Shanling M1s - Ideal Compact Portable Player
Apr 8, 2024 at 12:41 PM Post #916 of 949
What is the lyrics provider? can it be changed as I often get no lyrics found.
Is there a way of bulk downloading lyrics, by album/artist/folder?

Mtouch uses separate text files for each song in the LRC format.

MusicBee on Windows can create those files, but the time synchronization queues are absent unless you manually edit each file to add them.
Apr 8, 2024 at 9:15 PM Post #917 of 949
What is the lyrics provider? can it be changed as I often get no lyrics found.
Is there a way of bulk downloading lyrics, by album/artist/folder?
It's using one chinese service for fetching the cover and lyrics. Not something that you could adjust.
No bulk function for this. I would recommend doing such on a computer, where you can pick from quite a few advanced softwares made for this purpose.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 9, 2024 at 4:37 AM Post #918 of 949
The player's playback buttons work strangely. When the device falls asleep, it continues to respond to the power button and the previous track button, but does not respond to the play/pause button. Right after waking up the play/pause button also does not work the first time, although the touch button (on the screen) works.
It looks like something software.
Maybe anyone found the cause or Shanling is planning to fix this somehow?
Apr 9, 2024 at 5:26 AM Post #919 of 949
I complained about the same strange behaviour of the buttons, and I think it is software related. Unfortunately I have no hope at all that Shanling software team will give a thought about it, probably they are working on another dap which will be released with not polished software.
Apr 16, 2024 at 6:58 AM Post #921 of 949
I've had my M1S just a week now, and a few issues.
1. The button issues already reported by others.
2. After pausing, when using bluetooth earbuds, the right earbud sound does not return back on always. This has never happened using other devices, they are APTX Adaptive.

@Shanling Will the button issue be resolved soon? the buttons are pointless at the moment.

My previous player is a Shanling M2S, I thought this would be an upgrade, at the moment, I am considering returning it.
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Apr 16, 2024 at 8:30 PM Post #922 of 949
I've had my M1S just a week now, and a few issues.
1. The button issues already reported by others.
2. After pausing, when using bluetooth earbuds, the right earbud sound does not return back on always. This has never happened using other devices, they are APTX Adaptive.

@Shanling Will the button issue be resolved soon? the buttons are pointless at the moment.

My previous player is a Shanling M2S, I thought this would be an upgrade, at the moment, I am considering returning it.
Button issues were reported to Software team previously, so far no update on this.

What exact Bluetooth earbuds?
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 17, 2024 at 3:29 AM Post #923 of 949
The earbuds are EarFun Free Pro 3

The player only has 3 buttons plus volume dial. If I understand correctly basically 2 out of the three buttons do not work correctly.
It basically makes the player unusable, so I do not understand how this is not being fixed.
Is this on all devices, or am I just unlucky? Is it hardware or software issue?
Apr 17, 2024 at 4:12 AM Post #924 of 949
The earbuds are EarFun Free Pro 3

The player only has 3 buttons plus volume dial. If I understand correctly basically 2 out of the three buttons do not work correctly.
It basically makes the player unusable, so I do not understand how this is not being fixed.
Is this on all devices, or am I just unlucky? Is it hardware or software issue?
It's software issue, about the buttons sometimes not registering by system.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 17, 2024 at 10:31 PM Post #926 of 949
@Shanling Hello! Please give your recommendations on how to disassemble the player to replace the broken USB type C connector?
Will check on this with engineers. We don't have that much support files for M1s, as it's not sold by Shanling.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 28, 2024 at 12:31 AM Post #927 of 949
I have over 50k files so no hope for media library, I only can browse memory card :rolling_eyes:
Could M1s be a bit more supportive in this case?

For example on Now Playing screen where it shows SD:/ location for current file.
If I could touch file path to be taken to that folder - it will be very useful.

Another thing to create playlist from folder when browsing.

Anyone living with having to use file browse all the time?
Yes, but I removed all files from folders, because I decided I want to shuffle all tracks, which isn't possible for tracks in separate subfolders using folder browsing and not using the library. Of course, that basically means that playing an individual album straight through is now practically impossible for me, so you have to decide which you prefer:

1. The ability to easily play an album straight through and never be able to shuffle all tracks (use artist & album subfolders)
2. Be able to shuffle all tracks effectively not be able to play a single album straight through (put all tracks in a single folder with no subfolder organization).

It took me days to move all the tracks out of 6000+ subfolders, so buckle up for hell if you decide to do that (#2).

Normally I'm quite polite and nice about needed fixes and whatnot, but the nonsensically low library limit of 20,000 tracks has ruined what is otherwise an incredible device and I have returned to using my Fiio M3K, which support my entire 55,000+ track collection in the library, and my phone which has normal (which is to say bad) phone audio hardware, but no stupid limits to library counts.

Folder browsing capability is not an acceptable substitute for supporting over 20000 tracks in the library, period. It's a nightmare.

In addition, I know this limitation of tracks that can be scanned into library is arbitrary garbage, because both Fiio and Rockbox do not limit the library track count in their firmware for the M3K which uses the X1000E (the much inferior predecessor chip to the X2000E chip in the M1S). In fact, Fiio had a similar track-count library limit initially and resolved this quickly in a firmware fix, which Shangling's dev's could also easily do since they programmed the 20,000 track limit in the first place.

Other than this single issue the M1S has been great!

The fact that this hasn't yet been fixed in a firmware update is just customer-hating BS. "Oh, I already have your money so screw you. You'll need to spend way more to get more tracks." Needless to say, it's very hard for me to see how I'd ever be a Shanling customer again when they have decided not to fix such a trivial issue and when such artificial and nonsensical library limits weren't advertised. I certainly won't be buying more expensive devices running old Android and having bad battery life from Shanling, just hoping they are defect-free! Plus, I got to find that limitation out here at head-fi AFTER I purchased when I couldn't figure out how to get the library scan to read all my damn tracks.

@Shanling -
All it would take to fix this garbage is changing 1 number in the firmware code base from 20,000 to something like 100,000 or 200,000!

It is trivial to fix this nonsense for your customers!

It's not like you aren't doing firmware updates anymore!

I don't care if a larger library than 20,000 somewhat slows performance - that's my problem and I accept the trade-off! Anyone with 20,000 or less tracks won't experience the slowdown anyway!

I want the device I payed hard-earned money for to support my whole collection like older, cheaper, and technically inferior DAP gear does (Fiio M3K)!

I am incredibly disappointed, but since I know this is easily fixed, this DAP can instantly go from "never used" to my "always used" number 1 DAP and I would brag about how responsive Shanling is and how much you care about your customers to everyone I talk to about audio gear. Right now I would never recommend a Shangling product to anyone, but you can easily fix this and return to being a great company who's products are easy to recommend. Just fix this one number in the code, so those of us with more music than sense can enjoy your otherwise wonderful device.

Thank you in advance for fixing this trivially solved issue and returning this "ideal compact portable player" to being "ideal" and your company to greatness.

Obviously, If I have missed news that this issue is already resolved then I apologize and will edit my comment to one of thanks and praise.
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Apr 28, 2024 at 1:52 AM Post #928 of 949
@Shanling -
All it would take to fix this garbage is changing 1 number in the firmware code base from 20,000 to something like 100,000 or 200,000!

It is trivial to fix this nonsense for your customers!

It's not like you aren't doing firmware updates anymore!

I don't care if a larger library than 20,000 somewhat slows performance - that's my problem and I accept the trade-off! Anyone with 20,000 or less tracks won't experience the slowdown anyway!

I want the device I payed hard-earned money for to support my whole collection like older, cheaper, and technically inferior DAP gear does (Fiio M3K)!

I am incredibly disappointed, but since I know this is easily fixed, this DAP can instantly go from "never used" to my "always used" number 1 DAP and I would brag about how responsive Shanling is and how much you care about your customers to everyone I talk to about audio gear. Right now I would never recommend a Shangling product to anyone, but you can easily fix this and return to being a great company who's products are easy to recommend. Just fix this one number in the code, so those of us with more music than sense can enjoy your otherwise wonderful device.

Thank you in advance for fixing this trivially solved issue and returning this "ideal compact portable player" to being "ideal" and your company to greatness.

Obviously, If I have missed news that this issue is already resolved then I apologize and will edit my comment to one of thanks and praise.

Our team talked about this with our software department multiple times. This limit has been in our system since 2018 and software team so far hasn't adjusted it.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 28, 2024 at 2:44 AM Post #929 of 949
Our team talked about this with our software department multiple times. This limit has been in our system since 2018 and software team so far hasn't adjusted it.
I understand it's out of your hands personally, but there's no excuse for this limitation. I am spelling out exactly how easy this is to fix, and giving you arguments to take back to the dev team and superiors to get this nonsense issue resolved once and for all.

Your software devs are ruining your brand for absolutely no reason, since other devices running the weaker Ingenic X1000E chips don't have this limitation and your software dev team created the limitation in the first place.

There is no inherent 20,000 track limit - that was a software design choice and it is a choice easily modified. I assume that someone thought they could upsell more expensive Android DAP's without that limitation by just not supporting more than 20,000 tracks in the library for these MIPS architecture chips, but instead, this nonsense makes me distrust the Shanling brand and I do not want to ever buy more Shanling products, especially not at a higher price, because I don't trust that Shanling has the power or desire to make good changes for its customers. At best you have a rogue software dev team, who refuses to do simple and easy code work and regression testing and at worst Shanling has decided to tier their players in a foolsih way to encourage upselling which is definitely NOT WORKING.

All that should need to change is ONE number in the firmware.

It should take mere minutes to resolve this issue and then this device goes from not even as good as a Fiio M3K, which used to cost less than half what you charge for the M1S back when they were still making them, to fantastic and unquestionably superior to all other modern DAP competition in this price range and below.

Instead this is a shameful unacceptable embarrassment and all because Shanling hasn't been able to get their own software devs to undo this device ruining self-inflicted wound for 6 YEARS.

Fiio fixed this in a couple of weeks, many years ago!

I love everything else about this device, but given it supports 1TB TF/micro SD cards, this issue should have been anticipated and resolved way, way back when it first came up, 6 years ago. I unequivocally appreciate Chinese craftsmanship and constant iterative improvements, and I want nothing more than to have that apply to this device. I really, really want to like your company, but to keep seeing that such a simple thing "can't be fixed" when it most certainly can, just tells me I can't trust the Shanling brand with my money ever again. My trust and faith in the Shanling brand has been destroyed unnecessarily.

The good news is that you all can easily restore my trust in the Shanling brand by getting real and resolving this 6 year ongoing issue.

Thank you for your time and attention. Have a good weekend and I continue to hope that you all will finally get through to the devs and get a solution for this issue post haste. If not, then I'll just spend my money elsewhere in the future and encourage others to do the same.

P.S. You understand that one angry customer, generally translates to 5-8 lost future customers due to bad word-of-mouth advertising? A happy customer usually only brings in 1-2 future customers.

That's why people that like to make money are hardcore focused in being responsive to customers, because losing 1 over angering nonsense is setting yourself back in sales growth by a factor of 3-4. Shanling has worked so hard, and spent so much R&D and sales money to build a strong, trusted, and respected brand, why are you allowing internal forces to ruin your sales growth?
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Apr 28, 2024 at 2:51 AM Post #930 of 949
I understand it's out of your hands personally, but there's no excuse for this limitation. I am spelling out exactly how easy this is to fix, and giving you arguments to take back to the dev team and superiors to get this nonsense issue resolved once and for all.

Your software devs are ruining your brand for absolutely no reason, since other devices running the weaker Ingenic X1000E chips don't have this limitation and your software dev team created the limitation in the first place.

There is no inherent 20,000 track limit - that was a software design choice and it is a choice easily modified. I assume that someone thought they could upsell more expensive Android DAP's without that limitation by just not supporting more than 20,000 tracks in the library for these MIPS architecture chips, but instead, this nonsense makes me distrust the Shanling brand and I do not want to ever buy more Shanling products, especially not at a higher price, because I don't trust that Shanling has the power or desire to make good changes for its customers. At best you have a rouge software dev team, who refuses to do simple and easy code work and regression testing and at worst Shanling has decided to tier their players in a foolsih way to encourage upselling which is definitely NOT WORKING.

All that should need to change is ONE number in the firmware.

It should take mere minutes to resolve this issue and then this device goes from not even as good as a Fiio M3K, which used to cost less than half what you charge for the M1S back when they were still making them, to fantastic and unquestionably superior to all other modern DAP competition in this price range and below.

Instead this is a shameful unacceptable embarrassment and all because Shanling hasn't been able to get their own software devs to undo this device ruining self-inflicted wound for 6 YEARS.

Fiio fixed this in a couple of weeks, many years ago!

I love everything else about this device, but given it supports 1TB TF/micro SD cards, this issue should have been anticipated and resolved way, way back when it first came up, 6 years ago. I unequivocally appreciate Chinese craftsmanship and constant iterative improvements, and I want nothing more than to have that apply to this device. I really, really want to like your company, but to keep seeing that such a simple thing "can't be fixed" when it most certainly can, just tells me I can't trust the Shanling brand with my money ever again. My trust and faith in the Shanling brand has been destroyed unnecessarily.

The good news is that you all can easily restore my trust in the Shanling brand by getting real and resolving this 6 year ongoing issue.

Have a good weekend and I continue to hope that you all will finally get through to the devs and get a solution for this issue post haste.
Mate, I am software engineer for over 20 years, and let me tell you why it may be not easy to fix compared to other products

This device firmware is running in the space constraint by hardware architecture, and if database format and handling is dependent on this architecture - it can't be changed as a number in the code. Whole database structure and it's usage may be principally dependant on architecture limitations coming from the chipset and it's software instrumentation kits.

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