The Official 64 Audio Thread | apex & tia Technologies
Nov 22, 2016 at 8:39 PM Post #16 of 24,489
Driver count champs, haha. But I'd love to read about how they sound. Happy A12 owner here.
Nov 22, 2016 at 8:45 PM Post #17 of 24,489
The samples that I am receiving are not the final finish, so I won't really be taking photos, that won't be the focus.

However, 64 Audio has noted that the shells will be SMALLER than the U12's shells, and that they will be fully milled metal shells.

What I will do is to post comparisons with the U10 and U12 as well :)
Nov 22, 2016 at 9:42 PM Post #19 of 24,489
Hey Chris has the tuning changed for the 2 new models since I auditioned them at RMAF. Will the Tia Forte be available as a custom sometime next year? Thanks!

Hey DWbirdseye!  Tuning hasn't changed at all from what we had at RMAF.  We did make some slight aesthetic changes to the housings for the Fourté and decided to go all-aluminum with the U18 instead of our current U-Series acrylic shells.  We have been prototyping the Fourté as customs for several of us but are not yet ready to offer custom-fit tubeless models to the masses... but so far it's very promising and I think we'll start to offer them in the not-so-distant future.  Stay tuned.
  Since this pair is so new with no review in sight, what is the return policy for universal and how does anyone choose between the U18 or the Tia Forte without even knowing how they sound?  And when are they available for delivery?

Jalo, I don't know much about our return policy but can get some clarification from our sales team and let you know.  We are pushing for a mid-January delivery date for the first U18 and Fourté models (due to the lead time for machined aluminum shells)... but will be able to start shipping the custom-fit A18 sooner as we 3D print the shells in-house.  Also, we're gearing up to start providing demo pairs of the A18 for dealers around the world.
  +1 Looking forward to it. Do you have a U12 that you can do size comparison with?


Nov 22, 2016 at 11:21 PM Post #21 of 24,489
Nov 22, 2016 at 11:27 PM Post #23 of 24,489
I think you made a mistake, it is 20% off the upgrade cost

Thanks, got too caught up there. Post amended to avoid confusion. 
Nov 23, 2016 at 3:02 AM Post #25 of 24,489
Well this is certainly fascinating.

I'll definitely like to hear more about this.

The Tia Fourte and U18 seemed pretty promising despite the price but I'll definitely try and find a way to see if I can audition them somehow.

It kinda sucks that E1 Malaysia has no means to get even a pair of either one of the two to audition due to the price... :frowning2:

Impression write up should be pretty frequent in here soon from the looks of things.

Cheers for 64 Audio.
Nov 23, 2016 at 3:47 AM Post #26 of 24,489
According to the description of U18/A18 on the 64 Audio website:

Does it mean, these are 'the most reference sounding' pair of the whole 64 Audio lineup?
It is very hard to judge or pick up any of the IEMs, especially that high priced, without even knowing what is their frequency response - sound signature.
Is it possible to post some measurements for U12 / U18 / Fourté - to see the comparison?
All the reviewers does tremendous job, but it is still the 'guess' work, unless someone post the real measurements of all those models, measured at least with the same device.
Will really appreciate some professional plots of the frequency response directly form the manufacturer.
"incredibly tight low end, super transparent mids, remarkable high-frequency extension" - don't get me wrong, but this is a joke as the description for $3.000 product :)
Thanks a lot!
Nov 23, 2016 at 3:56 AM Post #27 of 24,489
This question came up a while back on the 64Audio ADEL IEMs thread and, a representative from 64Audio stated that they are not at the liberty of publishing the FR measurements of their IEMs due to company policy. But reviewers can do so. May be if Tyll at is interested, he can request 64Audio to loan the 2 IEMs for testing and measurements.
Nov 23, 2016 at 4:36 AM Post #29 of 24,489
According to the description of U18/A18 on the 64 Audio website:

Does it mean, these are 'the most reference sounding' pair of the whole 64 Audio lineup?
It is very hard to judge or pick up any of the IEMs, especially that high priced, without even knowing what is their frequency response - sound signature.

Is it possible to post some measurements for U12 / U18 / Fourté - to see the comparison?

All the reviewers does tremendous job, but it is still the 'guess' work, unless someone post the real measurements of all those models, measured at least with the same device.

Will really appreciate some professional plots of the frequency response directly form the manufacturer.

"incredibly tight low end, super transparent mids, remarkable high-frequency extension" - don't get me wrong, but this is a joke as the description for $3.000 product :)

Thanks a lot!

Well I don't mean to pick a fight but I don't really see how else you would like them to describe it. Unfortunately, I wouldn't expect a company to give a detailed review of their product's sound and it is very much in line with the industry standard.

However, your concerns are duly noted and that's why they are sending out review samples as best as they can, that's why I'm working with them on such a tight timeline to try to bring these impressions to you guys.

With regards to frequency response, there is a reason they don't publish them. The FR curve cannot be viewed in isolation, as every measurement rig is different, every calibration is different. They do not publish curves because really most of the time we don't know how they're compensated, what neutral means in this particular setting and what Not. Instead if reviewers post measurements in relation to other measurements, then yes it means something.

Hope that answers your questions! In short, I'llbe doing my very best to answer any queries you Guys have with regards to the sound, and the guys at 64 are more than happy to share about this as well if you ask them. Cheers!
Nov 23, 2016 at 4:44 AM Post #30 of 24,489

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