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    • drewh111
      drewh111 replied to the thread Fiio FT5.
      ah, guess I didn't read carefully enough (again!) thanks for the clarification.
    • drewh111
      drewh111 replied to the thread Fiio FT5.
      I am curious about this. One of the reasons I bought these headphones was due to the fact they seemed to come with really good wire and...
    • drewh111
      drewh111 replied to the thread A&K SE 300 Battery Life.
      thanks for that tip. , it seems much better now although I haven't done a thorough test. I don't run anything but music on the player...
    • drewh111
      drewh111 replied to the thread Fiio FT5.
      I also prefer the suede, definitely more comfortable and I found the bass to be more defined. I do listen to a lot of jazz and classical.
    • drewh111
      drewh111 replied to the thread Fiio FT5.
      well I am loving the FT5 and I imagine it is hard to beat for the price. Been a bass player all my life and can say that hearing Dave...
    • drewh111
      drewh111 replied to the thread A&K SE 300 Battery Life.
      just a quick follow for anyone interested. The dealer, Bloom Audio (who has been super responsive) checked the unit and noted the...
    • drewh111
      drewh111 replied to the thread A&K SE 300 Battery Life.
      so this is one of those specs, like gas mileage on a car - they drive it around a perfectly flat track, never changing from 52 mph so...
    • drewh111
      drewh111 replied to the thread A&K SE 300 Battery Life.
      It is on the way back to the dealer - they have been very responsive so hopefully I'll get a new unit quickly.
    • drewh111
      drewh111 replied to the thread A&K SE 300 Battery Life.
      Thanks, yes I will test. I did get a reply from A&K. They are actually quite good about reply's I have been running FLac at normal...
    • drewh111
      I just bought one - love the sound etc. However my battery drops like a rock. It is brand new. I lose about 20% an hour, so 4 - 5...
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