they may pair better with your Vali 2.

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