Mar 27, 2017 at 5:03 PM Post #12,631 of 24,683
never said anything about paying out of pocket. I was referring to profit margin, in response to another poster's comment that Trinity major interest is in profit. I doubt that they are focused on profit, given how badly they screwed up about the deadlines and estimates.
This is not the very first delivery this company has handled. They have been making and delivering stuff for several years, the most recent being the PM4. This time they tried to handle too many products at the same time, PM6, Hunter, Atlas-Delta, Air and got overwhelmed. Thats what it is. I don't think it is anything suspicious.

I never said there is anything suspicious. I'm sure they are trying their best and were known for their great customer service when they first started.  
I have issues with the way they handle timelines and the current situation though. 
Last week when a few members here raised questions to Bob and asked if stuff is being shipped because no one here received anything? He called  them conspiracy theorists. Guess what? apparently there is a problem and they were right. While shipped was made to some no one UK or U.S posted anything. it's not clear based on their most recent communication if some orders were shipped to Alabama or no. Can you tell from their announcement? because I can't.  
When someone mentioned that no one here received anything Bob said he is surprised and will check with his shipping guys.  Then a week later some people get the most communication that UK and U.S. orders are delayed.
Much better to just be honest and tell customers what is going on, but this doesn't look to me as a slight delay because if it was it could have been easily excused by 95% of the people around here.  
Mar 27, 2017 at 5:25 PM Post #12,633 of 24,683
OK, let's not kid ourselves. Trinity is a business, not a charity. This offer was a mitigation with everyone who got upset. 
If you look around you can probably see how cheap some of the stuff is. They won't be offering anything to customers if it causes them to pay even more out of the pocket.  Btw shipping charges still apply and the products should be available in 8-12 weeks. So basically now people based on trust order more stuff and investing more money before anything was delivered because it's 50% off, a bargain! 
Sorry, but as a business owner myself I don't promise things that l cannot fulfill and most importantly keep things very transparent.   

It's nice that they're offering these discounts and whatnot, but at this current stage, I'm going to just sit tight and see what's what. I'd like to try that BT/DAC unit of theirs and could use that 50% on a gift for someone maybe, but that'll have to wait. When they're literally holding the product and saying "this could be YOU holding this product" and other people start seeing them in the mail, then come back and lemme know. At that point, I'll think about buying more things.
Mar 27, 2017 at 5:32 PM Post #12,634 of 24,683
I am in SoCal 
, so basically no luck. However I was wondering if anyone knows whether Trinity will have a booth at the CanJam. That may not be bad either.

according to their instagram they will be there, but i believe they said that about canjam in their own country and no showed...hate to say it but i wouldn't believe they'll be there until you're standing in front of them.
Mar 27, 2017 at 5:40 PM Post #12,635 of 24,683
  according to their instagram they will be there, but i believe they said that about canjam in their own country and no showed...hate to say it but i wouldn't believe they'll be there until you're standing in front of them.

Kind of a "believe it when I see it" sorta situation right now and it's not terribly difficult to wonder what happened if they don't show to this one; too busy sorting out launching 7 IEMs at the same time. As another user noted, hindsight is 20/20 and in hindsight, launching so many IEMs at the same time was not the best idea for such a small team.
Mar 27, 2017 at 5:43 PM Post #12,636 of 24,683
No point to talk about postage until bob shows up here and says everything has been posted which will be in a few days weeks because it's delayed. Or when iems start magically appearing. Only got our hopes up and people feel lied broken promises, some kind of production issues nothing can be done we can only wait a few weeks days for bob magically appear and say all was dispatched last year. Postman doesn't like you and kept it.
Mar 27, 2017 at 6:01 PM Post #12,637 of 24,683
I never said there is anything suspicious. I'm sure they are trying their best and were known for their great customer service when they first started.  

So basically now people based on trust order more stuff and investing more money before anything was delivered because it's 50% off, a bargain!

I was referring to this comment of yours. You said 'based on trust', which can mean a lot of things. I think the only trust issue with Trinity is regarding deadlines. I don't distrust them for a moment about whether I will get my IEMs or not. If people are willing to wait, the 50% discount is quite attractive. Of course, from the recent lessons, nobody will order any preorder item from Trinity if they need it by certain date.
Bob reacting to conspiracy theories:
If you are referring to this post (post #12262), I can't blame him too much for saying what he did. I may have missed something else that you are referring to.
Mar 27, 2017 at 6:14 PM Post #12,638 of 24,683
Bob reacting to conspiracy theories:
If you are referring to this post (post #12262), I can't blame him too much for saying what he did. I may have missed something else that you are referring to.

try this post
he basically says IEM's have been shipping and says to calm down on the conspiracy theories regarding people being concerned nothing had shipped yet, despite telling us shipping started 2+ weeks prior.
does anyone here actually believe a single IEM was shipped prior to last or this week?
Mar 27, 2017 at 6:27 PM Post #12,639 of 24,683
Alright yout have fun, I'm unsubscribing tired of these lies and no updates
Mar 27, 2017 at 6:41 PM Post #12,640 of 24,683
OK, let's not kid ourselves. Trinity is a business, not a charity. This offer was a mitigation with everyone who got upset. 
So basically now people based on trust order more stuff and investing more money before anything was delivered because it's 50% off, a bargain! 
Sorry, but as a business owner myself I don't promise things that l cannot fulfill and most importantly keep things very transparent.   

Phrase 1) Your point being? 
2) It's not 50% off, it's 88% off. As in you pay 10£ shipping and get the item for free.99! In other words: Mitigation for everyone who is upset. (Goto: Phrase 1). The second mitigation point is 50% off EVERYTHING for Air and Delta pre-orders (I'm sure the code works for everyone else too). 
3) Trinity could be MORE transparent, but then people would run into them, as they would be invisible. If you do better business, kudos to you. Trinity bit off on more than they could chew, but at least they're doing what they can to make the customer happy without killing themselves. :p Chances are most people won't claim the Icarus I, so who does this benefit? Loyal customers that are understanding that noone's perfect in business or in life. :) 
@Bobtrinity We got you, man. 
Mar 27, 2017 at 6:42 PM Post #12,641 of 24,683
  try this post
he basically says IEM's have been shipping and says to calm down on the conspiracy theories regarding people being concerned nothing had shipped yet, despite telling us shipping started 2+ weeks prior.
does anyone here actually believe a single IEM was shipped prior to last or this week?

Yes I agree that was probably inaccurate. It is likely nothing if anything had shipped by then. They also promised photos and videos of assembly lines and packaging which are not there. I think Bob got carried away. I already mentioned before in another post, it is no point getting emotional with customers (and offense is not the best defense in this case). They will worship you and trash you both depending on scenario. Only thing one can do is be true to his/her promises and take responsibility for mishaps.
I am sure, once people listen to the PM6/Hunter, it is our reviews that will be assets towards new product marketing for Trinity.
Mar 27, 2017 at 7:05 PM Post #12,642 of 24,683
We recognize there were issues and we know they know by now. We know Bob is not stupid. I think they made up for it with a apology email. I think people that regurgitate what Trinity already knows will make a difference? No, they know. Will it get your items out faster? No. Personally I hope they keep doing this so (I/we who are loyal) can get great discounts like they offered on the ICARUS I, and yes I placed order with the awesome discount, hahaha. Love it! I will take this whole thing in a different perspective as in the end the one's who are patient and understand things happen will benefit. Who does that anymore to offer a great make up offer? I've been left screwed by some companies with no compensation except a stupid lame email of "We are sorry for the inconvenience."

I've never seen anyone do something like what Trinity does, discounts left and right and apologies on top of it. Take a year and apologize and give me a great prize! Thank you guys! You are very good at kiss and make up in my book. Never a hard feeling when you do that. It's your nice way of saying sorry and us adults get it and see it and understand it. Everyone can say whatever they want. Most seem to act like kids in a toy store? But you said and you promised and this and that. Ok already. Whichever it is it's unnecessary to hash this over and over. Trinity knows, so you can all stop repeating the same things over and over and throwing salt on the wounds.

Keep up the great work Trinity. Love you guys and I will not keep rubbing it your face what you do like others here have. We know you know what we don't like about it all and that you have read our posts/messages/emails/PM's so even if people will regurgitate the same stuff over and over again ignore them as they are not saying anything you are not already aware of. We know you are not dumb or stupid just need to make changes but again you already know that and have stated you will next time around do things differently. :wink:

Hopefully people will stop with treating you all like you are dumb, mistakes were made but like others have said it's not the end of the world really. Promises are made to be broken and we all knew that going in, I did and it's not a big deal, you all will live. You are not dying. :D
Mar 27, 2017 at 7:23 PM Post #12,643 of 24,683
We recognize there were issues and we know they know by now. We know Bob is not stupid. I think they made up for it with a apology email. I think people that regurgitate what Trinity already knows will make a difference? No, they know. Will it get your items out faster? No. Personally I hope they keep doing this so (I/we who are loyal) can get great discounts like they offered on the ICARUS I, and yes I placed order with the awesome discount, hahaha. Love it! I will take this whole thing in a different perspective as in the end the one's who are patient and understand things happen will benefit. Who does that anymore to offer a great make up offer? I've been left screwed by some companies with no compensation except a stupid lame email of "We are sorry for the inconvenience."

I've never seen anyone do something like what Trinity does, discounts left and right and apologies on top of it. Take a year and apologize and give me a great prize! Thank you guys! You are very good at kiss and make up in my book. Never a hard feeling when you do that. It's your nice way of saying sorry and us adults get it and see it and understand it. Everyone can say whatever they want. Most seem to act like kids in a toy store? But you said and you promised and this and that. Ok already. Whichever it is it's unnecessary to hash this over and over. Trinity knows, so you can all stop repeating the same things over and over and throwing salt on the wounds.

Keep up the great work Trinity. Love you guys and I will not keep rubbing it your face what you do like others here have. We know you know what we don't like about it all and that you have read our posts/messages/emails/PM's so even if people will regurgitate the same stuff over and over again ignore them as they are not saying anything you are not already aware of. We know you are not dumb or stupid just need to make changes but again you already know that and have stated you will next time around do things differently.

Hopefully people will stop with treating you all like you are dumb, mistakes were made but like others have said it's not the end of the world really. Promises are made to be broken and we all knew that going in, I did and it's not a big deal you will live. You are not dying.

Maybe it would be a good idea for the mods to temporarily close the threads that @Bobtrinity started until people actually start receiving their IEMS.  In the meantime, maybe we can just leave the thread you created open so any spam can be contained there.  @Brooko this would be easier for you too, since you don't have to deal with the 3+ threads full of spam and trolling.  I think we've pitchforked Bob enough.
Mar 27, 2017 at 7:49 PM Post #12,644 of 24,683
As long as people are not breaking rules the threads stay open.  Imagine for just a minute if I start closing them.  Then my PM box floods with people accusing me of trying to protect a Sponsor.  No matter what happens - the Mods can't win.  And you wouldn't believe some of the abuse and insinuations I've already received.  Just love it when people question my impartiality when Mod hat is on - as if I would ever protect either a Sponsor or someone I'm reviewing for by deliberately trying to obfuscate the truth for them.  Its not the way I've ever operated.  I'm not about to start now. My sense of integrity and ethics simply don't allow me to go there.
So go ahead and behave the way some of you are behaving. Its no wonder Trinity aren't posting.  No matter what they do now its a train-wreck.

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