Unique Melody Bone Conduction Family (MEST&MEXT and their siblings) Announcement and Impression Thread.
Feb 12, 2020 at 10:53 PM Post #32 of 7,350
You do know the name you have chosen for this is a gift for reviewers who don't like it? High risk strategy!
Lol, ye we MEST up.
Unique Melody Feel free to reach out to us at any time! To reach me personally, leave me a PM or email me at umwang@uniquemelody.org and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Stay updated on Unique Melody at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/UniqueMelodyIEM/ https://twitter.com/UniqueMelodyIEM http://en.uniquemelody.org/ uniquemelodyusa@gmail.com
Feb 17, 2020 at 6:07 PM Post #36 of 7,350
I'm guessing YMMV in regards to the bone conduction driver and the universal version. Custom would most likely provide the most surface area/optimum fit to get the most out of it. Curious if there have been measurements /comparisons between the two.
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Feb 17, 2020 at 6:19 PM Post #37 of 7,350
I found the UM Mest to be quite enjoyable with its fast attacking and solid bass impact, clear and somewhat lively mids and modestly extended treble. The general sound signature was somewhat energetic, yet balanced and detailed. Overall, I enjoyed the Mest quite a bit also because how it's suitable for every genre.
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Feb 17, 2020 at 8:50 PM Post #38 of 7,350
I found the UM Mest to be quite enjoyable with its fast attacking and solid bass impact, clear and somewhat lively mids and modestly extended treble. The general sound signature was somewhat energetic, yet balanced and detailed. Overall, I enjoyed the Mest quite a bit also because how it's suitable for every genre.
interesting, I found the Mest quite bright.
Feb 17, 2020 at 9:36 PM Post #39 of 7,350
I concur with both posts above mine. I enjoyed the MEST. If i were in the budget range these would be close to tops on the list.

The MEST i didnt find bright (close) but here is the unbias in me: I can also see how they can come off bright. They had very nice bass impact and did the upper end well but maybe a little too thin sounding for me.

@Niyologist I spoke to you briefly at the table asking if you tried/liked the MEST or something along those lines. I couldn't remember your handle so i just left it at that and i wasnt 100% it was you. I've seen you post in a few of the threads i am in.
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Feb 17, 2020 at 11:11 PM Post #40 of 7,350
I concur with both posts above mine. I enjoyed the MEST. If i were in the budget range these would be close to tops on the list.

The MEST i didnt find bright (close) but here is the unbias in me: I can also see how they can come off bright. They had very nice bass impact and did the upper end well but maybe a little too thin sounding for me.

@Niyologist I spoke to you briefly at the table asking if you tried/liked the MEST or something along those lines. I couldn't remember your handle so i just left it at that and i wasnt 100% it was you. I've seen you post in a few of the threads i am in.

interesting, I found the Mest quite bright.

Yeah. Above the bass, the Mest was crisp for mids and treble and somewhat energetic, which makes it bright-ish. Good thing the bass is there to subdue the brightness or it would be more like my Ultrasone Signature Studio.
Feb 18, 2020 at 5:58 PM Post #41 of 7,350
Hi guys, we have generated lots of good feedback and some very valuable suggestions regarding MEST during CanJam NYC. We want more head-fi members to try or retry MEST, so we are going to start a tour for MEST!!!
In the following 3-4 weeks, we are going to generate information from members who are interested in participating in the tour.
If you want to participate in the tour, please complete the following survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...QVPajRzEUORP2zcVD5nA3o9Ig/viewform?usp=pp_url
Once you completed the survey, you are enrolled! The enrollment deadline will be Sunday, March 8th or Sunday, March 15th (it depends on the number of participators), I will update a reminder to this thread one week before the deadline. Once I collected all the information, I will start a new thread to release the tour schedule and code of conduct.
We encourage all members to participate this tour if you want to try the MEST no matter where you located. The first-round tour destination will be determined by the number of participators, for example, if we have more participators in the EU or UK, the first-round tour will start in these regions.
For those who have tried MEST but don't want to participate in the tour, you are also welcome to complete the survey, and we will give you a special discount for all other UM products.
Please don't hesitate to complete the survey and join the tour!
Unique Melody Feel free to reach out to us at any time! To reach me personally, leave me a PM or email me at umwang@uniquemelody.org and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Stay updated on Unique Melody at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/UniqueMelodyIEM/ https://twitter.com/UniqueMelodyIEM http://en.uniquemelody.org/ uniquemelodyusa@gmail.com
Feb 20, 2020 at 10:07 PM Post #43 of 7,350
I found the UM Mest to be quite enjoyable with its fast attacking and solid bass impact, clear and somewhat lively mids and modestly extended treble. The general sound signature was somewhat energetic, yet balanced and detailed. Overall, I enjoyed the Mest quite a bit also because how it's suitable for every genre.

hey all, longtime lurker here. created an account just to say that I also listened to the MEST, and I agree with Niyologist's take on them. here are a few additional observations:
  • I found the mids and treble to be fairly neutral and detail-retrieving, skewing toward bright depending on the track; modest amounts of energy and air in the upper treble without seeming overly fatiguing (though I only listened for about 30 minutes total across several trials); timbre seemed about right
  • the bass was tight and controlled, accurately reproducing scale tones down to ~30hz; in addition to these qualities, the bass conveyed a weight and richness that felt satisfying on the ear drums without bleeding into the lower mids; I A/B tested the MEST's bass against the 2x DD woofer implementation on the Empire Ears Legend X and felt that the MEST traded some raw impact for more refinement
  • despite being a 4 driver hybrid, the MEST felt coherent and the overall tuning "made sense" to me even on tracks that demand fidelity throughout the entire audible spectrum
  • the MEST was comfortable to wear for the period of time I had with it and sported a cool, multi-textured, urban aesthetic (available in blue and red) that felt more contemporary than classy
  • decent quality cable and I appreciated the 45° connection to the IEM that allowed the cable to fall smoothly behind my ears
my remaining question is about how the bone conductor and overall coherency of the IEM handle EQ, as I would want to tone down the potential brightness and pizzazz of the MEST for certain genres/moods. I am emailing a contact at Unique Melody with this query and can respond here with any information they provide.

overall, of the 20+ IEMs to which I close-listened with my portable gear at CanJam NYC, the MEST has stayed with me due to its 1) eclectic driver configuration, 2) engaging sound signature, and 3) decent price/value ratio compared against current TOTL offerings.
Feb 21, 2020 at 6:50 PM Post #44 of 7,350
I found the UM Mest to be quite enjoyable with its fast attacking and solid bass impact, clear and somewhat lively mids and modestly extended treble. The general sound signature was somewhat energetic, yet balanced and detailed. Overall, I enjoyed the Mest quite a bit also because how it's suitable for every genre.

I came back multiple times at CanJam to listen to the MEST. I emailed Andrew and owned them by Thursday. I agree with everything here, and will add that the soundstage is awesome.
Feb 21, 2020 at 7:51 PM Post #45 of 7,350
I came back multiple times at CanJam to listen to the MEST. I emailed Andrew and owned them by Thursday. I agree with everything here, and will add that the soundstage is awesome.
Haha, we actually received some orders during CanJam. You are definitely the lucky one, others are still waiting on the backorders.
Unique Melody Feel free to reach out to us at any time! To reach me personally, leave me a PM or email me at umwang@uniquemelody.org and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Stay updated on Unique Melody at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
https://www.facebook.com/UniqueMelodyIEM/ https://twitter.com/UniqueMelodyIEM http://en.uniquemelody.org/ uniquemelodyusa@gmail.com

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