Simgot IEM discussion thread.
Feb 17, 2024 at 9:37 AM Post #256 of 401
Or the people who praise the LM don't have much to compare with? Really curious.
A bit off the mark there, I'd say - if you look around the web, it's being praised by people who have dozens to hundreds of IEMs (and reviewers, etc.)... which of course absolutely doesn't mean you have to like it, and as you said, it could be that you have fit problems also.

Anyway, that's what these threads are for, open discussions and sentiment, we don't all like the same things and that's perfectly expected.
Feb 17, 2024 at 10:42 PM Post #258 of 401
A bit off the mark there, I'd say - if you look around the web, it's being praised by people who have dozens to hundreds of IEMs (and reviewers, etc.)... which of course absolutely doesn't mean you have to like it, and as you said, it could be that you have fit problems also.

Anyway, that's what these threads are for, open discussions and sentiment, we don't all like the same things and that's perfectly expected.
Well, I do have 150+ IEMs with quite a few higher end ones, so I don't think I'm short on what I can compare it with. I just don't find it good, even comparing it to something like the Kiwi Ears Cadenza or Zero:frowning2:Red|Blue) I just don't find the LM good, its low end is really really bad.

Since I have been for a long time in this hobby I also learned than reviews without explicitly disclosed financial involvements are generally paid. Some smaller reviewers will only do positive reviews because they want to grow and criticism will exclude them from getting review units or free stuff altogether - it's the reality.

Leaving aside the fit issue, which it could make a good set slightly worse but not entirely craptastic, I just think most people either:

1. Don't have the set
2. Have the set but compare it with even worse ones
3. ???

The hype around this set and Simgot in general is sus, it doesn't pass the smell test.
Feb 18, 2024 at 5:02 AM Post #259 of 401
How would you compare it against the Hype 4?
The Hype 4 is tonally more neutral unless you count the low-end. Personally in the Hype line I find the low end too much but I get where Thieaudio were going with the tuning. In terms bass quality the EA500LM are uncomfortably close to the Hype 4.

The EA1000 is a clear step above the EA500LM in regard to bass quality. The same-class contenders like Aria 2 and May are left in the dust.

Disclaimer: I am a reviewer and got most of these IEMs for free. The EA1000 I bought after hearing the EA500LM. The freebies are from Shenzhen Audio and Linsoul. I've written pretty negative reviews for products from both of these vendors and neither stopped offering products for review. It's really the rabid fans that would give me more trouble because I've bashed their darling.
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Feb 18, 2024 at 7:24 AM Post #260 of 401
Well, I do have 150+ IEMs with quite a few higher end ones, so I don't think I'm short on what I can compare it with. I just don't find it good, even comparing it to something like the Kiwi Ears Cadenza or Zero:frowning2:Red|Blue) I just don't find the LM good, its low end is really really bad.

Since I have been for a long time in this hobby I also learned than reviews without explicitly disclosed financial involvements are generally paid. Some smaller reviewers will only do positive reviews because they want to grow and criticism will exclude them from getting review units or free stuff altogether - it's the reality.

Leaving aside the fit issue, which it could make a good set slightly worse but not entirely craptastic, I just think most people either:

1. Don't have the set
2. Have the set but compare it with even worse ones
3. ???

The hype around this set and Simgot in general is sus, it doesn't pass the smell test.
See, I would have taken you more seriously had you actually stated your opinion based on your own preferences or comparisons, but instead:

1) You imply that reviewers are not trustworthy because they have vested interest in freebies, which:

a) Isn't the case for bigger or even some smaller reviewers, plenty of whom did genuinely like these IEMs if you Google around
b) Applies to all IEMs being reviewed from all companies in that case, rendering all reviews moot objectivity-wise

2) Anyone not a reviewer who likes the set is implied to like it "because they have nothing better to compare it to" which again, implies that you're stating some nonexistent "objective truth" instead of simply your own preferences as a reference framework (which is what it actually is)

3) And then proceed to throw shade on a manufacturer entirely, after 1) and 2)

What doesn't pass the smell test to me is logic like yours above. Not at all. And if I didn't know any better I'd say you yourself have some sort of vested interest here.

I totally get when someone doesn't like a set - any set - but when someone starts with general genuine distaste/dislike for an IEM (valid since it's a subjective hobby and depends on preference/anatomy), follows that up implying anyone saying otherwise either doesn't know what they're talking about compared to you or doesn't even have it (not valid, your take is not any more objective than anyone else's), and finally says that general hype is somehow suspicious (meaning all of us randoms here from a bunch of countries all over the world, and all the dozens of reviewers who did like something, are all magically corrupt) - now at that point I think you've said more about yourself and your own interests or leanings than anything else.
Feb 18, 2024 at 7:55 AM Post #261 of 401
See, I would have taken you more seriously had you actually stated your opinion based on your own preferences or comparisons, but instead:

1) You imply that reviewers are not trustworthy because they have vested interest in freebies, which:

a) Isn't the case for bigger or even some smaller reviewers, plenty of whom did genuinely like these IEMs if you Google around
b) Applies to all IEMs being reviewed from all companies in that case, rendering all reviews moot objectivity-wise

2) Anyone not a reviewer who likes the set is implied to like it "because they have nothing better to compare it to" which again, implies that you're stating some nonexistent "objective truth" instead of simply your own preferences as a reference framework (which is what it actually is)

3) And then proceed to throw shade on a manufacturer entirely, after 1) and 2)

What doesn't pass the smell test to me is logic like yours above. Not at all. And if I didn't know any better I'd say you yourself have some sort of vested interest here.

I totally get when someone doesn't like a set - any set - but when someone starts with general genuine distaste/dislike for an IEM (valid since it's a subjective hobby and depends on preference/anatomy), follows that up implying anyone saying otherwise either doesn't know what they're talking about compared to you or doesn't even have it (not valid, your take is not any more objective than anyone else's), and finally says that general hype is somehow suspicious (meaning all of us randoms here from a bunch of countries all over the world, and all the dozens of reviewers who did like something, are all magically corrupt) - now at that point I think you've said more about yourself and your own interests or leanings than anything else.
Feb 18, 2024 at 10:43 AM Post #262 of 401
I mean, I respect your view but it sounds like a faulty unit. Of course, the EA500LM can't sit by flagships but I can't imagine their bass being perceived as downright bad.
Feb 18, 2024 at 10:56 AM Post #263 of 401
Well, I do have 150+ IEMs with quite a few higher end ones, so I don't think I'm short on what I can compare it with. I just don't find it good, even comparing it to something like the Kiwi Ears Cadenza or Zero:frowning2:Red|Blue) I just don't find the LM good, its low end is really really bad.

The Zero Red has objectively less bass than the 500LM does - look at the measurements. So if you think that the 500LM has "no bass", but apparently you find nothing wrong with the Zero Red, then that should tell you that there is something wrong with either your set, the fit, or your ears.

The fact that you are immediately jumping to "this is fishy, Simgot must be paying everyone to say good things" instead of even entertaining the possibility that maybe you just got a defective unit is what is actually fishy here.
Feb 19, 2024 at 4:23 AM Post #264 of 401
The Zero Red has objectively less bass than the 500LM does - look at the measurements. So if you think that the 500LM has "no bass", but apparently you find nothing wrong with the Zero Red, then that should tell you that there is something wrong with either your set, the fit, or your ears.

The fact that you are immediately jumping to "this is fishy, Simgot must be paying everyone to say good things" instead of even entertaining the possibility that maybe you just got a defective unit is what is actually fishy here.
It's about the perceived bass but I will measure it because I do have a coupler.

And I did not jump to any conclusion I just stated that the hype is sus. Which it is.
Feb 19, 2024 at 5:09 AM Post #265 of 401
I mean, I respect your view but it sounds like a faulty unit. Of course, the EA500LM can't sit by flagships but I can't imagine their bass being perceived as downright bad.
My first hypothesis was stated as being the shallow fit. It's disappointing people get offended so easily just because it's something they like or hype.
Feb 19, 2024 at 5:44 AM Post #266 of 401
My first hypothesis was stated as being the shallow fit. It's disappointing people get offended so easily just because it's something they like or hype.
I reckon you've got a 'pup'. The bass on the EA500LM is pretty good....but 'unit variation' is always a possibility. I've got a lot of IEMs and very occasionally get one that although looking perfect, definitely doesn't sound perfect. It is hard to initiate a return when you have got a duff sounding IEM. I had it a couple of times with UK firm IMR and they exchanged the units. I doubt if a Chinese company would say if it sounds crap 'we'lI exchange it'. I would say that my copy of the EA500 has unmistakably good and audible bass.
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Feb 19, 2024 at 7:18 AM Post #267 of 401
I reckon you've got a 'pup'. The bass on the EA500LM is pretty good....but 'unit variation' is always a possibility. I've got a lot of IEMs and very occasionally get one that although looking perfect, definitely doesn't sound perfect. It is hard to initiate a return when you have got a duff sounding IEM. I had it a couple of times with UK firm IMR and they exchanged the units. I doubt if a Chinese company would say if it sounds crap 'we'lI exchange it'. I would say that my copy of the EA500 has unmistakably good and audible bass.
It's possible.

I'll measure them when I'll have a bit of time, it they measure ok then it must be my ears.
Feb 19, 2024 at 8:19 AM Post #268 of 401
Nope, not a basshead at all, on the contrary, I love my Diva, my Nan-nas and my Variations and I think my Monarch mk3 has a bit too much bass, and the mk3 is not a basshead IEM.

As I said, I think the shallow fit ruins the EA500LM for me, the treble is very nice but the lows are just bad.
Or the people who praise the LM don't have much to compare with? Really curious.
You're not alone. While I don't think the EA500 LM bass is "bad," it's a bit bloated and uncontrolled compared to something like the Galileo. Granted, that set doesn't have the greatest bass extension, but the EA500 LM had too much bass for me.

I can't believe the Galileo and the EA500 LM graph fairly similarly -- at least in some squigs -- for bass and sub-bass. Looks are deceiving: They couldn't sound more different in the low end. The EA500 LM is bass for miles, while the Galileo is more pinpoint but far less prominent.

The EA500 LM is a nice set with fun, very energetic tuning. But it's not for me. I'm more into tone and timbre than having everything thrown in my face, and that's what the EA500 LM did to me. It provided more of an exhibition of excellent individual technicalities -- especially for the price -- than a cohesive, musical signature for me.

Not a subtle set at all, but there's nothing wrong with that!
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Feb 19, 2024 at 11:37 AM Post #269 of 401
Nope, not a basshead at all, on the contrary, I love my Diva, my Nan-nas and my Variations and I think my Monarch mk3 has a bit too much bass, and the mk3 is not a basshead IEM.

As I said, I think the shallow fit ruins the EA500LM for me, the treble is very nice but the lows are just bad.
Or the people who praise the LM don't have much to compare with? Really curious.
I don't have EA500LM but I have the EA1000. I like my EA1000 over Variations and MK2. Bass on the EA1000 is just right for me and the passive radiator seems to add something extra that I don't get from other IEMs. Wasn't impressed by the Hype 4 and straight up hated the Pula PA02 that some reviewers have been hyping. I don't think I'll get the EA500LM since it seems to be catered towards a warmer sound which I just don't like.
Feb 19, 2024 at 5:39 PM Post #270 of 401
My first hypothesis was stated as being the shallow fit. It's disappointing people get offended so easily just because it's something they like or hype.
Yeah, ring'em out if you have a rig. Sloppy bass should show right up easily.

P.S. You have checked whether the nozzles are screwed on tight?

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