T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic
Nov 12, 2023 at 3:01 PM Post #3,093 of 3,324
I just want to add that Solitaire P sounds great with Violectric v340 and v550. Fantastic pairing :)
If the Vio 340/550 is still available to you, try adjusting the gain so that a comfortable volume level is at the maximum (or close to maximum) position of the volume control. The music will sparkle with new colors. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Nov 14, 2023 at 3:36 AM Post #3,094 of 3,324
If the Vio 340/550 is still available to you, try adjusting the gain so that a comfortable volume level is at the maximum (or close to maximum) position of the volume control. The music will sparkle with new colors. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Unfortunately not at this moment but it will be in 3 weeks when I buy it :p then I will be able to check it out :wink:
Nov 14, 2023 at 5:59 PM Post #3,095 of 3,324
As a v550 user I’m also trying to find out if the Sol P—my next target—could be driven close to its maximum capacity on this amp which some opinions say match better with dynamic headphones (I’m currently enjoying it with my HD800 and really find any reason to upgrade from there). So I would really appreciate it if you can share a bit more. Thanks!
Nov 14, 2023 at 6:11 PM Post #3,096 of 3,324
As a v550 user I’m also trying to find out if the Sol P—my next target—could be driven close to its maximum capacity on this amp which some opinions say match better with dynamic headphones (I’m currently enjoying it with my HD800 and really find any reason to upgrade from there). So I would really appreciate it if you can share a bit more. Thanks!
For me it can :) it was great match. Really enjoy it. It add what I was missing in Solitaire P. A little more sparkle on top. Comparing to v340, v550 has better control in mid and adds something special on top which makes Solitaire sound even bigger in soundstage and adds even more precision in imaging. On other hand V340 have more control in low end which makes SolP sound even stroneger in the bass and give is a little more density in this regard. But to be honest I don’t think SolP need this because low end is great in stock form in my opinion :)
Nov 14, 2023 at 8:25 PM Post #3,097 of 3,324
For me it can :) it was great match. Really enjoy it. It add what I was missing in Solitaire P. A little more sparkle on top. Comparing to v340, v550 has better control in mid and adds something special on top which makes Solitaire sound even bigger in soundstage and adds even more precision in imaging. On other hand V340 have more control in low end which makes SolP sound even stroneger in the bass and give is a little more density in this regard. But to be honest I don’t think SolP need this because low end is great in stock form in my opinion :)
That’s great news for me and thank you so much for your detailed feedback! I’ve been looking for the best classical-centered headphone system within my affordable price range, and the thirsty 1266 and Sus just open another can of worms regarding proper amplification which I simply cannot handle. It sounds like Sol P with a reputation to be the ultimate hp for classical does not create that problem or at least not as much, and hopefully i can get my hands on it one day!
Nov 14, 2023 at 10:06 PM Post #3,098 of 3,324
I see. Was hoping to share HQP settings notes but no worries. Thank you.
haven't had time to figure out HQP yet. Had it working previously but didn't really use it since the dsd performance on HA200 was good enough to keep me off the idea
Nov 15, 2023 at 6:27 AM Post #3,099 of 3,324
That’s great news for me and thank you so much for your detailed feedback! I’ve been looking for the best classical-centered headphone system within my affordable price range, and the thirsty 1266 and Sus just open another can of worms regarding proper amplification which I simply cannot handle. It sounds like Sol P with a reputation to be the ultimate hp for classical does not create that problem or at least not as much, and hopefully i can get my hands on it one day!
Sorry but I forgot about one thing. I have tested v550 Pro… My bad. Don’t know if it will be so much different than normal v550. But I think You can’t go wrong with Violectric. It is such great gear. I have tested v222, v340, v550 Pro, v590 Pro, Nimbus us5 Pro and only v222 was disappointing and would pick smsl 400 over it. But other than that, every model was just out of this world. Nimbus us5 pro with D8000 Pro was outstanding. Best pairing so far. Couldn’t test it with Solitaire P but I think it would made same fantastic impression.

Regarding Solitaire P I would say v550 and v590 Pro (as far as I know it has the same amp section as v550 pro) made the best companion for it :wink:
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Nov 15, 2023 at 7:55 PM Post #3,101 of 3,324
Sorry but I forgot about one thing. I have tested v550 Pro… My bad. Don’t know if it will be so much different than normal v550. But I think You can’t go wrong with Violectric. It is such great gear. I have tested v222, v340, v550 Pro, v590 Pro, Nimbus us5 Pro and only v222 was disappointing and would pick smsl 400 over it. But other than that, every model was just out of this world. Nimbus us5 pro with D8000 Pro was outstanding. Best pairing so far. Couldn’t test it with Solitaire P but I think it would made same fantastic impression.

Regarding Solitaire P I would say v550 and v590 Pro (as far as I know it has the same amp section as v550 pro) made the best companion for it :wink:
I’m pretty certain that v550 and pro version don’t have that big of a difference if any apart from the discrete volume knob, and thanks again.
Dec 21, 2023 at 10:23 PM Post #3,105 of 3,324
Hi all,

I cannot find a specific P-SE discussion thread but I was wondering what type of sound signature they have? I am a big fan of the LCD 4 and I also have the Hifiman HE1000SE so I was wondering how the P-SE would compare as I am interested in buying a pair.

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