Nov 16, 2016 at 3:47 PM Post #7,787 of 24,683
I don't think you will be disappointed with the capabilities of the PM4 - clarity and resolution are definitely in the same ballpark as the P1, and the bass filters give it a more booming low end if needed. In the middle of some extended listening to some Campfire Audio iems to try and write them up so struggling to "change gears" and really dive into the sound signatures at the moment, but I can't imagine you being disappointed in a few days time!

Thats what I like to hear! Yea, the vyrus sounds great on its own, but switching back and forth between it and the P1 and the differences become apparent. So, on a more limited level (P1 is the highest end I own) I feel your pain about going back and forth and how hard it can be to really pick out the differences. But a similar performer to the P1 with the ability to tune the bass to my liking is exactly what I was hoping for when I ordered these. Now I just have to be patient since I am in the US and I would guess the earliest I will see them is Friday.
Nov 16, 2016 at 3:48 PM Post #7,788 of 24,683
Saw that post :) - nicely done - It takes a while though to create a review of any note / value. Absolute minimum of a week.
After all, people's desicions on whether or not purchase it could be effected.
I think this site is probably the only pace on the web that has [for the most part] a selection of experienced non-biased views
An accurate review of the sound is so important as well to help others get a generic image of what a headphone offers.
I almost wrote an iem off a while back after trying 20 or so different tips and still it sounded not great. Last resort I tried comply and they now sound fabulous !! o_0
You have to be careful with reviews to get it right and not to miss anything !

True somewhat but I've seen reviews that are initial impressions and then update that impression/review as time goes by. People like that as much as time spent with them also. Both are welcome. Neither are bad or wrong.
Nov 16, 2016 at 3:56 PM Post #7,790 of 24,683
im in dorset (uk) and got my PM4s today. Really likeing the gold filters right now.. Not sure if they are damped or not but christ on a bike bob.... How did you manage to make these sound so nice.

Listening to a bit of fleetwood mac, ub40 and paul simon and am very impressed. I would like a little more bass, but they sound fantastic.

I now have 'money for nothing' dire straights on and its very accurate and capable. The lows are very tight and punchy with enough meat that they dont get lost..

Oh, that's some quality music you've got going on there! I'd love to hear 'Telegraph Road' on the PM4's!

Nov 16, 2016 at 3:56 PM Post #7,791 of 24,683
Ditto here for ideas how I they measure up in sound. Got to listen to the FLC8s some time ago, thought it was OK. I live in Canada so not sure when I get them...
Nov 16, 2016 at 4:00 PM Post #7,792 of 24,683
 Now I just have to be patient since I am in the US and I would guess the earliest I will see them is Friday.

When I got my "back up" set of Technes shipped out from Alabama late last month, I received an email with the priority mail tracking number.  Given today is Wednesday afternoon and no emails yet I'd say Friday is out of the question.   A safer bet is sometime before Thanksgiving.  We'll see.....
Nov 16, 2016 at 4:05 PM Post #7,793 of 24,683
  When I got my "back up" set of Technes shipped out from Alabama, I received an email with the priority mail tracking number.  Given today is Wednesday afternoon and no emails yet I'd say Friday is out of the question.   A safer bet is sometime before Thanksgiving.  We'll see.....

True, I got a tracking number from them as well when I ordered my vyrus' but Bob did say the Alabama shipper was sending them out Monday and Tuesday and that shipping was the priority and getting tracking info out to customers was less of a priority.
Either way, if they come next week, so be it, hell, if even they dont make it until the week after (or later), I'll survive. I think I have just been reading this thread too much and watching everyone start to get theirs has just made me anticipate getting mine even more.
Nov 16, 2016 at 4:10 PM Post #7,794 of 24,683
Oh, that's some quality music you've got going on there! I'd love to hear 'Telegraph Road' on the PM4's! :beerchug: :beerchug:

Im supprise. I get mocked for my music taste.. Although i am 30! :D.

Anyway 'telegraph road' is quite enlightening to listen to. The guitar and piano sounds passionate with seperation between both but without one being behind the other.
Pauls voice is very central to other instruments.
The piano has a certain sparkle the drives over the guitar solo.. Without the guitar being left in the back stage.
The drum is a little further back than i would like with some of the deeper notes not quite having as much inpact as i would like. But the lower mids from the bass are warm and full.

Maybe its the gold filters are allowing a little more trebble through as wheb i switch to 'down with the sickness' from disturbed... There is plenty of mids but the lower mids and bass is lacking, especially with the intro on the drums
Nov 16, 2016 at 4:12 PM Post #7,795 of 24,683
 Bob did say the Alabama shipper was sending them out Monday and Tuesday and that shipping was the priority and getting tracking info out to customers was less of a priority.  
Either way, if they come next week, so be it, hell, if even they dont make it until the week after (or later), I'll survive. I think I have just been reading this thread too much and watching everyone start to get theirs has just made me anticipate getting mine even more.

Ah... musta missed that bit about USA tracking numbers.  Mmmmm......  But like you, when ever they get here is fine.
Still curious about gold damped vs undamped PM4 filters from those who have received theirs.
Nov 16, 2016 at 4:18 PM Post #7,796 of 24,683
Im supprise. I get mocked for my music taste.. Although i am 30!

Anyway 'telegraph road' is quite enlightening to listen to. The guitar and piano sounds passionate with seperation between both but without one being behind the other.
Pauls voice is very central to other instruments.
The piano has a certain sparkle the drives over the guitar solo.. Without the guitar being left in the back stage.
The drum is a little further back than i would like with some of the deeper notes not quite having as much inpact as i would like. But the lower mids from the bass are warm and full.

Maybe its the gold filters are allowing a little more trebble through as wheb i switch to 'down with the sickness' from disturbed... There is plenty of mids but the lower mids and bass is lacking, especially with the intro on the drums

You probably get mocked for listening to such music because of your age rather than the music itself lol
I don't care about music fashion. If something's good then it's good, regardless of whether it's considered cool or not.
The reverse sadly also applies. *cough* Justin Bieber *cough*

Nov 16, 2016 at 4:25 PM Post #7,797 of 24,683
  Ah... musta missed that bit about USA tracking numbers.  Mmmmm......  But like you, when ever they get here is fine.
Still curious about gold damped vs undamped PM4 filters from those who have received theirs.

Bob said the following yesterday morning (morning for me): As and when they get updated yes it will show on your account page. But tracking will only show for the US customers and those in the rest of the world that paid for the tracked service. Please note it won't be updated for everyone today and will take us a day or so to do them and many may receive them before we have finished updating.
And I think the tracking came directly from trinity, so it might just be that my hype levels are too high right now, but I know it might be later, and I wont be mad if it is. I know trinity is doing a bang up job getting these out.
Nov 16, 2016 at 4:26 PM Post #7,798 of 24,683
Saw that post
- nicely done - It takes a while though to create a review of any note / value. Absolute minimum of a week.
After all, people's desicions on whether or not purchase it could be effected.
I think this site is probably the only pace on the web that has [for the most part] a selection of experienced non-biased views
An accurate review of the sound is so important as well to help others get a generic image of what a headphone offers.
I almost wrote an iem off a while back after trying 20 or so different tips and still it sounded not great. Last resort I tried comply and they now sound fabulous !! o_0
You have to be careful with reviews to get it right and not to miss anything !

True somewhat but I've seen reviews that are initial impressions and then update that impression/review as time goes by. People like that as much as time spent with them also. Both are welcome. Neither are bad or wrong.

Interesting point. Makes me think it would be nice it there was a function put into the review section where you could edit in / add updates later - 3months / 6 months :)
When I 1st received the iBasso IT03's I tried with the twirly open bore tips & really didn't like how they sounded - Tried them again 300 hours later and they sound 
Im one of those who has experienced changes with certain IEM's after burn in so it could be said that it might potentially be slightly misleading to write about a sound signature out of the box
that changes later but, yes you make a good point and to be fair, its not common for huge changes after burn in
Nov 16, 2016 at 4:48 PM Post #7,799 of 24,683
The sound is just so clear and pure. Brings out incredible detail in the music.

I just fired Thunderstone's Land of Innocence through golds and it's truly remarkable how much extra detail is now apparent in many different genres of music.
Nov 16, 2016 at 4:50 PM Post #7,800 of 24,683
For those who have received them... finally, do the filters come in one or two lenghts? I know for PM6 there will be one size, between original short and long, but I don't remember what happened with PM4.

One length, somewhere inbetween the short and long filters of the Sabre, I believe.
Each filter comes in a damped or un-damped version.

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