Summit-Fi Random Thoughts
May 16, 2024 at 4:54 PM Post #601 of 661
Get addicted to body building…takes lot of effort and is addictive as hell once you overcome initial inertia
May 16, 2024 at 7:21 PM Post #602 of 661
Get addicted to body building…takes lot of effort and is addictive as hell once you overcome initial inertia
Please share how to overcome inertia - i get sucked back into music whenever i have free time.
May 16, 2024 at 7:43 PM Post #603 of 661
It probably healthier and what not. I'm about health, but also not about health at the same time. I make beats, which I think are pretty good, on my phone. That outlet is nice. It's just that negative music has helped me through the hard times, so I'm not really ready to let it go just yet. It'll take a big change in me. I might need that change, but my brain is resisting. How can you let something that has been apart of you since you were 16 just go away that easily? I relish the negativity. I thrive in the negativity. The negativity brings me joy. Getting rid of all of that is difficult. I know I've been oversharing, but it's real. That's just the reality of things.

We take music seriously in the audiophile world, or else we wouldn't be audiophiles. 🤷‍♂️ I take music very seriously. If somebody tells me to stop with the negative music, I immediately want to push back. But multiple people, and doctors, have told me that negative music is detrimental to my health. Are they right? I dunno.

To keep it music related, the TCs are the ultimate negative headphones. V shaped, listening to satanic metal and negative hip-hop. The TCs are on the left hand path. They are into negativity. I love them because of that. It fits negative music so well. The Sus is well, not as negative. It's cold, but in a good way. It works with negative music, but at the same time works with more positive music as well. The laid-back nature of the Sus works well with all genres. If I had to pick the best headphones one can buy, it would be the Susvara, even though I prefer the 1266 TCs. If I'm to change my mood and state of being, the Sus would be a good choice. The TCs are dark, heavy, ready for that negative sh!t. They make negative rap and metal sound so good, but they are biased. They are V-shaped. The Sus is not.

Maybe in 5-10 years, if I'm still alive, the Sus will still be king. It's the best pair of headphones in my opinion. I love my TCs, but the Sus is just better. The TCs are still my favorite pair of headphones ever, but I can recognize the Sus for it's brilliance. Fukc stats, fukc ribbons, fukc all that other sh!t, just get the Sus. If you are into aggressive, negative, music, then get the TCs as well.
You don’t have to stop listen in to negative music to be happy. It’s more like a temporary strategic retreat. Once you are settled, then go back to them as you want. When you are flooded with stressors in life, holding to things that stresses you would not make any sense. Just like when you decorate a room or house. You can’t decorate easily a house full of stuff like a junkyard, but it’s much easier to decorate an empty house or at least an empty room.
May 17, 2024 at 3:14 AM Post #604 of 661
Listening to Gorgoroth isn't helping my mood :beyersmile:

Maybe negative music is bad for you....:beyersmile::metal::pill:

The moment I change to positive music, is the moment I've become a different person. :beyersmile:

Music is a powerful thing. It can really adjust your mood and wellbeing. It's what got be into the audiophile world. I'm like, I like music, so why shouldn't I have the best setup possible? Then thousands and tens of thousands of dollars later, I'm here...
You never answered, but the bands I listed earlier Underoath and Amongst the Giants another member on here listed as negative music are actually Christian bands. I'm not saying you need to listen to Christian music. The point is that you can listen to hardcore stuff that doesn't have a bad message causing you harm.
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May 17, 2024 at 10:30 AM Post #605 of 661
I've been reading this thread on the sidelines with some fascination. I've suffered depression and had multiple suicide attempts in my 20s. Everyones path to happiness is different as it's individually defined, but I overcame heavy alcohol use by throwing my addiction into running. It helped divert my addictive personality from alcohol to something that required intense effort.

I recall reading an article a couple years back about how running is very effective for those with addictive personalities overcoming drugs and alcohol. From what you say I'm not sure you want to "overcome" alcohol dependence, but I think running is a better addictive outlet than alcohol. Maybe it could become a drop-in replacement for the positive things you believe alcohol consumption brings you. Runner's high is real.

I've tapered down my running in the last few years but if you want to go for a run sometime let me know. We can run the Memorial loop.
Well done on getting that through that stuff, mate. Been there too and it's not easy.
May 17, 2024 at 11:03 AM Post #606 of 661
You never answered, but the bands I listed earlier Underoath and Amongst the Giants another member on here listed as negative music are actually Christian bands. I'm not saying you need to listen to Christian music. The point is that you can listen to hardcore stuff that doesn't have a bad message causing you harm.
I'm not a big fan of Christian music, but I see what you are saying. There is positive aggressive music out there. I need to try and get myself to get into it though.
May 17, 2024 at 3:11 PM Post #607 of 661
Yo, this Danacables Amp is hitting hard. It's called the Headspace. It might be hitting harder than my CFA3. It's small too, but only RCA, which is fine because my VM-1a is only XLR. Solid State might be the way to go for me going forward. It sounds really good, and there's no preamp on it at all. It's impressive. I might buy it
May 18, 2024 at 4:18 PM Post #608 of 661
So, I've been fukching with solid state a lot recently. This new Danacables amp and the CFA3. The soundfloor is non-existent. So much more authority with the bass. I like the cleaner sound, and this without a tube preamp, which would probably help even more. Solid state might be the answer. I really might buy this Danacables amp. Sh!t is really good with the TCs. It's up to WA33 levels, with no tubes. I don't know how much it costs, but it's a viable option for an amp for me while I wait on getting an even better one in the future or speakers.
May 18, 2024 at 4:27 PM Post #609 of 661
My girlfriend is in China until late June. It's been hard, and it's still a month away :cry: . I'm trying moderation with alcohol. Only 4 drinks a day. It's been going kinda well, but of course I want more. I need to bring it down to 2 drinks a day, and then only drinking on special occasions. I've found sleeping helps with the alcohol addiction. I have amazing dreams. I dream in like story-form, with new people I've never met before in a futuristic society. It's been kinda crazy. I sleep to music, and I'vebeen sleeping to Xasthur and Esoteric. They bring about good dreams for me, but they are very negative. They are very, very negative. Negative once again is helping me out though





As one can tell by these musical choices, I'm a little depressed. But try and sleep to this stuff. It will fukc with your brainwaves and give you good dreams. I'm super into sleeping music. It's like a whole genre nobody talks about. Sleeping music lets part of your brain interpret the sound and then make interesting dreams for you. Of course, you need speakers
May 18, 2024 at 5:39 PM Post #610 of 661
So, I've been fukching with solid state a lot recently. This new Danacables amp and the CFA3. The soundfloor is non-existent. So much more authority with the bass. I like the cleaner sound, and this without a tube preamp, which would probably help even more. Solid state might be the answer. I really might buy this Danacables amp. Sh!t is really good with the TCs. It's up to WA33 levels, with no tubes. I don't know how much it costs, but it's a viable option for an amp for me while I wait on getting an even better one in the future or speakers.
Surprised that AIC 10 hasn't been mentioned by you much as an avenue. Seems like your kind of amp.
May 18, 2024 at 5:56 PM Post #611 of 661
So, I've been fukching with solid state a lot recently. This new Danacables amp and the CFA3. The soundfloor is non-existent. So much more authority with the bass. I like the cleaner sound, and this without a tube preamp, which would probably help even more. Solid state might be the answer. I really might buy this Danacables amp. Sh!t is really good with the TCs. It's up to WA33 levels, with no tubes. I don't know how much it costs, but it's a viable option for an amp for me while I wait on getting an even better one in the future or speakers.
Is that the Head Space amp?
May 18, 2024 at 6:11 PM Post #612 of 661
May 18, 2024 at 6:12 PM Post #613 of 661
Surprised that AIC 10 hasn't been mentioned by you much as an avenue. Seems like your kind of amp.
I had it for a couple months while my WA33 EE JPS was being built. On the stock tube, I didn't like it. It sounded muddy with very fast passages. Apparently, that can be fixed with another tube, but I don't know. I liked the WA33 better. 🤷‍♂️
May 18, 2024 at 7:41 PM Post #614 of 661
Yeah it's the headspace amp. I like it a lot. It's better than the CFA3 by some margin.
What’s the amp’s output impedance? If it’s on the higher end you will get bass boost and bloom which some people like - it’s just a different way to EQ.
May 18, 2024 at 9:38 PM Post #615 of 661
What’s the amp’s output impedance? If it’s on the higher end you will get bass boost and bloom which some people like - it’s just a different way to EQ.
I'm not sure, but I will try to look into it.

Just the bass boost from this amp is more than with the CFA3. It's also quieter, soundfloor-wise. I don't know why. I haven't even tried a preamp with it. It's just a good sounding amp. I'm real impressed, and for the price, I'm gonna be a buyer. It just has gotta be in black though, which they told me they could do. Solid state might just be better for me. 🤷‍♂️ :pill:

I'll be honest, I'm getting kind of tired of tubes...hahaha. Gotta replace them every year or so, different sounds, outrageous prices, etc., etc. Solid state is just easier, and what I've come to learn, cleaner. I like that cold, clean sound. It works with my genres. If I listened to stuff outside of rap and metal, things might be different, but here we are.

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