The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Mar 30, 2024 at 3:32 PM Post #84,991 of 90,539

Today I started hunting down great head-fi gear dealers in the Netherlands after being spoiled in (South) Eastern Asia in the past few years. First stop was Sound Kitchen in Rotterdam who, as luck would have it, just started selling Noble IEMs - so fresh it's not even on their website. More about that later as I started with an in-depth demo of Volür. If I recall correctly Sound Kitchen was the first shop introducing the concept of combining top notch head-fi gear with specialty coffees about 7 years ago.


Second listen after @MatW introduced them to me last weekend at our Watercooler Europe Meetup. My impressions over just 3 half songs mimic my 1.5 hr in-depth demo exactly, except that I now listened using mX and m12 modules. As always I would have loved a module right in between these and for that reason it doesn't exist... :wink: Where I find mX makes it sound like U18t with bass but without the resolution, treble quality, and imaging, m12 makes it sound slightly too thick in the bass plus that it seems to suck the last bit of airiness out of it and makes the mids a bit veiled and 2 dimensional. I'm debating trying to lay my hands on Chiron to see if I can open up the stage, make it a bit tighter in the low end, a bit more dynamic, and improve treble quality. I'm slightly worried the resolution and tonal beauty is simply not there, so I'm mentally preparing myself for a longer wait than hoped for.

Really missed this one at our meetup being a recent Noble fanboy, and for good reasons: Onyx has exactly the right quality, tonality, and timbre for my bass and mids, great imaging, dynamics, PRaT, anything really, but it is BRIGHT!!! Even after Sultan I can't handle this and that's really an extreme pity. If only this was Ronin with DD bass timbre or simply Onyx with Ronin treble it would have been an instant buy. But using PAW6000 and August Fun (1960s 2-wire) I'm already on the very polite side of the spectrum so I won't be able to turn down the treble without cutting off my ears. What a pity... :frowning2:


Anyway, it was nice to find some serious gear like Acoustune and Earsonics (some of which they have heavily cut prices for so let me know if that's up your sleeve). I also spotted M30 and Mjölnir, but that's for another time.

Next round, Delft or Amsterdam.


Thanks for sharing! It looks great! I'm quite sad I haven't been able to visit them since they opened (which was in December 2022, btw). I know they put a lot of work into setting up this store and I think they did an amazing job. I'm quite envious of it actually, because I would have loved to set up a store like that myself. A great place to hang around with a lot of gear to try out. 👌
Mar 30, 2024 at 4:06 PM Post #84,993 of 90,539
I called it quits in November though after 10 years, 10 months, and 10 days on the road. Time to raise some hard cash, then throw it at the first hobby that comes up in my mind 😜

You have lived a lifetime compared to what I have done sitting in front of a desk for 30 years and only been to 5 countries for maybe a total of a few weeks.
Mar 30, 2024 at 4:10 PM Post #84,994 of 90,539
That guy shorted out my tw@t-o-meter a few weeks ago and I put him on ignore. Highly recommended!

In other news a beautiful spring morning…

I can see why you live where you do!
Mar 30, 2024 at 6:28 PM Post #84,996 of 90,539
Mar 30, 2024 at 6:38 PM Post #84,997 of 90,539
Mar 30, 2024 at 9:03 PM Post #84,999 of 90,539
5 months later, it's here!

Getting a listen now. Will post an update later.

Woo hoo! 🥳 Now comes the hard part, finding the perfect portable case! No forreals, the struggle is real.

Tonight I'll sleep with one eye open to see what's going on.

And find out I've been there watching you all along.

Mar 31, 2024 at 2:17 AM Post #85,000 of 90,539
Would you guys mind helping me with a small survey as to which eartips do you prefer (in sound quality)? I'm using Coreir Brass on Singularity and feel that male vocal isn't very deep and resonant. Despite of the perfect fit.
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Mar 31, 2024 at 2:45 AM Post #85,001 of 90,539
Would you guys mind helping me with a small survey as to which eartips do you prefer (in sound quality)? I'm using Coreir Brass on Singularity and feel that male vocal isn't very deep and resonant. Despite of the perfect fit.
I would go for the TRI clarion tips 🤙🔥
Mar 31, 2024 at 3:33 AM Post #85,002 of 90,539
Would you guys mind helping me with a small survey as to which eartips do you prefer (in sound quality)? I'm using Coreir Brass on Singularity and feel that male vocal isn't very deep and resonant. Despite of the perfect fit.
Final E tips supremacy. Sturdy, comfortable and cheap.
Mar 31, 2024 at 3:53 AM Post #85,004 of 90,539
Would you guys mind helping me with a small survey as to which eartips do you prefer (in sound quality)? I'm using Coreir Brass on Singularity and feel that male vocal isn't very deep and resonant. Despite of the perfect fit.

I'm mostly using Azla Sednaearfit MAX on most of my IEMs followed by the TRI Clarion tips.
I just started experiencing the Coreir Brass tips on my Trifecta yesterday. I have also a perfect fit but not the impression that male vocals are not resonant. To my ears it sounds like the treble is tamed in a nice way, not affecting bass and mids.
Mar 31, 2024 at 3:55 AM Post #85,005 of 90,539
Would you guys mind helping me with a small survey as to which eartips do you prefer (in sound quality)? I'm using Coreir Brass on Singularity and feel that male vocal isn't very deep and resonant. Despite of the perfect fit.
Subtonic tips (stock one with white rim); because of short nozzle also you can try Radius deep mount clear or Azla sednaearfit long regular

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