The discovery thread!
Mar 14, 2024 at 4:46 PM Post #97,142 of 104,163
Himalya sound focus is a bit different than something like the EA1000. Himalayas balancing I feel is done better over the EA1000 in that the EA1000 takes a bit more precedence in its technical abilities. Sounds a touch brighter in tonal character( this is using its default red filter) Himalaya sounds more natural emitting a slight warmth from its lower mids and bass emphasis with some added note weight compared to the EA1000. Which offsets and balances the upper mids and trebles better on the Himalayas. Its got a wider stage is just as technical as the EA1000 but ends up sounding a bit more musical due to the better balancing from bass to trebles. Both have roughly similar upper mids presence but again its greater note weight makes something like male vocals and bass strings, pianos sound more substantial.

It could be that the EA1000 treble emphasis does not have any dips in the sensitive 6-8khz range ( probably the reason why a lot of folks feel the Simgot harmon curve is bright), while the Himalaya which has ample upper mids but ends up balancing them upper mids with a dip in the region. Treble folks will like the EA1000 presentation a bit better but tonal purists will love Himalayas better. Simgot IEMs seems to be tuned more for classical and orchestral stuff with emphasis for female vocals. Himalaya does stuff like male vocals, Jazz rock, edm and pop music better. The thing is I feel the Himalayas not worse in the type of music Simgot is good at here but it certainly is better for the genres of music I listed over the EA1000.

This is a case where body of note becomes an added critical element to sound refinement. Himalaya sounds substantial across the board when it comes to sound and does not have anything that sounds thin or unnatural so in this case these aspects represent the differences in prices here from the EA1000 to the Himalaya to be accurate. These will be worth getting a set for dynamic fans. It is definitely some of NiceHCKs best efforts to date. DSC01623.JPG
You've described my tuning preferences almost to the proverbial T. That's why I never warmed up -- pun intended -- to the Simgot EA500 LM.

But damn, the Himalaya is just SCREAMING my name ... :)
Mar 14, 2024 at 4:54 PM Post #97,143 of 104,163

More about them on my read. These are in many ways comparable to Fiios FD7 which is slight warmer and has a leg up on resolution as it should be for costing double of the Himalaya. So the value is there.
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Mar 14, 2024 at 5:09 PM Post #97,144 of 104,163
Good Afternoon/morning/evening to everyone in the Discovery thread! I created a Symphonium Titan Thread so that we can all share our thoughts and impressions on the set. I know a few folks attended CanJam this past weekend so I hope we can get a nice discussion going!

Hope all is well with everyone, take care!

Symphonium Titan Impressioins and reviews page
Mar 14, 2024 at 5:31 PM Post #97,145 of 104,163
Good Afternoon/morning/evening to everyone in the Discovery thread! I created a Symphonium Titan Thread so that we can all share our thoughts and impressions on the set. I know a few folks attended CanJam this past weekend so I hope we can get a nice discussion going!

Hope all is well with everyone, take care!

Symphonium Titan Impressioins and reviews page
LMAO beat me to it. I was going to create a thread after I got it in hand. You're starting it real early.

All aboard the hype train! 🚂
Mar 14, 2024 at 6:03 PM Post #97,146 of 104,163
LMAO beat me to it. I was going to create a thread after I got it in hand. You're starting it real early.

All aboard the hype train! 🚂
Yes sir! I haven’t been this excited for an IEM in a little bit so I figured why the hell not. I never started a thread on this site too so it was something I figured warranted a new thread
Mar 14, 2024 at 6:07 PM Post #97,147 of 104,163
Yes sir! I haven’t been this excited for an IEM in a little bit so I figured why the hell not. I never started a thread on this site too so it was something I figured warranted a new thread
LOL yeah, Monarch MKIII is one of the only threads I've ever started on head-fi.

You're good. Just keep it updated, which I'm sure you will.

I didn't know a lot of others also tried the Titan and loved it. When I posted in this thread 2 days ago, I think I was the first and only to talk about the Titan. Now I know more people also tried it out and loved it. Can't wait for more people to get their ears and hands on it once it releases. Titan is so damn good.
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Mar 14, 2024 at 7:10 PM Post #97,148 of 104,163
LOL yeah, Monarch MKIII is one of the only threads I've ever started on head-fi.

You're good. Just keep it updated, which I'm sure you will.

I didn't know a lot of others also tried the Titan and loved it. When I posted in this thread 2 days ago, I think I was the first and only to talk about the Titan. Now I know more people also tried it out and loved it. Can't wait for more people to get their ears and hands on it once it releases. Titan is so damn good.
Definitely going to try my best and keep it updated up through the release and afterwards as well 👌
Mar 14, 2024 at 8:51 PM Post #97,149 of 104,163
More about them on my read. These are in many ways comparable to Fiios FD7 which is slight warmer and has a leg up on resolution as it should be for costing double of the Himalaya. So the value is there.
My concern is a head to head with the (+/-) $200, FiiO FD5. As the FD5 was/is a real chameleon, with cable swapping and dickering with the OEM filters/"sound tubes" & (if you can get your hands on 'em) RHA filters

RHA vs FD5
RHA vs FD5 filters.jpg

adding sound dampening material to the FD5 Sound Tube
Foam inserts a to z.jpg
Mar 14, 2024 at 8:52 PM Post #97,150 of 104,163
Mar 14, 2024 at 9:38 PM Post #97,151 of 104,163
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Mar 14, 2024 at 9:55 PM Post #97,152 of 104,163
Shanling ME600


5 driver hybrid - 2 bio diaphragm DD + 3 custom BA

$329 USD

BUT WHY MMCX!?!?!?!?

And "custom BA" usually hints at some Bellsing or E Audio BA? If it were a Knowles or Sonion, it would be hyped to the moon in marketing materials.

Store graph added from Shanling's rep on Headfi - apparently this has 3 tuning nozzles:
Looks mid. You going to Singapore canjam this year?
Mar 14, 2024 at 10:21 PM Post #97,154 of 104,163
Looks mid. You going to Singapore canjam this year?

Yep, bought my tics.

Ya $329 USD is a really tough bracket to crack into, and this Shanling must really give tremendous value-add to be considered in the conversation.
Mar 14, 2024 at 10:21 PM Post #97,155 of 104,163
Thanks! Any comparisons between Himalaya and Zen Pro? Asking for a friend :wink:

Dont have the Zen pro but I do have the original I think our buddy @Scuba Devils can help out here.
So the Dunu Zen was at the time almost like a preproduction model as it was instantly questioned due to its lack of treble extension. It had some outstanding bass and its resolve at the time was very good. However with advancements in dynamic material and newer IEMs constantly outdoing each other I can see why the original Zen and eventually the pro model has been discontinued. Heck even my limited edition Dunu vernus had a better tuning over the original Zen. I am sure the recent Falcon Ultra is just as good if not better here as well.

One aspect about the Himalaya that you guys have to understand is I know what dual magnets can do for a dynamic driver. It gives better control for the diaphragm which also happens to be dual layer. The Himalaya essentially is like having 2 dynamics involved in the sound. This driver has no issue with treble extension or the opposite end its bass extension.

What's a bit interesting is if I use the narrow blue nozzle on the Himalaya it kinda makes it sound like the Dunu Zen, a bit muted treble and all. I would imagine since the Zen pro was tuned better it would be a better comparison to the Himalayas stock nozzle tuning.

I also did a bit of a comparison against my Fiio FD7
I remember hearing the Himalaya for the first time and it was the Fiio FD7 sound it reminded me of the most. Himalaya does have more emphasis in the upper mids but it is its lower mids and bass emphasis that reminded me the most of the Fiio FD7. That natural warmth and body of note is what is similar. The other similarities is in both IEMs treble tunings. Both have similar lower treble emphasis with a mild dip in the 7Khz region, identical treble extensions as well. I would put the FD7s details at a level above the Himalaya but the Himalaya comes very close to the detail level of the FD7. Considering the FD7 is using a pure Beryllium dynamic and is somewhat of a unicorn now as there aren't any real Beryllium dynamic IEMs anymore in existence. This is one IEM I have always cherished due to its natural tonal quality and one with ample body of note with outstanding bass.

This is in fact the same exact reason why the Himalaya sounds so good. It's like a slightly cleaner sounding FD7 but with just as good of lower mids presence and rumbly bass.
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