Reviews by gadus


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Unprecedented details and resolution (really!)
natural sound
Crazy transparency
Music sounds as it should, neither 'big' nor 'small' just correct and accurate
Sound stage, layers, realism,
Total black background (also depends on the amplifier)
A combination of precision and technicality with a lot of fun without inflating certain frequencie
build quality
Cons: Expensive
Picky with amplification and source
You need a long run and getting used to the sound signature
At first I will point out that my English is not the forgive me in advance for my mistakes.
I'm not a professional reviewer, just an audio enthusiast and I'm sharing my impressions here,
Of course, everything is completely subjective and this is my experience with the headphones.
That's it, now we can start!
Equipment used for the review:
dac: denafrips ares ii
amp: ferrum oor + hypsos
Let's start with the outer and least important parts,
It's a contact with a beautiful box with the Expanse logo shining and impressive, it's beautiful but not excessive,
Inside there are the headphones, of course, a nice little carrying case with the expanse logo, a good cable with a cotton sleeve that is smooth and pleasant to the touch and look, in addition you get inside the space of the headphones two solid blocks that protect the inside of the headphones,
How does it look:
Ok, so the headphones are designed in a modern and clean design, it's not the royal wooden cans, it's more hi-tech in style, it looks very impressive and attractive, with a nice arch with the inscription expanse on top, inside it's painted blue,
The design matches well with the sound signature of the headphones,
Comfort and build quality:
The headphones are very comfortable on the head and almost imperceptible (relative to their size...) the pads are soft and pleasant to the touch and it gets softer later,
Everything is well built and feels strong and good,
The position of the headphones on the head is very significant for the sound, I put it as recommended by the company with the ear at the back and up,
Customer Service:
Yes, it is very important! Well the customer service from my short experience is very efficient and fast and kind,
And now to the interesting and important part...for which we spend a lot of money...the sound!
Well, two necessary things need to be prefaced:
1. It doesn't 'wow' at first, in my opinion this effect is a result of warmth and swelling of certain frequencies, which makes you feel the music and it's great fun at first, but in the long run you may find it quite boring or not detailed etc.
Here the story is different, it's not inflated and hypocritical at all, on the contrary, it's insanely detailed and very accurate and like in real life, but after you get used to it you won't want anything else!!
To be clear, it's really not boring or analytical, but it is very 'true' and realistic, there is no excessive energy in the treble and no inflated bass, everything sounds as it should sound,
2. It needs a long run and your getting used to this sound signature, otherwise you'll say it's boring, and it's really not boring....
In addition it requires a strong and good and above all suitable amplifier, with some amplifiers it can sound dead and boring,
I mainly listen to classical music and jazz, all my music is in hi-res or cd.
The treble is very extended and super detailed, there is no excessive extension and a sharp and unreal spark, it is a very natural treble and it sounds like in real life, the sounds are very realistic, it really 'touches' you,
As detailed as it is, it's very smooth, but without unnecessary warmth,
I think that treble is a result of the amts, which allows for great detail and extension without being overpowered and false,
Hi-hat and cymbals sound super realistic, it's really tangible but not sharp and painful...
The instruments are also very detailed, there is a certain precedence for the instruments, for example violins and wind instruments are slightly ahead,
Each instrument gets a defined place in space and a symphony orchestra does not sound like a wall of sound but each player is distinguished and gets a meaning, immediately very natural and realistic, you can really feel the instruments,
Everything in general is very airy and very revealing,
The bass is very good, there is a deep and kicking sub-bass, yet accurate and not inflated, a double bass sounds real at full size, even in a symphony orchestra the double basses take on a special meaning,
It transmits the bass just like in the recording, no more and no less,
The bass is very good, there is a deep and kicking sub-bass, yet accurate and not inflated, a double bass sounds real at full size, even in a symphony orchestra the double basses take on a special meaning,
It transmits the bass just like in the recording, no more and no less,
Resolution details and transparency:
This is probably the best part of the Expanse, the detail is absolutely insane, you can hear the smallest nuance easily and effortlessly, even in a stormy and busy moment of a symphony orchestra you can notice tiny micro details,
You hear an instrument with all its layers and nuances, including breaths and background noises,
You can almost feel the fingers on the strings and the bow pulling on the violin,
On many headphones it is said that you can hear micro details and background noises, here it is something completely different, I personally never cease to admire the detail of expanse,
In addition, it is completely transparent, you get all the information of the recording without missing anything and all this without effort and without fatigue,
The visualization and presentation are very natural, everything sounds very realistic, it makes you want to listen for long hours without getting tired,
The musical instruments really touch you (almost...), it's a delightful sensory experience,
The sound is very very airy,
The positions of the musical instruments are insanely accurate, the sounds emerge from a completely silent black background and each note is well distinguished,
Sound stage:
The sound stage is wide and deep and unfolds in front of you, the sounds emerge from a black background and sparkle in front of you and then fade away, after a short time of listening the headphones disappear and you can imagine for a moment that the music is playing in the room in front of you...
In classical music, the orchestra spreads out in front of you to its full width and depth, huge and impressive, with each instrument in its exact place,
In small ensembles the stage becomes intimate and everything is closer to you,
These are absolutely total headphones with an amazing reference sound that is unprecedentedly detailed, live, realistic, with a huge stage and great and accurate imaging,
You will immediately notice this black background from which the sounds come out and in which the most delicate notes and sounds are clearly distinguished, with crazy dynamics, comfort and visibility, this is a work of perfection!!!!
It's a different kind of listening experience, it makes you steal times here and there to be together with expanse.
Love the E3. Won't spend any more than $2k on any HP.


100+ Head-Fier
hifiman r7dx jm es edition mod - A new benchmark in the world of headphones
Pros: Large sound stage in relation to closed headphones
Real and natural sound
Perfect location for musical instruments and lots of air and space
Nothing is missing from the sub bass to the highest
Resolution and detail, conveys very well a recording image
The best headphones you will hear for less than $ 300 and much much more than that.
Cons: A bit heavy but worth it
First I apologize for my less good English.
I stumbled across headphones with this mod of John on a random stroll through the forum head fi, It really intrigued me, it seems to be a very interesting work, and the ability to create from a relatively simple ear to a premium earphone only through acoustics really impressed me, I told myself it was worth the bet, I contacted John who turned out to be a very kind and honest guy,I ordered a unit for myself,
I'm now sharing my impressions from listening to her ears with the mod es,
Listening equipment:
qls qa361
caiyn n3 pro
cayin c9
I listened to jazz and classical music, From minimalist music to powerful Mahler symphonies,
The first things that caught my attention were the large and realistic sound stage and the realism of the sound, Not a false sense of warmth and three-dimensionality but the music sounds as natural as in reality, you feel the music present just as if the musicians are in the room, It's a special experience that in no ears I did not feel it so strongly, I also have an hd800 which I really like but also in hd800 as its sound is very natural I still have not got such a 'correct' feeling of a sound like here, There are plenty of details, lots of air and space between the instruments, vocal sounds sound intimate properly, In general, everything is in the right place exactly and a very accurate and correct sound image is obtained,
Even in rich and full music like Mahler Symphonies everything sounds airy, each instrument gets its own place and setting, there is no overload, the headphones convey the whole orchestra accurately, and a perfect recording image is obtained,
More minimal music also sounds like it is in reality, for example Bass and mandolin album from chris thil & edgar mayer sounds very intimate, you clearly hear every fingering accurately and realistically, again - without heat and fake feeling but real and natural, like that in every recording,
These are headphones that transmit music as accurately as music sounds in reality, listening to them you are sucked into the music itself and forget about the equipment, you just want more and more music,
They get along with any frequency range without a problem, they have accurate and great bass that goes down very low when needed, live and clear intermediate, and perfect highs,
Can't believe this headphone with the mod costs less than $ 300,
Even if you have a collection of headphones with luxury headphones it is well worth your while to try these - they are not at all related to their cheap price, and they give something that others do not give,
I place them high in my collection of headphones which also includes some luxury headphones, and I am very pleased with this purchase,
Thank you for taking the time to read my impressions.