The discovery thread!
Jun 13, 2018 at 10:22 PM Post #36,691 of 104,180
Hifiboy already sent you a sample? they really should, seeing as how much you loved the OSV3 :L3000:

1k bux is reaching Andromeda level, so those better be quite good.
No, I don't have it but would certainly love to hear it. You're right though, for that price it had better be very, very good.

On another note, I had my first listen of the HIfi Boy Dream earbud last night and I was pretty impressed. Looking forward to more time with it tonight.
Jun 13, 2018 at 11:45 PM Post #36,692 of 104,180
With all this frustration going on and some people which receive(d) a dud HK6, I can tell you, I ordered them as well and they will arrive soon, but I'll probably have to send them back after all the reports about them just sounding off... Unwanted stuff happens and this is bad luck and if they sound off or if the QC is just really bad on these then the hype should genuinely stop so people don't order them hoping they'll sound amazing. I will definitely share some impressions once they arrive.

In any case, what I wanted to say is, if you're feeling a bit unhappy about Chi-Fi headphones lately, and I'm also sorry about your LZ-A5 @bhazard, give the QKZ VK1 a try if you like a neutral/natural sound signature with a very smooth but still detailed top end.

Again, I'm not giving recommendations lightly and I had a lot in In-Ears in the past so I do have some references and I can safely say that these punch waaay above their price, I'm talking about 10 times as much. I'm of course baffled myself, after I received them via mail yesterday my expectations weren't high, but I was also expecting them to sound OK for all the good ratings they have on Ali, but I didn't expect this at all.

Let me give you some short impressions after about 4-5 hours of listening:

The comfort on these is rather nice. If I push them in too deep, the case does push a bit on my ear, so I don't insert them as deep as possible, which is rather deep, but on its own not uncomfortable! They are very lightweight and the design is rather ergonomic, nothing to complain about yet!

Impressive. The soundstage is rather wide and comparable to my IMR R1's which are about 29 times the price. I have to give them more time in my ear to further judge this though!

Tight, detailed, not overbearing at all and it sits along the midrange in terms of quantity. I wouldn't say they lack bass or sub-bass at all but compared to the bigger drivers of the IMR R1's they provide a bit less sub-bass to my ears, although they may sound even a tad more natural down low. The bass is satisfying and it has a very quick decay which I attribute to the graphene drivers used. If you're a basshead, you might either want to EQ them a bit or maybe look elsewhere.

I was very surprised by the mids these provide. They are, to my ears, a bit V-Shaped but the midrange shines through without getting colored too much. I would say I prefer the midrange of the IMR R1's since they just sound a bit clearer, but this may also be because the R1's have, to my ears, a bit of boosted top-end. Overall, I really like the mids. You hear a lot of detail in them and you would never ever expect this from a 17€ headphone.

Maybe my favorite aspect about them is that they sound rather smooth and don't boost the highs, at least not to any extend that it would cause any fatigue. I'd say I prefer this smoothness in the top-end over the IMR R1's insanely clear treble, at times at least, because especially at work I don't any headphones which drain me through grinding highs. Even though the top-end is smooth, I wouldn't call it recessed at all and there is still a lot of detail.

Microdetail is impressive. Again, very impressive for 17€ headphones, actually unbelievable considering the price. I also attribute this to the graphene driver which probably offers a rather distortion-free sound which lets a lot of details come through.

To sum it up, they are great. The build quality is good, although I would improve the connector since it is a bit loose and this might become a problem if being used daily, maybe! I cannot say anything about them regarding long term usage. Also, I think they sound as good because the driver is something special. They call it "Helmholtz resonating double cavity" and it has 2 graphene drivers inside with "Magnetic flux close to 1 Tesla". Oh, and they received a High-Fi certificate as well as the German Red Dot Design Award, which is crazy a bit.

If you have a bit of money to spare and/or if you're looking for a bang for your buck iem or spare headphones in general, just give these a try. For 17€ they give you so much than you'd expect and a second pair is already on the way, just so I can gift them to a close friend and blow his mind! :)

Cheers guys!
Jun 14, 2018 at 5:38 AM Post #36,695 of 104,180
I will be returning them, and eating the shipping fee (which is fair).
I have not looked into the Hisenior and will take a looksees. Though to be fair the HK6 cost me $220 and the B8 would be $315.

Seeing as how you're interested in Hisenior, this might be another model that's worth a look. I was looking for the B5+ in taobao and stumbled across the official store. No B5+, but these caught my eyes:

a 1+6 Hybrid (1DD+6BA Knowles) for $110


Jun 14, 2018 at 6:22 AM Post #36,696 of 104,180
Very, very early impressions of the Hisenior B8 16BAs Universal Fit which just arrived at work!

Great mids. Very detailed and natural. The highs seem very present but still not to an extent that they would cause any sibilance so far. Bass, now, I was aware that BA's will always fall a bit behind in Bass reproduction compared to a DD, so Bass feels just a tad light so far. Does anyone know if this might improve with burn-in?

The fit is very nice, (but) rather shallow, so long-term comfort has to be determined still. These are the best isolating in-ears I've owned so far!

They sound very big, the mids stand out and I immediately like the sound signature a lot! Nothing really sounds off, but I'd love a bit more bass, again, maybe someone knows if this might still improve. Even if they don't become more bass heavy, the bass is very clean, quick and still present!
Jun 14, 2018 at 7:34 AM Post #36,697 of 104,180
Very, very early impressions of the Hisenior B8 16BAs Universal Fit which just arrived at work!

Great mids. Very detailed and natural. The highs seem very present but still not to an extent that they would cause any sibilance so far. Bass, now, I was aware that BA's will always fall a bit behind in Bass reproduction compared to a DD, so Bass feels just a tad light so far. Does anyone know if this might improve with burn-in?

The fit is very nice, (but) rather shallow, so long-term comfort has to be determined still. These are the best isolating in-ears I've owned so far!

They sound very big, the mids stand out and I immediately like the sound signature a lot! Nothing really sounds off, but I'd love a bit more bass, again, maybe someone knows if this might still improve. Even if they don't become more bass heavy, the bass is very clean, quick and still present!
Ha! New HiSenior customer, congratulations! :beerchug:

Had similar "paradigm" myself... everything is there in front of you: the clearest mids, effortlessly hyperdetailed yet unobtrusive highs and fast and present and seemingly flat lows and all that paired with excellent isolation... You like to listen to them, can not get it out of your ears, but still you crave for more bass...

Thing is, I've realized many IEMs later, those are monitors (not B8 but T12U in my case) - the most even frequency response of any headphone I've ever heard up till then. Even flatter than my Adam bookshelves. The bass is there just not in the amounts I've been used to and, shockingly, I've been fan of sliiight V shape all this time... :xf_eek:

So menuki - the bass will not "improve", but there is a chance that you will, ever so slightly alter, if not your sound preferences, at least your sound expectations. :ksc75smile: (or, alternatively, all what I've said is BS and I am bassless IEMs fan now)

...oh and - get yourself a quality single crystal litz cable for those... The provided ones are just so so... and those HiSeniors do scale and reveal as motherf***ers (pardon all my french from this post).
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Jun 14, 2018 at 8:20 AM Post #36,698 of 104,180
Ha! New HiSenior customer, congratulations! :beerchug:

Had similar "paradigm" myself... everything is there in front of you: the clearest mids, effortlessly hyperdetailed yet unobtrusive highs and fast and present and seemingly flat lows and all that paired with excellent isolation... You like to listen to them, can not get it out of your ears, but still you crave for more bass...

Thing is, I've realized many IEMs later, those are monitors (not B8 but T12U in my case) - the most even frequency response of any headphone I've ever heard up till then. Even flatter than my Adam bookshelves. The bass is there just not in the amounts I've been used to and, shockingly, I've been fan of sliiight V shape all this time... :xf_eek:

So menuki - the bass will not "improve", but there is a chance that you will, ever so slightly alter, if not your sound preferences, at least your sound expectations. :ksc75smile: (or, alternatively, all what I've said is BS and I am bassless IEMs fan now)

...oh and - get yourself a quality single crystal litz cable for those... The provided ones are just so so... and those HiSeniors do scale and reveal as motherf***ers (pardon all my french from this post).

Thank you for your reply! :)

I'm actually a bit disappointed. First off, I cannot really return since I would have to eat the 45$ shipping fee which was free when they delivered them, they state that they are more or less "custom" made when ordered, so a further 50$ "exchange" fee, and Gareth stated, that the T8 is actually a lot better.

Now, I was dearly under the impression that the B8 would be the same as the T8, since both have 16 drivers, just that the B8 would be an UIEM, but they are not the same. He even told me the bass is better on the T8 as well and has more quantity, but now I don't really have a chance to exchange them or return the B8's.

Guess I'll probably sell them or get used to the bass-light signature. Hmmmm.

Also, which Hisenior(s) do you own exactly?
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Jun 14, 2018 at 12:03 PM Post #36,699 of 104,180
I feel more crazy by this day with this hobby, but I'll probably sell the Hisenior B8 and get the T8, which are about 200$ more expensive. The T8 supposedly has better bass and more quantity. The bass on the B8 is already very good in terms of quality, but the quanity misses the last 10%, although I get used to the bass quantity more and more, and it's at times easy to forget/forgive since the mids and highs are very, very good.

Still, the T8 seem to have the better BAs in every category beside Treble, they use the same Treble BAs in both.
Jun 14, 2018 at 12:13 PM Post #36,700 of 104,180
I have the Hisenior B5+ and it took a lot of tip trying to get the sound just right. I ended up with a large shallow silicone tip and got the seal that gives me bass
Jun 14, 2018 at 12:49 PM Post #36,701 of 104,180
...I was dearly under the impression that the B8 would be the same as the T8, since both have 16 drivers, just that the B8 would be an UIEM, but they are not the same...
No, not the same... as I understand it - their B series are "production line" products, while their T series are custom built... T series have no "Knowles sound filters" for sound adjustment - just bespoke matching and tuning. I wanted UIEMs too, and you can order "Universal" version of their T series (hence the "U" in T12U version of T12)
...Guess I'll probably sell them or get used to the bass-light signature. Hmmmm...
Sorry to hear that, and, of course, by any means do what you fancy the most, but I can tell you that I had similar (but perhaps lower in intensity) anticlimax from the very start...

Because my T12U were so d*mn expensive I was expecting the mother of WOW effects along with stone2bread and water2wine features. Yet it wasn't so. I could feel from the start they had PhD in technicalities and were faster than my orthos, but this, then strange to me, flat response was just odd to my listening preferences. Still, I was actively listening to them a week or so, and it eventually happened: all other IEMs started sounding artificial to me... be it overboosted or nonarticulated bass, unintelligible or nasal vocals, sibilant or harsh highs... you name it. I started going back to T12U to "hear it proper".

So my advice would be - give them a chance. HiSeniors might not slot into your "fun" bracket, but they just might became your reference.
Jun 14, 2018 at 12:51 PM Post #36,702 of 104,180

New 3Ba NiceHCK DT300. Will give these a go soon.

I got home today from a 5K mile drive. Driving around the great lakes and around the NE part of the US and Canada. Gives you some perspective just how big the US/Canada really is.

With over 30,000 insects and one bird kill later I arrived at home safely. Was glad to have my music with me on the long drive. Gotta get caught up.
Jun 14, 2018 at 1:17 PM Post #36,703 of 104,180
So my advice would be - give them a chance. HiSeniors might not slot into your "fun" bracket, but they just might became your reference.

Oh you know it friend, I have already ordered the T8+ with a better vocal driver and I cannot wait to see the light blue custom color in action! Also, no logo so I can all these sweet BAbies in there. See what I did there.

Anywho, it is easy to justify getting them since I also produce music, and some nice reference in ears cannot hurt..
Jun 14, 2018 at 1:21 PM Post #36,704 of 104,180
I have the Hisenior B5+ and it took a lot of tip trying to get the sound just right. I ended up with a large shallow silicone tip and got the seal that gives me bass
I alternate between:
  • wide and shallow double flanges (better staging?)
  • narrower (slightly deeper insertion) tri-flanges or spinFit CP240 bi-flanges (even more clarity?)
In both cases - really, really good isolation.
Jun 14, 2018 at 2:20 PM Post #36,705 of 104,180
Oh you know it friend, I have already ordered the T8+ with a better vocal driver and I cannot wait to see the light blue custom color in action! Also, no logo so I can all these sweet BAbies in there. See what I did there.

Anywho, it is easy to justify getting them since I also produce music, and some nice reference in ears cannot hurt..
Ha, ha, ha... I admire your distinguished HeadFi panache. :ksc75smile:

To be honest - my initial order was T8U, but audio-greed and double twin 33AP Sonion curiosity made me upgrade my order to T12U... therefore I can relate in a way with your latest impulse. :beerchug:

Remember - it is most probable that your T8 will better your B8, but it is also likely that you would still not be wowed at first listen. Just do not hate them when they reveal that your most beloved "fun" IEM was shamelessly cheating on you from the start.
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